Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving from Bob Thiel and Banned!


Bob Thiel and I want to extend warm wishes for a 

Happy Thanksgiving and great football memories!


  1. I've never been much of a fan of watching football on TV, but do it now just because Booby says not to.

    1. I'm not into it either. But Boobsie the Little Prophlet's tirades are wildly unbalanced.

  2. Can you imagine the tightly wound cork, known as Bob Thiel, who somehow sat on his anti football/anti American tendencies yesterday, just to piss off Banned?!

    He is going to explode on his measly <100 members tomorrow!!

    Poor Bob. A turkey, if ever there was one.

  3. At least Bob is American NO2HWA is NOT.

  4. Bob is not American. He is from the planet Ur. Now, I can just hear you guys scratching your heads in unison as you read this, and coming up in chorus with "B-bbutt, there is no planet Ur"

    Relax! The planet used to be called Uranus, But they got real tired of the anus claiming to be a prophet, and the leader of the only true church. I'm told by one of my contacts that he actually headed up a fairly sizable work up there, and was considered to be somewhat of a threat, so they marginalized him by shipping him off to planet Earth to torment Africans and a handful of Caucasians.

  5. "At least Bob is American NO2HWA is NOT."

    Shush! That's a secret no one knew!

  6. "At least Bob is American NO2HWA is NOT."

    Maybe NO2HWA is not even from this planet, is an agent for the NWO, is a lover of Klaus Schwab and flew one of the planes into the World Trade Center!
