Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Gerald Flurry Injuries Far More Serious Than Originally Thought

This post on Twitter indicates that Gerald Flurry's fall out of his bathtub during the Feast is far more serious than they originally let on. Here we are at the end of October and PCG is asking ministry to pray for the despot.



  1. May the "king" receive his just desserts.

    This will go down in cogdom as the most embarrassing means of death, if that's what eventually takes him. How fitting.

    While I obviously do not wish for his death, I imagine there must be some members/formers who would. Evil, evil man.

  2. If there are two more bathroom accidents within 30 days of that slippage, then Dave may get his Three Shepherds of Zechariah 11 fulfillment.

    1. Then that would make DP a true prophet, and we'd all be exposed as antichrist serpents. Uh oh!!! XD

    2. Uh speak for yourself Jess :-p lol

  3. Actually, the most embarrassing death of a heretic happened to Arius, of Arian heresy infamy. He was on his way to be feted at a church, when he realized he had to go to the john. He got out of the procession to use a public latrine. He made haste to go, and he stayed a long time in it. Finally, his followers realized something was wrong. They went to the privy, and discovered that he was dead. His guts have fallen out. For years, the orthodox Christians showed the death john off as proof of God's justice against heresy. The Arians brought the place to avoid further embarassment, and tore it down.

  4. Was he reaching down to get his "rubber ducky" when the accident occurred? Inquiring minds need to know!

    1. Nah Tonto, a conspiracy placed a banana peel in the tub. I wonder who the conspirators are....

  5. It's been a while since the last round of ministerial dyings. When these guys kick it, it ends up being like organized crime. Always a new villain to take their places.

  6. What will we do without The Key of David, the conspiracy theory about our "Lost Identity"...which only he can unlock...for a price...How much? All your money!

  7. “Gerald Flurry Injuries Far More Serious Than Originally Thought”

    Yes, Gerald Flurry physically, financially, and spiritually injured thousands of people far more than some originally thought.

  8. Recalling 1985, when HWA couldn't give his satellite sermon on the 8th day due to sickness. He died in January '86.

  9. Taking on the reaction that's currently circulating on Twitter about The Atlantic's post, let's apply it here.

    Never forget, never forgive what they did to us.


  10. I am sure when he dies the flock will go on worshipping him anyway like they do HWA. I left this group a year ago, best decision I have ever made. I am happier, healthier and more financially stable. No curses on me like I was told if I leave, only blessings 😂

    1. I concur after leaving ucg. Just blessings, no curses.

    2. Yes but you know they say if things are going well for you it’s because they say Satan’s hand is off you now so he can allow things to go well to deceive you in thinking you did the right thing by leaving. But if things go bad well it’s because you left. Either way they have an argument. I feel free now too of the control and mental abuse. Not really to me personally but I can clearly see how others suffered and feel sad for them. I have learnt ministers are to be servant leaders but instead all power goes to their heads. They think they have all the answers and don’t even open bibles to give you those answers.

  11. I wonder if his falling is a symptom of a severe medical condition. He is almost 88 years old. It's amazing that he has lived this long. I believe his mother was 90 when she died.

  12. While I obviously do not wish for his death,...

    I think it's too late for Flurry to repent and bring forth fruits of repentance. So the only way people can be freed from him is perhaps through his death, which would likely accelerate the decline of the PCG. So it's not something to regret if he dies, and arguably could be wished for.

    1. 3:43 Over the last several years with the pandemic and wannabe dictators multiplying in the Western world I now simply pray to God to avenge me and my brethren by removing certain wicked doers from their positions of power by either removing them from office be it via the electoral process or ultimately by death. And that they be replaced with more God fearing and righteous leaders. So they will have no more power over the innocents.

  13. It seems they are not giving out any information about the nature of his injuries. Why not? Perhaps he hit himself on the head and received a crippling (at some level) concussion. Has he appeared in public since the fall?

  14. I witnessed an act of mercy that blew my mind several years ago. Someone on one of the "dissident" sites doxed Flurry. One of the documents actually contained his social security number. Could have been an innocent mistake, because back in the day, we used to inscribe our SS# on the inside of high end stereo speaker cabinets and other valuables subject to theft, and in my state you could actually opt to use your SS # as your drivers license # for the convenience of your memory. But, even though Flurry is one of the flaming a$$h0les of the Armstrong movement, one of the supposedly badass dissidents on the site demanded that the doc be removed because it did contain
    Flurry's SS #. There are certain places you just shouldn't go even if you have philosophical differences with someone. The takeaway is that we should never allow our dislike for detestable charlatans bring our ethics down. If you're going to get someone, get them clean. Don't allow them to make you stoop to the dirty.

  15. The takeaway is that we should never allow our dislike for detestable charlatans bring our ethics down. If you're going to get someone, get them clean.

    Yeah, so if they start a war and kill your family and your country don't resort to violence. What kind of morals is that? Christian morals. That's the problem. It does not work in the real world. And it is immoral because no god will sort it out in the end. Bad people must be stopped. Whatever it takes.
