Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Restored Church of God: Elizabeth O'Leary-Noble Exit Letter


Dear Mr. Jackson,

I never in a million years thought I would be writing this letter, but here I am. I have no other choice since this is eternally my life or death. I am still struggling to get the words out properly, and I pray God will guide me into conveying my most sincere thoughts and concerns. This will be long because I need you to feel and understand the extreme emotions I've been going through and am still going through.

I got baptized on April 8, 2017, almost 3 months after my father died in the faith on January 15, 2017. Both my parents attended The Worldwide Church of God when I was a little girl. I vaguely remember Mr. Armstrong preaching in an open-air amphitheater in NY. I had pictures from the Feast many years ago. My parents, for whatever reason, journeyed through the wilderness away from WCG. They never knew of the apostasy happening. Around 2013-2014 my parents found RCG and started attending. They would come to stay with me during their "combined" services once a month. This is where I would hear such words as: splinters, Feast of Tabernacles, Trumpets, Days of Unleavened Bread, Atonement, brethren, baptisms, foot washing, tithing, The Eternal, ministers, headquarters, Mr. Pack, and so many more. This is also where I witnessed my father's change. It was dramatic, obvious, genuine, and refreshing. I attributed this new attitude to the church he was a part of.

Once a month, I'd look forward to my parents coming to stay with us (At the time, I wasn't married to my husband). My dad would always read his Bible and tell me about our Creator. I was attending another at-home "church" group during this period. Dad and I would go back and forth about scripture. I'll never forget when he told me about God telling Job how He laid out the earth's foundations with precise measurements. I thought to myself, "Wow, really? God did that?" He opened his Bible and showed me Job 38:4-6. From that point, I was enamored with my dad showing me God's words. 

During this time, my father's health was already spiraling down. I had to take him to Sabbath services while my mother and siblings traveled on a planned trip to the Philippines to visit family. I took care of my dad and spent quality time with him. I sat in many services listening to sermons and Mr. Pack's series "The Greatest Untold Story!" in December 2016. We were then on part 53, I believe. By the time my mother returned, dad was in the hospital, and she went straight to his bedside. He was in congestive heart failure. My whole family flew into Florida, and our ministers were at his bedside for days. At this time, God was pulling at my heart, calling me to Him, and I FELT it. I had lovely talks with my dad in the hospital. One late night, my dad had a heart attack and was put on life support. During this painful time, I tearfully sobbed, constantly asking my minister, "Where is my dad going? What's happening? Will I see him again in heaven?" I couldn't stop asking questions. I was so distraught. I was on a mission to know the TRUTH.

Our family had to make the most unbearably heartbreaking decision in my life, to unplug his life support. The only people in that room were my siblings, mother, and our ministers. I felt like I had died that day with him.

We had his funeral 3 days later, and our minister spoke. This whole time, I didn’t stop with questions. I started counseling, read EVERY booklet and article, and watched every video of Mr. Pack. I highlighted, made notes, and studied everything my minister told me to. I would sit at my parent's table, read for 5 hours straight, sometimes 8 hours, and put everyone, including my husband, to the side. I was FOCUSED. I couldn’t believe I finally knew the TRUTH about where my dad was. 

God put him to sleep. What a sigh of relief that was! I was, in fact, going to see him again one day! That was the number one most profound, enlightening piece of factual truth about God I had EVER learned. It hit me like a Mack truck and gave me such peace all at the same time. 

I got baptized on April 8, 2017, in a hotel pool in Tampa along with 2 other brothers. I was so excited I kept telling everyone, "I can't wait to cannonball into that water!" I was ready to see my dad when Christ returned! I often jokingly told brethren my dad would be surprised when he wakes up to see me standing there. He's going to say, "What are you doing here laughing with a huge grin? Ha!” and I'm going to say, "Well, you win. YOU WERE RIGHT, DAD." Since my dad and I were SO ALIKE, we also bumped heads.

As the months went by, I changed drastically, inside and out. It was obvious to everyone, including family. I stood my ground. I lost friends. I lost family members. I almost lost my marriage. I defended Mr. Pack as God’s apostle. You couldn't say a bad word about Mr. Pack without me biting back at you, firmly but gently. I knew the TRUTH, and I was in the ONE TRUE CHURCH! I was FULLY submerged in RCG.

I remember a particular night we were told to stay up all night in March 2019. We were to wear our Sabbath attire. Mr. Pack said Christ was returning. I was so excited! I wrapped up things I needed to take care of, and I said my "goodbyes" to people I loved, but I knew I'd see them again and just anxiously waited all night to be "taken away" by an angel. That night came and went. I was genuinely heartbroken, but I was told it was OKAY because God knew the brethren weren't ready, and we had more time to work on ourselves. I thought, "Alright, I need to work on my character, and I should be grateful God is giving me more time.”

New dates were repeatedly given over the next few months, and they came more frequently. I still believed but had a little voice inside questioning. Hmm... I immediately knew nobody was to question Mr. Pack or any of the sermons. I would constantly repent, all day, in my closet, on my knees, in my head, and push these bad thoughts down. How could I be so ungrateful to question God’s apostle? I wasn’t worthy. I was horrible. I’m going to the lake of fire. I was a heathen. I was the devil’s child. These were comments I heard and learned from DCPs sermons and other ministers. What was wrong with me?

My brother started asking lots of questions about RCG in 2020. I thought, “Oh, how wonderful! My brother will be a saint alongside mom and I!” I was so excited that I made a point to REALLY steer my thoughts away from any negativity regarding whether Mr. Pack and RCG were true. I mean, this was a sign to me that God was working to show me that I was in the right church. He’s calling my brother! 

In October 2020, in Panama City, my brother was baptized with other new brethren in the hotel pool while Mr. Pack and his ministers were in attendance. This was exciting! It was emotional as he cried, I cried, mom was beaming, families were tearful, and we basked in that moment. I thought to myself, Dad will be so happy with us when he wakes.


About 5 months into my brother's new journey, more dates were set by Mr. Pack and failed. I remember listening to other brethren discuss this. Certain ministers were giving sermons repeatedly, saying, "You don’t need to understand prophesy for salvation." You just need to obey God’s foundational laws. Hmm... Okay. That small voice was popping up again, and I was questioning. One day, I spoke to my brother on the phone and he asked me, "Who laid hands on Mr. Pack to become an apostle of God?" I replied, Umm...I don’t know, honestly. But he’s definitely the apostle because he’s the leader of RCG, and you shouldn’t be questioning Mr. Pack. You will get into trouble and others will see you as divisive and a troublemaker. Oh no, why is my brother questioning now? What if he has a valid question? Who will answer it? Do the ministers know? I’m not allowed to question Mr. Pack!

My brother wouldn’t stop asking, and I had no answers. I just kept defending Mr. Pack with no proof. But I, too, had questions. ARGH... He eventually went to his local minister and had numerous discussions, but NO ANSWERS. I couldn’t believe it. And his minister is the sweetest man. He is a genuine, loving, kind-spirited human, just like my minister. I felt so torn and confused. What's happening? Eventually, my brother stopped attending after feeling completely lost, with no answers. Not one of the brethren in his congregation could answer him either. He lasted 8 months in RCG. He left in mid-2021. 

He called and told me, "Sis, Mr. Pack is a false apostle. Read your Bible and pray. God is NOT a liar, nor the author of confusion."

THAT was God planting a seed for me to PROVE ALL THINGS. I’m so glad I did.

His comment bothered me for months. The tug on my heart and mind was greatly increased, but I kept pushing it away! More dates were set. They came and went. I started researching God’s word again. I found myself so enveloped in this constant fear of questioning Mr. Pack and his teachings that I completely IGNORED The Fathers Holy Word. I trusted Mr. Pack. I trusted the ministers. I trusted the brethren. And I ignored scripture. That has been such a heartache for me and, at the same time, such an enlightening time as I draw closer to The Father. I’m repenting for being so blind, so naive, and fearful of MEN. It makes me sick.

I have questions, but rather rhetorical; for you to ponder.

I'll start with this TRUTH. God says He cannot lie (Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2). A person either believes God or they don't. It's that SIMPLE. There isn't a debate. I believe we can agree on this.

Since God CANNOT lie, why are these verses ignored by the RCG ministry? Deuteronomy 18:20-22 states, But the prophet, which shall PRESUME to speak a word in my name, which I have NOT commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? When a PROPHET SPEAKETH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, if the thing NOT follow, nor come TO PASS, that is the thing which the LORD hath NOT SPOKEN, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. 

These verses alone make RCG false and DCP a fraud. God doesn’t lie.

Why was the book Is "That Prophet" Alive Today? The Rise of False Prophets taken off the RCG website? An interesting read for sure and eye-opening written by Mr. Pack. I’d like to share some of his own words. Chapter 6, page 41.


Take a moment to review Deuteronomy 18:22. Christ inspired Moses to warn God’s people to “not be afraid of” false prophets. This is because they do engender fear in their followers! Actually, this is their central goal. FEAR is generally how they motivate followers.

Also, if people leave, he knows that he loses financial support. No mystery here! Titus warns of “gainsayers…vain talkers and deceivers…whose mouths must be stopped” because they “teach things which they ought not,  for filthy lucre’s sake” (1:9-11). In the end, false teachers always have a money angle hidden in their “new teachings.” II Peter 2:1-3 explains that the false prophets of the Old Testament (of which Peter was speaking) functioned like false teachers in the New Testament. Verse 3 shows that it is through “covetousness which they with feigned words make merchandise of you.” Another way of stating this is false prophets try to deceive you so that they can take God’s money from you! Do you believe these plain warnings?

I'd like to dive deeper into some of those words Mr. Pack stated. FEAR. I’ve been in RCG for 5 years and 8 months. Anyone in RCG knows good and well that if you open your mouth and ask questions regarding Mr. Pack and his failed dates or anything for that matter, you're immediately "divisive," "arrogant," "high-minded," "rebellious," and you'll be put on notice with ministers and brethren which could lead to being flagged, suspended, or "marked." (MARKED-which I’ll come back to). I’ve been brainwashed into NOT opening my mouth to anyone, in fear of what I just stated. Brethren have been trained to be "tattletales," "reporters," or "informers ."It's as if hosts and brethren are secret CIA agents for the ministry. Are we not allowed to have brains to THINK as God intended? God does say, "Prove ALL THINGS..." (1 Thessalonians 5:21). I came to realize, sadly, that RCG's environment is one that is NOT safe to disagree in and is not an environment focused on the growth of the flock, but is absolutely focused on control through fear tactics. 

Why do ministers and Mr. Pack say brethren leaving RCG will cut you off of the vine connected to Christ. 

John 15:5 states, I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that ABIDETH IN ME, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING. 

Abiding in Christ allows HIS WORD to fill our minds, direct our wills, and transform our affections. It reflects a DEEP personal relationship and personal connection to GOD. Leaving RCG does NOT cut you off from the vine physically. It is deeply SPIRITUAL. Following and imitating Christ is what we are called to DO. Listening to Mr. Pack lie and twist God’s word is blasphemy. It’s mind control. How utterly disgusted and sad I am for "following a man" over GOD'S OWN WORDS.

2 Peter 1:20-21 says, Above all, YOU must realize that NO PROPHECY in scripture ever came from the prophets OWN UNDERSTANDING, or from human initiative. No, THOSE prophets were moved by the holy spirit, and they SPOKE FROM GOD. 

God’s spirit is not moving DCP.


DCP LIES! And he does it while making merchandise out of the brethren. He’s keeping himself and his campus ministers nice and cozy. Actually, you are contributing to that, too. So are all the brethren across the world. He’s robbing people of their tithes and preaching a fake doctrine of "common.”

YES, a fake doctrine he made up by cherry-picking verses and twisting them. Common is for the brethren to help each other and the poor among them, not to give to RCG and watch our money be used for a sprawling campus for DCP and his ministers, while truly poor brethren who don’t have 2 nickles to rub together are fighting to feed their families in the Philippines, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Africa, and even right here in the United States.

Acts 2:42-47
42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. 43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. 44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and PARTED THEM TO ALL MEN, AS EVERY MAN HAD NEED. 46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, 47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

Brethren then took care of EACH OTHER.

This is how he purchased houses, barns, horses, and only God knows what else. The most recent purchase: a $500K house. Was there an announcement? Because there were past announcements of him needing money to expand the campus.

Did God speak to him and tell him to do that? Wheeling and dealing with brethren’s money, aka God’s money? Is this what a true apostle-prophet of God does? Ask yourself if that’s okay while working hard to pay bills, car loans, purchase groceries, pay for children’s activities, medical bills, etc.

I'd also like to know what happened to AYC's 2020 money? Remember, that was the year it was canceled due to Covid. Where exactly did that money go? The kids and parents who gave did not get a refund when it didn’t happen.

Tithe of Tithes: I recently realized this is to be paid by the ministers, NOT brethren. I kick myself for not simply reading the context, but I listened to a man again. It’s a simple study, but I trusted more in man than I did in God. It really pains my heart that I allowed this to go on for so long. The Levites, which are the priests, had to take a tenth of the tithes ALREADY GIVEN by the Israelites to God’s storehouse. AGAIN, DCP twists verses to fit his agenda.

Numbers 18:26
Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I HAVE GIVEN YOU FROM THEM for your inheritance, then YE SHALL OFFER up an heave offering of it for the Lord, even a TENTH PART OF THE TITHE.

Nehemiah 10:38
And the priest the son of Aaron shall be with the Levites, when the LEVITES (MINISTERS) take tithes: and the Levites shall bring up the tithe of the tithes unto the house of our God, to the chambers, into the treasure house.

I’ve witnessed that when you first come into RCG, they prey on you. They use your lack of understanding, your zeal, and vulnerability to bleed you dry with fundraising, tithe of tithes, coin challenges, potlucks, AYC funds, silent auctions, fake common, and the Envoy book. I’m surprised they don’t ask brethren for their inheritances, 401K, stocks, bonds, collections, rare jewelry, lands, and vehicles. Oh wait, never mind.


Now back to being "marked" or shunned by brethren when people leave RCG. This is another cherry-picked, twisted verse told to the brethren to further brainwash them. These verses are used for damage control to keep the money flowing in the pockets of DCP and staff.

Romans 16:17-18
17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which YE HAVE LEARNED; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but THEIR OWN BELLY; and by GOOD WORKS and FAIR SPEECHES DECEIVE THE HEARTS OF THE SIMPLE.

Another simple study; reading CONTEXT is key. Paul is urging the brethren to watch out for FALSE TEACHERS. He told them to not stray from the gospel he taught. Keep away from those that preach ANYTHING CONTRARY TO THE GOSPEL! They are experts at making lies sound good with their sly, cunning convincing speeches! 

This is David C. Pack! He is not preaching God’s gospel. He is preaching his own doctrines, twisting scripture to fit his agenda, robbing brethren, blaspheming God, lying to everyone, putting himself above Jesus Christ, and brainwashing hundreds. Probably thousands. Since there are innocent people right now reading his free booklets.

Some will say, "you shouldn’t judge God’s apostle." Well, DCP is not an apostle. He’s self-appointed, a liar, a deceiver, and a FALSE PROPHET, but let’s see what scripture says. 

Revelation 2:2-3 
I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast TRIED THEM WHICH SAY THEY ARE APOSTLES, and are not, and hast found them liars: 3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for MY NAMES SAKE HAST LABOURED, and hast not fainted.

Jesus Christ COMMENDED the Ephesian brethren for trying and testing those who claim to be apostles! Again, another simple study with the context being key. It is most important to know what kind of man you follow when he promises to lead you into the kingdom of God.

Do you truly know what kind of man you are serving, Mr. Jackson?

I think of Isaiah 59, a REAL prophet who warns those who conceive mischief, lie, and bring forth iniquity. Their feet run to do evil. THE WAY OF PEACE THEY KNOW NOT. They make themselves crooked paths and weave spider webs. But Isaiah promises that those webs will not cover your sins. Yikes! I pray the ministers and brethren WAKE UP! I pray you wake up, too.


Chapter 7, titled MORE CHARACTERISTICS, pages 45-51 of the book Is "That Prophet" Alive Today? The Rise of False Prophets. I encourage you to read and ponder EVERY word DCP writes here! READ IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES, and allow the words to SINK IN! May God help the brethren to WAKE UP!

There are additional elements of character and conduct common to false prophets that need to be examined and understood. The first is introduced with one of the Bible’s most tragic examples. King Saul’s love/hate relationship with David is well-known. Most are familiar with this sad but instructive story, where Saul slowly yielded himself to a demon. This account proves that people can start out “little in their own eyes” and yet fall so far from God that they can actually become demon-possessed.

False prophets do often rage, sometimes in great anger, and conduct themselves in a bizarre fashion.

What was really occurring was simply a demon controlling a human vessel! Saul was vexed, and often outright possessed by a demon.

This account should truly sober you! It is a characteristic of false prophets and demoniacs to bellow, rage, belittle and attack other people—sometimes relentlessly—to elevate themselves. Apparently, Saul also had a particularly murderous spirit, which repeatedly tried to kill David, or have him killed. Saul became abusive.

Be careful if what is being described is a pattern visible in your leader. It is not of God.

DCP constantly attacks and blames his staff and brethren for everything while continually elevating himself. It has become more and more obvious as he preaches how "off" he is in speaking. He will say to the effect, "Now brethren, some of you many be offended but I’m speaking candidly with you." Then lambaste everyone. Then speak kindly. Back and forth.

Let’s continue with more of Mr. Pack’s own words.

The Accuser of the Brethren
Revelation 12:10 calls Satan the “accuser of the brethren.” He attacks, accuses, and slanders God's people "day and night" before God—never letting up. Constant accusation is a common characteristic of those in Satan's grips!

Let's consider. As weak and pitiful as the condition of Laodicea, those of the final era are still God’s people.

No true Philadelphian (or Christian, for that matter) continually attacks, slanders, maligns, and accuses all the "evil Laodiceans"!

But no one with God’s Spirit would ever forbid all contact with them. It should be a great warning to you if your leader continually attacks and accuses the “evil Laodiceans”! 

How does this fit with blasting, lambasting, attacking, slandering and accusing anyone—never mind brethren—through endless name-calling. This will not help awaken God’s people—it will drive them away, and possibly into the lake of fire! 

The Christ of the Bible would never have His servant declare “civil war” between eras by stating, “We are at war with the Laodiceans.” If this is your leader, he is wrong and his actions are absolutely ungodly! But they are consistent with the conduct of a raging false prophet!

DCP is the accuser of brethren! I can’t count how many times he has thundered at brethren and staff and spoken about splinter groups angrily.

Failed Prophecies 
Another characteristic of false prophets is that few or none of their prophecies ever really come to pass.

If a man predicts (in 1995) that the O.J. Simpson trial would “produce a guilty verdict” and that race riots would ensue as a result, and the verdict comes back not guilty—and there are, of course, no race riots—this is a failed prophecy, disproving the prophet’s authority!

Carefully reflect on what God declares in Ezekiel 14: "And if the prophet be deceived when he has spoken a thing, I the lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel."…God reveals that the real source of the false prophet’s delusion is actually HIM—GOD! When a prophet speaks falsely, it is because he has already departed from God, and thus become the recipient of God’s own form of “deception.”

 This passage in Ezekiel reveals that within the understanding that demons are actually the ones inspiring a false prophet, it is God who has sent one or more of these spirits to fulfill His purpose, which can also be to present a test to God’s people regarding whether or not they will follow those He has not sent. If a prophet is sent by God, every one of his prophecies will always be perfectly accurate—no exceptions!

Are these words from DCP sinking in?

Prolific Revelations
A less familiar characteristic of false prophets…is that they are often extremely prolific in claiming new revelations from God. True prophets always speak plain, simple truth, delivered without frills! Typically, false prophets claim that they are getting “more and more insight.” They often work late at night (recall that Saul raged all night), while they produce things that are increasingly bizarre, odd and strange. They also claim…that the new understanding they are receiving is coming “faster than they can record it.” This makes no sense if such understanding or supposed new insight were coming from God. If God wants to send a message, why would He give it faster than the prophet could receive it? As a man yields himself to the demon manipulating him, in fact, he does become consumed with his messages and the need to deliver them.

Remember—God’s Spirit reflects “power, love and a sound mind” (II Tim. 1:7). When what is being said, and/or a person’s actions, are continually unsound, it is not coming from God! “Revelations” often occur late at night because spirits know that the mind of a sleep-deprived person grows weaker and more open to outside influence! I have seen this pattern far too often!

How often has DCP said in sermons that he stays up late into the night with little sleep going over scriptures? And that he is "getting more insight?”

Taking More Titles
No description of false prophets is complete without explaining one final characteristic. These deceivers always seem to find new ways to elevate themselves to greater offices and roles! Declaring oneself to hold the second-highest New Testament office—prophet—is, in itself, a huge self-elevation. But it rarely stops there.

But it is ultimately the responsibility of God’s people to discern the difference between true and false apostles. More false leaders will rise in the future to make this claim.

DCP has elevated himself and claimed so many titles that I can’t keep up. He's the apostle, The Elijah, That Prophet, The Old Testament David, The Messenger, The Watchman, etc. Can you honestly say you agree with all of that?

I know this has been quite long, Mr. Jackson. I hope you took the time to read it. I like you and your family very much. My prayer is that you and the other ministers open your eyes to accept the nature of the man you serve. God is not behind what DCP is teaching.

This is something else DCP said in the past during a sermon.

David C. Pack, December 12, 1998
I want to make a statement about me. Now, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now. I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me. I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that, I'm going to try to get you to follow me! I'm going to come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's okay to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I'm saying? Listen to me now when I tell you, you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are totally and absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do, I'm going to paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it. And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me.

Wrapping this up, I FINALLY have taken Mr. Pack's advice. He has repeatedly said, "Brethren, don't believe me. Let the Bible interpret itself. Research it yourself."

God repeatedly says to NOT follow false prophets. I am moving in FEAR of our Creator’s wrath. I am heeding His warning of trembling and fear for my own eternal salvation. 

Mr. Jackson, I am resigning as a member of The Restored Church of God.

Kind regards,

Elizabeth O'Leary-Noble


Marc Cebrian


  1. Standing Ovation!!!


    TRANSITION from the Philadelphia Era to the Laodicea Era of the Church

    Herbert W. Armstrong died January 16, 1986.

    At its peak, the Worldwide Church of God had about 150,000 people attending its Feast of Tabernacles convention in the fall.

    The apostate Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. succeeded HWA and did the Great Apostasy of January 1995 by openly throwing out virtually everything that HWA had taught and turning the WCG into a ham-eating, Sunday-keeping, Trinitarian church that observes customs like X-mass, Easter, and Halloween. JWT, Sr. died on September 23, 1995, exactly 40 weeks after doing away with the Sabbath in a December 17, 1994 sermon in Atlanta Georgia.

    JWT. Sr.'s son, the apostate Joseph Tkach, Jr., took over the WCG and changed the name of the church from WCG to Grace Communion International.

    The result of the Great Apostasy of 1995 was the WCG declining rapidly and a lot of splinter groups forming. JT, Jr. had reportedly been willing to lose 50% of the WCG members to push through his doctrinal changes, but ended up losing more like 90% of them. WCG people wondered where to go, prayed about it, and ended up scattered all over the place.

    With the later split of the largest splinter group, the UCG, into UCG and COGWA in 2010, there is now no splinter group that is even one-tenth of the size of the WCG at its peak. Even though HWA spent 52 years teaching against customs like Christmas, the UCG and COGWA both want to have a “Winter Family [X-mass] Weekend” custom that they seem to be determined to try to make rival the Feast of Tabernacles.

    Some WCG people went with Roderick C. Meredith and his GCG splinter group thinking that RCM would be a doctrinally solid old-timer, and when RCM got squeezed out of the GCG, with his LCG splinter group. RCM rejected the idea that HWA was the prophesied Elijah who had “restored all things.” In his competition against HWA, RCM and his accomplices have come up with such things as a two-fold gospel message by combining what HWA taught about the gospel OF Jesus with the world's churches' gospel ABOUT Jesus. RCM and his accomplices also say that the apostasy is something that will happen out in the world rather than what actually happened in the WCG in 1995.

    Extremely deceitful and vicious false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack arose speaking extremely perverse things. They initially claimed that their PCG and RCG splinter groups were the true successors to the WCG and that they were better than all the other splinter groups, but they both turned out to be much, much, much worse than any other splinter groups. Gerald Flurry immediately suppressed the gospel, became a “That Prophet” identity thief, and set to work wrecking families with his “No Contact” policy. David Pack operated a Bait & Switch scam, a “common” theft scam, and set to work on the greatest never-ending sermon series of weekly, wrong, prophetic date guesses.

    In his old age, HWA had made it appear to be so easy to grow the WCG that many other people thought that they could do it too, and that they could do an even better job than HWA had done. However, so far, nobody has come anywhere even close. The apostates talked about how much wiser, thriftier, and more spiritual they were than HWA, but just destroyed the WCG and saw it decline by about 90%. The splinter group leaders talked a lot too, but introduced a lot of heresies and godlessness of their own and could not get along with each other. The only meaningful growth they were able to achieve since the death of HWA in 1986 and the Great Apostasy in 1995 was the growth in the number of splinter groups. Many people had noticed the old WCG bringing in $220 million a year and wanted to carve off their own share of that income stream.

  3. I truly pray that the Lord continues to bless you and your family after this painful but necessary step. Very good write-up.

  4. Every RCG minister should tender their resignations immediately. God has already fired you and stripped your ordinations the second you accepted false teachings! Stop hurting the members changes of receiving eternal life in the Kingdom of God!

  5. Anonymous at 2:46 PM said...“Every RCG minister should tender their resignations immediately. God has already fired you and stripped your ordinations the second you accepted false teachings! Stop hurting the members changes of receiving eternal life in the Kingdom of God!”

    Apparently, it is not that simple or easy to stand up for the truth. People might have thought that they were courageously standing up for the truth when they first got involved with a splinter group. Over time, things changed and turned out to be not what they had thought or expected. They found themselves trapped in even the worst satanic imposter cults because they now fear losing their income, their status, all their so-called “friends,” and even their own close family members if they speak out or leave.

    Some former WCG people proudly rejected the Devil's apostate Tkaches and the Great Apostasy of 1995, but nevertheless got snared by Satan's false prophet Gerald Flurry and his PCG cult. Now some of them are still trapped in the PCG and still helping it to suppress the gospel, worship a false prophet, and do a great Irish dancing “work” with its auditorium and jet plane. They fear getting totally cut off by all their own family members in the PCG if they don't keep quiet and play along. Gerald Flurry kept them in ignorance and isolation and this is all they know.

    Some people ended up in the RCG. Some of these had even been helped by the RCG to see the errors in the PCG. Many of the original RCG members got scammed and left. The current RCG members might seem “nice” as long as you also go along with outrageous lies and nonsense continually, but might also cut you off if you say anything against the weekly lies and nonsense that David Pack makes up. After forsaking all to support this load of dung, it probably gets a bit embarrassing to admit what a totally satanic scam it actually was.

  6. I've been reading deeply thought out materials just like this for decades from people leaving Armstrongism. I think the first such letter was from my AC dorm mate Orlin Grabbe, written to his mother. This current letter is just a little longer, but then again, it appears that the things that are wrong with Armstrong-related churches, if anything, have become more blatant, more dramatic, and more toxic in the lives of members today.

    What the Tkaches led was not an apostasy, it was a doomed effort at correcting and reforming Armstrongism. Their problem was that ultimately, to orchestrate this, they retained the same horrid "my way or the highway" government from the top down managerial style which grieves and bridles the Holy Spirit. Armstrongism has a crude understanding of 1/3 of God, and at best preaches half of the gospel. They lift and bend scary-sounding passages from the Bible to keep people under control, all the while ignoring and repressing passages about grace and mercy which would cause people to love God and to cultivate a relationship with Him.

    The Deuteronomy passages regarding false prophets are your place of safety, your freedom from exploitation that false prophets always perpetuate. Fear is a really low grade motivator. If you modify your behavior in your relationships based on fear, rather than based on love and human concern, you are not truly doing good, it does not qualify as building character, and you'll always find an excuse to treat people who hold different opinions than yourself as being second class.

    I sincerely hope that this letter has a great impact on the membership of RCG.

  7. God's judgement is coming on all of God's people led by leaders like PCG, RCG, and any Church of God groups that have accepted false doctrines. God's judgement is not just coming for the leaders and ministers but for the members for putting up with their lies.

  8. This letter expresses the thinking/fears of many who are in RCG. A few exit letters on this page expressed the same sentiments. At this pace, any further date setting after so many failures will definitely lead to many resigning. The bible is very clear about the second coming of Christ for the times of restitution (Acts 3:20-21):-

    (Matt 24:36 [KJV])
    But of that day and hour knows no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

    (Matt 25:13 [KJV])
    Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man comes.

    (Mark 13:32) [KJV])
    But of that day and [that] hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

    If God says no one knows the day of Christ's coming, it means exactly that. Only God knows that day......

  9. Pardon me for taking the limelight away from Dave for a minute here, but most of the comments, if not all, as well as those cited in the letter, could also be easily equated to another False Prophet, "That False Prophet" Gerald Flurry of the PCG. May all their members wake up just as the year ends.

  10. Whenever a Church, Group, or Leader tells you " To question me is to question God", That is a red flag. They tell you that because they do NOT want you to critically think for yourself. The Scriptures tells us to test the spirits to make sure they are from God. There's a Netflix series called Keep Sweet, Pray, and Obey about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Alot of the same Cult Tactics that this Church used are the same Cult Tactics that the COG groups use. So glad that Elizabeth was able to leave RCG and I hope she finds peace in her life.

  11. Elizabeth Wrote:
    Anyone in RCG knows good and well that if you open your mouth and ask questions regarding Mr. Pack and his failed dates or anything for that matter, you're immediately "divisive," "arrogant," "high-minded," "rebellious," and you'll be put on notice with ministers and brethren which could lead to being flagged, suspended, or "marked

    Destructive organizations have great fear of open communication, transparency and accountability. A re-reading of the old story of "The Emperor's New Clothes" should be done by everyone on occasion, especially those of the Flurry, Pack, Thiel , Weinland groups.

  12. At least in my congregation, it morally went down the toilet bowl as soon as HWA died. Our vile minister and his minion elders led the charge into cess pool morality. Members were forbidden to complain or defend themselves against any and all abuse.
    I don't know whether this or a watered down version was universal on Herbs death.

  13. What we see today in the little bts and pieces claiming to be remnants of Armstrongism is pure Gamaliel. Some ghost of forums past once likened it to the splinters being spewed from the mouth of God. Armstrongism was always a personality cult based soley on Herbert W. Armstrong, his interpretations of the Bible, analyses of the news, and the theories that he borrowed to support it all. Armstrongism, of course, died the day HWA did. It is not possible to perpetuate a personality cult as we've seen through the activities of all those claiming to be HWA clones. You really don't have an accurate representation as to how the original personality would deal with the natural changes which come with the continued passage of time.

    For those who consider HWA to be an apostle, and a Christian, did you really think that the fate of the WCG would have been any different from what the passage of time has done to Christianity itself? As HWA used to say, "Where did all these churches come from, and how could they all be right?" In so saying, he actually provided the epitaph for his own empire. Only now, all these "leaders" use it as they point their fingers at all the other guys' splinters. They learned that from HWA, too, only they speak of Laodicean rather than Sardis.

  14. Your letter is absolutely amazing and inspiring. I was a member of the WCG years ago and left and decided to return to the RCG. That was a mistake. The endless failed prophecies finally got to me and I decided to leave. Also, we were told to put any children who were of age and did not want to obey God to put them out of the house and don't pray for their success, but pray that God would lead them back into the church. There was no way I could have done that because my children were not bad and just did not like the church. Another factor was this emphasis on "common." It is a relief being out of the RCG. My wife was in the WCG for 20 years until it split apart and she was against my rejoining . I should have listened to her.

    1. I'm happy that you're out. There is nothing Godly in RCG. They split families apart as opposed to bringing them together. A man made cult all the way!
