Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The January 16 Hoax


While the letter below pertains to the Philadelphia Church of God cult it might as well pertain to the other COG splinter groups who now number well into the 400+ range. Every single one of them claims they are following Herbert Armstrong to the letter and yet, every single one of them is lying that they are. Not even Bob Thiel, the most perfect human COG leader to ever exist, follows what HWA taught. Bob has added so much filth and additional stuff that HWA wouldn't recognize Bob's abomination if he turned in for a video. Then there is Ron Weinland and Dave Pack, two certifiable liars who have made so many false prophecies that even Gerald Waterhouse and Simon Magus would be appalled.

None though have taken the worship of Herbert Armstrong to the extreme as has the Philadelphia Church of God. Even with its Armstrong relics that are placed in prominent places for adoration, the church is so far from what HWA taught that he would not recognize it. Like Bob Thiel, Flurry has added to what HWA taught and deleted what he did not like. Like Bob Thiel, PCG's false prophecies continue to fall by the wayside.

May we all continue to speak out about the abuses in the church as we are witnesses of the slow agonizing death of Armstrongism!

PCG’s Great January 16 Hoax:
January 16, 2023 
The great January 16 hoax is upheld by the PCG and treated as if the time between December 7 and January 16 is yet another “God-ordained” or “holy” time period. That hypocritical “church” may poke fun at the “pagan holiday” of X-mas, calling it a “ho-ho-hoax” in their little flyers that come with “church literature,” while at the very same time and during the very same season, they enforce their own unbiblical “season” of 40 days stretching over and beyond what the “pagan world” calls “the holidays.” 
While the PCG accepts and enjoys many “seasonal” donations during that jolly old time, their god forbids that any little PCG child accept a Christmas card from Grandma or Auntie. 
This mythical 40-day period of the PCG’s is upheld and enforced not by some invisible spiritual entities, which the PCG would have their members believe, but real physical hands of real conscious human beings are at work during this period of time, hoaxing the brethren. Not the hand of God, nor the “work” of God, but the work of wicked and greedy men. 
I pray for the pillars of that wicked religious fraud organization to crumble and crash. And I pray for mercy, real mercy that is, for the brethren and relief. And I also pray everyday that the actors in that wicked religious organization and all their cohorts be busted and that they be exposed for the dangerous fraud that they are, and prosecuted. May GF’s own hoax turn on him. –Former PCG member. Exit and Support Network


  1. Where is January 16th or the dates that Pack comes up with in The Bible?

  2. “The January 16 Hoax”

    Now that Satan's #1 false prophet Gerald Flurry has rambled on like a drunk for decades about the great significance of January 16 and how something big (anything at all, he does not know what) could happen on that date, it is possible that nothing significant can ever happen on that date ever again. Gerald might have jinxed it.

    It has always seemed strange that Gerald Flurry would make a big deal about a date on the Gregorian calendar rather than look to the Hebrew calendar.

    1. No. 1 prophet? DCP and Bobby T would like to have a word with you.

      If you want to look for a source of deception I’d look no further then Mr 19 year time cycles and 1975 in prophecy HWA.


    Since the Apostle Paul in Galatians 1:6-9 put a double curse on anyone who would mess with the true gospel, so-called COG leaders cannot stop messing with the gospel and bringing down curses on themselves and being curses to their followers and accomplices.


    Gerald R. Flurry immediately did away with the “Great Commission” to preach the true Gospel (meaning “GOOD NEWS”) of the coming Kingdom of God by saying that Herbert W. Armstrong had already done it, as if it were now over and done with. Gerald Flurry replaced it with what he called a “new commission” to “warn the Laodiceans” by raging away like a demoniac against any Worldwide Church of God people who would not go along with him and help him to suppress the true Gospel message once again. Gerald Flurry later went on to claim that he himself, rather than Jesus, was what he called “That Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18:18-19 that everyone was supposed to listen to.

    David C. Pack soon stopped the “Great Commission” to preach the true Gospel (meaning “GOOD NEWS”) of the coming Kingdom of God by simply forgetting everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught about it. David Pack's doctrinally unstable mind wandered off in other directions and he started to do his own work of making up and spreading his own weird kingdom ideas and endless, weekly, wrong, prophetic date guesses about when his own weird ideas would supposedly happen (but never did).

    disHonorary WRONG GUESSER for Decades of “3 to 5 Year” Talk

    Roderick C. Meredith took what Herbert W. Armstrong had taught about the “Great Commission” to preach the true Gospel (meaning “GOOD NEWS”) of the coming Kingdom of God and made up a hybrid or two-fold gospel message by adding the World's Gospel message ABOUT Jesus to Herbert W. Armstrong's Gospel message OF Jesus. After the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, Roderick Meredith tried to compete against HWA by making various doctrinal changes that Rod liked to call “doctrinal upgrades.”

  4. I don't understand this. I never heard of it because I'm old school, having left Armstrongism when it failed in 1975, which is how I feel that any rational, objective-thinking humans would respond to the failed prophecies of their spiritual guides.

    The only thing I know about January 16 is that it is a day on which we remember Dr. Martin Luther King. I am sure that the ultra conservatives in Armstrongism probably still place Dr. King in negative context due to their British Israelism.

  5. Flurry calls January 16, "God's miracle day". I want to vomit.

  6. How would you like to be one of the few hundred Flurry-Trailer-Park-Salt-Mine-Slaves paying for that BIG SHINY GRUMMAN GULFSTREAM JET and the $300k pilots that Flurry rarely uses to bring the "truth" of High-School-dropout Herbert Armstrong's BRITISH-ISRAELISM around the globe?

  7. A letter dated a day later on Exit & Support indicates GF is all twitterpated about the German Defense Minister resigning on Jan 16. What?? Doesn't he know the big momentous event on Jan 16 was Tom Brady losing the football game with the Cowboys?

  8. Anon720,
    January 16 is the anniversary of Herbert Armstrong's death.

    Good move leaving in 1975.

  9. Anonymous at 8:43 AM said...“No. 1 prophet? DCP and Bobby T would like to have a word with you.”


    #1 False Prophet: Gerald Flurry (Satan's favorite. Totally warped.)

    #2 False Prophet: David Pack (Satan's #2 faker, fibber, taker, taker, and taker.)

    #3 False Prophet: Ronald Weinland (Self-appointed false witness. Dishonorable mention.)

    #4 False Prophet: Bob Thiel (Self-appointed. Almost unmentionable.)

    Numbers 2 through 4 probably are hoping for Gerald to croak so they can move up the list.

  10. I also pray everyday that the actors in that wicked religious organization and all their cohorts be busted and that they be exposed for the dangerous fraud that they are, and prosecuted.

    Why pray? Has it worked so far? Try asking Dennis to tell what he knows about Pack. That might help.

  11. Anon @11:19 and @6:29 Forgive me if I am mistaken, but I gather you may still be a believer in original Armstrongism, but you cannot forget where these boys learned their deceitful craft. None other than HWA.

  12. Thanks for the explanation, 10:46. I can see how people still in the movement would attach importance to that date. We were always taught that the anniversary of one's death was relatively more significant than that of one's birth.

    You know, it seems as if HWA can't get away from his favorite "non-Israelite" people. Dies on MLK day, and is buried in a cemetery located in the middle of the 'hood!

  13. And another Jan 16th has come and gone, without incident…… so as per usual, Gerry will say that God has revealed something special to him. He’s had it long thought out and everyone will just swallow, like they do every year.

  14. Hebert Armstrong death January 16th 1986,

  15. The book entitled, ‘Jan 16th God’s Miracle Day’, made no sense to me when I flicked through it when it first came out. First Jan 16th was presumed to be a day that big events would happen to wake people up and remember their past connection with HWA. But now Jan16th began to be referred to as a miracle day. It was only about 4 things written about that pointed directly to Gerald Flurry himself. So it’s actually about pointing people to him. How did it become a day to wake people up to becoming a miracle day? Often GF says something happened on Jan 16th when it was days before or after. Reminds me of his article on will worship, except it sounds like he is talking about himself. If he wants to will something so bad he will make sure it fits with his agenda. It’s some weird magic interpretation of his where people go along believing whatever he says no matter how crazy.

  16. For those that don't know, Gerald has assigned significance to January 16th for years - since the early to mid 1990's - because Herbert Armstrong died on that day. The observance was hypocritical from the beginning, because Gerald also views the Roman calendar (correctly, IMO) as a secular and inferior counterfeit. Of course, the date of HWA's death if assigned a date from the Hebrew calendar would change year by year.

    Note that the Bible only references the Hebrew calendar.
