Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Another Frustrated Prophet Claims He Has Done All He Can To Warn Us


It's another bright sunny day in California and another self-appointed and totally ignored prophet is moaning that no one listens to him. No, we aren't talking about our buddy the eminent theologian and the Great Bwana to Africa and 150 Caucasians. This time it is that OTHER self-appointed prophet, Tony Roach.

Like Bob Thiel, he bloviates on how amazing his knowledge is and the church is in need of such amazing truths. All of the COG self-appointed prophets must get their messages out of the same playbook. They all sound the same, though this crackpot is just slightly different than our esteemed Beto Bob.

He writes:

Just a quick note and I'll delete it after a day or so... I'm so sorry but I can't join any churches... Or like any churches... I'm an analyzer... I analyze everything... As you can see from my fruits of Bible Prophecy... It would take so much time to analyze these churches... I have not the resources... I would have to travel to them, meet the Pastors etc.... I can't follow any man... Whether it be a pastor, minister, preacher, whatever... Not after dealing one on one with God for 35 years... It would be an abomination to me... Now if I met a man that new the scriptures as well I do and He could show me How God is working through him as he works through me... I would love that... If I could just meet someone that believed every word as I do... I would love that... Yes in my 1400 friends there are a handful that I THINK believe some as I do... Fewer in the handful that I think believes everything I do... You can tell by the comments and likes on certain post I post... The new news as God is on the sun... The Date chart etc gets very little likes comments and shares, etc... The mysteries and secrets of God I was left behind to show you basically are ignored... The old news that's been floating around for decades get many comments, likes and shares... It would be amazing if I had as many likes and comments and Believers in God's secrets and mysterious ways as the ones that responded to my recent post "A blessing in Disguise"... A church or any organization that doesn't search the scriptures daily to prove these things are true I can't deal with... I hope you understand... I'm in no way saying I'm any better than anyone... But when it comes to God's Word I'm a stickler for details and proof... And can't sway any any way... I'm nothing... I'm No One... I'm the bottom of the barrel... But I have to follow my Lord... I can't follow any man... I'm so sorry... I don't mean to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings... 

The bottom of the barrel is right! Just like all COG prophets end up being.  

Now I've been rejected and my message and prophecy by all the pastors of the splinter groups of the WWCOG that I have contacted... So that tells me they don't search the scriptures daily to prove these things... Or they would see that they are true.... Now members of these churches have asked me to join or like them... But I can't follow or listen to a preacher that doesn't search the scriptures daily as I do and as we are told to do... And if it's a messianic or pagan assembly... NO Way because it shows me they don't believe like I do.. I generally unfriend them and sometimes block them for a few days before I unblock them... That's why I say if you don't believe me block me... I don't need 1400 nonbelievers... that don't care to open their Bible and see these things are true... I wish everyone could see the truth but it's already recorded it ain't gonna happen...

Roach ends with this montage of nuttiness. He has been all alone now since 2020 when a great harvest of souls were whisked away and left him behind. 

It is just as the days of Noah... I don't even know anyone personally that believe as I do... I use to but since the Spring Harvest of Souls in 2020... They are gone... I keep the Holy days alone... I can't assemble on the Sabbath... There are no one to assemble here with where I live... That believes anything near as I do... Which I understand.... God warned me... There will be a lot of lonely days... But I chose His way... And I cannot change... I love each and everyone of you... I wish you would open your Bible... Don't just read it... Search it... Let God lead you as you do.. He'll show you one thing... If you do it... He'll show you something better... And each time you do it... You learn God's secrets and mysterious ways... You have to forget and ignore everything you've ever been taught by man and start fresh,,, with open eyes and a willing heart...


  1. "I don't even know anyone personally that believes as I do" should be the first hint

  2. I believe that he is probably very sincere in his delusions. Since Armstrong franchisees all seem to believe that God opens peoples' minds, he may even be quite vexed that God is not opening the number of minds required for an abundant harvest. If we take what he says at face value, there isn't even a small group of elect. He is the only one!

    The thing is that since Armstrongism left so many with a lingering deep inner sickness, I find nothing to be surprised about that comes from the ACOG movement.


  3. "Now if I met a man that new the scriptures as well I do and He could show me How God is working through him as he works through me.."

    I may be a poster's typo, otherwise, "new" should be "knew"

  4. Perhaps he should have a talk with Gerald Flurry and David C Pack.

  5. Why is it that people who actively seek power are the ones that are the most ignorant of how to aquire it?
    Each new 'leader' seems to want to be an iconoclast, but exist in an echo chamber of loyalty and unity. It makes no logical sense.
    People who really hold power as iconoclasts neccessarily die to the cause, lonely, rejected and without universal support. Their power is in the actions their words lead to, not their status as different.
    Each of these isolationist, power-hungry 'leaders' are acting as if they can gain power just by being 2 degrees different.
    The crazy thing is, there are WAY easier ways to accumulate power, both by honest and or nefarious means but this group of minature stateless Napoleons can't see them... maybe thats a good thing now that I think of it.

  6. Unless I am missing it, at least Roach does not appear to be seeking a following of tithe slaves to support his lifestyle and his "prophetic work" like so many in the ACOG movement. I won't mention any names, but the initials Bob Thiel and Cartoon Bob come to mind immediately.

    The Bobby Thiel/Cartoon Bob "double minded" business model is to be both Prophet and Pastor General. Being a standalone Prophet like this Tony Roach doesn't pay. Bobby Thiel knows it and that is why he is both Pastor General and Prophet. In my mind, misguided and delusional though he may be, Roach has more guts than competing prophet little Bobby Thiel & Cartoon Bob combined.


  7. ROACH---

    Why are you such a cry baby? Why do you need to be stroked for your insanity?

    If you knew anything about the Bible, you would know that a Prophet is not ever heeded or followed. However, guys like you, Thiel, Pack , Flurry , Weinland, all desire the worship of men, the giving of money, the head seat at the table, adulation and more.

    Just publish your crap somewhere on the internet, have a beer, sit back, and bask in your own self deluded "job well done".

    Now if you can just tell us what the exact closing number of the Dow Jones Industrial average will be next Friday, to the third decimal point, then maybe, we might, pay a little bit of attention.

  8. Tonto avers: "a Prophet is not ever heeded or followed."

    Generally true, Tonto, but don't forget the exception--Jonah. Roach's best bet is to get himself thrown overboard, swallowed by a "great fish," and then regurgitated where people can witness the event. When a chunk of whale vomit stands up and prophesies, people sit up and pay attention.

  9. A true prophet does not have to preach that he/she is a prophet. They would allow their deeds/miracles speak for them. Yahshua is such an example. He went about healing people which drew them to Him. He never went about preaching that He was a prophet or apostle, or anything else. When questioned by the authorities of the day He simply answered them, but His answers were indirect and needed to be deducted to be understood.

  10. Tonto at 7:42 AM said...“ROACH---Just publish your crap somewhere on the internet, have a beer, sit back, and bask in your own self deluded 'job well done'.”

    You can be pretty sure that it will be more CRAP on the Internet.

  11. “The mysteries and secrets of God I was left behind to show you basically are ignored...” -- Tony Roach

    Nut cases like TONY baloney cockROACH should always be put on “IGNORE” as fast as possible before their crap spreads their mental health issues to others.

  12. Interesting use of the word 'frustrated' in the title.
