Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 15, 2023

"fornication, masturbation, pornography, fantasy sex, sexting, and same-sex relations"


Imagine if you will, that it's Sabbath morning and you finally have all the kids dressed and snacks packed as you head out for your one-hour drive to church services in the Odd Fellows Lodge in the neighboring city. Being that it is post-Passover time you are looking forward to hearing a sermon about how the works of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection have made you a new person covered by grace and mercy.

Then you finally arrive at church and open up your briefcase balanced on your lap and pull out your Moffatt Bible and notebook as you expect to take copious notes for your edification late in the week when your spiritual reserves have been depleted.

This week you are doubly blessed on this Sabbath day as the glorious leader of your church is the guest speaker! Woo hoo! The long drive will be worth it!

You notice a canvas graphic hanging on the wall behind the podium with creases in it as if it had just been unfolded and taped to the wall. It is another indication of amazing things to be heard over the next hour and a half.

After three rousings hymns and a five-minute opening prayer asking for Father in heaven to bless the preacher so that his words may edify us so we can inculcate the prophet's words, you settle in as a local elder gives a 20-minute sermonette on why it is important that real men do not swear black socks with their dark suits. You look down and see your black socks and subconsciously reach down and pull your pants leg down as much as you can to cover them. Red-faced you slide your feet as far back under the metal folding chair as you can looking forward to the end of the sermonette. 

Then, mercifully he stops and it's time to sing another rousing hymn and then sit back down for announcements about local fundraisers and fruit sales that desperately are being done to raise money to send to Africa. Then it's time for the wife of the local minister to sing special music in her high-pitched off-tune voice that grates on your nerves till you want to scream, yet you dutifully smile when she is done.

Then the moment you have been waiting for has arrived and the church leader is about to speak! He jumps from his seat and bounds on stage with his big thick Bible and a few of his newly released books he has written. His arms begin to raise and his hands start flapping as he stutters and clears his throat numerous times.

Then he starts speaking about fornication, masturbation, pornography, fantasy sex, sexting, and same-sex relations. Your else roll back in your head and your butt suddenly starts getting numb. You look at your watch and you still have one hour and twenty-five minutes yet to go and immediately know that Jesus won't be mentioned much, if at all.

You write at the top of your note page "The Seventh Commandment" and start taking notes. The sub-headings are starting to fill up several pages.

The Seventh Commandment teaches that people are not to commit adultery. Why? 
What is adultery? 
What about fornication, masturbation, pornography, fantasy sex, sexting, and same-sex relations? 
Are there societal costs for violating the 7th Commandment? 
What about crime and disease? 
What did Jesus say about marriage, adultery, and divorce? 
Is there such a thing as spiritual adultery? 
Were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed for their abominations and going after ‘strange flesh’? 
Was Sodom also for pride? 
Do those destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah have any possible hope? 
Does the Bible condemn cross-dressing? 
Does the Bible teach the condoning of homosexual and lesbian relationships? 
Could marriage be a God-plan relationship teaching us about Christ and His church? 
Was adultery called a sin before God wrote the Ten Commandments down on Mt. Sinai? 
Should all that breath be concerned about avoiding sexual immorality? 
Were problems with sexual immorality prophesied for the last days? 
Is marriage supposed to be about love and not lust? What about faithfulness?

Finally, the speaker is close to the end of his sermon and you make a note in your notebook and show it to your wife...Why hasn't he spoken about Jesus and what was accomplished?

The sermon finally ends and there's a final hymn about dashing the skulls of people against the rocks and a gratuitous final prayer is said. By this point, you jump out of your seat to try and get circulation back into your sore butt. You turn around and put your Moffatt Bible back in the briefcase and snap it shut, then gather the kid's toys and blanket up from the floor and put it back in the bag. You and your wife both look wearily at each other and silently agree to shake a few hands and take off for your drive back home.

As you settle into the car and you pull onto the highway the snack bag comes out filled with dried beef sandwiches on organic whole wheat bread, organic grapes, bananas, and a few fig bars. As you drive you silently wonder how much of that sex talk your kids had absorbed.

You finally arrive home as the sun is starting to set. You soon dial the local pizza joint and order a pizza, turn on the television, and settle in to decompress.

Thus ends a typical Sabbath in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God.



  1. Truly, Rod Meredith was a profound influence. Until the last sentence, I had assumed you were talking about LCG!

  2. All of this constant blabbering by COG ministers is revolting considering what a cesspool their own churches currently are. This is particularly rich coming from Bob Thiel considering how his top evangelists are soliciting sex from others, committing adultery, and dumping their wives and families for others. Bob continues to cover this up for some reason. But, these guys are far away and could care less what Bob thinks. They feed him a story and he swallows it, unable to verify any of it. He has been told over and over what is going on and continues to stick his head in the sand. He has become a useful idiot for these African leaders and he is either too stupid to understand it or really doesn't care as long as he has numbers to report.

  3. Why hasn't he spoken about Jesus and what was accomplished?

    Yet one of your subpoints mentioned Jesus by name!

    C'mon, man...

    1. “and what was accomplished”

      That is the part never mentioned.

  4. What happens if someone gets aroused while reading and looking at the pictures of the book "Missing Dimension in Sex"?

  5. I am waiting for Booby to produce his own missing dimension in sex book. What a hoot that will be!

  6. Masturbation ain't a sin just sayin'.

    1. Exactly, but as you know they need to guilt trip the teens and singles under their dominance. As Janet Jackson sings,”It’s all about control!”

  7. Unless you're thinking about your wife (or for the ladies, your husband) while doing it, the thoughts you entertain are most likely very sinful.

  8. Who ya fooling ? This blogs as perverted and twisted as the ones overtly preaching about sexual matters. Double life living yet again. Didn't Garner Ted talk like this post, condescending and condemned others for sex talk ....

  9. Whoa! It takes one to know one, Idi! I believe you just embodied your own comment.

    1. False accuser of anyone who points out the truth.

  10. Idi wrote:

    "Who ya fooling ? This blogs as perverted and twisted as the ones overtly preaching about sexual matters. Double life living yet again. Didn't Garner Ted talk like this post, condescending and condemned others for sex talk ...."

    You are too funny! People like you pop on here all the time with the little girl panties all in a twist over something and make wild accusations but can never back up those accusations. Continue to stick your head in the sand so your minister or church leader can pat you on the head and say "good boy!"

    1. Sick sick blog with fake fake life. Who ya fooling ? None.

  11. A new crybaby says:
    "False accuser of anyone who points out the truth."

    What truth does Bob have? I'm waiting to hear. Are his coverups of sex scandals in Africa adultery going on with no concern? Are his outright lies about how and why he started his church the truth? He lied about Gaylon Bonjour's double blessing and so much more.
