Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, December 24, 2022

RCG: Why Are There No Ministers Left In RCG With Integrity?


On Saturday, December 24 at 9:40 AM EDT, 

Jesus Christ will bring salvation to The Restored Church of God 

David C Pack

Well, here we are, it is 10:49 am on the West Coast and Christ has not manifested himself to Dave Pack nor appeared in Wadsworth to walk the sacred grounds of the property. This means it is early afternoon in Wadsworth and Restored Church of God members are dejected and disappointed once again. They swallowed his lie believing that what Dave was saying was true.

Around Dave is his council of 16 men, men are supposed to be men of integrity and men of high moral and ethical standards, the pinnacle of what a true minister of God should be. Yet, there they sit listing to Dave ramble on in another sermon about why God has been playing with Dave and testing him with false dates. 

Many of them know deep down that most of what Dave says is a blatant lie, yet they sit there nodding their heads as they copiously take notes so Dave is impressed by them. After church, they may pat a few dejected members on their shoulders and tell them to keep the faith and then walk out the door and head down the street to their church-owned home all warm and toasty with blessings of food and family surrounding them, leaving all their concerns on their front steps or outside in the snow. After all, this nice home with a well-stocked kitchen and a steady paycheck is far more important than being men of integrity by taking a stand and calling Dave out as a liar and a false prophet.

These same guys have sat through years of Dave's rants with everything he has uttered being a total failure and yet they do nothing. They sit there and think it is ok for Dave to publicly state that he hardly sees his wife at times because he is such a dedicated servant of God and spends all of his hours in his office studying. Hours that have been a total waste of time and hours taken away from quality time with his wife.

Sadly, as the Churches of God inch closer to the 37th anniversary of Herbert Armstrong's death and their apostasy from the mother church, there are fewer men with real integrity left in any of the COGs. Worshipping their paycheck more than the Christ they "claim" to be following, these men sit there and watch as false prophets and liars wreak havoc with the members. Members they are supposed to be shepherds of, protecting, feeding, and caring for them.

Are there any real men with integrity left in the ministry?


  1. The simple answer is "no, there are no men of integrity or ministers in dave's pack!" Why?...the "men" handed dave their balls (if they ever had any) years ago in exchange for being made false ministers. dave can't ordain true ministers, as dave is a false minister. Now dave's boys are waiting for him to die or be institutionalized...and they will try to salvage their grandiose lifestyles...maybe auction off dave's piece of paradise....and take the money and run before the banks notice. Change their names, move somewhere warm... Or maybe follow dave's grand pattern of fraud...start their own sliver group(s) maybe preach something less bizarre than what dave has been doing since 2010..or maybe not!

    Maybe Vernia should pull a Ramona Martin..File for divorce...take the money and run! She made a deal with the devil when she and dave decided to hook up. She went into it with eyes wide open...

  2. And Dave's ministers will cast lots for his horse.

  3. Integrity is not running rampant at Headquarters. Sell your house, give the money to RCG, and get ordained. A pretty sweet deal for some.

    I tend to think all the men with integrity already left the building. Self-serving interests is what keeps those enablers at Headquarters. One man may be toughing it out so he and his family doesn't get shipped back to Africa. Two elderly men are not active ministers and are in poor health, so who can blame them? (They are not listed in articles.)

    DCP can be voted out of his corporate position. There is a real Board of Directors who have that power, but choose not to exercise it. If Brad were to head a coup, he could pull it off. But, he chooses not to. The other men choose not to. They choose to say silent and collect the paycheck.

    How few righteous will remain in the city before God destroys it? Abraham was a wise man of compassion and courage. He may have lied about his wife being his sister, but the guy stood up when lives were at stake.

    This is NOT the case in RCG.

    1. There's no integrity at headquarters.
      I ran into some trouble with my ‘minister’ and Bradford started lying to prove my ‘minister’ right. Before I knew it, ALL ministers (including Dave) lied along with him.. Lang story short; I got kicked out, my loved ones pressured by Dave and his pack of Wolves to shun me. It hurts, even now writing this.

      And I still consider myself the lucky one, despite the pain and frustration. Because I escaped.

  4. From what we know or can see from a distance, this is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If Dave continues down the rabbit hole, gradually the RCG will fall apart as more and more come to their senses and leave. The problem is RCG is a personality cult, based on Dave. So, if the board were to exercise its legal options, and to sack Dave, the next in line would most likely preside over a catastrophic slide into oblivion, even more rapidly than the one in play as a result of Dave's continued antics. Dave, like it or not, is figuratively both the accelerator, and the brakes. With Dave in control, soft landing. With someone else suddenly in charge, and there would most likely be some infighting amongst the candidates, I believe we'd see a crash landing. Would that be a bad thing? From our perspective, no. Another Armstrong cult bites the dust. But, there would be tremendous angst and confusion amongst the members. The human toll could be devastating. And, that's another reason why God hates toxic cults!

  5. “RCG: Why Are There No Ministers Left In RCG With Integrity?”

    Maybe all their “integrity” got bought out.

  6. And yet, here you are buttercup! What a fool!
