Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Who are holding up false COG leaders?

It's time to step off of the plank.


  1. A better question would be, why are they holding up false COG leaders?

    1. A better question is why an all knowing and loving God would let these people continue to use His name in vain and deceive individuals instead of removing them.

  2. Financing wicked leaders has it's consequences....

  3. Oh boy!! It looks like prophlet Bob is going in for a dip soon! Hope the water is to your liking, oh most doubly blessed tiny man, but I suspect it may be too hot!

  4. I stepped off the LCG plank. My life has gotten better. Gerald Weston seems to be the same old self righteous narcissist.

  5. Anonymous said...
    A better question is why an all knowing and loving God would let these people continue to use His name in vain and deceive individuals instead of removing them.

    Because He isn't really all knowing or loving? Because He has no clue how to stop or remove them? Because He doesn't care one way or the other? Because that which does not exist has no influence over that which does?

  6. “Who are holding up false COG leaders?”

    Some wicked, paid, petty tyrants.

    Some perverts in the congregations.

    Some deceived little sheeple.

  7. Bit rich coming from this blog. Hypocrites.

  8. When you join a bogus group, officiated over by false prophets or teachers, it's like any other sin. It separates you from God if you allow it to continue. One cannot blame God for the natural results which happen to people when they exercise their free will in wrong directions. We on the outside can see how these people suffer from their choices in ways to which they are blinded. Sorry, they are the only ones who can extricate themselves. They are the captains of their ship, the masters of their soul.

  9. "Bit rich coming from this blog. Hypocrites.
    Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 11:45:00"

    Oh look, grumpy pants is back. We have missed you, Bro!

  10. I was told RCM had a big time pedophile who helped him establish LCG after the Global fiasco. I heard it was someone well known & is very troubling if accurate.

    1. Yes, but it is not surprising coming from the cogs.

  11. Wow! You paint with a very wide brush. So, now we're ALL hypocrites. You know what they say. You've got three fingers pointing back at yourself.

  12. Church leaders are fully aware of the message in the above cartoon. Which is why they try to chain members to their group with claims of being the only true church, and that the tribulation, the lake of fire, or hell awaits those who leave their group. Plus the despicable ploy of mentally shrinking members minds by attacking their self esteem, self confidence and self image. HWA was into this with his frequent "beware of the evil of self esteem." It's cold blooded murder, which is why he used this lie. People who have a high opinion of this man need to have a good look at themselves.

  13. It is important to self evaluate and explore WHY you were attracted to a cult leader or figure. In my case , I was very young, and naive to the ways of the world. The WCG package had a very good veneer, and you never got the inside scoop of the inner workings and dysfunction until you were on the inside.

    Of course this was all PRE INTERNET and even PRE AMBASSADOR REPORT for myself. Im a Sabbath observer still, and identify with the COG 7th Day, but I never would have come near the WCG at the time if I had known the facts.

    1. 7.00 pm
      That the church is a toxic cult, and its teachings are a blend of truth and error.

    2. What about God Tonto ? Church of God 7th day members don't do blogs.

  14. Anon7:00, that wcg and the splinters were/are a damaging cult that does not understand the Gospel.

  15. and that includes you cog7 members.
