Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Church of God:Jesus Is So Lucky To Have Us!



  1. ‘So this is where our movement came along and got the Bible right’,

    Replace ‘movement’ with Bob Thiel and add to ‘got the Bible right’ the letter ‘I’ and there we have it.

    ‘And so say all of us’ according to all the Armstrong splinters. And we might add the JWs and Mormons etc etc etc……..
    I would add that the fact that Christianity is divided into tens of thousands of groups, sects etc is probably proof enough that no one has the Bible ‘sorted out’, especially not Armstrongism.
    ‘Is the Spirit of God constrained?’ reads the scripture.
    It’s more than possible that God is working outside the cogs also. That’s quite a revolutionary thought.

  2. 8.11 PM
    The old WWCG had elderly new members who were former members of some main stream Christian church. They died shortly after baptism, so their Christian training must have come from their former non HWA church.

  3. The tradition view is that it took the "Church Fathers" like Origen, Justin Martyr, and on to Emperor Constantine to "sort it out".
    Any church that says it follows "First Century Christianity" probably means "Fourth Century Christianity".

  4. This is what got my attention on Armstrongism in the first place. The claim by HWA that nobody in the last 2000 years was right, until he came along and figured it all out...in 6 months! What a joke.

    So nobody for the first 1900 years of Christianity was saved or understood Scripture until the college dropout put the jigsaw puzzle together?!?! That, IMHO, was the beginning of the copious amounts of pride and arrogance that permeate the Acogs to this day. Can you see that Bob? Dave? Clearly not!

  5. Apparently, one message by Jim Franks at the Feast this year was considered really good because he said we should care and help others outside the COGs when we can. This just now occurring to them is pretty strong evidence that they have not been practicing real Christianity all these years.

  6. This is too true.. Religion like all things adapts and evolves if a branch becomes unnecessary for the survival of the movement it withers and declines. There will be no earth shattering world shaking COG message. People don't have the time or inclination for it. In the marketplace of religious ideas it is bankrupt.

  7. How does one man restore truth? John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ 1st coming and he didn't restore any truth. HWA wasn't there for Christ 2nd coming. How does a mere man restore truth?

  8. Well again you miss the mark by miles. We are so blessed to have God and His Son in our lives. So blessed to be called now to be Firstfruits. Yet we can throw it away. We can fall away. God desires a called out people to follow him obey him and worship him in the way God chooses. People laugh and scoff at some of Gods doctrines and for us who choose to keep them. This years Feast at Jekyll was outstanding. Like a spiritual revival to wake us up in order to take our calling sure. Plenty of you will stab at and make fun of the churches of God. Yes we have few cultic cooks out there. We hope those sheep in them folds will wake up. We also hope those cooks will repent and quit with there shenanigans God is going to straighten it out in due time. So proud of the United Church of God and their balanced approach to do a work and prepare a people. Rick Shabi is going to be godly leader and help prepare us for Gods Kingfom. We don’t look to a man for our Salvation. And we don’t beat people over the head and lord over them. May be a few who still wanna do that. We recognize other cogs as Gods people and have no superior attitude to them. It was an awesome Feasts and the messages where biblical and spot on. However no church is perfect. We are imperfect disciples worshipping a Perfect God. God promises us to finish the work that he started in us. What an awesome promise among many others
