Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Writing the Gospels


Wonder how many will understand this?


  1. This is great! Most COG members will not understand what is going on here.

  2. Is this another one of your puerile jokes, Q?

  3. Most COG members have no idea who wrote the books of the bible. Many of them are not by the person Herb and others claimed wrote it.

  4. It's kind of ironic that folks in the ACOGs tend to glory in their understanding of Scripture, and most of them will not have the vaguest notion of what this post is about!

  5. Whether it was Q or a band of gypsies sitting around a camp fire, does it really matter what vehicle was used to write the Bible? Or is the important thing, WHO inspired the Bible?

  6. From the Wikipedia:

    The Q source (also called Q document(s), Q Gospel, or Q; from German: Quelle, meaning "source") is a hypothetical written collection of primarily Jesus' sayings (λόγια : logia). Q is part of the common material found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke but not in the Gospel of Mark. According to this hypothesis, this material was drawn from the early Church's oral gospel traditions.

  7. Maybe Star Trek's Q is the trickster behind Dave Pack's insane messaging.

  8. Just more nonsense by the godless who mistakenly think that they are smarter than everyone else.

    1. AMEN to just more nonsense! Superiority complex makes fools of those who trash the words of God.

  9. Robert Price on "The Gospels and The Q Source"


  10. It was probably the CIA who started the Q-Anon rumors.

  11. But...

    Who invented and created "Q"??

    I have more faith in God, than I do in "Q", and certainly to equate the Creator to any kind of fictional character. Modern apologetics plays many games , and is often a pseudo science in its own right.

  12. Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 6:21:00 AM PST said: "Just more nonsense by the godless who mistakenly think that they are smarter than everyone else."

    Yeah right. You're just another ignoramus with a closed mind. Just like people who I have asked "how many of each animal did God command Noah to take on the ark?"

    Answer: two of course! Everyone knows that!

    Great answer. That's Genesis 6 verses 19 & 20.

    But read on.

    You may notice Genesis 7 verses 2 & 3 offer a different view.

    But guys like you will still insist "Moses" wrote these verses because HWA says so and after all he studied at the library for a couple of months. So, idiot, how do you rationalize the contradiction? Maybe "Moses" was drinking too much wine while God was guiding his hand? Its not gonna be possible for you to accept the idea that various people were involved in writing, redacting and assembling the texts over many years and that the same is true for the new testament. No wonder this world is so screwed up with so many jerks like you, completely devoid of any critical thinking skills, wandering the planet and uselessly sucking up the oxygen.

    1. GEN 7 distinguishes by saying of every clean animal. So there were two of every unclean, and 14 of every clean, and birds.

  13. I've been following the posts and commentary here for many years now, and it seems to me that very few of the people who participate in this forum are godless. However, I would say that the stubborn refusal of some ACOG folks to accept evidence and logic becomes willful ignorance at some point!

  14. Anon 904,

    Gen 6 and 7 can easily be explained as clarifying. Certainly two of everything...and then more of clean animals and birds. The large unclean was a seemingly monumental task that would be the greatest focus. First the thought was for survival of species and then the thought was what to eat.. plants and clean animals. Seems like that is the progression of thought.

  15. The emphasis in Gen 6 was sex: female and male of each animal. Further instruction and emphasis in Gen 7 was clean vs unclean animal: 7 pairs clean, just the two unclean. Just rationalizing the "contradiction".

  16. (shrug) Luke is pretty clear that he is hardly the first person to write an account concerning the life of Jesus. Who's to say what sort of documentation was floating around in his time period? Suggesting that Matthew and Luke both may have had multiple sources to draw from when writing their accounts is hardly setting the world on fire.

  17. 12:07 and 12:08:


    Better keep reading.

    You'll find you're back at two again, "CLEAN and UNCLEAN".

    A better explanation is the documentary hypothesis or the newer supplementary hypothesis; multiple authors. The redactor just couldn't throw anything out, after all it is scripture - right?

    Make some popcorn and settle in for a good video:


    More info:





    Many, many more sources of information are available on-line.

    Do some research. The bible is important.

    One has to be pretty obtuse to remain ignorant of what it really is and isn't.

  18. 403, My translation simply says later in CH. 7 that they came in two by two (a pairing of male and female seems to be being emphasized). I don't see it as contradictory. In addition to the pairing of male and female being the focus, the number and size of the unclean far exceeded the clean animals; those clean animals having multiple pairs coming in two by two had already been described and now it's looking on the elephants, rhinos, lions, hippos, hyenas, rabbits, skunks, etc. that are the majority of animals. Several legit explanations for me with the above. If someone else contributed to the writing that makes little difference to me. Multiple psalmists, proverbs, and many authors included in the whole Bible. Everyone has those areas they find intriguing and interesting. I've got too many things I'm already unable to look into.

    Faith, Hope, and Love in/of our Savior are miracles themselves that probably deserve more of our time.
