Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Pathetic State Of The Work Of Men In The Church Today (UPDATED With More Video)


The Church of God movement wonders why it has no impact on the world today...

The church has become a clown show of absurdities.

From Bob Thiel's threadbare curtains and crooked bookcases to Steven Gilbreath's kitchen refrigerator magnets and leaking faucet as a backdrop, can it get any worse?

Nothing like recording an upside down video to get the gospel out!


  1. These remarks about Mr. Gilbreath are highly inappropriate for you to say because you should be more concerned about his ministry than his fridge magnets and computers and he is a very good man who doesn't deserve to be put down.

  2. How in the world can anyone watch this garbage?

    1. If this is Armstrongite's discussion, then there's no need for abusiveness. Unless this website is for immature persons. Stephen never did anything to you guys. You guys can't be real Christians and verbal abuse people.

    2. It’s not us we’re worried about. This site is for those who have left or are in the process of leaving the cult of armstrongism. Mocking these self-appointed self-aggrandizing weirdos is what we come here for.

  3. This is a new one. Who in the world is this guy? I fast fowarded through some of it, and never figured out what his point was, if he had one!

  4. 2:38 No matter which video of Gilbreath you watch you never know what he is talking about. He bounces around with multiple topics whenever brain fart occurs. He is like Bob Thiel, he cannot stick to a point if he even has one. Instead, he usually plays one of Herbie's old videos as if the man was still alive. This is a low-point in Armstrongism.

  5. If you look carefully at the magnets on the fridge, on the bottom door, the middle, and top door is 666, but backwards. I think he may be sending a coded message. :)

  6. I knew Gilbreath when he was in Pasadena. He hung around other perpetual bachelors desperately seeking a mate. He was a little too strange back then for the local women. He is not the swiftest on the block when it comes to theology because all he can do is regurgitate Armstrongism. A nice guy but not someone you would want to learn as out God from.

  7. What are you complaining about NO2HWA? A clown show of absurdity?
    Well it's your own fault. This is the result of arranged marriages. "Marry only within the church" , "Marry strangers" "God decrees it".

    Well look around you NO2HWA this is what you get when men are not held accountable to anyone and wives are reduced to geisha girls. The church of God was never meant to be a political marriage cult but that's what it became and the mess that goes on is the result. The ten Commandments say 'Thou shalt not lie, Thou shalt not bare false witness" but ministry are more concerned with religious politics and
    playing God with others marriages and families.
    That's why utter absurdity runs amok within the Churches of God these days. Foolish old men without an ounce of common sense do whatever they feel like. Say whatever they think and no wife balances out the absurd situations.
    Meanwhile the women's goals are to nod their heads in agreement to every crazy thing.

    Is that how Loma Armstrong lived ? Nope it wasn't. Did Loma nod her head like a geisha girl ? Nope she never did. But it's expected nowadays isn't it NO2HWA.

  8. What's with the hat? He needs to read a book on marketing. It will tell him to not dress the way people did several generations ago.

  9. Has anyone else, any other "COG" recorded a video upside down yet? LOL...!!!


  10. The criticism should be focused on the message and on the teaching it should be focused on the teaching itself.

  11. The message Gilbreath preaches is a mishmash of all the heater ticks teachings of Armstrongism. He is leading people astray. He is like the rest of the preachers in Armstrongism. He is afraid to speak about Jesus.

    1. And what is your belief a mere faith-based belief? What determines how good or bad you are not what you believe but what you say and do does.

  12. Years ago, I remember seeing a public service message on a bus. "Amos dropped out of high school. Ignore Amos!"

    There probably isn't any similar insightful word play on the name "Gilbreath", but he's definitely one to ignore.

  13. Maybe the lower message is intended at China.

    As in the cartoon, "dig through to" China, where everyone was upside down on the screen. (Can't remember who starred in that one.)

  14. Gilbreath is one of my favorites. Awesome, as Ron Weinland would say.

    Sorry, Dr Bob...

  15. Can messages be recorded anywhere now ?The running water/dripping tap stole the show with the fridge magnets a close second.
    The hat was a distraction but too jewish for the average CoGer.

  16. Was this guy ever anybody in the WCG “glory days?” I’ve never heard of him

  17. 12:48 said "He was a personal friend of hwa"

    That is a load of crap! I worded in HWA's home and know for a fact Gilbreath was not on speaking terms with HWA. Gilbreath taught dancing classes to lonely bachelors and single women. It was a meat market that the church eventually shut down.
