Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Dave Pack…If, I have a heart attack


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God was preaching that biblical world conditions have been met to signal the time of the end. Oh, noes. 

During "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 427)" on March 7, 2023, he inserted the idea of his own death via heart attack while telling the brethren the Day of Christ was close. 

Two recent articles covered his morbid preoccupation. One about his self-cursing. The other is about his death wish. 

In Part 427, he moves the goalpost from Purim to Friday, March 10 at sunset for Jesus Christ to come and establish the Kingdom to Israel. 

An article is forthcoming. 

Marc Cebrian 


  1. If I have a heart attack...Dave, buddy, you should be so lucky. I watched your video Marc and I had the impression he was bordering on "You should feel sorry for me! See, I will die in my commission to preach the gospel".

    Lol, Dave. You preach a twice cursed gospel, another Jesus and a heart attack would conveniently solve all your problems. The earthly ones, that is. But I forgot one thing. You need to have a heart to attack in the first place. Dave does not qualify.

  2. PACK really focuses a lot on death, tragedy and destruction .

    There is a place for sobriety about life, but Pack is obsessed with negative things and depressed thoughts. He obviously is an extremely troubled man by ANY standard!

  3. I can't say anything about what Pack is currently saying but I do know that many people know when their time is near. My dad just passed last month and he knew it was getting close in December, he had a dream and he told me in his dream he said he wasn't ready. Twice in the same dream he said. If a person focuses on something intently sometimes it does occur, maybe it's Pack's way of telling people what he's sensing deep down. Anyone know what his wife's take is on it? Being a nurse it's possible she's picking up on something.

  4. I see it as a ploy to get sympathy and to pretend he is risking his life for the work. Of course, such a self-sacrificing hero deserves more money, and if he dies it will be too late to support God's great apostle. So it's probably a ploy for more money also.

  5. Risking his life for the work?
    This is the guy with a Marie Antoinette compound, including a barn and horses.
    What a great example of self sacrifice.

  6. People who are depressed, and/or people with death wishes often live long, miserable lives. It's a paradox.

  7. May he be standing behind one of his horses as it comes down with diarrhea!

  8. May he please have the heart attack, he has lied a lot man
