Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Gerald Weston: Only the LCG Is Doing God's Work


"We are the only ones who understand..."

That broken record has been skipping in the same spot for decades. Just how many COG's out there do we need to each be claiming THEY and THEY ALONE are the one true work? They are just little blips on the internet and obscure cable network stations. None of them are doing public work that makes the public aware that they exist.

In LCG's annual year-end beg fest for more money from members and co-workers, LCG drags out the old phonograph and turns it on, and lo and behold, it skips in the same place as it has for decades.

Some experts from the letter:

Who would have ever guessed that Proverbs 24:11 was written specifically to describe the Living Church of God? Bob Thiel says the same thing. Dave Pack does too, and Gerald Flurry has been playing the same scratched record. All we have from these guys is a lot of chest-thumping and waving of their giggle sticks at each other.

The first page of the letter is all about the moral decline of this nation, that other broken record they have been screeching for decades.

The second page is the usual beg fest for money. Weston even trots out large money donors, thinking members will be impressed to know about these people.

I know you will be impressed to read about these people! If this doesn't make you whip out your checkbook and give more money, nothing else will!

The leader of the best Church of God in history (sorry, Bobbie Boy it's not you) ends his letter by reminding the faithful to put the church in your will.

Weston was so magnanimous that he even included a gift for the readers of his letter:

Letter submitted by an LCG source who had this to say:

Oh and on a side note, they say they have enclosed a little gift of a calendar with the letter....The only thing in the envelope was the letter and a donation envelope to send them money hahaha...you just can't make this stuff up.


  1. It must be hard being Bob Thiel. Always getting shoved to the sidelines or back burner by his former church. The poor little guy just never gets any respect!

  2. I have an honest question to ask.
    Does Gerald Weston really believe he is some special person appointed by God himself to lead his one and only true church of a few thousand people? Or does he actually knowingly deceive people and realize what he is doing?
    This question has troubled me for a long time.

  3. I have an honest question to ask.
    Does Gerald Weston really believe he is some special person appointed by God himself to lead his one and only true church of a few thousand people? Or does he actually knowingly deceive people and realize what he is doing?
    This question has troubled me for a long time.

  4. That broken record has been skipping in the same spot for decades.

    Nobody uses vinyl records anymore. And they are not called records, they are called CDs. Or MP3s. Or something else by now. Does anyone under 40 know what a broken record is?

    Let's just say the "fire-eyed" prophet who never gets it right.

  5. 12:28 said “ Nobody uses vinyl records anymore. And they are not called records, they are called CDs. Or MP3s. Or something else by now. ”

    I don’t know what planet you are on but vinyl records are the latest rage. CD’s are passé now. There are huge vinyl record stores in this area selling them.

  6. These letters get so much worse with time. I still don't know how I went so long without being able to see how disgusting and thinly veiled this all is. SMH

    Who ends a letter in the name of 'the gospel' with; 'God will love you more if you give me your stuff when you die.'?

  7. The old advertising hook! An "exclusive". So, come pay, pray, obey and stay!

    Reality? Just a bunch of old guys playing mud pies. Nothing there except vivid imagination, folks!

  8. What a waste of money, preaching Pervbert's discredited blend of Anglo-Israelism and Adventist-'Mark-of-the-Beast' paranoia.

    Don't they know HWA was a plagiarist!?

    What they are not telling the world is their top salaries at Charlotte!

    1. Plagiarist ? I recall hearing that before.

  9. That old "Never Before Understood" gets older by the year.

  10. I wish LCG members could understand they don’t need a church to be kind, considerate and loving. All I ever here from these churches is can’t you give more money. Lay a guilt trip on the members for not having their hearts in the work. There is no work being done!!! No charity, no helping someone who needs help. Tithing and making donations is a ploy to enable a few to live a life of luxury. I hope a few in LCG will spend their money on their family, have a nice family get together this weekend and have a loving, enjoyable Christmas.

  11. COG churches should make giving a tad more fun. Like having Casino Nights, with the COG being the house, and bringing in black jack, roulette, craps , poker tables etc.

    OR--- Raffles for your tithe money. You get one ticket or number, for every $100 you donate, and the winner each year, gets a new high end car and a free round trip on the churches jet to a location of choice.

    You will still lose money in these gigs, but it would be a lot more enjoyable!

  12. Gary, hope you have a nice enjoyable Christmas. Hope you get all those Rose Bowl floats decorated with lovely flowers. You always do an exceptional job.

  13. I have decorate 2 large churches while working Rose Parade duties. We deal with the Grand Marshall Gabby Gifford and her husband Senator Mark Kelly, both football conference officials, mayor and other dignitaries.

  14. So at the judgement, God will divide the sheep and the goats based on who gave money to LCG. Got it. This letter is perverted.

  15. No calendar? Good, has wrong dates.

  16. What always gets me about Deuteronomy 30:15-19 is the freedom given to people. God says to "choose life or choose death." There's inherent freedom in that. As in "walking" in His ways and "keeping" His commandments. By contrast in ACOG-land, members are stripped of as many of these freedoms that the ministers can get away with. My fist minister felt robbed if any member made a decision, since only he had the right to make decisions. Members are put under a magnifying glass and ministers follow them like dogs, being their resident critic and judge. .
    While I attended services, I envied the freedom that outsiders had. The bible says one find and church culture the exact opposite.

  17. "If you have included LCG in your will and you know you will die shortly, please contact Headquarters and let us know when we can expect these funds. If a church member you know is on track to die soon, please ask them if they have considered leaving all their earthly possessions to the Living Church of God"

  18. "If you have included LCG in your will and you know you will die shortly, please contact Headquarters and let us know when we can expect these funds. If a church member you know is on track to die soon, please ask them if they have considered leaving all their earthly possessions to the Living Church of God. Once you have included us in your will, please let us know and we will send you a complimentary cyanide cocktail, absolutely free, with no cost or obligation."

    Fixed it for you!

  19. These churches are run by dinosaurs who don't update their view of the world along with changing conditions. They still think Germany (with no Russian energy) will somehow create a massive military-industrial machine. Rubbish. It is Russia that has just launched a massive military build-up to counter NATO expansion. Russia and China will be the major powers. The West is debt-ridden and deindustrialized. Germany has no future, except to freeze in the dark.


  20. "Nobody uses vinyl records anymore"

    Are you kidding? Vinyl goes for 30-60 bucks a pop at the local Wally World and you can
    buy Bluetooth turntables to play them on.

  21. Brethren, If you are old and are going to die soon anyway, please consider the option of assisted transition. Why should the medical profession get all of God's money? In most cases, this will not even be a sacrifice, because you are already in pain, and a burden to your loved ones, in many cases loved ones who don't even keep the sabbath and are just waiting for you to die. This is probably the most profound manifestation of love you could possibly bestow upon God's Church and God's ministers!

    To the carnal mind, this request may seem cold, but truly converted people will recognize the love you are showing. It is so much better than being an organ donor (even if you were donating a Hammond B-3 organ with original Leslie speakers!) And, remember, you will wake up in the Kingdom! Show the love! All requests for assisted transition will be handled strictly confidentially, and not in any way like the gossip which comes from regular counselling with your local minister!

    Show that Philadelphian love! Call 1 (800) GET-DEAD today! Counsellors are on duty and await your call!

  22. Brethren, If you are old and are going to die soon anyway...

    Not as harsh as Dave Pack... some time ago he told the brethren that waiting for them to die and getting the will settled just takes too long -- give it all to me now!

  23. My parents who are LCG die hards won’t leave LCG in their will. Even they think this is taking it too far. There’s a few hundred thousand Gerald Weston won’t be getting his grubby mitts on.

  24. Of course give all your money to Dave Pack. Afterall, in the kingdom Christ will be sitting on the right hand of God, and Dave Pack will be sitting on His left hand.

  25. Anon 1:45 pm
    “Why should the medical profession get all of God’s money”? How does the medical profession get God’s money? Poor god, can’t over power the medical profession.

    To the person who wrote that post, you need an assisted transition very soon.

  26. 8.20 am
    Since you don't get 1.45 pm's point, try watching Splitting image on YouTube.

  27. We've seen the way Mr. Weston handles people's money. Or should I say mishandled people's money. There was a situation here in our congregation area where some nice people got together and collected a lot of money to try and buy a special piece of medical equipment for a disabled church member. When Gerald Weston found out about it he got his grubby mits on things and that poor member never did get whatever they had needed. Weston also gave a sermon about how people should not give money like that and how we should give it to the church instead. We've seen how Weston bribed people like Mike Elertson back in to LCG when he went to Mr. Bryce's enduring church of god. Weston said to us that everybody needs a capital incentive. so that says it. And that's just a few smallish examples.
