Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Dave Pack: The Kingdom to Israel begins at sunset on Friday, March 10, 2023 (Wadsworth time)

Purim Kaput


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God realized on Sunday that Esther’s Purim Fast was so vile in God’s sight, He would never establish any kingdom during that time. It was a bummer for everyone in The Restored Church of God that this was not figured out until after they wasted two hours on Saturday.


Do not feel sorry for them. The brethren are very used to wasting their time.


“The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 427)” on March 7 was only 46 minutes long, but it was jam-packed with more expressions of mental illness and biblical buffoonery.


Part 427 – March 7, 2023

@ 08:05 God would never come on Purim.


Dave walks this back in such a pathetic manner even teenagers would roll their eyes.


@ 46:22 There is no visible path beyond this Sabbath.


The Kingdom to Israel begins at sunset on Friday, March 10, 2023.

Not on Purim 2019 2023


Dave vaguely calculates this as sunset Jerusalem, 10:43 AM ET.


Well, until he enjoys his sandwich in Wadsworth. Then, the Sabbath begins at 6:27 PM ET.


But by supper, he checks the weather in Honolulu, 11:38 PM ET.


Yep. It is Purim 2019 all over again. And some of you are still there. Wow.



Did you know The David C. Pack Make-A-Death-Wish Foundation is still accepting donations?

@ 43:37 He [God] would hafta make certain that he (this servant) and all brethren knew the biblically described prevailing world conditions had unmistakably arrived. They would have to know that. That they could see the Day coming. If I fell over dead with a heart attack, your eyes are still here. You can see the Day coming. You wouldn’t need me to say anymore.


This is his personal record for the most self-death mentions inside “one month.”


Part 421 on February 18. Part 423 on February 25. Part 426 on March 4. Part 427 on March 7.


How many more will he be able to fit inside the next nine days?



Dave opens by distancing himself from his own teaching about Purim and Esther's Fast. The event was important only because it pointed to this coming Sabbath. That is putting makeup on a pig.


@ 00:54 Well, her fast is a guideline. We can get around it. In fact, we already have. But, I discovered it pretty much Sunday and then, early yesterday morning….And I didn’t understand certain things.


@ 03:27 Would God and Christ come to build the Kingdom of Israel on a vile fast day He so strongly attacks? Or the drunken Purim bash that followed it? 


This is the same man who teaches annually that God will establish His Kingdom on Christmas and then on New Year’s Eve because God hates them so much. In Part 427, he recycles the exact "wine and strong drink" verses to hide that he botched Purim. Again.


David C. Pack speaks out of both sides of his mouth.


God hates it so much, He wants to destroy it. God hates it so much, He would never establish His government on its ashes. Which is it? For Dave, it will always be both based upon need.


@ 11:36 So, this fast is a guide. A very helpful guide. For which week God intervenes. It is still very important. It has to be relevant.


He should just add, “Otherwise, that would make me look really stupid.”


Too late.


Dave starts promoting the Sabbath as his Plan B, even though he intended it to be Plan A.


@ 12:57 Now, it just so happens that the Sabbath is a couple days after Purim.




There are only seven days in any week. One of them is the Sabbath. So, you could accurately state that every other day and every single holiday not on a Saturday also fits that description.


The Sabbath is a couple days after XYZ. They all fit. That is not proof.


Hearing him make a case sounds more and more like what a 15-year-old would say when they get caught coming home after curfew. Actually, I apologize. What Dave does insults the creativity of 15-year-olds.



This next non-excuse non-reason is devoid of logic.


@ 13:12 Our goal is to find a moad. I’m gonna stun you with some really interesting things that finally came out that we woulda never learned. You wouldn’t have gotten to hear had this last little kind of delay set itself up.


Is Dave putting a positive spin on Jesus Christ not returning because the brethren would have missed out on hearing more Dave messages?


It’s a good thing the Kingdom did not come because we would have missed out on more of Dave talking?

I keep listening to this clip over and over to see if I can understand it in another way. Perhaps he is not saying what it sounds like he is saying.


Maybe he means that had Purim not entered the picture and then left, the understanding of the delay would not have been so certain.


If you understand him, please write exrcgwebsite@gmail.com. This includes you, Brad. This is not a joke. I want to know what he is saying. Otherwise, it sounds like RCG dodged a bullet because they would have missed out on more Dave.


For the record, nothing set the delay up. Dave necessarily created the delay because his fraud was exposed by Monday morning. The delay did not do anything to itself because there is no delay this week.


By this coming Sunday, everyone in The Restored Church of God will come to accept this.



Dave further disses Purim with lame excuses activated during Defense Mode.


@ 13:47 I resolved before last Sabbath, before last Sabbath, that we'd be waiting either for last Sabbath and there would be a 19-day Kingdom to Israel or for one more after that. The one just ahead. And there would be a 12-day Kingdom of Israel. 


Dave knew he was wrong before you knew he was wrong. Purim got in his way, and he realized too late he should have stuck with Plan A.


For those new here, the Kingdom to Israel is ruled by Elijah, who is David C. Pack. That means he is preaching about the coming Kingdom of Dave. Now, is that some good news, or what?


I have a feeling he always has ten options in his briefcase at any given moment. So, when one fails suddenly, he can pull out another, claiming he knew it was possible. By doing this, he can “prove” he was right after being wrong.


Dave has been obliterating his teachings in the 400s at such an alarming rate even black rhinos are concerned.


If anything he says survives more than two weeks, it is practically a grandfather in maturity. Some doctrines do not make it 24 hours. Mayflies laugh at Dave’s timeline theories.


@ 14:08 I spent hours talking to people and examining that before Esther’s Fast kinda popped back in the picture.


This is how hard-earned RCG tithe money is spent. Men sit around the office wasting their time discussing things that will never happen when they say they will.


Forget updating the literature and new World to Come programs because Dave is too busy coming up with Dungeons & Dragons scenarios for when Brad, Ed, Ryan, Carl, and Jaco come over for beer and Cheetos. (No, they do not invite Ken. It’s a long story.)


Hours of talk in the office. Hours of talk to the brethren. Oops. Purim was a Nothing-burger, but he could still use it for an empty spin with a side of hollow excuses.


@ 14:18 I was not there at all.


When it comes to excuses, Dave makes Adam look like Johnnie Cochran.


@ 14:40 I was convinced, and a number of men know this. We spent hours talking about whether it was going to be last Sabbath or next Sabbath.


These men spent hours goofing off because nothing will happen this weekend.


@ 14:49 And only at the last minute did I see this thing about the fasting, which was intended by God to show us, “You’ve got the right week. You’ve got the right week.” It was a guide. So, in a way, we could say our prayers were answered. There’s four less evil days. I've been very consistent about that. I still am. I'm glad that's the way it is.


David C. Pack is a blaspheming liar.


He inserts God into his madness with no concern for the consequences. Dave's god is a deceiver who tricked him into thinking Purim was something. By this coming Sunday, Dave and the cowardly Headquarters hirelings will know they did NOT have “the right week.”


None of those men should make solid plans for Saturday night. Dave will need an emergency huddle to move the goalpost again. This way, you can spend even more hours talking about nothing that will lead to nothing.


No prayers were answered. God is not involved in this farce.



All roads point to this coming Sabbath. The 1335 of Daniel 12:12 began on February 24. Part 427 is the final message before and after a moad. Purim was just a guide.


There are no other conclusions possible. Until there are.


@ 46:22 There is no visible path beyond this Sabbath. As I used to say in the past, it seems we did, in fact, back into the last possible date this could be. I certainly know there’s nothing else I can tell you. And I can see the calendar and know exactly where we are and know it’s impossible that we could be waiting for the next Sabbath and you gotta 5-day Kingdom to Israel. I hope I don’t need to get into that.


During Part 428, he will open quoting the end of Part 427, just as he opened Part 427, quoting his closing statements from Part 426. The prophetic snake will continue to eat its own tail.


Set your alarm clock for sunset on Friday, March 10, so you can participate in a global slow-clap for the Wadsworth Headquarters of Broken Men. Observe church history as David C. Pack is again exposed as a blaspheming liar.


The brethren of The Restored Church of God seem to have made peace with accepting that.


Purim may be kaput, but the Series is not.

Marc Cebrian:

See Purim Kaput


  1. I still do not understand what any of his nonsense has to do with Christianity. His belief that God "hid" certain doctrines for some Ambassador College grad to figure out, is absurdity on steroids.

    If only these men could admit they are wrong, as evidenced by virtually every prediction they make, admit HWA didn't know his a** from his elbow, biblically speaking, maybe some of them could actually stumble across God. Why are they so determined to replicate the work of their idol, who was just one in a long line of false prophets/teachers/apostles?? Never mind. I know. Religion pays, as HWA said.

  2. He keeps saying that he didn't understand certain things. He has proven beyond shadow of a doubt that he understands absolutely nothing!
    RCG members would get better insights into prophecy by consulting a crack whore working the seediest street in Wadsworth.

    1. And at least a crack whore is doing actual work. Dave Pack is a parasite who pimps the gospel and buys horses and houses.

  3. Some people's parents fail to raise them properly to be responsible citizens. They grow up thinking that they are someone great and feeling entitled to lie and steal and abuse others on a massive scale. That is where lying, thieving perverts like Gerald Flurry and David Pack come from.

  4. Bizarre and disgusting individual.

  5. Apostates and False Prophets

    The apostate Tkaches openly threw out of the Worldwide Church of God virtually everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught during their Great Apostasy of January 1995. They changed the WCG from a Sabbath-keeping, clean-eating church into another Sunday-keeping, ham-eating church, and changed the name of it to Grace Communion International.

    The false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack took a different approach. They each pretended to be HWA's loyal and faithful and true successor who was holding fast to everything that HWA had taught at the time of his death in January 1986, and started their own little PCG and RCG splinter groups. Then each of them went on to edit, change, warp, mangle, and totally pervert everything that HWA had taught.

    The apostate people in GCI at least know that they have rejected the teachings of HWA.

    The followers of the false prophets in the PCG and the RCG mistakenly think that they are following the teachings of HWA.
