Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

UCG Trained Select Members On How To Practice Agape Love...


Fun times were had in CIniniatti recently as it trained a select few UCG members on how to defend the faith and who also learned to practice agape love.

From all reports and feedback, the leadership workshop we held this past weekend was especially enjoyable, rewarding and productive. The theme was “A Leader is First a Disciple” and we welcomed 33 UCG members from the United States, two from Canada and one from the United Kingdom. 
Our last such workshop was in 2019, so it was great to resume this valuable resource for those who were recommended by their pastors to attend this educational opportunity. The workshop is designed to equip and inspire the participants to become even more effective in their service to the Church. All of the presentations, blended together throughout the weekend, served toward this purpose. 
Sessions throughout the weekend were presented by Darris McNeely, Gary Petty, Steve Myers, Rick Shabi and myself. One of the highlights for the participants was the opportunity to collaborate together to “defend the faith” on a variety of issues and scenarios. 
Mr. Shabi focused on the need for all of us to be growing in and building our faith and trust in God, and in becoming one as we practice agape with one another. He pointed out that God is working with all of us in a “training program” so we may learn to better serve in His Kingdom and that God will illuminate our walk with Him as we strive to live by His every word.

Let's see how long this lasts. The track record has not been too good for the past 28 years.


  1. Practice agape love with one another? In that case, how do they explain church tyranny? Why are members treated like rightless children by the ministers? The splinters excel in portraying their church as heaven on earth to outsiders, but the reality is very different.

  2. "One of the highlights for the participants was the opportunity to collaborate together to “defend the faith” on a variety of issues and scenarios."

    Such as?

  3. Alright, that is all a good thing. However...

    If UCG had love, then a good first step is GET RID OF NECK TIES!

    Then , chuck the DWIGHT ARMSTRONG music, and upgrade the songs to at least 1960s folk music style at minimum!

    Next, get better coffee!


    1. Better coffee hey Tonto. Well what would the treasure say spending such frivolous money ?

    2. May I ask what the significance of neck ties are?

  4. “Fun times were had in CIniniatti recently as it trained a select few UCG members on how to defend the faith and who also learned to practice agape love.”

    The disUnited Church of Godlessness is where unrepentant, unconverted unbelievers go to behave very badly while playing church. It is not fun for the innocent victims of it. The disUnited Church needs to stop defending and supporting bad behavior. There is a gap in their love.

    It is no wonder that there was the big UCG-COGWA church split in 2010.

  5. At the same time as holding an agape love workshop, the latest issue of UCG's Beyond Today magazine has an article predicting billions, yes billions, not millions, of humans will die during the Great Tribulation (GT) - Mat 24:21. But....the GT has already occurred in the first century AD. The proof of that is: the GT is in Judea; Jerusalem will be trodden down by Gentiles AFTER the GT - Luke 21:24 and it looks like Jerusalem has been trodden for about 1950 years. The GT will not happen again - same verse 21.

  6. Well, agape love is certainly NOT something that UCG has ever strived for. I was in it for years and agape love was not a high priority.

  7. Interesting theme, "A Leader is First a Disciple”. Its almost like they wanted to quote Jesus, but couldn't. "A Leader is First a servant” it should have been!


  8. 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10

    9 Now as to the love of the brethren, you have no need for anyone to write to you, FOR YOU YOURSELVES ARE TAUGHT BY GOD TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER; 10 for indeed you do practice it toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brethren, to excel still more.

  9. The disUnited Church of Godlessness is where unrepentant, unconverted unbelievers go to behave very badly while playing church. It is not fun for the innocent victims of it. The disUnited Church needs to stop defending and supporting bad behavior. There is a gap in their love.

    Hi Doug - perhaps you could explain to the newcomers what happened to you in Seattle. It would give these repeated comments some context rather than just sound like someone who whines for the sake of whining.

  10. Being converted cannot be trained. The leaders alive now in the COGs are the most trained COG leaders alive ever !!! Yet what is the reality of members experience ? How is it all going in the eyes of God ?

  11. Were there good intentions behind this series? It probably doesn't matter, because ultimately their agape is being cultivated to support Armstrongism. That is its entire purpose, well, that and deeper indoctrination. Now, if it flowed naturally as fruits of the Holy Spirit are described in scripture as doing, that would be revolutionary and truly mind-expanding! Then, they would no longer need to discuss, and promote it, others would notice the difference and express amazement, and perhaps even wonder where and how to sign up! Their only question would be, "How do I get me a piece of that???"

    People are perceptive. They can tell when others are faking the gifts.

  12. Unfortunately, COGWA isn't much better. I have tried listening to some of their messages and they were just plain lousy!

  13. Neckties are phallic symbols. But, in 2022 no man needs to be wearing them to church. there is no reason to.
