Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Satan Disrupts Winter Family Weekend!!!!

Usually, that bad boy Satan takes his anger out on the true church around Feast or Passover time. This year he has upped his game and is now attacking Winter Family Weekends! Being that WFW's are the Churches of God alternate version of Christmas, even this event can't come under scrutiny from Satan.

The Lexington, Kentucky WFW site has had all kinds of issues. First, it was the snowmageddon that is wreaking havoc across the midwest, then the boiler at the hotel burst flooding the conference hall. Then to add misery to the already miserable situation, the power went out!

Satan is NOT happy!

From Facebook:

From a Banned reader


  1. The fact that any of those people were out traveling in this kind of weather demonstrates they lack clear judgment capabilities.

  2. Britton Taylor spoke at the COGWA Winter Family Weekend today in a sweater, blue jeans and boots.

    He said American Airlines lost his luggage between DFW and Muhammad Ali Airport in Louisville.

    So with no suit or tie, and a borrowed Bible, he was allowed to present a seminar as scheduled, anyway.

    It must have been OK, because President Franks was there and spoke this afternoon. (In a suit and tie.)

    If others in COGWA are ever told they can't lead a prayer or songs at services because they "aren't dressed right", they should bring up this day.

  3. That banned reader shall be hunted down.

  4. Well one has to wonder why do we need a winter family weekend at the exact same time the world is celebrating Christmas. It is the very thing Mr. hwa would rail against saying come out of her my people. Saying up 90% of you don't get it and he was right. The leaders of cogwa and united and a few other splinter groups must have the winter solstice weekend.
    But we do it for the children what a crock but we do it because people are off work and school. No, you do it because you want to be like the rest of the world. These hireling ministers are no more converted than my left shoe. One has to ask is much of the ministry the tares that are mentioned in Matthew and also same type in Isaiah 56 10- 12. We will all have to stand before the judgement seat of Christ. I know I have a lot to explain for all my sins.

    1. Your left shoe? Is the right shoe converted then? Do you bear the burden of one unconverted shoe? In most cases, is the unconverted shoe pleased to dwell?

  5. The W.A...

    You comment as if you believe Brit Taylor was lying and just decided to wear a sweater and jeans because he wanted to. Or maybe, just maybe, he was telling the truth and was making the best of a bad situation. If you've ever seen the man, you'd know his size would make it a bit difficult to find someone to borrow a jacket from and dress shirt from...

  6. How does this work? Did Satan attack his own practice? Or is the WInter Family Weekend actually approved by God and mean ol' Satan's just trying to undermine it?

  7. UCG was a fraud since day one.

  8. Anonymous Dec. 24 at 4:38 declares: "UCG was a fraud since day one."

    Many, many religious people have assured me that all religions originate in either fraud or error, with the exception of their own.

    I always agree with such people, without exception.

  9. Well one has to wonder why do we need a winter family weekend

    When I was in Sydney Australia in the 70's they had a summer beach camp between Christmas and New Year. The Pastor said he was immune to Christmas and that on the 25th one would have to tell him it was Christmas day or he wouldn't know.
    Funny I heard that when the Tkatch changes came he went along with them and probably "remembered" Christmas. And Easter. And Sunday.

  10. The winter family weekend was a Church tradition that pre-dates the Splinter ACOGs with origins dating back to the early 1970s during my time in the Worldwide Church of God. I can't speak for other local congregations, but I remember well the Washington, D.C. WCG congregation use to have Church dances every year on or around December 25 starting in the 1970s. I remember we had a preaching elder named Glen Purdy who played in the church band. The dances were often themed. One in particular was Hawaiian themed. Pastor Ken Westby came costumed as a Hawaiian King. Brethren, particularly singles, would come from all over parts of the Eastern US to attend. In the Baltimore, Maryland WCG congregation, sometime in the mid 1970s the Church would hold Church basketball games during the week between Christmas and New Year's.

    From my perspective, the Winter Family Weekend is nothing new and has been going on even during my time (1968 - 1976) in the WCG while Herbert Armstrong was alive. What I am finding interesting is that some of the people who now hold top leadership positions in COGWA are people who were in the Washington, D.C./Baltimore, Maryland WCG congregations at one time or another during my time in the WCG. Apparently, they still perpetuate the Winter Church events around Christmas that originated in my local WCG congregations in the early 1970s. Brit Taylor, for example, was a ministerial assistant in Washington, D.C. (I don't remember his rank at the time) who later was given his own Church to Pastor when Hagerstown, Maryland WCG congregation was created. Doug Horchak was ministerial trainee in Washington, D.C. Dee Finlay, who married Clyde Kilough, came from the Washington, D.C. Church. Arnold Hampton was a minister in the Baltimore, Maryland Church. COGWA Board member Larry Salyer replaced Ken Westby in Washington when Westby was removed during the Rebellion of 1974.

    A little bit of WCG history that I thought I would share. The name Brit Taylor caught my attention in an earlier post. I went to the COGWA website and was surprised to see some familiar names and faces from my WCG past. Almost half of the COGWA administration and Board listed on their website did time in the Washington/Baltimore WCG Church circuit during my time attending WCG. They are merely continuing a tradition that had origins in my local WCG congregations.


  11. I guess my question is this! If you are going to make this a thing, why not go all the way in co-opting and sublimating the holiday? Use it to actually celebrate Jesus! As it is, these winter weekends are half hide away protest, and half providing little Johnny and Karen with material for "What I did for the holidays" in school.

    Personally, all these years later, my inner Jew still resurfaces each December. I tried to get back into it for different wives and girlfriends over the years, but the HWAcaca does a permanent number on your head, killing off one's innate humanity, taking you in distinctly nonChristian directions. You can act the parts from a logic standpoint, but they've pretty much killed off many of the good things that were originally in the heart that one was born with. That's what a cult does to you.

  12. The one thing none of the churches with Winter Family Weekends will do is actually give a sermon about Jesus during the weekend. Never heard one over all the years. That’s where they draw the line I guess.

  13. Lake of Fire Church of God at 8:11 AM said...“From my perspective, the Winter Family Weekend is nothing new and has been going on even during my time (1968 - 1976) in the WCG while Herbert Armstrong was alive.”

    Ah, yes, the 1970s, when some people were watering things down and trying to get as close to the world as possible while keeping one foot inside the church. Herbert W. Armstrong tried to put the church “back on track” after that.

  14. @ 2:55.... You comment as if you believe Brit Taylor was lying...

    That was not my intent. I have no reason to doubt that happened. It happened to me one summer weekend years ago.

    Except I had a T-shirt and shorts on and knew I couldn't wear that to a COG service. So I stayed away.

    My point is that I doubt any "lay member" would be allowed to speak at a regular COGWA service - especially a big event like WFW - wearing what he wore. And he called his message a "sermon" twice, when it was really a seminar.

    Oh yes... and he said at the end, "I believe it's time for lunch" (which it was on the schedule), without leading a prayer about it.

    President and Pastor

    June 13, 1978

    Dear Co-Workers and Brethren in Christ,

    Just as the invisible adversary Satan has been leading this world toward the final violent WORLD CRISIS at the CLOSE of this age—so the same insidious and subtle unseen adversary has been seeking to destroy GOD'S CHURCH!

    Satan has been doing his utmost to deceive and mislead God's Church into SECULARISM—into material and worldly interests—into going as far as possible into THIS EVIL WORLD'S ways, while we may still try to keep one foot in God's Church so that we may make it into THE KINGDOM OF GOD. This Church has been IN MORTAL DANGER!

    But in the past four to six weeks JESUS CHRIST has been moving dynamically to thwart Satan's subtile deception WITHIN GOD'S CHURCH.

    First, Christ the living HEAD of this Church SET THE CHURCH BACK ON THE TRACK of BIBLE ORGANIZATION. NOW our Leader, Christ, is moving dynamically to AWAKEN His Church from this secular drift— to get us back on the track SPIRITUALLY in CLOSENESS TO GOD!

  16. Sounds to me like there are a lot of self righteous people who think they know it all. I attend COGWA now after 11 long hard years in the Restored Church of God, who just had the last failed prophesy return of Jesus Christ for 2022 and who are destroying all who are still in there, stealing as much money as they can from all who will give it. Attending COGWA since August of this year and surviving the apostasy from WWCG and Restored Church of God, I can tell you that I have not found a single thing that is being preached that is against Bible teachings. So all who are making negative comments about this Church of God, should go back to their Bibles and learn about humility and remember that: "God would have all men to be saved", if He could!!!

  17. Unknown,Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 1:37:00 AM PST, wrote:

    "...Sounds to me like there are a lot of self righteous people who think they know it all. I attend COGWA now after 11 long hard years in the Restored Church of God, who just had the last failed prophesy return of Jesus Christ for 2022 and who are destroying all who are still in there, stealing as much money as they can from all who will give it. Attending COGWA since August of this year and surviving the apostasy from WWCG and Restored Church of God, I can tell you that I have not found a single thing that is being preached that is against Bible teachings. So all who are making negative comments about this Church of God, should go back to their Bibles and learn about humility and remember that: "God would have all men to be saved", if He could!!!
    "...if He could!!!..."

    What means that?

    It's a plan that God is working out:

    "For God [is] my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth." Psalm 74:12

    And the Apostle Paul was inspired to tell us the outcome:

    "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;..." 2 Cor 5:19

    There is no woulda/coulda about it, but God must work out that reconciling.

    Is it true that God by the power of His Spirit through His Son (I Cor 8:6), Christ, will/shall reconcile the world unto Himself?

    Time will tell...

