Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Dave Pack's Disheartening Year Full Of Disappointments


Year of Disappointments


The good news for those inside The Restored Church of God is that tonight will be the last time David C. Pack fails in 2022. The Year of Disappointments will finally be over.


The bad news is Dave's learning disability, combined with prophetic hubris, ensures 2023 will be a repeat. He must continue to prove to the members that nobody on the face of the earth or who has ever lived knows prophecy as he does. Because he doodies in the toilet, not in his pants.


At 5 PM EDT tonight, Jesus Christ will return to merge the Roman year with the Hebrew month of Tevet, resetting the calendar to a 30-day cycle so that the 1260 days of Revelation match 42 months. Tevet 8 begins at sunset in Jerusalem, but midnight starts January 1. God will roll back the Hebrew calendar to repeat Tevet 1 and begin a ten-day Day of the Lord. Nebuchadnezzar will be resurrected as the Man of Sin, the Seventh Head of Daniel. Elijah the Prophet will rise to be an opposing voice, so the entire world will know that David C. Pack was right.


You can understand the challenge of making that as simple as possible.


At 5 PM EDT, some on the east coast will be settling down for the after-Services meal, frequently checking their watches and looking out the windows. On the west coast, others will wonder if they will make it to services. A few will be formulating their exit letters in their heads.


After midnight passes in each region of the United States and Canada, members of The Restored Church of God should reflect on the immortal words of their Pester General.


Part 412 – December 27, 2022

@ 1:01:44 In a way, we were right. In fact, we were right twice.

@ 1:04:25 I was right twice, but not in either way that I thought.


Their human idol twice proclaimed his double-accuracy using the past tense. In Part 413, will he twice mention his double-failure that rang in the new year?


The exrcg.org website launched on June 24, 2022. The dates set by David C. Pack have been listed on the main page. Far from complete, it is missing his failures from January 1 to June 29 (Sivan 30).


As of this morning, exrcg.org documents 35 failed biblical dates for only the second half of 2022. If tonight is included, that reaches 36.


David C. Pack has over 36 failed prophetic dates in 2022.


If anyone has documentation regarding his failures from January 1 to June 29, please send them to exrcgwebsite@gmail.com, and they will be added to the list. Please provide sermon numbers.



The confusion and turmoil current RCG members are experiencing breaks my heart. They have stories of mental and emotional distress but choose to endure this trial as a test of faith, holding on to the idea that God is behind this and that He will “do something” about it.


I encourage everyone on the fence or harboring deep confusion to re-read "Is 'That Prophet' Alive Today?” and re-listen to “90 Reasons to Follow the Truth.” In your current frame of mind, you may find the content enlightening and, perhaps, an answered prayer.


Let David C. Pack warn you about David C. Pack. His words will have more weight than an unordained non-prophet/non-psychic.



Each person has their own line in the sand. Some do not know it is there until it is crossed.


One major red flag that helped me see RCG was not God’s church any longer was when it was first taught that you cannot be anointed in the name of Jesus Christ.


According to David C. Pack in Part 276 and Part 277, James 5:14, "…anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord," refers to the Father. I realized I could never be anointed again. Some in the church today have to struggle with this.


This is one example of know-it-all-Dave doing severe damage to the doctrinal integrity of RCG and cracking the foundation of our belief. He meddled with God and misidentified where Jesus Christ was throughout the Bible.


It was not just about prophecy anymore. It became about which God I served. False apostle David C. Pack ushered in the era of The Restored Church of Another god. He is aided by compromised, cowardly, and neglectful hirelings who surrender their integrity for a cup of beans. Shame on the lot of them.


Edward L. Winkfield's horrific sermon, "Stay Immune to Heresy," was the line in the sand for me. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. After the last song, I put my hymnal down and said, "I don't belong here anymore."



David C. Pack is not a man of his word. David C. Pack tells lies. He spends hours preaching about himself. He tells you everything you need to hear to know if he is true or not. He cannot be trusted with the little things and cannot be trusted with the big things. His reading comprehension skills are spectacularly piss-poor. He has no problem skipping Holy Day or Sabbath services but never misses a meal. He takes Common from brethren and threatens their eternal life, but then buys a $500,000 property because the unkempt lawn was an eyesore. He will set a date for your salvation but plots his own escape days in advance. He is wrong continuously but finds a way he is actually right. And he is a false prophet by his own definition.


Brad, did I lie in any of those statements? If so, please let me know. Dr. Ranney has my number.


One statement Dave made a few parts back struck a nerve.


Part 410 – December 17, 2022

@ 1:44:47 There wouldn’t be a 411 explaining something. I’ve done all I can possibly do.


Like much of what Dave says, this is not true. This is what David C. Pack CAN possibly do:


He could step down as the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God. In a final message, he could tell the brethren:


“After 412 Parts of this Series, I still have no clue what God is doing. I have gotten everything I have ever preached about timing 100% wrong. This solidifies that I am not qualified to lead God's people. 


“I am an incompetent teacher. I change the words in the Bible while I read, so they fit my current narrative. I ignore the warnings in Revelation and love adding to and taking away from the words of the prophecy of the book. I skip words I dislike and add words I need as a crutch to sell my point.


“I told you I was Elijah and then set multiple dates that did not come to pass. And still, you kept sitting there. I am an inept prophet. I am a false prophet. If this were Old Testament times, I would be taken outside and stoned. And you would be justified in doing so. The original Elijah the Prophet would take me down to the brook Kishon and deal with me there. But you fine people kept giving me a pass, accepting what your field ministers repeated, ‘He is only guilty of being overzealous.’


“I have told you fables that you swallowed hook, line, and sinker. These conjured fantasies strained the imagination of plausibility. I have proved myself to be wrong at every step, and yet, you suffer me to continue. I have told you exactly who and what I am, but you would not hear it. The words of my own condemnation have fallen from my very lips, but you continue to accept me.


“I have blasphemed God. I have accused God. I have blamed God’s word. And quietly you sat, bearing with it.


“I said your dead relatives would live again within days. They are still dead, and I never apologized, even privately.


"If I did not stand up here and voluntarily quit, what would it take, brethren? What would it take for you to accept the plain words of my mouth so that you take action? Are some of you so invested in the lie that RCG has become that you willingly choose terminal blindness to hold on to the comfort of what this organization once was?


"If you were expecting the Headquarters ministers to step up, guess again. They are broken men only concerned with serving their own interests and preserving the status quo. They care not for the sheep. The Board of Directors could have voted me out of the corporation but lacked the spine to do so.


“For those waiting for God’s intervention, what are you expecting Him to do? Strike me with lightning at the lectern? Melt me in front of an entire Feast site? Perhaps take me gently in my sleep with a heart attack? You are waiting for Him, brethren, but did you consider He may be waiting for you?


“I have already admitted God blinded me, and I have repeatedly spoken presumptuously. Must I smear my own feces on my face to prove that I have lost my mind? Even then, some of you would stay.


“Due to all of this, the most merciful thing I could do in my entire life is resign from being your Pastor General and admit God has not sent me to teach you any of this. The whole Series is a sham. It is a combination of psychosis and demonic influence that enablers knowingly supported. Burn your notebooks from the past seven years. Burn your note-filled Bible and buy new ones. That is the only way to purge the doctrinal fraud you have been subjected to.


“Go home and tell your family, ‘Wow, I just followed a false prophet for seven years.’ You will be met with hugs and tears of joy.


“Now, after I step down, I will try to repair my marriage and spend real quality time with my wonderful wife. I will continue the rest of my years on my knees, begging for God's forgiveness.


"Brethren of The Restored Church of God. I am wrong. I have been wrong. Please forgive me."



This would be a beautiful thing to see. David C. Pack repenting would be earth-shaking. But that is as much a fantasy as Jesus Christ returning on Christmas.


Part 413 will come. Maybe even today.


David C. Pack cannot stop because that is not only who he is but what he is.


2022 has been a year of disappointments. Without miraculous lightning or flesh-melting, 2023 will be more of the same. But expect it to get even worse.


It is all up to you, brethren of The Restored Church of God. Get out while you still can.


Marc Cebrian

See: Year of Disappointments



  1. "One major red flag that helped me see RCG was not God’s church any longer was when it was first taught that you cannot be anointed in the name of Jesus Christ."

    RCG was never a "not God's church any longer". It never was a "God's Church" from the start. It was the David C Pack Delusional Ego Circus. RCG is an extension of his, "I work with and for no man" ego and his theological ignorance and arrogance on steroids. It is now the David C Pack shit show coming to its inevitable end.

  2. Correct, it never was to begin with.

  3. Your latest "what if" speech from Dave pack reminds me of Sydney Lamet's "Network" scene with the news anchor screams "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" but earlier he explains that TV is not real go out and live your life! Dave pack's teachings are not real go out and live your life and forget about him. He is only in it for himself and what he can get out of you dear people.

  4. SING ALONG TIME! - Sing to the longtime New Years Song --"Auld Lang Syne"

    Should Davey Pack be forgot...

    And never brought to mind?

    Should Pack acquaintance be forgot...

    Along with Packs mental decline!

  5. I had the same thought 11:45 and 1:35. RCG was never God's true church because no such entity exists. There is only the Body of Christ, which consists of all who have believed the Gospel and are born again, in many denominations the world over.

    Marc, I am literally weeping from reading your words, if Dave had a heart of truth (or a heart period). My prayer for 2023 is that RCG members will ALL LEAVE and Dave will get that time with his wife, whether he wants it or not. That by years end, the COGs will be completely gone and that the former members will have come to see they were deceived and begin to heal. I pray most of all that God will not get the blame for the lies spoken in His Name and the former members will trust no man, but Jesus and receive salvation (the moment they believe, not some future event).

    I wish all here at Banned a very happy New Year. I pray any who still believe the false teachings of Armstrongism will have the veil that covers their eyes lifted. Jesus died for all of us and all He asks from us is to trust Him.

    God bless us one and all! Even you, Tiny Tim (aka Bob).

  6. Somehow, DCP will tie in the death of Pope Benedict into prophecy when he comes up with a new plan for 2023. Or maybe time is short because we also lost Baba Wawa.

  7. The only thing that matters is what God and David Pack say There are no private interpretations as recorded... Like I always say don't believe a word I say... Get your Bible out and prove me wrong... As it is recorded prove all things... And also as recorded... Search the scriptures daily to prove those things are so... It's up to you my friend... David Pack is showing fruit as an apostle and this blog is persecuting him.

  8. Grifters NEVER apologize. They are 1%ers of a completely different breed. They don't even have the spirit of man, let alone the Spirit of God!

    The fantasy repentance speech is beautiful. Unfortunately, it will never happen, as I believe you knew when you so eloquently ghosted it. The problem is that the RCG conundrum is not as simple as a Scrooge situation. Scrooge ended up not being a sociopath or psychopath, because he was actually able to be reached on a particular level of his own remaining humanity. And, that changed him! By contrast, those who see themselves as Messianic Guru types or quasi-Biblical figures function outside of this range. This goes way beyond a simple borderline personality disorder.

  9. Why is this person pack? so! important to take up so much space and input on this site?

    so influential to, ocupy so much space of endorsement on this site?!

  10. Well, that’s a pretty dumb thing to say.

  11. RCG, Descent into Madness.

  12. Pack laughing all the way to the bank + huge secret salary!

  13. Lnrd @ 7:13. It may be difficult for a minimalist such as yourself to comprehend this, but the oversized exposure is accomplishing some good here. People are waking up to what's been done to them and are leaving RCG.

    We know that all these little Armstrongite guys are like Professor Chaos in South Park, trying to flood the planet by leaving their Mom's garden hose on in the back yard, but their followers don't. That's why they need us!

  14. Will all these "parts" consisting of Dave Pack's comments someday be gathered together in a book called A Pack Of Lies?

  15. Interesting that someone was suggesting that we study our Bibles too prove all things. I believe that's what a lot of us have been doing for years that's why some people made the choice to leave. Fruits of an Apostle? Like the fruit of an Evangelist that goes nowhere. Suggestion, do an in-depth study on the two.

  16. LOL In what way has Pack ever shown fruit as an Apostle? Pack is not, and never will be, an Apostle. Dave Pack lives in his own little world filled with delusion and fantasy. Unfortunately, a there are a few sane individuals choose support him and his delusions and live in that fantasy world with him.

  17. Me thinks the cash at the Wadsworth compound is drying up. Its time for a new proclamation from the false prophet. People are waking up to the lies from an unbalanced nut with delusions of grandeur.

  18. People are waking up to the lies from an unbalanced nut with delusions of grandeur.

    How many people are waking up? Two?

  19. Two per day are leaving already.

  20. Anon: Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 5:57:00 PM PST

    If you think the Ex-RCG members on this site that have woken up and are persecuting DCP you are very wrong, wait till God judges him and the members that remain supporting this apostacy.
