Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Rotting Fruit of the Restored Church of God


Five Lies—The Rotting Fruit of RCG


An alternate title for this article could have been "Meat Shield 3.0.” Andrew J. Holcombe gave Not-At-All “Special Comments” yesterday before his sermon proving to the entire church he has no dignity. I have now lost all respect for him.


The decline of The Restored Church of God is accelerating. Andy’s shameful remarks served no purpose but to prop up the golden calf, David C. Pack, and trumpet his specialness to the doubters still attending. And doubters there should be.


Those who want to watch a smiling man willingly compromise and provide zero value need to watch this video. It is devoid of substance. It is vile. And I counted five lies.

Weak. Ineffective. Pointless.


This 93-second video exemplifies all that is wrong with the "ministers," especially those on the Third Floor of Headquarters. The Enabler Syndrome is spreading like cancer in Wadsworth. A parasitic leech nests at the Hall of Administration, draining all critical thinking from those working there, leaving empty husks bereft of conscience and love for the truth.


(Raymond, get out while you still can.)


My sympathy for Andy has evaporated. For a “minister” of Jesus Christ to knowingly lie exposes the depths of the depravity that David C. Pack orchestrates among his acolytes.



Lie #1:

“Brethren, we are truly in an exciting place and time in prophecy.”


More exciting than in Sivan? Or Tammuz? Or Av? Or Elul? Or on Trumpets? Or this past Thursday? Or Friday, the day before? More exciting than every other presumption passed along as biblical fact since 2013? Why is NOW the time to be excited rather than all those other times? What do you say to the people that DO ride the rollercoaster of excitement each time a date is set, only to fall when it fails?


These are no words of comfort for those disappointed each time you, Jim, and Dave fail. You continually fail the people in RCG. You fail them, Andy. Your support for the false apostle you work for fails them. You are failing them as a "minister," and you are failing them as a man.


I hope someone cornered you at the coffee after Services to explain that statement. Certainly, nobody did. Those at Headquarters for the Feast have learned to keep their mouths shut, or they will be cast outside the camp. All speaking the same thing now includes all having your heads in the ground.


Andy, your words insult those still clinging on by their fingertips in RCG. A slap in the face of everyone who holds out on the hope that "Maybe Mr. Pack will be right this time." Nine years running.


Shame on you, Andy. Shame on you. Your boss fell flat on his face twice just this week, and you have the gall to tell people about "an exciting place and time in prophecy?" Are you trying to fool the audience, or are you trying to fool yourself?


Your words are empty. There is no “truly” in them. That statement is a bald-faced lie.


Lie #2

“Much has been learned.”


Nothing has been learned since 2013. Your boss admitted he has spoken presumptuously. Your boss admitted he has taught what God never intended. One week ago, he drove the point about God blinding him from prophetic understanding.


There is no learning going on with you guys. It is imaginings. It is conjuring ideas. It is manifesting theories using the Bible as an excuse to prolong the agony. When something is proven by physical reality to be false, knowledge is not "learned" because it was not knowledge to begin with. Until the passing of time proves any of your "facts," it is not a fact but a guess.


Guessing is not learning, Andy. If you wanted to be truthful, you should have said, "Much has been guessed."


On Thursday night, Dave stated, “This was extremely hard to discern until God dropped a load of proof on us.” Within 24 hours, that statement was also proven to be false. God did not provide anything. Friday came and went. Do you still hold to the idea that God provided those thoughts? Wake up, man!


Lie #3

“That letter that Mr. Pack wrote is correct.”


You cannot know that until time proves it to be the case. Do you mean NOW he is correct even though he has not been twice this week?


David C. Pack has never been correct with any of his prophetic theories. Every date the man has declared has come and gone with nothing occurring. And you know that.


You state that it is correct, but only using hope as a measurement. Your hope means squat. Time will be the real judge in all of these matters. And time has judged already. David C. Pack is a biblical fraud. Andy, you are also a biblical fraud, and blood is also on your hands.


I wonder how many of your notes you recycled from when you spoke on September 17.


Part 393

@ 01:15 A lot has been cemented and is…correct that we have proven over the course of these …almost seven years of the series in prophecy.


@ 02:39 …what Mr. Pack is going to explain has been hidden and is finally coming clear.


@ 02:44 So, brethren, we just wanted to say, don't give up. A lot has been resolved, and there is no reason to believe we're going another year.


Remember, when you said this, you and Jim and Dave were all about Trumpets. How did that work out?


For those just joining us, the Meat Shield article provides greater insight.


Lie #4

“It’s it’s we’re all we’re just right on track as he mentioned in there.”


“David C. Pack: Failing Since 2013.” That is not a track record backed by confidence-building data.


How do you back up your claim? What is different on Saturday than it was a week before? Or on Thursday? Or on Friday? Have you considered that you and Jim and Dave are maybe not the best judges of such things?


Maybe the math is correct. This time. Maybe the proofs are inarguable. This time. Maybe God whatever. This time. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. And yet, never.


While inside RCG, when I heard, “We’re right on track,” it was nails on a chalkboard. It still is. All former members remember that gaslighting insult. An empty platitude without merit and quickly proven false.


RCG is not right on track. You are not right on track, Andy. Dave will never be right on track. Take your wonderful wife and get out.


Lie #5

“Brethren, we can all just be looking forward to

what’s going to happen during the Feast.”


Nothing prophetic is going to happen during the Feast of Tabernacles this year.


Nobody in RCG is looking forward to having another eight days of The Dave Pack Show. Talk about loving the preeminence. Having a captive audience of “a good thousand people” keeps the speculation machine running on all cylinders, as is the RCG autumn tradition four years running.


David C. Pack loves to hijack the Feast of Tabernacles to make it all about him. The man who has it all figured out. Come adore me, folks. Line up to sing my praises. Just do not mention Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, or Trumpets. Better yet, do not say anything that does not begin with, “Mr. Pack, you are so amazing…”


Andy, when you are stuck on that private jet with Dave and have a moment of peace to stare out the window, plot your escape. You can do it, man. Get out. (Of RCG, not the jet.)



This is another sad example of the state of mind inside The Restored Church of Another god.


“And the Feast is just about to start,

so I know that we’re all looking forward to that. I know I am.

My wife will be here at Headquarters, and I'll be traveling around."


You are looking forward to spending the Feast of Tabernacles without your very-pregnant wife! What is wrong with you? That sounds awful. That poor woman. Why would you do that?


Never mind, I get it.


God's Apostle needs you to be at his side. He is more important to you than your pregnant wife. After all, he cannot pull off the latest con with just Jim and Brad as accomplices. You have a vital position as a chief fraud architect helping to usher the demise of The Restored Church of Another god, which requires sacrifice.


When Dave suckles your teat, is it for comfort or nourishment?


Andy, someday you will have to look your child in the eyes and say, "This is what your daddy has done."


How are you going to live with that?


“By their fruits, you shall know them.”


The fruits inside The Restored Church of Another god are rotten. The fruits of David C. Pack are rotten. The fruits of Meat Shield are rotten.


But it does not have to stay that way.

Marc Cebrian

See: Five Lies—The Rotting Fruit of RCG


  1. Things must have been much clearer in the ancient theocracy known as Israel, when God literally dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the tent and temple. If the high priest deviated one iota from what God said, he would die!

    Armstrongism, with no real context other than that presented in Hislop's "The two Babylons" and the teachings of G.G Rupert comingled with the teachings of COG-7, basically used those sources to backwrite, or overwrite, whatever really happened in Israel during the time of Moses, and what was ongoing amongst the first century Christians. HWA's followers hold the belief nearly and dearly to them, that they would be right in step with either of those two cultures if somehow miraculously transported back to those times. Nothing could be further from the truth!

    Can we all imagine how the Old Tesatament, particularly the Torah, would have been written if Moses had been so clueless as, and had equivocated to the extent that David C. Pack has done over the past nearly ten years? The stiff-necked, rebellious Israelites would never have respected him as their leader! They believed that their God was constantly proven to be the true and supreme God, above all of the imaginary gods of the surrounding nations, and had Moses proven to be wrong and inaccurate, it would have had grave implications for the God of Israel. His credibility was directly tied to His chosen messenger, Moses! This is why God DOES NOT choose false teachers, false prophets, or inaccurate understanders and communicators to represent Him.

    The old WCG was tested and found wanting back in 1972-75. A great number of the members did not grasp the significance and gravity of that, and reprogrammed themselves as instructed by their backpedaling leaders. Today, people have had nearly 50 years to have learned that lesson, and there have been innumerable additional false prophecies emanating from the Armstrong camp, yet the stalwart members still do not learn the lesson! They believe that keeping the paradigms backwritten by HWA into the times of Moses, and the teachings of Jesus as filtered through and interpreted by the Old Covenant (instead of the other way around) gives their versions of an Apostle the gift to understand prophecy. And they believe this, contrary to all of the proof constantly unfolding before their very eyes!

    It's so sad to have to watch friends and loved ones ride what has turned out to be a fifty year train wreck in the making! You know it's just inevitable that it's going to crash. In a way, it's too bad that the engineers managed to divert the train back in '75. It would have been much better to have just let it happen, getting it over with.

  2. As the tall old man with elephantine ears walks from the horse barn back to his home, a stranger approaches him. The old man does not recognize the stranger, and wonders how he managed to even get on to the campus. As he gets closer, the stranger pulls a small red and white box from his shirt pocket, extracts a cigarette, lights it with a match, exhaling a cloud of white aromatic smoke. Alright, thinks the old man. Something is definitely wrong here.

    "Go quickly and excrete!" warns the stranger. "For it beginneth to come out of thine mouth!"

    The stranger benignly passes by. Curiosity compels the old man to turn his head for a better look, and he exclaims, "Hey, who are........."

    His jaw drops, as he realizes that the stranger has disappeared.

  3. Pregnancy is not a health problem.

    Leaving your pregnant wife alone for a few days is not evil. How many months pregnant is she? If you are not a midwife, what are you going to do for her anyway? Does he have a cell phone? She can call Uber and get a ride to the hospital. Or is she both pregnant and crippled?

    The basic problem is not that she is pregnant, but that she is about to give birth to another Packolite.

    How can a person be "very pregnant"? You are either pregnant or you are not.

    I, for one, am not. Except with logic.

  4. If the high priest deviated one iota from what God said, he would die!

    Rubbish. Those total liars are still at it today in Israel.

  5. The fruits of Meat Shield are rotten.

    Does Meat Head even read this blog?

  6. Is there really nothing that law enforcement, governmental agencies or the IRS can do to stop this insanity before people lose their #^&* and turn on Pack or one and other? We can all see the train wreck that is coming and before it turns into something horrific, is there nothing that can be done?

    I'm afraid that I am finding it hard to even pray for those still in RCG. At some point, they have GOT to find the courage to leave this cult. God will not hear their excuses when their judgment day comes. Why not get out, burn all the stupid toilet paper Pack ever wrote and become Christians, who will NEVER face judgment. You are NOT Christians now. This is as far from Jesus as anyone can get.

    Pack is surrounded and indwelled by demons. If you don't realize that by now, I fear you never will. You will be condemned by God for your support of Pack (or Flurry, Thiel, Weston, Shabi, etc) and if you think life sucked inside RCG, you ain't seen nothing compared to what faces you for choosing Pack over God. That is what you have done. You have chosen a lying, false apostle, false prophet, demon infested fool over our Great and mighty God. Get out now and repent and turn to Jesus, you know the guy Armstrongism has relegated to the back seat.

  7. While in college, in the late 1960s, I listened each day to “The World Tomorrow” broadcast, and so erroneously thought that this Garner Ted Armstrong was really The Guy, when it came to scriptural interpretation and how prophecy was to work out so ominously in “the coming years.” I read the booklet, and figured my life was going to end around 1975. As GTA pronounced, the Germans would conquer and destroy the US — except for those few in the Place of Safety, open only to the most blameless members of the Worldwide Church of God.

    Well, the Germans never appeared, thankfully.

    Then, in the early 1980s, I watched Herbert W Armstrong on TV tell that those who knew the validity of the Old Testament Sabbath (today) and didn’t diligently keep it were doomed and destined for the White Throne Judgement and the horrors that would entail. To save my neck, I jointed the Worldwide Church of God, and stayed with them for 13 long, frightful, years, trying to hold together my marriage (my wife would have nothing to do with WCG).

    With the “apostasy” of 1995, I finally came to the realization that Armstrongism is all wrong. Scripturally it’s not valid at all; a stack of false and destructive doctrines contrary to what Jesus of Nazareth actually taught. I returned to my original Bible-based church, and to this day strive to repent of the Armstrongisms that so warped my mind.

    For the many years I followed, then joined Armstrongism, I was continually assailed by Armstrongist “ministers” by “proof texts,” scriptures that absolutely proved that what Herbert W Armstrong taught was biblical truth, requiring absolute agreement and compliance.

    But for the Worldwide Church of God, and here, for the Restored Church of God, there was one “proof text” that was never cited, recounted, or applied; as though it was a “mistranslation” or erroneous copy error, which really isn’t Scripture:

    Deuteronomy 18:22 ---

    If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.

    Plainly and clearly, neither Armstrong nor Pack have spoken with God’s authority. Their prophetic predictions, repeatedly, never came to pass. They did not speak with any Devine authority: altogether they have been false prophets and should be avoided.

    Do the right thing. Walk away from Armstrongism in any of its tainted and polluted forms and align with a real Bible-teaching church. The absolute truth of Deuteronomy 18:22 will set you free. For those still in Armstrongism, it is a biblical command.

  8. 1:37 ~ Nice husband, Dude! I bet you get *lots* of nookie!

    1:39 ~ As the Five Man Electrical Band once sang, "Hey there, Mister, Can't cha read???" I made it plain that we were discussing the high priests in Moses' time, when God dwelt in the Holy of Holies. What do the liars in Israel have to do with it today? The temple was destroyed in '69 AD, and the Cohanime or Levites were assimilated and don't exist as a separate and pure tribe. Having noted that, there are certainly deceptive ones today in all ethnicities, including the Israelites. (with the possible exception of the ones Desmond Dekker and the Aces sang about back in 1969!)

  9. The problem with reciting "by their fruits you shall know them" is that the exact opposite is deeply ingrained in most people's mind. In elementary, high school and higher, the teachers word and reality are just about one and the same, since it's technical material that is being taught. So people develop the mental habit of "the teachers words are infallible truth."
    HWA and his ministers are fully aware of this, which is why they contradict the obvious and get away with it. So the above minister said "much had been learned," and will be believed, contrary to all the evidence.

    It's takes much effort to wear down the faulty mental habit that truth is what the big people say rather than what the evidence says.
