Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Dave Pack: When your minister lies to you about the return of Jesus Christ…you need to be patient.


IF Wednesday


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God did not have a good week.


Monday, January 23 @ 10:04 AM ET

Tuesday, January 24 @ 10:05 AM ET

Wednesday, January 25 @ 10:06 AM ET

Thursday, January 26 @ 10:07 AM ET

Thursday, January 26 @ 11:35 PM ET


This list does not include Friday, when a key Headquarters staff member resigned as an employee and church member. This rivet popping from the hull of the RMS Wadsworth is the second departure since November. Kudos to the lay members who act while the hirelings do nothing.


Marvel when you realize this was not David C. Pack’s biggest fail streak in a week. July/August 2022 was no fun for him either when Av 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 all turned up to be business as usual.


The David C. Pack Wall of Shame grows longer on the landing page of exrcg.org. When Tammuz circles around again, the design layout will need to be updated. Maybe Kevin Denee’s company can help with that.


As you have discerned by now, this is not a review of the surprisingly good Jenny Ortega series, “Wednesday,” streaming on Netflix.


RCG Headquarters issued an update on Monday to calm the nerves of the brethren when Dave was a no-show on Sabbath to bestow Special Comments. He must have had nothing special to say. And that is quite the feat from the man who doodies in the toilet, not in his pants.



Monday, January 30, 2023


Dear brethren,


We hope this finds you doing well. 


If we are here on Wednesday, Mr. Pack plans to lay out some more corroboration that we were right and that we really do need patience. Everything is still on track.


Warm regards,


Church Administration



“We hope this finds you doing well.”


How could anyone NOT be doing well after being strung along all week to then hear silence over the weekend? Three days of not knowing what the heckfire is going on would put anyone into a “well” state of mind.


Either nobody had the courage on Sabbath to walk up to the lectern to fill the air with more false assurances, or the Packian Triad of Fraud was simply out of ideas. The result was the same. Let the brethren stew while wondering why salvation did not come.


But should they really be wondering by this point? The obvious answer is staring them in the face.


No Part 417 this weekend was a blessing to the brethren at Headquarters. I remember that sigh of relief when you realize you can eat a meal in peace and go home at a reasonable hour on the Sabbath.


It could have been worse. Enduring yet another condescending 3-minute sweaty stammering about how great things still are from Meat Shield would have been nothing short of maddening.


Silence is golden at Headquarters.



“If we are here on Wednesday…”


See why there was no need to rush reporting this? My calendar claims today is Wednesday. As expected.


The last Pathetic Update ended with, “…any hour of any day works." The saddest people on the face of the earth are the members of The Restored Church of God expecting David C. Pack to get anything right.


No man knows the day and/or the hour. The Father knows. Even by accident, David C. Pack cannot figure out the day for the coming of the Kingdom of God. Whenever he suggests a day, know for sure it will NOT come on that day.



“…more corroboration that we were right…”


More past-tense future-fulfillment corroborations. More “being wrong” means “being right” insanity.


David C. Pack is going to fail his whole way into success.


David C. Pack is going to teach errors along the path to truth.


David C. Pack will be proven wrong so many times it will result in being right.


Sound thinking has fled from Headquarters.


The corroboration could mean that the February 10/11 (Shevat 20) Big Deal is back in the spotlight. This is 40 days before Abib 1, which is the fallback to the fallback. When that does not pan out, be prepared for a Passover-Unleavened Bread reimagining.



“…we really do need patience.”


David C. Pack and the enablers at Headquarters have weaponized patience. They have corrupted the use of godly character and misapplied it through exploitation.


This is evil. What is going on starting at Headquarters is evil. Evil.

They need the brethren to be silent, gullible, naïve, witless, and blind. That is not being patient.


If your parent beats you, do you ignore it because you need to be patient?

If your spouse commits adultery, do you put up with it because you need to be patient?

If your friend is addicted to drugs, do you stay silent because you need to be patient?

If your child is stealing from you, do you pretend not to know because you need to be patient?

If your teacher is molesting you, do you keep it a secret because you need to be patient?

If your boss is not paying you, do you keep working because you need to be patient?


When your minister lies to you about the return of Jesus Christ…

When your minister has other ministers deceive you…

When your minister swears falsely using God’s name in vain…

When your minister twists the words in the Bible…


To endure such things with inaction is not a show of patience. It is willful foolishness.


That is not biblical patience. That is patience weaponized for the gain of men.



Everything is still on track.”


Members of The Restored Church of God, this is David C. Pack pissing in your face instead of against the wall. This is a mental and spiritual affront expressed without shame in hubris because he knows you will accept it with a calm, docile smile.


If The Restored Church of God and David C. Pack were "still on track," Jesus Christ would have returned on Friday, August 30, 2013.


Or on January 23, 24, 25, or 26 of 2023.


If we are here on Thursday, will you continue to listen to the vile filth David C. Pack teaches?

If we are here on Friday, will you continue to do nothing except sign your tithe check?

If we are here on Saturday, will you continue to support an organization of biblical fraud?


Why continue to attend a church that lies, deceives, corrupts, manipulates, threatens, and patronizes?


Maybe you are just being patient.



 Marc Cebrian

See: IF Wednesday




  1. “Everything is still on track” said the captain of the Titanic.

  2. Well if it was a Netflix series like Jenny Ortega's Wednesday, he would have to be Lurch. "You Rang?"

  3. In another world David Pack designs complicated trick plays for Andy Reid and the KC Chiefs

  4. I was starting to go into withdrawal, waiting for Marc's latest article on Dave's latest failure. It genuinely never ceases to amaze me that failure after failure does not seem to move more members out. I keep praying it will move ALL of them out, but this cannot continue much longer. Even the most patient Dave zealot must have a limit.

    I still would love to know what the trigger was for Dave to have launched into this series of nonsense. This has ZERO to do with salvation or the Gospel, so who/what abruptly changed his focus 180˚? I can imagine his ego is what has kept him there, but how it started????

  5. As all things with RCG and DCP, their words cannot be trusted. He is now scheduled to speak on Thursday. If were are still here on Thursday, that is...

  6. Quote from WIMPY , of Popeye fame if he was Dave Pack---

    "I will gladly pay you Tuesday, for a Second Coming today!"

  7. DW: My guess is love of money Trumped love of the truth.

  8. 1:09 PM: Laughed controllably; you really do want the KC Chiefs to lose!

  9. "Don't touch that dial! We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. We have temporarily lost communication with God. Our staff is working on the problem, and we will be rejoining you just as soon as the connections are reestablished."

  10. In Proverbs 19:15 God warns, " Laziness casts one into a deep sleep, And an idle person will suffer hunger." I imagine this could be tied into the comfort of the 10 slumbering, sleeping virgins too comfortable being idle as laziness casts into a deep sleep, so deep the sleep one cannot even acknowledge their hunger.

  11. My guess is David C Slack is mentally ill with a religious psychosis

  12. Well, 8:11, there are those who believe that extreme religionists suffer from temporal lobe epilepsy. I've read opinions that both Amy Semple McPherson, and Ellen G. White suffered from, and were influenced by this illness. Or, it might relate to what Dennis has taught us about the Corpus Callosum, which, of course, is not to be confused with the corpus cavernosum, which actually relates to the little guy.
