Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Restored Church of God: Dave Pack Continues To Stall


David C. Pack Is Stalling


After seven weeks of build-up, Jesus Christ did not return on December 24 at 9:40 AM EDT.


The night before, Member Services posted the announcement of “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 411)” to be given by David C. Pack on Christmas Eve. That actually happened.


You will shake your head if you listen to the whole 81 minutes. Wow. How stupid does he assume the people of The Restored Church of God are?


Pretty stupid.



Imagine you discover your spouse committed adultery a week ago. The spouse tells you how riveting the story will be. You will come to appreciate how right on track your marriage is if you are willing to be a little more patient. So, you agree to sit for 81 minutes and hear them out.


The spouse tells you how awful parking was that night. The service at the restaurant was terrible. The meal was overcooked and overpriced. The conversation was okay, but not what the spouse hoped for. The “clicking” was not happening as it did on the phone, but more wine helped with that. The spouse did not really want to be there, but those were the circumstances that were dealt. So, they made the best of it.


The hotel lost the reservation, and the only room available had a full-sized bed in a smoking room. Not ideal, but the facts being as they were, they went with it. The pillows were short and squishy. The mattress slumped in the middle big-time. The toilet made a gurgling sound all night and the shower water in the morning never got quite hot enough.


Work was a bear the next day. The spouse was not well-rested and had to blow off a client to leave the office early. It was a remarkable coincidence that you got home from the overnight with your parents at exactly the same time your spouse got home from the office. And life went on.


That story takes up 81 minutes of your time. You ask your spouse, “But what about the adultery? Why did you do it? Who is this other person?”


The spouse responds, “Huh?”



That is David C. Pack during Part 411 explaining why Jesus Christ did not return on Tevet 1.


What about Tevet 1 on Christmas not happening again until 2068? – Huh

What about Tevet 1 on Christmas on a Sunday not happening again until 2136? – Huh

What about Jesus Christ only being able to return on Tevet 1 or Tammuz 1? – Huh

What about “in the midst of the years” being crucial? – Huh

What about “touching the day” being a Sabbath? – Huh

What about “rushing to call out a final message?” – Huh

What about God hating Christmas more than any other holiday? – Huh

What about the Two Witnesses preaching during the Christmas season? – Huh

What about God’s servant knowing his message is finished? – Huh

What about the Series being inspired preaching? – Huh

What about the entirety of the last seven weeks? – Huh

What about “if this doesn’t happen, it was a ruse by God?” – Huh

Why didn’t God’s Kingdom come yesterday? – Huh

What is the new date for the return of Jesus Christ? – Huh


Dave touches on NONE of those topics during Part 411. It is a master class in gaslighting.


It would also be of little comfort to remind the audience of what was said one week ago.


Part 410 – December 17, 2022

@ 1:44:21 Now, if Tevet 2 comes without Jesus Christ, I just wanna say something very plainly. I want everybody to hear me. I’ll have no idea the year God’s Kingdom comes. I won’t…I’ve stress-tested the living daylights outta this picture. I have no idea. There wouldn’t be a 411 explaining something.


@ 1:48:28 If the Mystery of God is not over…I wouldn’t know how to explain it.


The words of David C. Pack do not age well.



Does he offer any remorse, shame, or responsibility for salvation not coming the day before? Ha. That’s funny. Except that is not funny.


Part 411 – December 24, 2022

@ 00:57 I’ll open as I did a week ago. All is still well. We are still on track. The Mystery of God is not ended.


@ 01:48 And we’re gonna look at a lotta wonderful things today. Really exciting. I can’t wait to get this all out to you. Have a certain amount we have to cover because I think I’ll need a message Tuesday, as well.


@ 36:01 I hope all of this inspires you and you never see this little extra wait as a problem again.


By thirty-six minutes into the message, those paying attention should realize that David C. Pack was stalling. He was not addressing the latest failure but throwing new shiny stuff to keep people distracted.


After closely examining these messages for the past eight months, this is the first one that screamed, “Dave is stalling.” If you listen to the topics he covers, it amounts to smoke and mirrors. Not even street magician-level tricks. Part 411 is watching a YouTube video in your bedroom practicing in front of a mirror skill level. You can see the ball between his fingers. You can see the card move under his sleeve. You can still see string poking out of his breast pocket.


Part 411 is that bad.


Dave assumes the members of RCG are pretty stupid, and he pushes through with that assumption. He ignores the reason anyone endured the harsh cold to hear him. Nope. Not going to address it. But here is a bunch of other stuff to fill the timeslot.


Speaking on December 24 was pure Damage Control. No substance. Just a fluffy, hollow spin so Brian Jackson and Larry Cockshutt would not have to endure a silent night after a severe failure.


@ 54:59 On Tuesday, I'ma blow your mind with what I've learned. We're right on track. Trust me. Just believe me. I've found a smoking gun and a gold standard to know exactly when the 10 days begin.


Dave was not ready to explain what went wrong because he had no answers. He knew this but refused to admit it. This is all placation. He knew he could not get through Christmas without saying SOMETHING. And Part 411 is full of some things.


This is the appearance of leadership. This is the impression of confidence. This is the illusion of knowledge. The ruse by Dave’s god continues in the hopes of holding off any further resignations until after Tuesday. He knows those on the fence are willing to hang on for a few days. Then, after a new date is given on Tuesday, they will continue to hang on for a few more days.


This technique has worked since spring. Why stop now?


@ 1:11:05 I don't mean to be a tease. It'll be kind of a little bit of a thing I wanna tell ya. Just to put us on track. We're gonna have an amazing message on Tuesday. Maybe a little shorter than this one…


@ 1:12:03 …let's just review a couple things just to be sure nobody gets discouraged and has any doubt we're right on track. I'm gonna tell you amazing things on Tuesday, and you'll know that then there's no more time for anything else.


I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.


David C. Pack is stalling. His comforting reassurance is an empty food wrapper. You may be starving, but there are not even bits of melted cheese or sauce to lick.


Part 411 is like a meeting that was scheduled solely to keep everyone in the office. By the time it is over, the central purpose is never covered, and the boss skips out the door before you realize it was a hoax.


Dave knows how to eat time. He says many words hoping the audience does not catch on that he did not admit to failing the day before. If he can make it to his car without getting stopped in the hallway, it will be a good evening.


He did not give any answers because he had none. If he had them, he would have said them.



People are leaving RCG, and Dave is not happy. He repeats a ridiculously audacious concept.


The mindset of those leaving The Restored Church of God is the same as those who want to murder the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11.


If you think this is an exaggeration, do not skim these quotes.


@ 04:10 And some among us have gotten tired. They didn’t want to be “a people prepared for the Lord.”


@ 04:53 Now, today, people cannot kill me because they don't wanna hear anymore. But they can bail out. And many do.


The people of Revelation 11 are tired of the bad news the Two Witnesses bring, so they murder them. The people inside RCG get tired of Dave never getting it right, so they leave. How is that the same?


@ 05:28 So, obviously, people can get tired. Now or later. And blow it. Much easier for us, really. And people still wouldn’t bear with it. Easier days. Simpler. But many still got tired and quit.


He said “many” twice. I cannot help but wonder if this was a slip-up. There must be enough leaving to get under his skin because he brings it up a few times.


@ 07:29 Others wanna kill the Two Witnesses and shut off the bad news. Kill the messengers. So, I hope that helps you maybe understand some who left us. They didn’t care. They didn’t wanna be enlightened. It’s easy to see.


Nobody leaves RCG because they “don’t care.” They leave because David C. Pack is a false apostle and false prophet who sets a date for their salvation that never comes. Like on Friday.


@ 08:01 And people [in Revelation 11] say, “I’ve had enough of them.” Then, it’s pretty easy to understand people who would sit among us and bail out because they first tuned out and said, "I don't want this anymore." And they go out to the devil’s world.


Leaving RCG is akin to murdering the Two Witnesses because they are tired. Dave is desperate to discredit any logical reason to resign. Every motivation he can accept is evil. Sadly, some in the audience will buy into that.


@ 35:09 Idn't it sad some people tuned out? They didn't stay long enough to learn this. The greatest things that we learned, we learned at the very end of the Series.


Would you believe me if I said you did not miss anything? You could skip Part 411 entirely, and your Christian walk would be as rich and full as possible. He says nothing of consequence. He gives no wisdom that you can use in any meaningful way. Nothing.


A message from him is as spiritually nutritious as plastic fruit.


David C. Pack is an empty well. A cloud without water. A fountain that only knows how to be bitter.


@ 1:07:15 …and the slow-pokes, the hard-heads are gonna go on, and some of them'll get killed, and they'll wake up in the long haul just like some saints have to go through the whole ten days [Day of the Lord]. Don’t get the Petra off-ramp [Place of Safety]…And they’ll be some just like those who bailed outta this Series who blow off the Two Witnesses. They'll be some like that later on who will bomb, and it won’t make any difference…They die blaspheming God.


The unsound thinking behind these concepts is staggering. The possibility that he is directly at fault for departures cannot be entertained, or it will shatter his fragile snowflake reality the spineless Headquarters enablers polish. Shame on the whole lot of them.



@ 55:58 The 1335 is not what we are waiting for, and it's spectacular news for all of you to understand…It is not for us.


Dave reverts to the Worldwide Church of God understanding taught by Herbert W. Armstrong. The 1335 is way into the future and not a part of God's plan for RCG, but is for their relatives later.


How many percentage points does this restore to HWA’s prophetic understanding? Is the “generous” 5% now a “solid” 5%? Dave did not say. We could hope for 7% because that is the biblical number for completion and would be a big deal.


@ 57:56 You’ll be amazed at how simple it became once it was time for God to show it.


Unless this is just another ruse by Dave's god, that is. Given the pattern of history, it is likely.


@ 1:10:14 So, that is the mystery of the 1335. You know, when you run into all of this new knowledge, I made some mistakes. One of them was I shoulda left the 1335 exactly where it was.


Whoopsie-Daisy. Dave first meddled with the 1335 with his 8-part sermon “The 1,335 Days of the Son of Man,” which started on March 12, 2011. Note that they cannot be found in the Member Services Sermon Library. 



What Dave taught for twenty-five minutes is presented as a flaccid excuse for the Friday no-show. But he presents it in a way that avoids directly addressing it.


@ 34:29 I hope you are as inspired as I am when I read these descriptions of what God's people would be like. I don't know how the Book of Revelation, as much as I wanted the Kingdom not this week, I wanted it last week. I wanted it a year ago and three years ago…But, until you get through all of these things…the Mystery of God has not expired…These are big things for people prepared for the Lord to learn.


Words fall from Dave's mouth, and he does not fathom what he is really saying.


The implication is Part 411 was REQUIRED for salvation because Jesus Christ COULD NOT return until the members of RCG learned this information.


Call me a skeptic, but I have trouble believing that. Since I heard the whole thing, my vote of “no confidence” hovers between 90-95%.


It seems impossible to believe anyone inside RCG was remotely satisfied with the content of Part 411. Especially considering the “why-how-what’s next” was deliberately not covered.


If only Dave conducted an anonymous 3x5 card poll of the audience to ask them, “Now that you heard the content of Part 411, do you agree Jesus Christ could not have returned until we understood all of this?” He does not do that in RCG because he knows the results would sour the rest of his weekend.



@ 04:10 And some among us have gotten tired. They didn’t want to be “a people prepared for the Lord.”


@ 35:05 These are big things for people prepared for the Lord to learn.


Preparing a people for the Lord used to mean building holy, righteous character in RCG. But now it means understanding prophecy. If I were the devil, I would love to have it so.


Since this “knowledge” changes every week, brethren will spend decades never getting a stable answer. If you keep their minds away from building character but instead distract them by what "the little book" is or how long "a little season" is, or what the “falling stars” of Revelation are, they will NEVER get fully prepared.


If the people are not prepared, then Jesus Christ cannot return. If I were the devil, then "The Greatest Unending Story!" is precisely what I would want, and David C. Pack would totally be the right guy for the job.



Someone in the comments section will be tickled pink to know Dave mentioned the Fast of Tevet 10 that began when Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem. Tevet 10 is January 3, 2023. Dave might have let the cat out of the bag. We will know for sure on Tuesday.


But that depends on how much longer he needs to dilly-dally, which could be tied to the number of resignations that flood inboxes today and Monday.


Part 411 is an incredible example of David C. Pack stalling.


He bought himself some time. He did a little Damage Control. He demonized those that had already left as a warning to the on-the-fencers. He spoke many words about prophetic ideas that have zero implications for those seeking salvation.


And all the while, he did not have to address why Friday morning failed after driving it hard for seven weeks. He was banking on a mass outbreak of Stiff-person syndrome, or he thinks the members of The Restored Church of God are pretty stupid.


For those trapped inside The Restored Church of God, you need to quit stalling and get out while you still can.


For anyone who would like assistance with their exit letters, reach out at exrcgwebsite@gmail.com. I would be happy to assist and I will keep your information confidential.

Marc Cebrian

See: David C Pack Is Stalling


  1. Is there any evidence Mr. Pack ever said December 24? And it's okay to believe in RCG if you want to no one has the right to force you to leave.

  2. Are you daft? There have been numerous quotes that quote Davey word for word here. If Dave was a serial killer some of you are dumb enough to cover up for him and make excuses.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Is there any evidence Mr. Pack ever said December 24? And it's okay to believe in RCG if you want to no one has the right to force you to leave.

    Is there any evidence the Captain of the Titanic actually saw an Iceberg? And it's ok to believe there wasn't one and the ship is not sinking, if want to. No one has the right to order you to a lifeboat!

  4. Marc Cebrian:

    Is there any evidence that the bad press that the RCG leader gets has resulted in any change within the RCB membership? My impression is that these people live in an encapsulated world and what happens on the outside has no impact on their thinking.

  5. This is what happens when you have a one man authoritarian, l am the King rule. No accountability, just, l'm the boss and you aren't. You will listen and obey or your dead, no hope for you peon.

  6. Why does anyone need to know when Christ is returning? What a pointless obsession.

  7. Dave is captain of a rowboat, not the Titanic.

  8. Yes, the people of Packs little church of horrors are stupid. Dave warned them long ago when he stated:

    “I want to make a statement about…me…now, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I’m going to tell you now…I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don’t follow me. I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I’m gonna try to get you to follow me! I’m gonna come to you and tell you it doesn’t apply, it doesn’t mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it’s OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I’m saying? Listen to me now, when I tell you don’t follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I’m gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I’m saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I’ll forget it, and I’ll want you to forget it…And I hope you’ll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me…But I’ll tell you what, I’m not going anywhere.”
    -David C Pack
    December 12, 1998"

    And they continue to follow a false prophet to their own demise.
    Fools, all of them!

  9. Some of the people who vastly underestimated the ability of Satan to deceive people are now sitting in the RCG cult listening to weekly, WRONG, prophetic date guesses.

  10. Every time pack says "we're right on track" I can't help but think of a song by Savoy Brown, hellbound train. "I'm on it's track, too late now to turn my back, conductor coming, ticket in his hand, come to take me to his land. Verse 4) yes I know I've been wrong, too late now, I'm moving on," etc.
    But the sound of Tull's Locomotive Breath emphasizes the urgency of the ride.
    Looking for the lyrics lead me to a poem called Tom Gray's dream also known as Hellbound train. It actually circulated in churches in the late 1800s. The poem has much more graphic and frightening language with the devil taunting his passengers "Why my Friends have done my work, you've bullied the weak and robbed the poor and your starving brother you've turned from your door. You've laid up gold where the canker rusts, and given free vent to your fleshly lusts! "
    Anyway I wouldn't want to be on dave's track, it's a hellbound train.

  11. BUGS BUNNY has the right responses for Davey...

    “Carrots are devine… You get a dozen for a dime, It’s maaaa-gic!”

    “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive!”

    “Don’t think it hasn’t been a little slice of heaven…’cause it hasn’t!”

    “Eeeeeeh, watch me paste that pathetic palooka with a powerful, pachydermous, percussion pitch.”

    “Eh, what’s up, doc?”

    “For shame, doc. Hunting rabbits with an elephant gun. Why don’t you shoot yourself an elephant?”

    “Gee, ain’t I a stinker?”

    “Hey, I found Nemo!”

    “I bet you say that to all the wabbits.”

    “I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque!”

    “I know this defies the law of gravity, but I never studied law!”

    “If an interesting monster can’t have an interesting hairdo I don’t know what this world is coming to.”

    “If it’s the Captain’s Mess, let him clean it up.”

    “I’ll be scared later. Right now I’m too mad.”

    “Jumpin’ without a parachute? Kinda dangerous, ain’t it?”

    “My, I’ll bet you monsters lead innnnteresting lives.”

    “Of course you realize this means war!”

    “Oh well, maybe I can shine it up and use it for an ashtray. ‘”

    “Oh, well, we almost had a romantic ending!”

    “Shhhhhhhh! I’m about to defy you.”

    “The way you run this thing you’d think I knew something about it.”

    “Well, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere.”

    “Well, what did you expect in an opera? A happy ending?”

    “What an imbecile! What an ultramaroon!”

    “What’s up, Doc?”

  12. Sounds like Pack, Flurry and Weston are all fighting about who is captain and in charge of the ACOG Titantic while the it is about to slip under the waves.

  13. Anon @ 2:36. Me thinks that might be you, TC. Either that, or we have another punctuation atheist.

    For those who genuinely believe this is Christianity in any way, shape or form, PLEASE listen to any episode of FORMER ADVENTIST PODCAST. They can also be "watched" on YouTube at Former Adventist Podcast if you prefer to listen with no picture.

    Yes, this is obviously a different group, but many doctrinal crossovers. I cannot recommend these podcasts more highly for all who are in any COG, or are clinging to the law, believe in BI or think they are practicing Christianity, but are not. Eternity is at stake, so take a sip of whatever gets you through the night, and listen. You will learn more about proper exegesis and hermeneutics of Scripture and orthodox Christian doctrines than any decade of pew warming could hope for. For yourselves and for your families and for your eternal lives, please get out of these groups and give these podcasts your attention. I promise you will be grateful for their efforts to help others contemplating, or having just left a high demand, legalistic "church". It was started just for new "former" SDAs, but will help the cog members/formers tremendously! I would suggest starting with their podcast 2, "Does Adventism Use Mind Control?" and then meander through their series on inspecting Adventism's Beliefs. Please do this for yourself and for the genuine love of God.

    Hope you all had a merry Christmas!

  14. I forecast a slow and gradual descent for Dave and the RCG. Obviously, his prophetic meanderings do not rise to the level where future wrong ones would cause his demise. Something catastrophic that goes way beyond this would need to happen to sink the RCG ship. Even then, one need only realize that there are still Branch Davidians, and even some people who profess to follow the teachings of the late Jim Jones. Beliefs are a funny thing, often not even remotely connected with fact or logic. Packites are going to be around for years to come.

  15. Anon Dec 26 6:29AM - Yes, some folks find my website and then leave. They have found it helpful. Others use the help with their exit letter but do not write articles. I have heard it has been a helpful resource making the reasons to leave more clear.



  16. So you're saying Part 411 lacked some.... information?!?!


  17. Has Dave sold the horses yet? They must be a big financial drain on an ever shrinking income.

  18. Much like Nebuchadnezzar, I think Dave has been down on all fours chewing grass like an ox for the past 7 years.

  19. Dave should mandate that all of his ministry use electric vehicles. That's what his fleet cars should be. But, I guess his members must think that he's already got enough redeeming points to offset all the prophetic fakery and subterfuge.
