Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Dave Pack - A Double-Minded Man Is Unstable In All His Ways


Dueling Daves


The movie “Deliverance" starring John Voight and Burt Reynolds, was released in 1972. During an iconic scene, Ronny Cox and a young boy have an impromptu musical duet titled “Dueling Banjos.” They were both trying to outplay each other.


Amos 3:3

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?


In 1804, Vice President Aaron Burr fatally shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel. They obviously could not walk together.


But what happens when the person you need to duel is yourself?


James 1:8

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.


David C. Pack brings that scripture to life. It is almost as though James had him in mind when it was written.


The documented patterns of instability and back-and-forth teachings from The Restored Church of God are astonishingly consistent. Facts and time make the case very clear, transcending the realm of personal opinion.



During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 414)” on January 14, a “new” prophetic construct was recycled from old machine parts. Abib 1 was previously filed under "Been there, done that.”


The Day of the Lord is now set for March 22, 2023, starting at 7:40 pm ET.


Part 414 – January 14, 2023

@ 1:07:49 So then, what did the Bible just directly tell you is the Day of the Lord? Abib 1. It’s impossible to argue with that.


@ 1:08:46 I could stop the sermon now and go on to other things, but I’ve decided I’m just gonna drive it home and crush all idea that the Day of the Lord is not Abib 1.


But that was three long days ago, and anything is possible by now. 


Is the Day of the Lord, which is the beginning of the Kingdom of God, which is when Jesus Christ returns, going to occur at sunset on March 22, 2023? Is it impossible to see it any other way? Is it inarguable?


Pester General David C. Pack, please signify 1 for “Yes” and 2 for “No.”

1 Kings 18:21

…How long halt you between two opinions?


Since the votes are even, stand back and let David C. Pack duel David C. Pack on the matter to settle this once and for all.


The question for him is simple: On which date does the Kingdom of God arrive?


For everyone else, can you determine which of the following men told lies?



The Kingdom of God Arrives On…?

March 22, 2023


January 13, 2023


December 25, 2022


December 9, 2022


November 2022


October 11, 2022



Okay, those were trick questions.


The answers are: All these men told lies. The Kingdom of God will not arrive on any of those dates.


Note that Thanksgiving Day and New Year’s Eve were excluded as videos but are included on the very long list of failed dates which stands at 37 since June of 2022.


Anyone who believes a single word of David C. Pack has no excuse. He may have some speaking skills and the ability to string Bible verses together to get them to say what he desires at the time, but he has been doing that since 2012 and has never had anything he said come to pass.


Deuteronomy 18 is not the only place the Bible spells out how to manage such people.


David C. Pack is a false apostle. He is a false prophet. He is not revealing The Mystery of God. God is not guiding him to teach “The Greatest Untold Story!”


The David C. Pack of today will perpetually duel the David C. Pack of yesterday.

Marc Cebrian

See: Dueling Daves



  1. Has David C Pack ever predicted Pentecost, the feast of harvest, and a harvest is the end of the age - Mat 13:39........when Jesus will come?

  2. This man has no Idea what he is talking about. Its all a sham. Its total nonsense. It makes no sense at all. Words from a mind that lives in a fantasy world. Compare these nonsensical proclamations against what is written in the scriptures. The point is there is no comparison. Total BS. Any one with half a brain can see Dave's utterings are total fiction spun from a mind that is not living in reality.

  3. I watched a great movie the other night starring Betty Davis the title slips my mind. The overall story is Davis doing what she does best portraying what appears to be a decent fun person but truth being the other side of her is cunning and greedy. She poisons her husband to be free of him while getting his wealth. Another man comes into the scene looking for the husband because Davis's ex did a robbery with him and the man was being framed for a murder that occurred during the heist which the husband committed. Long story short Davis poisons the man also killing him. At the end Davis is distraught and someone she knows comes to her house to help her. He said to Davis you need something to drink and pours a glass full of the same drink,without knowing it, of the poison that was premixed. Davis drinks it then a few seconds later saw the jar realizing what she just drank. She broke out hysterically laughing realizing she drank the same poison she used to do her dirty deeds.🤷

  4. Hey Dave,

    I know that you read here, so don't pretend you don't. I just wanted to say that on this Jesus thing? You are not helping!!!

    You should have stuck to competitive swimming and vitamins! You could have been somebody!

    From one who left when HWA's prophecy failed.

  5. “Dave Pack – A Double-Minded Man Is Unstable In All His Ways”

    It gets even worse with someone like Dave Pack as he becomes Triple-Minded and then Quadruple-Minded and then....

  6. Dave Pack is a false prophet who cannot save anyone. All he can do is lie, steal, destroy and kill.

  7. I wish Dave could see the light...On anything Biblical. Getting stuck, decades ago, on the false teachings and understanding of HWA, has cost Dave and his followers dearly and will cost them even more when they each draw their last breath on earth.

    As has been stated here on Banned over and over again, Jesus Himself said in Matthew 24 that no man knows the day or hour. He did not lie. He also reiterated this in Acts 1 when asked, "Wilt Thou, at this time restore the Kingdom to Israel. He replied, it is not for you to know the time. The Father has reserved that unto Himself". Again, He did not, and cannot lie. You are not an exception to this, Dave.

    I wish Dave could also see there is a transition that goes throughout the Book of Acts. The gospel of the Kingdom was preached solely to Israel by Jesus and the Apostles. Some time, approximately 30ish years later, the Apostle Paul was then commissioned to turn to the gentiles, due the unbelief and heart of stone of the Jews, with his Gospel of grace, for our times. The kingdom gospel slowly disappears from the biblical account in Acts and transitions into the Gospel of our salvation, through the grace of God, as described in 1 Cor 15-1-4. Hence, why the law is dropped and grace is highlighted. Not until Revelation, once the Body of Christ is gone from the scene, does the Kingdom gospel reappear, with reference to Israel.

    If only Dave had a genuine theological education, he could have saved so many from a life of impossible law keeping, impossible prophecy interpretations and turned them to Jesus and the indwelling Holy Spirit, who teaches us how to understand and rightly divide His Word. If only.

  8. Dave Pack actually did away with the “Great Commission” to preach the true Gospel (meaning “GOOD NEWS”) of the coming Kingdom of God and replaced it with his own work of spreading his own weird prophetic ideas and endless BAD GUESSES about when his own weird ideas will happen.

  9. The Fruits: 100% wrong each time, every time, all the time.
    Done. Finished. Case closed.

  10. In 1804, Vice President Aaron Burr fatally shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel. They obviously could not walk together.

    Bring back dueling so somebody can take out Pack.

    1. What century were you born in just curious?

  11. "If only Dave had a genuine theological education ..."

    Like Jim Bakker, who represents more conventional religion.


  12. Why do people post stupid comments like this without telling us who they are asking the question of?

    Who in the hell are you talking to?

    "Anonymous said...
    What century were you born in just curious?
    Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 8:07:00 PM PST"

    1. I was just curious what century he was born. Suggesting gunfights to kill the ones he has grudges with seemed a bit dated

    2. Noting stupid about that question. More easily rattled than Prince Harry.

  13. If I had to guess, I'd say 8:07 was probably directing his question to the dude who watched the Bette Davis movie. I'm old enough that I saw Elvis on the Ed Sullivan Show, and I wouldn't watch a Bette Davis Movie. Now, a Hedy Lamar movie, maybe.

    If you happen to post here on your desktop computer, your comment, once approved, will appear on your monitor right under the comment to which you are responding. If you are posting on your ipad, tablet, smart phone or Android device, your comment goes to the bottom and unless you address the time of the comment to which you are responding, everyone has to guess.

    1. Or you can simply click on "Reply" under the comment to which you want to reply! (sent from my phone) ;)

  14. I saw a movie once too where the law firm was called Rob, Cheatham, and Steel. It was a comedy but those who've been hoodwinked by this false prophet are not laughing.

  15. He sounds so confident, but he is wrong every single time. How is it that the people inside can’t see that?

  16. More BAIT & SWITCH

    People supposedly went to the RCG cult because they wanted the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

    Now, the RCG cult members get Dave Pack's lies, whole lies, and nothing but lies.

    Life can go strange. Really strange.

  17. When I was in college we were required to debate in an economics class on some theories, don't remember what, but my debate partner did not care what side of the argument he was on. He was confident he could make a case for any theory. Did not matter if he was right or wrong. It was all about making the case.

    It appears Dave thinks the same way.

  18. Instead of teaching the young klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies how to debate and argue, his parents should have taught him not to lie and steal.

  19. That's why HWA prepping Loma's brother for the debate that he ended up winning is such a telling and pivotal event in HWA's life, career, and ministry, Mark! HWA covered this in great detail in his autobiography.

    A debate is an exercise in proof-texting, oratorical skills, and logic. Participants are often assigned the side of the argument which they will take, or are awarded the side via coin toss. I believe that HWA erroneously mixed the rules for forensic debate (along with the principles of advertising) into the methodology which informed and supported his religion. In fact, it is quite obvious that he did this to anyone who ever read his writings or listened to one of his sermons. You can glean further insights into this by considering the methods of those whom he considered to be resources or authorities, such as Hislop and Velikovsky, both of whom used similar methodology. And, it works fantastically in manipulating people of a certain intellect and level of education.

  20. Did you actually reply as you just described to my comment, 12:19? Cause your reply is 6 below my comment on my screen right now, and I bet that people are wondering who you replied to.
