Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, December 23, 2022

Dave Pack: Christ Returns Bringing Salvation December 24 at 9:40 A.M. EDT


2022: Seven Years


In less than 24 hours, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God will fail again in a spectacular way. This will be an awful weekend for him, and not just because of the severe winter storm.


His imaginary construct for the return of Jesus Christ will NOT occur on Tevet 1, which begins sunset on December 24, 2022. Whether you calculate sunset Jerusalem time or local time, this will result in the same biblical event: a prophetic no-show.


This will be Dave’s worst Christmas ever. And for some in RCG, but only if they let it.


The first Tevet 1 declaration was on November 5, 2022, during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 403).”


@ 12:12 We’re gonna begin to prove in absolute certainty that the Day of the Lord is the first day of Tevet…And therefore, the Kingdom of God comes one month before that.


According to the latest messages, the Day of the Lord now falls on New Year's Eve, and the Kingdom of God arrives on Tevet 1. Maybe that is only a minor quibble, as unveiling the Mystery of God is a slow process that requires a lot of patience and a lot of faith over seven painful years.


Before you get excited, remember that this was also the message Dave got on his haunches, being so confident of his own bellowing.


@ 01:51 Now, more than ever, I can tell you this: Salvation will come in November 2022.


Ouch. The words of David C. Pack do not age well. There are volumes of foolish quotes that should embarrass everyone in RCG. They were delivered with hubristic confidence, but all have been proven utterly false.


Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 18:34 I believe that [Tammuz 1] no less certainly than I believe the seventh day is the Sabbath.


Part 385 – July 30, 2022

@ 08:27 …I’m gonna prove absolutely, incontrovertibly straight out of your Bible over and over again that the only possible day for the Day of the Lord is, in fact, the Feast of Trumpets.


Part 386 – August 2, 2022

@ 13:39 Because we have to see Christ by next Sunday.


Part 394 – September 24, 2022

@ 39:15 So, you’re blessed when you get to a day. At 11:33 tomorrow, you’ve made it.


Part 398 – October 10, 2022

@ 3:56 …now, this is a very dramatic statement, the Kingdom will arrive at dawn in Jerusalem day two of the Feast.


Part 405 – November 16, 2022

@ 00:52 The Series will be over. So, because of timing, I think we all know that this could readily be called “Final Part Number 405.”


David C. Pack lies.

David C. Pack is not a man of his word.

David C. Pack is 100% wrong 100% of the time.



Are these opinions or facts?


A simple passing of time forced this conclusion.



Dave has made a big deal about the Series going on for seven years. Seven long years.


“The Greatest Story Never Told! (Part 1)” was given on November 14, 2015.


The more significant date is Part 8: December 26, 2015.


This was the day that David C. Pack declared That Prophet was Elijah, NOT Jesus Christ. Since he had announced that he was Elijah on January 24, 2015, he was now also That Prophet.


This was the day RCG “broke” for me. This was the day David C. Pack became a false apostle. This was the day David C. Pack took a title belonging to Jesus Christ onto himself. That process only accelerated.


Looking back, I now realize this was when The Restored Church of God became The Restored Church of Another god. It took me a long time to recognize that.



Like many others who left RCG, I have tried to wrap my mind around what went wrong and what God is doing. Monday is the seventh anniversary of "Elijah is That Prophet," and the timing is fascinating to consider since Dave went "all in" for a December 24/25 return of Jesus Christ.


Could that just be a coincidence? Absolutely. The Magic 8 Ball is not making proclamations.


While trying to make sense of what happened with Dave and RCG, I looked to the Bible to find parallels and types. Some pop off the page and almost gives you chills.


Those in RCG do not endure sound doctrine but have itching ears. They turned away from the truth toward fables. There have been seven years of fables called "The Greatest Untold Story!" These people are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men who use cunning craftiness. The enabling clouds are without water living in their cieled Campus houses. The hirelings care not for the sheep.


David C. Pack is a false prophet. Every sign and wonder has not come to pass, and he has admitted he speaks presumptuously. Therefore, God did not send him, and we should not be afraid of him.


David C. Pack is a type of King Saul. He was head and shoulders above the others. A “mighty man” leading God’s people. A king who caused his own men to sin. A king full of arrogance, disobeying Samuel by sacrificing unlawfully and taking an office to himself. His kingdom was torn from him. Saul was vexed by dark spirits and had murder in his heart. His end was not good.


The Man of Sin sits in the temple of God, and nobody sits more than David C. Pack. Though, he has tried to reverse that recently by standing since Part 398 on October 10. Keep an eye on how long that lasts.


The Foolish Shepherd of Zechariah 11 does not seek the ones who have wandered off, does not heal the broken, nor does he feed those that stand before him. Instead, he eats the flesh of the fat. That sounds eerily familiar.


Nebuchadnezzar surveyed his vast empire and said, “Look at this I have built.” God cursed him as a wild beast of the field with dew upon his back while he ate grass. For seven years. David C. Pack has been a spiritual wild beast speaking nonsense for seven years. If there was hope for Nebuchadnezzar to repent, there is hope for David C. Pack.


There are many more examples in the Bible that could be stated. But you get the point. The Bible is a living book that is so alive when you hold it as a light on David C. Pack and The Restored Church of God.



On Saturday, December 24 at 9:40 AM EDT, Jesus Christ will NOT bring salvation to The Restored Church of God because Tevet 1 occurs “in the midst of the years," beginning the Kingdom of God on a Sunday Christmas.


This will not happen. Call me Debbie Downer, but that is a fact.


After this failure, where does Dave go? Is 2023 going to be a rinse-and-repeat of pushing every two weeks all year?


If you look at the Bible pattern and what he has already said, the next big step is for him to hear an utterance from God. This will happen while he is on his knees in prayer. He will hear an audible voice and he will not be making it up.


A day will come when David C. Pack announces to RCG that God spoke to him. That is when it gets really serious for everyone. What that voice says could be an entire “What If?” article. The trajectory of The Restored Church of God is headed down this road. The groundwork has already been laid.


Seven years of the Series. Seven years of failed dates. Seven years of excuses. Seven years of prophetic schizophrenia. Seven years of lies. Seven years of Elijah as That Prophet.


Seven years of David C. Pack building himself up to be some great one.


Will there be seven more?

Marc Cebrian

See: 2022: Seven Years


  1. Even if you flip a coin, the odds of calling the correct outcome are 50%. What does that tell you about a prophet (false) who nails it
    wrong 100% of the time?

  2. 7 years of prosperity for dave as cash cow, but then comes 7years of famine? In pharaoh's dream the lean cows ate the fat cows. Look at dave today - a gaunt, angry, evil old man, a ranting raving lunatic full of himself. Made obese on the tithes and offerings of the sheeple but all in vain. Hopefully someone will have the courage to tell him "give it a rest!"

  3. Spiritual madness knows no bounds.

  4. What a great schtick he's got going:
    Every time he announces a new apocalypse, more rubes hand in all their money!

  5. It's 8:40 EDT, one hour to go and counting.

    To repeat a parodied line from a Policy Academy movie, Go ahead, make my Christmas!

  6. It would be wise and safe to assume that "David C Passover" means, in fact, that whatever he says, just pass over it. You'll live longer and save a bundle.

  7. It's 10:00 EDT. Was I left behind? Should I keep on counting, or wait for the new time because "we" were wrong again?

  8. I wonder if believing that Jesus is going to return each time Dave says he is has become the criteria for determining how deeply converted the members of RCG are. There is no Biblical example or precedent in which God put His people on such a see saw. The prophets or leaders conveyed God's message, it came to pass, and it was considered to be proof or confirmation that God alone was true, and unlike the pagan false gods that other cultures of the day worshipped.

    Part of the dna of Armstrongism is its incessant claim to be the only true church. Before the massive failure of 1975, the understanding of prophecy was considered to be proof of that. It was a defining difference between Armstrongism and other Christian churches, and the members had great faith in what HWA taught about prophecy. I cannot fathom how, but the people who have remained part of Armstrongism have continued to have great faith in this aspect of their religion despite nearly fifty years of failure. It's still the carrot which no member has been able to successfully bite. Armstrongism was always a "save your ass" religion, and thousands of members died after having lived a greatly diminished life without circumstances ever reaching critical mass to the point where their asses even needed saving.

    David Pack is certainly using HWA's cheap, antequated advertising hook in crazy, way out of balance, self-defeating ways. You just have to wonder why. Constantly being wrong does not inspire confidence. He's got to know that.

    Is there a cartoonist amongst us? I imagine a caricature of Dave, sitting at his desk, holding his Bible, with the caption being "Hi, My name is Mr. Pack. For Lent I am giving up prophecy!"

  9. "I cannot tell anything but lies"


    Sing to the tune of YAKETY YAK , the Coasters 1958

    This crazy man called Davey Pack
    Aint no doubt that the mans a quack
    Your elders are used to feeling bribed

    No Kislev came as described...
    Yackety yack QUIT DAVE PACK!

    A man possesed by his own greed
    Ignored his church's desperate need
    We aint gonna cut you any slack...

    Your palace will become a shack
    Yackety yack QUIT DAVE PACK!

    Your predictions keep rolling in
    Your own church knows u cannot win
    Dont get too comfy in your pad...

    We all know that you are mad...
    Yackety yack Quit Dave Pack!

  11. Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 7:38:00 AM PST said, "Is there a cartoonist amongst us? I imagine a caricature of Dave, sitting at his desk, holding his Bible, with the caption being "Hi, My name is Mr. Pack. For Lent I am giving up prophecy!"

    MY COMMENT - Yes! As a matter of fact, there is a cartoonist amongst us! His name is Bobby Thiel who claims God has given the gift of animation to his Continuing Church of God. Bobby Thiel features himself morphing into a cartoon character whom we all know as "Cartoon Bob". Since we know Bobby Thiel monitors Banned by HWA regularly, perhaps he can morph himself into Cartoon Bob and make a Daved Pack cartoon animation along the lines you suggest. it would be hilarious.

    Cartoon Bob is very entertaining.


  12. It's been said before here on Banned but should be repeated. Matthew 24:36 reads "But of that DAY and HOUR knoweth no man, not the angels in heaven. but my Father only."

    Matthew 24:36 doesn't read "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, not the angels in heaven, but my Father only and some clown named Dave Pack".

    At this point, people in Restored Church of God must be completely brain dead, no longer reading their Bibles and have forgotten these words of Jesus.

