Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Dave Pack: God the Father To Return Friday - Before His Creature JC Returns


Get ready boys and girls! God, the Father is coming on Friday, March 17! 

Bob Thiel had better get his act together! 

Word has it that God, the Father does not like adultery, witchcraft, and spells

Video courtesy Marc Cebrian - Snarkiness, mine.


David C. Pack lays out the new version of God's plan that will begin on Friday morning, March 17, 2023. That is tomorrow. This is a longer clip from "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 429)" given on March 15 that spells out what The Restored Church of God teaches. Well, until Saturday when the pieces will need to shift again. 1) The Father arrives on Friday 2) No mention of Jesus Christ in the entire 4 1/2 minute plan 3) The 1335 of Daniel 12:12 was moved one day Article forthcoming.

Marc Cebrian


  1. He utters confused messages. I just shake my head in disbelief.

  2. Oh noooo! The father is coming tomorrow!

  3. What are they going to do if the Holy Spirit returns and is a full member of the trinity and not some kind of reductive thing like a power?

  4. I might not know where the two days go Davey but I can tell you where to put them. The same orifice you pull the dates from.

  5. Awesome, as Ron Weinland would say.

  6. I have listened and watched this man for quite a wile. I have come to a couple conclusions. First, he has no Idea what he is talking about. Complete nonsense. Secondly, and I don't mean to be facetious, but the man is insane. Truly insane.

  7. I’ve got my column filled in- failure again.

  8. Crap...I have to work tomorrow

  9. To Anons @7:23, 8:01 and 8:37. Amen and hallelujah, that was my exact thought about where he could stick his two days and yes, you are right, he is totally insane, respectively!!

  10. It has gotten to the point I don't know how his organization still stands. He is spewing out failed prophecies & predictions on a weekly if not daily basis. Usually when someone who has dictatorial authority reaches the point he is approaching they either commit suicide or are deposed/taken out by a coup. The only thing I can think how it keeps going is that some of the others on the payroll don't want to lose their income or that they lay membership is SO beat down they just can't bring themselves to acknowledge the reality of the situation.

  11. PACK --- "The little boy who cried wolf... on STEROIDS"!

  12. How are any members still listening to this complete nonsense? Why does RCG still have members?

  13. At least Dave Pack can actually speak. Maybe Bob should visit him and learn how to speak publicly.
