Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Double-Minded Self-Appointed Prophet Calls Dave Pack A False Prophet


Here is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

Bob Thiel, the Great Bwana to Africa, the self-appointed double-minded prophet rejected by Rod Meredith and Dibar Apartian has got his holistic undies all in a twist over Dave Pack's latest failures. 

One of the biggest narcissists, a certified liar, and a false teacher in the Church of God is calling Dave Pack a false teacher! I kid you not!

No other COG leader is as perfect as the Great Bwana or more accurate.

While the Bible is not wrong, David Pack will again be proven wrong on the timing of both the Day of the Lord and Elijah--as 2023 is not a possible option for either based upon various statements from Jesus. David Pack does not properly understand many biblically prophecies and is again making false predictions.

For over a decade, I have written that the following was applicable to RCG:

1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. (2 Peter 2:1-3) 

Yes, I consider that RCG's leader, David Pack, is a false teacher who causes the way of truth will be blasphemed. His destruction, in my view, has been going on for years as RCG has shrank in size as CCOG has grown.

I still expect RCG to one day basically totally implode.


  1. The verse Bob quotes maligning Pack with is a perfect description of himself.

  2. And, of course, false prophecy is the very basis of the Armstrong movement, HWA's "hook", so all teachers of Armstrongism are false prophets. Nothing useful regarding prophecy is ever going to come from any of the splinters. As a source, they've already been burned so many times that they've lost all credibility and God would never use known liars to get His message out. That would be like thinking that diarrhea has medicinal value.

  3. This is an interesting event when the "Immovable Prophet" meets the "Unstoppable Idiot". !

  4. Oh, the hypocrisy and irony are rich with this one!

    Bob has a "double portion" of chutzpah to call a false prophet out for being a false prophet, when a look in the mirror (or a visit to a shrink) would reveal the exact same condition. And the added, "RCG has shrank in size, while ccog has grown". Bob, your grammar is atrocious and you have got some serious shrinkage going on in your tiny little cult as well. Half your members have left in the past year. You went from 300 whopping brain dead folks to <150, so be careful prophlet! Dave is still twice your height and 3x your numbers!

    Once again, you are an egotistical, arrogant goober, caught lying!

  5. I still expect RCG to one day basically totally implode.

    Wishful thinking. It's a slo-mo train wreck. No implosion.

  6. Pack o is false prophet. But so is anyone else who quotes the bible or purports to know what God thinks.

  7. All in the name of The Church Of God what a shame.
