Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year!



  1. Replies
    1. Bwahaha, you didn't say that about Anne Murray and Marie Osmond, don't pick and choose your hussies.

  2. Reminds me of a bullshart sermon given by HWA about jezebel & makeup. 2 hours of nonsense.

  3. I think I heard that sermon at the FOT in Big Sandy in the early 80s when Ramona walked in front of the stage and had make-up on, and Herbert got "inspired" to tell the entire congregation of women to take off that make-up and throw away their cosmetics in the trash cans. If you wanted to collect all the make-up, you could have started a new business by raiding the dumpsters that night.

  4. Not my cup of tea. Not at all!

    I prefer music with a harder edge, mostly the stuff made by stoners for stoners, although I do not endorse or condone their lifestyle with the drugs. Their music, especially in live concert settings, was absolute ear candy. We actually used to laugh about ABBA, the Carpenters, the Osmonds, the Cowsills, the Partridge Family, the whole MTV "Unplugged" rot, and all other efforts at taming or emasculating rock music.

    But, that's just me. I didn't listen to ABBA last night, but if their music has deep meaning or significance for anyone else and helped you ring in the New Year, I'm happy for you. I realize that not everyone can take ACDC, Pantera, Guns and Roses, Jimi Hendrix, Mountain, or whatever. Hapoy New Year anyway!

  5. Leave it to a bunch of atheists to post a video of painted hussy's celebrating a pagan holiday. Shame on you all!

  6. The origin of new year is paganism not Biblical.

  7. You say paganism as if it's a bad thing. And, while you may be totally correct, one thing is certain. Armstrongism is even worse!

    Point of advice? Check your undershorts.

  8. I remember HWAs article on "how Satan used makeup to get the church off track." It was so childishly manipulative, that I felt embarrassed being a member of such an organization.

  9. So when is the beginning of the real Biblical year? At the feast of tabernacles - Ex 23:16; 34:22. Not Ex 12:2 which can be translated as: chief of months: it shall be the most important month (chiefest) of the year to you (Bob, take notice). Exactly what day is the last day of the year and exactly what day is the first day of the next year? (Shock!) Don't know.

    Is the first day "Wednesday" when the year began in Gen 1? Or is the first day "Sunday" of creation week? What calendar? My best guess at the moment is creation week was Tishri 15-22. Doesn't have to be at the beginning of a month.

  10. Oh, good grief! This HWA teaching that women who wear makeup are all harlots is nonsense and more bible twisting. This was such a transparent ploy on his part to help him to control HIS lustful tendencies towards beautiful women. How did that little plan work out for him, hhmmm? If she were still alive, we could ask Dorothy. So did God change His mind about this? If so, Loma never got the Memo, but Ramona did. How patently absurd.

    This ridiculous doctrine is shared by Armstrongism, Adventism (who also throw in jewelry for good measure), JWs, Mormons and followers of William Branham. What do all these groups have in common? Could it be the "c" word?

    Grow up. Take a cold shower. Go buy your wife or girlfriend something shimmering and sparkling, for her face or her finger. Tell her she is beautiful with or without her makeup. I wear makeup every single day and am born again. I am not now, nor have I ever been a harlot. Makeup is not the gateway drug that leads to a career in pornography.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Just shut up about the whole pagan thing. If you are not worshipping or venerating nature or a pagan entity it is not pagan.

    1. Ya know what pagans used to do? Breathe air! And pee and poop in containers! And talk about the weather! and eat food with utensils! And play board and dice games! And sleep in raised beds (straight from Egypt)! PAGANISM OMG THE WORRRRRRRRRRLD!

    2. I mean, if you really want to be strict about it, Gawwwwwwwwwwd's WORD only has pagans using privy chambers, like only Pharoah and Herod celebrating birthdays. The law says you poop outside and cover it immediately, not use repeated-use facilities.

  13. Remember, pagan backwards is "nagap". But, it's not the only nag app for Armstrongites, who love to put down and nag anyone who has found freedom from the cherished heresies and conspiracy theories their bogus apostle used in his carefully concocted amalgamation.

    Silly savages! And they say we're bitter!

  14. It really shows how absolute power corrupts absolutely. HWA was really out of control his last few years after GTA's ouster and the false narrative of him "getting the church back on track." The same argument used to justify banning makeup could also be used about taking a bath. HWA blew money on worthless things like giving money to the Royal opera house just to buy an audience with Prince Charles. Reportedly there was dalliance's that would lead to his divorce from Ramona & prompted Jack Kessler's letter. Maybe Flurry will straighten things out when he assumes the Royal throne.

  15. This new UCG video aimed at the millennials is full of cringe. https://youtu.be/6pDkfPWRCKo
