Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Former CCCG Member On African Corruption: "The corruption runs so deep it’s unbelievable… "


A former Continuing Church of God member sent in this:

Unfortunately, Dr. Thiel has chosen to reject photo, video, official government documents, witnesses accounts from inside the CCOG and other COG circles. 

To name a major example, many are not aware of the political scandal that occurred in 2017 and 2022 involving Evans Ochieng and his son, Bradox. 

The corruption runs so deep it’s unbelievable… 

I have seen photos of a Pastor named Radson from Malawi, touching a woman’s breasts and Evans Ochieng messaging a woman over Facebook for a sexual meet up. 

I have nothing against Dr. Thiel and his NON-African work which he has contributed to the Church of God; he has provided powerful insights and analysis.. yet 1st Corinthians says all this knowledge, prophetic guidance, will profit nothing unless we abide in love. 

Is Bob showing love when he ignores problems such as these that cause spiritual decay? 


I pray Bob re-examines his position on African Evangelist Evans Ochieng and the numerous other African related problems and repents.

He has taken for granted my word and other former members words which has been quite shocking…

He appears to blindly trusts Evans word which is not right. 

Yet will hypocritically check if Sasha Veljic in Serbia is telling the truth, for example, when Sasha told Bob the entire Serbian congregation was departing CCOG.

It is very disappointing he does not bother to double check on Evans to see if everything he says is sound... he does this, so he does not lose their trust.. as he as told us.. how shameful this all is... 


  1. Damn! We knew this was coming, but this is appalling!

    1. Do we know how many members actually left CCOG? Didn’t they only have like 100 non Africans anyways? It seems like Aleksandar Veljic already has more subscribers on YouTube than Bob. And his videos seem to draw more views. Oh the butt hurt bobby must be feeling.

  2. The African CCOG reflects the same kind of integrity that Bob Thiel's degrees in higher education exemplify. If nothing else, the man is certainly consistent.

  3. This sheds a whole new light on what many of us have suspected for a while. How will Bob react to this revelation? Will he create yet another video singing the praises of his self-proclaimed African Evangelist? Why does Bob turn a blind eye to the realities of Africa? Is he so desperate for numbers so he can continue to pretend to be a major player in the ACOG movement? Moreover, didn't some of Bob's own family stay in LCG? One can't help but wonder whether the corruption in Africa could have been caused by the Super Bowl - maybe American football has corrupted the supposedly saintly African leaders.
    I am sure Bob will have a dream that will explain everything to us soon.

    1. Bob needs these Africans so he can pretend to have an actual following. He wants to try and fit in so bad with Living Church of God because they rejected him as anyone important and knew that he was always going to be a nobody and no threat what so ever at taking members away. If Bob actually controlled the African crisis he would lose all fake COG brethren but at least people could say he has an ounce of integrity. Keep pretending Sideshow Bob.

  4. It is well known that African "congregations" will latch on to any organization that will send them money and/or other support. One must be very careful in dealing with the folks in Africa, verifying everything.

  5. I seem to recall He did a "sermon" video defending Evans. I watched it, but don't remember the issues with the guy. It was just Bob proof texting verses in order to protect Evans. Typical cog type defending an "Evangelist" over anyone of "lower" rank trying to detail horrendous behavior.

    This is so HWA defending GTA at all costs, despite years of evidence proving despicable behavior. This could not have happened to a more deserving false prophet. Remember Bob, pride comes before the fall! No one in planet earth with more pride and arrogance than you.

  6. Bob Thiel on his latest news article on Cogwriter is pointing people to a video on radio in European radio saying that Sasha Veljic will be the host. Yes this is an older video but you would think that he would not want to mention Sasha Veljic where he in the past few weeks left the church. Is this another way that Bob Thiel is being deceptive?

  7. Wow, it sounds like Garner Ted Armstrong got reincarnated in Africa!

    In all seriousness , all of the COGs have rampant sexual problems of all sorts in Africa , laity and ministry alike. This also applies to Catholic and Protestant churches as well.

  8. The fact that there are government documents corroborating this corruption is telling. Bob will soon start saying this is persecution against his faithful servant Evan. What disgusting display Bob has presented to the church and the world.

  9. Maybe Evans used some of his African witchcraft techniques to cast a spell on Bob?

  10. The situation at CCOG is truly repulsive. It's clear that Aleksandar Veljic was the only competent preacher in the organization, having likely passed the Spokesman Club. Bob Thiel, on the other hand, is a laughing stock when it comes to public speaking and his reputation is in shambles. He needs to publicly repent to salvage whatever little credibility he has left, but let's be honest, no other ACOG takes him seriously. The vast majority of his African followers are only there for the money, with maybe a few exceptions. It's baffling that Bob Thiel would prioritize the opinions of fraudulent evangelists and witch doctors over respected, credible sources.

  11. Oh boy! I just found and rewatched his video where he defends Evans. He quotes an article from Banned on October 16, 2020. The littlest prophlet of all quotes Banned calling him the great Bwana to Africa, and he mispronounced Bwana to boot.

    Yada, blah, cetera. He denies all claims from Banned and says Evans never, ever worked with any other groups while working at CCOG. His flailing and flapping are only outdone by his arrogant stance that EVERYBODY else is lying, but him.

    What it while it is still up!! Priceless!! Titled "Dispelling Lies about Evangelist Evans Ochieng", 3 years ago, a whopping 267 views!!

  12. It's striking how unusually quiet False Prophet Bob has been lately. Normally, he's quick to denounce and gesticulate wildly whenever a post critical of the COG surfaces. The fact that he's remained silent suggests that he's feeling the pressure of dwindling tithes and a shrinking congregation.

  13. Bwana Bob must be still hoping that Aleksandar Veljic will be rejoining his Church because he still lists Aleksandar Veljic as a contact for the feast site in India. No wonder CCOG is falling apart Bob can't even remove contacts after they leave his Church. You would never see this from LCG. They were smart enough never to ordain him for anything so when he left it was just business as usual for them. Poor Bob.


  14. Oh boy! I just found and rewatched his video where he defends Evans. He quotes an article from Banned on October 16, 2020. The littlest prophlet of all quotes Banned calling him the great Bwana to Africa, and he mispronounced Bwana to boot.

    Yada, blah, cetera. He denies all claims from Banned and says Evans never, ever worked with any other groups while working at CCOG. His flailing and flapping are only outdone by his arrogant stance that EVERYBODY else is lying, but him. I especially love Bob spewing Proverbs all over everyone. Who is the sluggard now, oh tiny one?

    Watch it while it is still up!! Priceless!! Titled "Dispelling Lies about Evangelist Evans Ochieng", 2 years ago, a whopping 267 views!!

  15. The reason why the CCOG and Africa in general is so messed up is Ju-Ju. This is the indigenous religion of most Sub-Saharan Africans. It's a religion that worships dark, supernatural forces, with bizarre rituals that demands blood sacrifices, even those of a man. Ju-Ju absolutely permeates the native culture, so it's followers can be found attending services at the church or the mosque, in addition to Ju-Ju ceremonies. If one wishes to know more about Ju-Ju, Isiah Oke's Blood Secrets is a good reference. Oke was trained to be a Ju-Ju priest from childhood, but he broke away from the cult as an adult, and became a Christian. His book has been out of print for a while, but you should be able to get it on a library loan, or second hand from Amazon, ABE, or other sources that deal with used books.

  16. It's baffling that Bob Thiel would prioritize the opinions of fraudulent evangelists and witch doctors over respected, credible sources.

    Bob is a naturopath who doesn't believe in Western allopathic medicine. It's no surprise that he is on the side of a witch doctor.

  17. I wish nothing but the best for Dr. Thiel. I don't agree with what is happening in Africa and I feel that Dr. Thiel should handle the situation differently but I am not him. Saying that I am not against Dr. Thiel and still consider him a friend and have the utmost respect for him. I left the CCOG back in 2018 because of things I was seeing in Africa and I felt that certain people were misusing the funds. I also have questions about Bob Thiel being a prophet as I still believe that Mr. Armstrong in mystery of the ages explained the role of prophets. He does have many gifts and I wish him the best. Like Paul and Barnabas they went separate ways that is how I feel about CCOG and Bob Thiel. Saying that I am not an Elder in the Church nor will I ever be one. I am just a believer and if God allows me to use my skills to help the work I will. Aleksandar Veljic is a personal friend of mine someone I have the highest respect for, and even he is not attacking Bob Thiel after leaving CCOG and has told people publicly that they should not do so. So not sure what people at banned are trying to accomplish. Bob Thiel is a great person and I honestly believe his heart is in the right place even though I feel he is being mislead by certain people in Africa and that is sad.

    Randy Freeze

  18. Sasha, I remember you from a Feast of Tabernacles in the 1990s. Hope you are well. I now recognize the Churches of God have a lot of things wrong, but good people in them too.

    Don't let the Churches of God drag you down.

  19. I feel I need to inform people here of the African situation/ The allegations are all true/ Evangelist Evans Ocheing and his Son Bradox we're involved in Kenyan elections twice, once in 2017 in which they came forward only because a UCG Minister informed Alexander Veljic and it was confirmed by Bob Thiel; it was said from the Ocheings no church money was used/ Dr Thiel took their word for it, even though they never came forward first with participating in that election/ 2022 Evans and Bradox we're involved in the same exact election for MCA in the Kanyamwa koswe ward/ Evans kept silent/ Bradox informed Dr Thiel he did not run in the 2022 election, he claimed to Dr Thiel that someone put his name on the Ballot and he only worked to Elect Governor Evans Kidero/ Despite the official Kenyan election Documents in 2022 showing that Bradox did indeed participate and even tried to overturn the election in his favor/ also this is confirmed with Leaders under Evans Ocheing in written Testamony and witnesses outside the CCOG/ Dr Thiel told me he accepts the confirmation of an Elderly gentleman in Bradox district that told him Bradox didn't participate in that election as the truth/ Sadly the Adultery issues of Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa are also true with ten or more witnesses, involving Facebook texts and videos and photos/ latest issue was my son Andre was accused of spreading rumors of the CCOG not being officially registered in Malawi/ Sadly this is true also, in emails with Dr Thiel, Bob says he has the Documents,but can't show anyone as he's working on something related to them/ we know that CCOG isn't in Fact Registered because I helped Sash Veljic register Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God/ we are listed Official as of March 9th/ CCOG is not listed on the official Malawi website, even the Mormons and Jehovah witness and many other churches are/ Witchcraft is being practiced by Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa as confirmed by many witnesses and photos and video Evidence and Blood Sacrifice/ also rampant abuse of church Funds being used for carnal pleasure seeking and personal gain/ many witnesses via video and written testimony/ I couldn't keep this to myself as I and my sons went to Africa with the Best intentions to serve our African Brethren and I couldn't lie to myself , Family or Friends in the CCOG/ I followed Matthew 18 and now I'm telling it to the Church as both Myself and my son were blocked on CCOG forum and Skype services. I'm not 100% sure why Dr Thiel isn't accepting these truths that are so plain/ Willingly ignorant? / Pride?/ Gullibility?/ Being Deceived by powerful Demonic spells cast by the Ocheings and Radson Mulozowa. God help us all to obey God rather than men. Terry Nelson vitalogydoc@gmail.com

  20. Randy, if Bob Thiel;s heart is in the right place as you think, then why does he not do the right thing? Over and above whatever videos and witnessing he received, the Holy Spirit should give him that iner sense of things, that conviction, that heads up awareness. Especially in his own mind because he thinks he is a prophet. Bob Thiel pointed out real concerns in LCG, and now he is making the same mistakes these other COGs make. No matter how their newly minted leaders say how things are gunna be different in their Church.

  21. Haven't we all come to realize that it's the basic package of doctrines that messes people up, 12:28? Every time Armstrongism is attempted by a group with a leader, the result is inevitably a hot steaming pile of excrement! When you build something out of crap, you end up with crap! This should be known by now, but it produces a blinding pride and arrogance within the minds of the leaders!


  22. Glad Sasha finally got Terry's money out of him.

    Been looking for a sucker to fund his ego for years.

    At least Bob doesn't take a wage.

    So i would guess: in Sasha's words since he is entitled to one = then Bob is just giving the Africans his wage.


    OH WAIT - it's not going to Sasha.
