Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

David C Pack: "additional STUNNING mysteries have come clear!"


Preemptive Failure #401


David C. Pack, the Pester General of The Restored Church of Another god, has a terrible habit of getting ahead of his own failure. Often hours before it fails so he can save face when it inevitably does. That should tell anyone paying attention that if the guy who said the words cannot commit until the end, perhaps they should not either.


He is a distance runner who walks off the field 100 meters from the finish line. And the race was yesterday. Sports analogies are lost on Dave, but to put it another way: He is not a closer. He could not “seal the deal” if he were a Ziploc bag.


Are you paying attention, Raymond? I know this is not what you signed up for. Get out while you still can.


Like more gold falling from heaven, a Pathetic Update kneecapping Parts 400 and 401 was blessed upon the members of RCG last night.



Prophecy Update – October 24, 2022


Good evening brethren!


By every account, the mysteries revealed in parts 400 and 401 have electrified the Church.


Everything we learned – including the arrival of the 1335 tomorrow morning – remains certain. However, additional STUNNING mysteries have come clear! We may wait a bit into the month of Cheshvan – at least long enough for a part 402 explaining these things that everyone must hear. Our wait is not long.


You will want to hear this message about an hour as soon as it is posted, likely tomorrow evening!


Church Administration



I started to yellow highlight the stupid parts, but the whole thing is a stupid part. Imagine it is all blazing yellow like my truck used to be. (Okay, I may still be bitter about that.)


“…have electrified the Church.”


The only folks electrified in RCG are the ones receiving shock therapy. That shivering is not excitement but involuntary convulsions.


The few vocal glazed-eye zealots smiling after Services are who Dave is referring to. I know those people at Headquarters by name. The ones who “fake” believing Dave avoid them like the plague. You say just enough to address their lunatic enthusiasm, so they will move on, unaware you did not agree with them. 


Those people are so blinded by their own self-denial that they cannot handle an honest conversation about the facts of the prophecy series. If you make a comment that remotely sounds like criticism, they will jump down your throat and tell you how “your heart is not right before God.”


The biggest “fakers” in RCG are on the third floor of the Hall of Administration. The “Enabler-in-Chief” is the Top Dog of that club.



“…including the arrival of the 1335 tomorrow morning – remains certain.”


Failure? Or another silent 1335 arrival?


In the Packian Fantasy World, the 1335 traditionally appears and disappears with notice. It came. Oops, it left. It’s here now. Oh boy, it left again. My rabbit friend, Harvey, can tell you all about it.


If the 1335 appears in Wadsworth and no one heard, saw, or felt it, did it really happen?


Dave moonwalked away from the invisible arrival of the 1335 a while ago.


Part 391 – September 3, 2022

@ 1:10:56  Now, one of the things that bothered me. We're blessed when we hit the 1335. I would ask myself, and I ask other people, "You feel blessed? We been blessed for two or three weeks now?" Nobody felt blessed.

@ 1:11:18 And the answer is, brethren, let me say it clearly, No! Because blessed is attached to salvation. We’re blessed when Christ comes outta that cloud.

@ 1:11:35 Blessed is when salvation comes. And it looks like it’s attached to 15 days before something. I’m pretty sure it’s Trumpets.


David C. Pack failed in the past. He fails in the present. He will fail in the future. A simple passing of time forced this conclusion.


“…additional STUNNING mysteries have come clear!”


Precisely as was written in the last article, “The final will have additions.”


Why does clarity always come to Dave when it is too late to matter? The god he worships has a horrible sense of timing. Within 48 hours, he negated his own comments wrapping up the Series.


Part 401 – October 23, 2022

@ 1:01:48 The Mystery of God is over. There’s nothing else to tell you…The final picture is unbreakable. Its working parts are too simple to get wrong.


Sometimes I feel like Robert De Niro at the movie theater in Cape Fear. Dave missed his calling as a comedian and a swimmer. I imagine him as a hybrid of Steven Wright and Ricky Gervais. (If you are ever depressed, watch the Ricky Gervais Netflix specials. You will be crying in a good way.)


I knew Dave was going to screw this up. You knew Dave was going to screw it up. Maybe even Stepford Prime did, too. And boy, if Ed can figure that one out, there is hope for anyone still there.


To be fair, I did not expect him to screw it up so fast! 48 hours, man!


“We may wait a bit…”


A couple hundred people have been waiting “a bit” since 2013. It will be far more than a bit.


As sunset passes on the East Coast and Cheshvan welcomes Wadsworth with open arms, I ponder Cheshvan 30, which falls on the U.S. Thanksgiving this year. Dave already turned his nose up at Kislev during Part 400, but once he puts on his beer goggles, she will look hotter as November continues.


I am a non-prophet/non-psychic. Not a real one. Remember that when I nail it again.


“…long enough for a part 402 explaining these things that everyone must hear.

Our wait is not long.

You will want to hear this message about an hour as soon as it is posted,

likely tomorrow evening!”


To read this carefully is to reveal the deception. They KNEW this morning was going to fail, yet did not say it. They wrote “remains certain” instead of “certainly not.” They wrote “may” instead of “will.”


Part 402 was already scheduled Monday night, which means not one hireling at Headquarters rested his head on the pillow last night wondering about the next day. Business as usual for them.


The hirelings care not for the sheep!


There were desperate people in RCG holding on to hope so tight they had trouble sleeping. Instead of sparing those few with the torment of disappointment as the morning rolled on, enablers opted to dangle a false narrative that they themselves did not believe.


Rather than being honest, they opted to avoid brotherly love for the brethren they snatch green envelopes from, leaving them on their own to “figure it out” by lunchtime. Mercy is for the weak, I suppose.


Dave will brag in Part 402 that he “knew nothing was gonna happen” at 10:56 am this morning. That would be a nice way to rub their noses in it.


The “ministers” of Jesus Christ, indeed. Shame on the lot of you.


By their fruits, you shall know them.


May God reward you according to your works.


  1. Whoever's rear end he's pulling this stuff from needs to see a proctologist immediately I mean, death is imminent!

  2. Anon Oct 25 7:32pm - I think there is a human centipede going on in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium. Not sure the order. The Mr. Craptacular, The Coffee Kid, and Pepper Boy.

  3. Anon @7:32, that was hysterical!

    Dave crossed the Rubicon years and years ago, but anyone still sitting through this shitfest has joined him. God have mercy on every last one of you, but you have flouted God, made a mockery of Jesus Christ and said no thanks to the Holy Spirit. Get out now before this is irreversible and costs you eternally.

  4. In a panel of Mad - probably a Don Martin sketch - was a unkempt, slovenly man with a caption "Slobs make the rest of us look good". Dave's raves certainly don't make the other COGs look good, as his behavior shows him as a typical end of life fanatic gaining a caption "Armstrongites - they're all like that!"

    A reputable COG leader - if there is still such a creature - must denounce Dave with at least a wimpy "We're not ALL like him!"

  5. Pack says of his nonsense that “…have electrified the Church.”

    YEAH-- Like throwing a plugged in hair dryer into a full bathtub of water with yourself in it , or the "electric chair" at Sing Sing Prison in New York.

  6. ANON at 7:20 suggests that COG leaders should come out against Pack in order to distance themselves from him.

    Actually , public relations 101 would say that IGNORING him is the best policy. Even in COG circles , Pack is rarely mentioned amongst the brethren, and Pack himself would probably "get off on" and be empowered by the negative attention.

    Pack is of the type of "Love Me, Hate Me , but whatever you do , dont Ignore Me" narcissist.

    Also, by ignoring him, you have plausible deniability of any sort of connection to him at all, for your general corporate alter ego image.

  7. Tonto quoted: Pack says of his nonsense that “…have electrified the Church.”

    Yes, he's a real Shock Jock.

    COG leaders' reaction - David Pack? You mean the musician? The name is familiar - wasn't he in Global? What happened to him?

  8. It is very clear and obvious they are just flying by the seat of their pants.

  9. STUNNING. ELECTRIFYING. Translation: WE are still viable, credible. Send money.

  10. I think Tonto made some valid and interesting points but I’m not sure if I completely agree.
    Yes, PR 101 does dictate ignoring False Prophet Pack.
    However, Relations with ACOGs 101 suggests it’s wiser to do the opposite of what the COG leaders are doing.
    GOG leaders are well known for their lack of wisdom; so my suspicion is that their relative silence, thus far, may prove to be the wrong strategy.

    Hopefully, the RCG crisis will resolve peacefully; certainly, lives have been destroyed but we can still hope for no body count when the dust settles on their implosion.
    On the other hand, if the RCG crisis turns more destructive, to include injured or dead bodies, not just mind assaults, the media will be micro-examining the RCG’s sister splinters, for good reason.

    What would the media find in these other splinters?
    Pretty much the same doctrines and church government – and of course the same history of following, as if infallible, a weird-ass leader who repeatedly made predictions about when Jesus would return.

    The safer, saner, bet from a PR standpoint may be to publicly, yet quietly, denounce Pack and his predictions.

    The inference can be made by the media, for good reason, that silence is condoning – if you don’t speak up against Pack, then you support Pack.
    And what about the sister splinter’s compassion for the poor people of RCG embroiled in this horror?

    The splinters should be offering these people assistance with peace and safety.
    For the most part, they all used to refer to themselves as brothers and sisters – but now all the splinters seem to be offering the most abused among their fellow COGlodytes is the cold shoulder of “your not our kind of Armstrongist”.

    In my limited exposure to COGlodyte minds, I see a good deal of ridiculing Pack, as being much stranger and falser than their own leaders – however, I concede that I don’t know if my small sampling has any COG-wide merit.
    Among the members, I see the same lack of compassion as exhibited by the leaders – it’s just more vocal.

    ACOG leaders have a chance to actually lead here by denouncing Pack and offering aid to his followers – if they fail to do just that, you can bet that their silence was the most ungodly move they could make.

    There are some laws of nature - COG leaders must make the ungodly move is just one of those irrefutable laws.

  11. Making an accusation , corporately, has the potential of creating a legal issue, and to being sued.

    Rod Meredith cost the WCG 750k with some ramblings from the pulpit about Raymond McNair's ex wife in a lawsuit.

    Again, wise corporate practice would be to just say NOTHING about Pack on any kind of personal basis about him.

  12. ACOG ministers would have the deeply ingrained habit of protecting members of their ol boys club. This would extend to leaders and ministers of other HWA splinters. Protecting those in power from their sins and crimes is a high priority in all Christian denominations. The Catholic church's history of protecting its pedophile priests is one good example.

  13. There’s no correlation between RCM’s public defamation of Leona McNair (a private individual ) and a corporate entity making a warning statement about avoiding false prophets, such as Pack (a public figure).

    For Pack to have a legal case against a COG, on the off chance a COG would actually do the moral thing, Pack would have to prove that the outspoken COG knew what they were saying about him was false and perpetuated the lie out of malice.

    Indeed, the COGs do regularly bite at each other out of evil malice - however a warning statement saying Pack has publicly issued numerous proclamations about Jesus returning on specific dates is both true and protected speech. The outspoken COG could also through in one of many Bible verses, just to add religious protection.

    For nine decades, the COGs have been , with great delight, identifying the popes as the Antichrist, the Catholic Church as the Whore of Babylon, or Beast power, and Frans Joseph Somebody as somethin’-somethin’ terrible in COG mythology.

    Now with Pack abusing their former brethren, the COG leaders’ silence is irresponsible and immoral.
