Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, November 25, 2022

David C Pack's Great Thanksgiving Letdown


The Great Thanksgiving Letdown


You cannot see things in life until you are ready to see them.


That girlfriend who is not right for you even though your close friends and parents see it. That high-risk investment which seems too good to be true that advisors warn against. The pricey idyllic house that could require a lot of work. The wife that has been acting distant and on the phone a lot more with a “friend” recently.


Being blind to what is right in front of you has nothing to do with intelligence, stubbornness, or being gullible. The mind blinds you to the plain facts you do not want to accept. We do not do this on purpose, but we have all fallen victim to it.


Contrary to the seven hours and forty minutes of “biblical knowledge” this past month, Elijah was not raised, billions of people were not resurrected, and Jesus Christ did not return the Kingdom to Israel on Thanksgiving, November 24.


This is the Great RCG Thanksgiving Letdown of 2022. The Grand Poobah of holiday failures blew up an entire month's worth of God-breathed revelation by His servant and ministry.


The beginning of Kislev 1 at sunset Jerusalem time produced nothing. The beginning of Kislev 1 at sunset in Wadsworth produced nothing. Nothing biblical will happen on Kislev 1 today. All over the world. Nothing biblical will happen.


While families across the United States were gathering together for a grateful meal celebrating the blessings God has given them (and maybe indulging in the sin of football), David C. Pack and his fraud co-conspirators were conjuring the latest breakout from the prison of reality.


Another Pathetic Update was gifted to The Restored Church of God members yesterday.



Prophecy Update - Thursday, November 24, 2022


Brethren, more has come to light, showing it is very likely we can get through Thanksgiving and even into the month of Kislev. This puts our watch day-to-day, which always leaves us more comfortable. We know this much, it can’t go past the half-way mark in Kislev. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!



Beginning in March 2020, I started saving Member Services postings. By this point, I was fed up with Dave and his prophetic malarkey, but I was getting increasingly annoyed with the garbage posted for the brethren in between Dave's verbal flatulence fits.


Until then, I had not given them a thought one second after reading them. You “filter out” these announcements and urgent updates due to their repetitive nature. They all blurred together and lasted as long as vapor.


If I had not saved what I have, I would not have picked up on the pattern they still exhibit over two years later. After reviewing some this morning, it became clear that RCG Member Services is actually Damage Control Central.


It is incredible what you can see when you allow yourself. The text was always there, but it now can be understood with “clarity.”



Those attending RCG in the spring of 2020 will remember the continual chaos around Christ coming at Passover. The Rollercoaster this month has NOTHING on Passover 2020. There were eight updates in April pre and post-Days of Unleavened Bread. Some of them were pretty lengthy. Jam-packed with "proofs" making a "strong case" that the Headquarters ministry finally had it all nailed down.


Before examining yesterday’s joke, stroll down Memory Lane for a taste of what the brethren had to endure back then. The exact words, just a different date.


These are small samples of the yellow parts from each posting.


Listen to the Messages Right Away! – March 31, 2020


Keep watching! Based on all we can “forecast,” another Sabbath this side of the Return of Christ, does not appear to be on the horizon. None of the ministers here at Headquarters can see it. One look around the nation and the world makes this impossible.


Do Not Miss Tomorrow’s Sermon! – April 3, 2020


The series is not over! You will not want to miss what we clearly understand to be the final message. This 11th-hour understanding—while mind-blowing—will also prove to be very familiar.


Brethren, we have been part of an incredible prophetic journey that is reaching its end.


Watch to the Very End… – April 6, 2020


The P. S. stressed the certainty of Passover—even more proofs were found since then!


This has proven truer than we could have known.


If you are deeply convicted on all the Passover proofs and that Christ comes BEFORE Passover, you are left with one choice—Tuesday!


Our Historic Passover Watch Continues! – April 7, 2020


By now it is clear God wanted at least some of us to keep the Passover.


Would Christ really return before His day (Passover)? The answer that perhaps should have been evident is a resounding no!


Brethren, let us say it plainly: NOTHING will happen before all have taken the Passover—nothing even can!


Keep Watching! – April 8, 2020


With the rising of the sun, the new day brings new clarity. The case for Christ’s return today is even stronger than what we had last night.


Again—Our Watch Continues! – April 8, 2020


It appears it has always been God’s plan to have us wait, wait and wait yet a little longer to the very end! Faithful watching is very important to Him.


The proofs for Passover continue to pile up.


We are learning at an extremely rapid rate. In fact, there are now over 110 Passover proofs!


Continue to watch and wait. How privileged we are to understand so much about what God is doing—and when He plans to do it.


The Last Day of Passover—Finally Understood! – April 13, 2020


Parts 247 and 248 explained that our watch could continue even to the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. Brethren, suffice to say, it will!


Brethren, echoing the last announcement, the case for Passover—now the last day of Passover—is so strong that none of us could imagine moving beyond it.


Stay Alert and Be Encouraged! – April 24, 2020


Mr. Pack and the Headquarters ministry met throughout the day to discuss what is just ahead. It became evident that, even if we made it into Iyar, the thought of waiting until next year is still an impossibility.


We at Headquarters are inspired and encouraged by all God continues to reveal.


Take Comfort—Be Encouraged – April 27, 2020


It is now evident God did want us to “observe” all the remaining days of Abib following Passover.


Brethren, it should give us great peace knowing Christ could literally return at any time. Let us continue to do our part and remain spiritually awake until the “day and hour” we all long for!


Dave and Company were lying to us then, and they are lying to us now. None of what was written ever came to pass. I could see it, but not yet fully. It took me another year before I was able to leave RCG.


Brethren still there are trapped in the same place. They are in various stages of seeing what is right in front of them. It is not because they are stupid or weak, or lazy. God knows it takes a while for people to wake up. Recognizing that God is not working in the church and not guiding the ministry is a bitter pill to swallow.


But more are waking up. I have the emails to prove it.



“…more has come to light…”


There is only darkness coming out of The Restored Church of God today. Darkness is what David C. Pack preaches. Prophetic fraud. Biblical ignorance. Deceit. Foolishness.


There is no light coming to any of the hireling enablers at Headquarters.


Bradford Schleifer

Edward Winkfield

Ryan Denee

Kenneth Orel

Timothy Ranney

Jaco Viljoen

Carl Houk

Andrew Holcombe

James Habboush

Salasi Jezhi

Frank Lydick

Raymond Garb (Get out while you still can. You have fallen back into PCG thinking.)


God is not guiding David C. Pack to teach "The Greatest Unending Story!" Series. David C. Pack is not all throughout your Bible, though there are verses that absolutely apply to him. Just not in the way he thinks.


2 Timothy 3:7

Ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.


Ephesians 4:14

…tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men, cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive.



“…very likely we can get through Thanksgiving…”


This is an unimpressive read on a Friday morning over coffee.


It is very likely David C. Pack will deliver Part 406.


It is very likely David C. Pack will fail prophetically in perpetuity.


It is very likely that an antichrist serpent more wicked (almost) than the devil will be proven correct, and God's Apostle/Elijah-Elect will be proven wrong.


It is very likely that a non-prophet/non-psychic will appear real because David C. Pack is as predictable as the sunrise. All former RCG brethren possess this superpower.


It is very likely more people will depart from RCG this week. Oops. I should have written "very certain."



“…it can’t go past the half-way mark in Kislev…”


So, this is the next play. As it has been this year. The full moon. The new moon. The first of the month. The fifteenth of the month. If not last month, then this month. If not this month, then next month.


On and on and on and on and on it goes. Save the archival quotes from Passover, as Dave will need to copy-and-paste them this spring. Consider that very likely, too.


This is a soft date-set with a new line in the sand. All his 30-day hot air turned cold.


Kislev 15 is December 9 for all you heathens out there. It turns another Dave quote into ash.


Part 403 – November 5, 2022

@ 01:51 Now, more than ever, I can tell you this: Salvation will come in November 2022.


David C. Pack is not a man of his word. He is a caver. He is not a closer. He cannot deliver. His bark is worse than his bite. His assurances mean nothing to him and should mean nothing to you.


History shows these Prophecy Updates are Damage Control. They are mind manipulation designed to keep brethren from seeing what is happening right in front of them.


Do you want to guess who has to stand in front of the whole church on Saturday to deliver "Special Comments," reassuring brethren they are still on track and all is well?


Dave will very likely be in hiding for a few days. And Ryan very likely passed the gravy.

Marc Cebrian

See: The Great Thanksgiving Letdown


  1. “David C Pack's Great Thanksgiving Letdown”

    What letdown? Dave Pack's followers are a bunch of PROPHETIC NOISE ADDICTS and Dave is reliably giving them their regular weekly supply. No doubt Dave's addicts are thankful for it. Dave will continue to supply his addicts with abundant prophetic noise on a regular basis. There will be no letup or letdown.

  2. There comes a point at which the false prophet's enablers are as much of a problem as the false prophet. Dave isn't likely to give up on his nonsense, but if everybody walked away he might, just might, reconsider.

  3. DAVE PACK---

    "The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf"... on MEGA STEROIDS!

  4. Our watch is now day-to-day.

    "We are ALL day-to-day." - Keith Olbermann in his ESPN SportsCenter years

  5. Dave's "Jesus will return tomorrow! Calendar" -

    Each day ends with the question "Did Jesus arrive today?" followed by "No? Here's proof that He will return Tomorrow!".

  6. RCG is a paradox. Traditionally, churches have promoted security and stability through their messaging. Dave Pack has apparently discovered that he can best control his followers (note deliberate usage of word "his" to differentiate between followers of David C. Pack and followers of Jesus Christ.) by constantly keeping them on edge.

    Someone took a page from the Commies several decades ago when it was noted by one aspiring revolutionary that in order to foment a revolution, it is necessary to make the status quo appear as bad as possible. When I read that, my immediate reaction was "Shit! Herbert W. Armstrong has been doing that for decades!"

    Beware of people whose style involves throwing you off balance! Crazy or not, they're inside of your head before you can even realize what has happened!

  7. There was an excellent documentary called "the prison of belief". Although it was about scientology the stories, thinking, mind and body control was so similar to RCG that I asked Mr Behere if he'd seen it and he replied, "I've recorded it". This was after he left and did not return to the land of make believe called RCG. I would highly recommend anyone who thinks this is a real church that cares about people watch it.

  8. Most people staying in RCG are there because they have been conditioned to believe that all the other ACOG groups are fatally compromised by attitudes that are either Laodicean or outright Satanic. They tend to feel that as long as Armstrongism is true, RCG is the only place they can practice it.

    Compare that to CGI, LCG, and UCG, which admit that you can be saved outside of their group. COGWA is a bit double-minded about that, but if you ask carefully they'll admit that you can be in another ACOG and become a firstfruit in the Kingdom of God.

  9. In keeping with the truthful point made in another great article from you Marc, I say with all the love I have for my brothers and sisters for whom I pray daily..This is not Christianity. Why did the self proclaimed Jews' Jew, the Apostle Paul, not tell either his fellow Jewish or Gentile converts they must continue to keep the Mosaic law, this side of the Cross?

    Sometimes, it is right before your eyes, but until you see it, you don't see it. I pray God will help you to see.

  10. "Herbert W Armstrong has been doing that for decades."

    HWA often stated that he had read commie literature. He implied that he read it out of morbid curiosity, but his writing show that he in fact copied many of their beliefs and ploys . Among them are:
    1. Church tyranny, a social system condemned in the bible.
    2. Just as communism views its citizens as the property of the state, HWA ministers view their members as their personal private property.
    3. Like the commies, HWA taught that ownership is determined by need. He did this by hiding that personal relationships are two way rather than one way.
    4. Like the commies, HWA strongly pushed the theme of unity. This resulted in "unity" being used as the justification for trampling on members rights.
    5. HWA taught that "human nature needs to change." Again he stole that from the commies. Commie citizens had the joke of "the government pretends to pay us, and we pretend to work." The solution? It's people rather than the ideology that needs to change. People need to resign themselves to be puppets, and not being paid for their labors.
    6. Commies are utopian. Hence HWA put out his "Wonderful world tomorrow" booklet. The splinters still push the utopian view of the millennium. Will the millennium be a vast improvement on today's world? Absolutely. But will it be utopian? No. People will still be people. Observing Christians worldwide confirms this.
    7. HWA condemned communists groups such as the Soviet, since they would not let him play church. He also condemned home grown communists for the same reason. They desired to over throw society and hence trash his ability to play church. But, HE NEVER condemned their ideology. Has anyone read an article or heard a sermon on how the bible condemns commie teaching? Don't hold your breath folks.
    8. Did anyone notice how the mandatory dark blue suits that the church men folk were required to wear during the 1960s looked suspiciously like the "Mao suits" that all Chinese citizens were required to wear at that time?

    Commie attitudes still permeate the splinters. Dave Pack didn't pull his "Common" doctrine out of thin air.

    1. Well, of course. HWA was a young man in a time when actual Communist ideology was far more visible in the public eye than it is now, where "communist" is just a meaningless buzzword (with little or no relation to its definition) flung at anything remotely left of hunting the homeless for sport.

  11. Some observations, contra 4:27:

    Part 1

    Old Covenant - Law without the Spirit
    New Covenant - Law with the Spirit

    Heb 8:8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:

    "It was a new heart-righteousness which the prophets foresaw as one of the blessings of the Messianic age, ‘I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts,' God promised Jeremiah (31:33). How would he do it? He told Ezekiel: ‘I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes' (36:27). Thus God's two promises to put his law within us and to put his Spirit within us coincide. We must not image (as some do today) that when we have the Spirit we can dispense with the law, for what the Spirit does in our hearts, is precisely, to write God's law there. So ‘Spirit', ‘law', ‘righteousness' and ‘heart' all belong together...

    Christ “rejects the superficial interpretation of the law given by the scribes; he himself supplies the true interpretation. His purpose is not to change the law, still less annul it, but ‘to reveal the full depth of meaning that it was intended to hold’ [A.H. McNeile, The Gospel according to St Matthew, p.58]...

    Ne 10:29 They clave to their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curse, and into an oath, to walk in God's law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord, and his judgments and his statutes;

    "This preliminary look at the antheses has shown us that Jesus did not contradict the law of Moses. On the contrary, this is in effect what the Pharisees were doing. What Jesus did was rather to explain the true meaning of the moral law with all its uncomfortable implications. He extended the commands which they were restricting and restricted the permissions which they were extending. To him Moses' law was God's law, whose validity was permanent and whose authority must be accepted. In the Sermon of the Mount, as Calvin correctly expressed it, we see Jesus not ‘as a new legislator, but as the faithful expounder of a law which had already been given' (Commentary on the harmony of the evangelists, Matthew, Mark and Luke, I, p.282), p.290). The Pharisees had ‘obscured' the law; Jesus ‘restored it to its integrity' (Institutes, I, viii.7)...

    “And in this matter Christian disciples must follow Christ, not the Pharisees. We have no liberty to try to lower the law’s standards and make it easier to obey. This is the casuistry of Pharisees, not Christians. Christian righteousness must exceed pharisaic righteousness.

    “Yet the advocates of the ‘new morality’ or ‘situational ethic’ are in principle trying to do exactly what the Pharisees were doing. True, they claim to take Christ’s part against the Pharisees, but they resemble the Pharisees in their dislike of the law. They regard the law as rigid and authoritarian, and (just like the Pharisees) they attempt to ‘relax’ its authority, to loosen its hold. So they declare the category of law abolished (which Jesus said he had not come to abolish) and they set law and love at variance with each other (in a way in which Jesus never did). No. Jesus disagreed with the Pharisees’ interpretation of the law; he never disagreed with their acceptance of its authority. Rather the reverse. In the strongest possible terms he asserted its authority as God’s Word written, and called his disciples to accept its true and deeply exacting interpretation” (John Stott, Sermon on the Mount, BST, pp.75-81).

  12. Part 2

    Ro 8:4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

    “Moreover, the Spirit salvages the law as a moral standard, in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit (v.4). Paul does not say “righteousness of the law,” for he has argued that righteousness comes by faith. Rather he speaks of the righteous requirements of the law (see 2:26), meaning that which the law demands, even if the law cannot provide it. Those who live in the Spirit are for the first time enabled to acknowledge the true intent of the law, and they are empowered to begin fulfilling it. This is the first positive role of the law in Romans so far. The Spirit is the supernatural reinforcement of God’s grace who empowers Christians to fulfil the intent and requirements of the law. Paul does not say that one must keep the law in order to be saved but that one must be saved in order to keep the law! Augustine understood Paul correctly, “The law is given that grace might be sought; grace is given that the law might be fulfilled” (quoted by J. Stewart, A Man in Christ, p.109)...” (John R.W. Stott, The Message of Romans, BST, pp.221).

    “It is of course the law now fulfilled in Christ. To return to James A. Sanders comment ... torah (nomos, law) is composed of both narrative and legal code, never exclusively the one or the other. Paul is reading the torah as a narrative has come to see Jesus as the decisive chapter in an otherwise unfinished story. He is the one to whom the torah is directed. But that does not mean a negation of the legislative dimensions of the torah, only a fresh perspective on it.” (Charles B. Cousar, Galatians, Interpretation, p.82).

    1 Cor 9:21b (though I am not free from God’s law
    1 Cor 9:21c but am under Christ’s law) ... (NIV).

    In the synonymous parallelism God’s law = Christ’s law.

    “He can call it “the law of Christ” (cf. 1 Cor 9:20-21). By that he does not mean a different code or document; it is the Mosaic law, but summed up in the command to love and interpreted in the light of Christ.

    Gal 5:13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
    Gal 5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    “More will be said about this later (in connection with 5:13-15), particularly the way love radicalizes the law. It deepens demands and makes them more thorough-going and pervasive. At the same time, the command to love does not replace the law, as if the law being summarized were no longer necessary. Love does not always tell one exactly how to respond or what to say in the many ambiguous situations people face daily. Neither does the law; but in numerous cases passages like the ten commandment when read in the light of Christ gives positive definition to the loving will of God. They help to prevent love from becoming soft sentimentality or merely abstract principle. The church still needs the law to throw light on the human situation and love to keep that law from being rigidly interpreted” (Charles B. Cousar, Galatians, Interpretation, p.83).

  13. Anon 11:30, the commentary you are using is that of John Stott.
    Stott was devout; he was Anglican.
    So this is a man that was prayerful and loved the Lord. He is often used by the COGs to show that the Law is still in tact, but he does not mean what the COGs think he means.
    He did not observe the sabbath or holy days or avoid unclean meats. So, he is not saying what the COGs try to claim he is saying. Anon 11:30 are you saying something about the persistence of the law that does not include sabbath and holy day observance or unclean foods?
    If so, you would be in agreement with Stott whom you quote. You need to reconcile that.

  14. Perhaps it's not the return of Christ they want but the excitement and anticipation. Like the dog chasing the car. The chase is what it's all about.

  15. Perhaps Dave is trying to get rid of his followers so he can have an easy retirement with a smaller flock and all that money he has accumulated.

  16. Hi 1:54

    I have a number of books by John Stott and have appreciated his insights for over 30 years.

    In regards to John Stott keeping Sunday as the day of rest:

    My longest and closest friend became a Sunday-keeper and I became a Saturday-keeper. We have talked about which day to keep, but he just doesn’t see it. While we may disagree on the day I still appreciate his valid observations and insights.

    I would suggest that John Stout as a good Anglican didn’t see the seventh day as being the Sabbath - he just didn’t get it. But I still appreciate his valid insights.

    But as a Sunday-keeper he did get the “sign” that Jesus gave as proof of his identity. He understood that Jesus was crucified on a Friday and rose from the dead on a Sunday.

    Unfortunately, so many of the Sabbath-keeping ACOG people don’t get the days right.

    They can’t get it that “three days and three nights” had an idiomatic sense in the ancient near-East. This is similar to a modern Western example where “minute” also has an idiomatic sense, as in “I will be there in a minute”.

  17. Calling for the ministers to leave but who’s signing the checks. These men get paid well to nod their heads and agree with everything David says.

  18. Three days and three nights: You (God) make darkness and it is night....Ps 104:20. So darkness Friday afternoon can be one of the "nights", if only a few minutes.

  19. Many years ago while I was shopping Friday evening, the holy spirit warned me that the Sabbath was approaching. Meaning, no person who switches from Saturday to Sunday observance of the Sabbath will be in God's kingdom.
    That's the way the world works.

  20. 3:44 wrote:

    "no person who switches from Saturday to Sunday observance of the Sabbath will be in God's kingdom."

    Pure bunk and 100% false. That kind of nonsense is what Bob Thiel, Pack, and Flurry teach - not biblical. Never will happen. Do you honestly think that only the sabbath keeper will make it into the kingdom? Hilarious dude! Hilarious!

  21. After Christ returns everyone alive will be in the kingdom on earth but not everyone will be administering the kingdom.

  22. 5.28 pm
    Read your bible dude. The Sabbath is called the test command. Christians have been killed through out history for keeping the Saturday Sabbath. They surrendered their human lives rather than break this command.
    Once a Christian is made aware of the true Sabbath day, they will be rejected by God, and not permitted into His kingdom if they fail to keep it.

    1. Can you show where in the Bible it is called the test commandment? Can you cite a verse that ACTUALLY does say who will not be in the kingdom of God? Sabbath keeping not listed

  23. Many years ago while I was shopping Friday evening, the holy spirit warned me that the Sabbath was approaching.

    Sounds like this message came from the Sun. This isn't Sabbath-keeping, it is Sun worship!

  24. "no person who switches from Saturday to Sunday observance of the Sabbath will be in God's kingdom."

    Romans 13 tells us to respect the decisions of civil authorities when we are able.

    The International Date Line was set by civil authorities. As you know, it isn't a straight line of longitude between the poles. It curves arbitrarily to include or exclude various Pacific islands, with the result that some people due north and south of each other are on different days of the week.

    God doesn't call His people to be geographers, so I assume they're supposed to keep the Sabbath decreed by their civil authorities and not to rebel because of where the International Date Line diverges from the longitude line.

    But what happens when the authorities decide to move the date line? Should people obey the change if it brings them into compliance with the International Date Line, but reject it if it moves them away from the IDL? Or should they keep their old "Sabbath" day even though the IDL would have put the Sabbath on a different day?

    It's clear that Sabbath-keeping is manageable within a small regional tribe, but trying to implement it on a world globe is problematic if not impossible.

  25. God can certainly do anything He chooses, yet it strikes me that each week there are 48 hrs of sabbath. How does that work in the millennium? Maybe that’s no big deal as each individual only sees 24 hrs, but will it really just be a rolling sabbath covering 48 hrs/week? Oh well, the Lord will reveal all.

  26. Anon 11:40, what if God is on the sun like that other loon is saying? No sunset calculation possible there!

  27. 11.33 PM
    Try Jeremiah 17:27 as a starter. Also try Googling "Sabbath the test command."

    5.15 AM
    Your point has been debated on this site previously. In some regions, when the Sabbath starts is technically messy.This is an example of where the instruction of "what's bound on earth will be bound in heaven" can apply. The religious leader of a denomination can choose the time the Sabbath starts in order to avoid members coming to services at different times.

  28. This is an example of where the instruction of "what's bound on earth will be bound in heaven" can apply. The religious leader of a denomination can choose the time the Sabbath starts in order to avoid members coming to services at different times.

    The Pope in Rome did that, but the ACOGs disobey and keep complaining.

  29. Anon 12:06,

    Rev 21:8
    8 "But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

    Are all these test commandments too.

    The only websites I see that talk about the sabbath as a Test Command are COG or seventh day adventist sites. I just don't see it in the Bible.

  30. Jeremiah 17:27 "But if you will not hearken unto me and hallow the Sabbath day, and not to bear a burden, even entering in at the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day: then I will kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched."
    In 589 BC, the king of Babylon invaded and conquered Jerusalem.

