Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Gerald Weston: God Could Have Raised Up Stones To Do His Work, But Instead Chose Us


Isn't it special to be chosen above all other human organizations like the Living Church of God is?

Yes, God could raise up stones to do His Work, but He has not chosen that path. Rather, He has chosen you and me, and through our combined efforts, He is doing a notable Work. We too, must be bold and unafraid. To that end, I want to thank you again for fearing God more than men, as this Work is not popular in our woke world, and even in apostate Christianity. So, thank you dear brethren and co-workers for bravely participating in this end-time Work!

Poor Bob, always left behind, eating dust. 

Gerald continues on being the positive force that he is with another of his Debbie-Downer tirades:

But, do we comprehend why the Anglo-Saxon peoples (as well as much of the rest of the world) are going through so many crises all at the same time? Consider the United States. Even as I write, we may be entering a new banking crisis as Silicon Valley Bank collapsed and was taken over by the Federal government. Signature Bank on the opposite side of the country suffered a similar fate, resulting in concern over the stability of the banking system. We hope that all will calm down, but as we have learned in the last three years, situations that start small can escalate into something far worse. 
The west coast, most especially California, now faces flooding, following years of extreme drought. An elderly gentleman many years ago passed along this observation: “One extreme often follows another.” That has been true in Australia where alternating extreme droughts and massive floods have occurred over the last several years, and we are seeing the same happen in the western United States. 
Meanwhile, the U.S., the UK, and most of Europe have been drawn into a proxy war, the largest war on the European continent since 1945. It is difficult to know how this will play out in the short term. Both Russia and the West are so heavily invested at this point that neither seems able to back down. Will this end up as a humiliating defeat for one side, or will some kind of compromise bring it to an end? According to Bible prophecy, much has yet to happen, but as some thinking individuals are opining, “World War III has begun.” This does not mean that Armageddon is here. As often happens, smaller conflicts precede the spark that sets off a greater one. What we see right now is that this conflict is changing Europe and setting the stage for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and for mankind’s ultimate conflict.

Oh, the humanity! Trials and tribulations are around every corner but never fear these are all just minor things to worry about, those big bad GERMANS are soon to arrive and cause more problems than anything listed above! Big meanies!!!!!

Watch Europe! Revelation 13 describes the revival of a great military power. The symbolic language that the Apostle John used—about a fantastic beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns—depicts a recurring, evil political system which has greatly oppressed and heavily influenced the peoples in Western civilization, and through them, the entire world. 
The seven heads represent seven distinct revivals of this evil empire over a long period of time…. This final, seventh revival will be similar in form to today’s European Union—ten different nations or groups of nations will be represented by ten different kings or presidents. These ten heads of state “receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast” (v. 12). In other words, they will rule for a very short time along with the final “Hitler” (pp. 15-16). 
He also told us to watch for a narrowing from 27 nations to the final revival of ten: “So we can expect old national boundaries to shift, or some current EU members to quit” (p. 17). There may also be a “‘two speed’ Europe, with Germany and other key nations forming an ‘inner core’ of EU members, with closer economic, military, and political cooperation than other EU nations that retain misgivings” (p. 18). 
We see trouble on every side for the American and British-descended peoples: massive immigration problems, labor and supply shortages due to able-bodied men sitting on the sidelines, new alliances forming, South American countries turning Marxist, Mexico thumbing its nose at the giant to its north, China and Russia gaining traction in the Middle East as the U.S. and Britain are pushed aside, and the threat of war between China and the U.S. over Taiwan. Again, from Dr. Meredith: “A new world order is in the process of emerging” (p. 18). And remember, he wrote this in 2001, not based on human reason, but on Bible prophecy. 
Why is all this happening? Are we unable to connect the dots between our moral decay and our downward slide on the world scene? Cannot Australians connect the dots between their immoral behaviors and violent weather extremes? Cannot the U.S. do the same? And as the U.S. goes down the drain, cannot its allies—Canada, the UK, and others—read the handwriting on the wall?

This record has been skipping in place with this same mantra for decades. 

Then Gerald loves to whip in a little British Israelism to stir the die-hard faithful into a frenzy to keep them living in fear.

Dear brethren and co-workers, the United States and the British-descended peoples are none other than the leading nations of the lost ten tribes of Israel (see our free resource, The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy). God warned us that if we turn away from Him, He will turn His back on us. Disaster will come upon disaster with natural catastrophes, military setbacks, and diseases striking us as a wakeup call. It appears we are not yet connecting the dots between our sins and why everything is going wrong.

Gerald then goes on to say they have a warning to get out to the world, yet no one seems to know who they are. If people do not start listening to them the Germans will get them! Very soon!

Similarly, we have been commissioned to warn end-time Israel (not only the Jews, but all the tribes, especially the birthright tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh) to repent and turn back to God. The consequence for not doing so will be national disaster on a scale unimaginable. As with John the Baptist and all of God’s servants over the centuries, our message is not one that people want to hear. Yes, we have the positive Gospel of God’s coming Kingdom, the Family of God ruling over the earth in the near future, but sadly, we are in for a very rough time before Christ returns to save us from total annihilation (Matthew 24:21-22). We must not neglect our duty.

Then, like most other small COG's out there, Weston goes on to justify why they are so small...but, oh, they are doing such a mighty work! So powerful! So mind-bogglingly awesome.

So, although we are small, and we really are small, let us not despise the day of small things. When we consider how few there are of us as members and co-workers, it is astonishing what God is doing through us. Nearly 600,000 people receive an annual Tomorrow’s World magazine subscription absolutely free of charge. Then, there are the millions of free booklets, DVDs, CDs, and letters sent out each year. Our literature is translated into French, Spanish, Dutch, Afrikaans, German and more. 
We are on eleven nationwide television networks in the U.S. with scores of additional stations. Tomorrow’s World also airs on nationwide networks in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa, and Trinidad and Tobago. 
We also support a worldwide ministry with hundreds of congregations. There is so much more God is doing through us, yet, we are truly a little flock. Most of our congregations are small and altogether we number about 12,000. We are most grateful for the few thousand donors and co-workers helping us. Dr. Meredith used to remind us that we are like “half a peanut shell in the midst of the Pacific Ocean.” How true, but we must not despise the day of small things. God will continue to do the Work through us to the degree He chooses, before the curtain of destruction descends upon this troubled planet.

So there you have it! The most awesome COG in history doing the most amazing work ever imagined (after Bob Thiel, of course), 

We must fear God and do the Work He has called us to. And, we must never forget that this life is temporary and that we are investing for a greater future when God will reward His faithful servants who see beyond the here and now. Brethren and co-workers, thank you for what you are doing.
Sincerely, in Christ’s service,

Gerald E. Weston

Peace out brethren! Don't let the Germans get you and TRY to have a happy day. 



  1. These guys chose themselves, and as such are subject to the whims of Gamaliel.

    There never was anything that anyone could feel by the seat of their pants which differentiated them from the unCOGlodytes. When the rubber met the road, and tests were taken, it all ended up being imaginary.

  2. For the 995th time...when asked what the work of God is, Jesus Himself said, "This is the Work of God, to believe in Him Whom He has sent." John 6:29.

    These have got to be some of the dumbest men in history.

  3. WESTON SAYS: The United States and the British-descended peoples are none other than the leading nations of the lost ten tribes of Israel

    Again I repeat , that this is false propaganda. German ancestry is the highest of any in the United States, followed by the Irish, and then the African Americans. British ancestry places a mere FOURTH.

    Mexican, Italian and Polish combined far outnumber British ancestry as well. It's time to stop this nonsense that the United States is some kind of descendent of Britain and a tribe of Israel. The stats do not bare this out.


  4. Jerry can’t help but show he is a right wing reactionary populist in his politics. Complaining about his company (“the work”) not being popular in a “woke” world, then wringing his hands about “Marxism” taking over South American countries. It appears Jerry is someone that has confused his politics for morality. Or, has willingly replaced his morality and ethics for political views.

  5. God couldn't REALLY raise Stones to do His work, because they have too much Sympathy for the Devil.

  6. YHVH could use stones to do his work. Instead he uses people with rocks in their heads. An even greater miracle! All the glory (but don't ask me what for) belongs to YHVH.

  7. He writes that "God will reward His servants." Now that's something that's rarely stated. The reason being that it clashes with the church mantra of S-E-R-V-E, i.e., it's spoken loudly and stretched out. Many denominations use this same ploy.
    The SERVE thingy is an example of loading the language. They put extra meaning on words to get around not adding or taking away from God's word. The loaded word SERVE means members are never to be paid for their efforts, which Jerry's quote disproves.
    Many members use the SERVE word to get away with robbing other members.

  8. "Watch Europe!"

    The weather is not coming from Central Europe but from the interior of North America. There is some risk, greater than zero, that Germany might be a problem in the distant future. This, however, is geopolitics and cannot be connected to Biblical prophecy because the races are all wrong. The British and Germans are both the same mix of haplogroup R, G and I. The proportions may differ a little. They have the same migrational history - they were haplogroup R Pastoralists herding animals in North Central Eurasia who migrated into Western Europe and intermarried with its haplogroup G and I residents.

    If you are pre-occupied with the near-term return of Jesus and want to see trouble for the USA, then you are looking the wrong place for forces that will put the USA in jeopardy. The United States is in the first stage of a civil war based on race. While this is tragic, it is also real - not some Israel versus Assyria fantasy. We just had two congressmen, both Afro-American, ousted from the State Legislature of Tennessee. Many in the centrist media attribute this, naively, to the gun lobby, to the profit motive. No, it is attributable to fear. The Whites of America are in fear of a violent uprising of the Blacks and Browns. And they do not trust the government to do something about it because there is the growing presence of Blacks and Browns in the governement. So they want Blacks and Browns to know clearly that there is a White population bristling with assualt rifles at the ready. And the White view is if the Blacks and Browns want trouble, they will get it in a way that they will regret.

    The dynamic behind the proliferation of guns, in spite of mass killings and school shootings, is demographic. White people are not going to lay down their guns when they perceive that a civil war is inevitable no matter how many grade-schoolers get killed. The political center is calling for gun control without asking why White Americans on the right so desperately want to hang on to their growing collective arsenal. It is fear. Fear of the growing population of Blacks and Browns. The right-wing is preparing for a shooting war, fully armed with militias practicing on weekends, stoking inane conspiracy theories, with General Donald as their leader. As long as General Donald leads the charge, no behavior he engages in will be deemed wrong or immoral. The right is on a war time footing.

    This is the impending undoing of the USA - not the fictional Israel-Assyria conflict. The putative "Watchmen" are asleep at the wheel. They have misintrepreted the Bible and are looking the wrong direction.

    (If this all seems beyond the pale, have a look at the recent book by political scientist Barbara F. Walter, University of San Diego.)

  9. I have to chuckle when people with their own biases and hangups are sure about their view of a tensive environment and still go a step further in their hubris to claim they know the unspoken motivations of a group presumably they are not a part of.

    1. What would be the unspoken motivations to cover up criminal sexual deviance on the part this organization?

  10. 7:07, "as long as General Trump leads the charge, no behaviour he engages in will be deemed wrong or immoral."?

    Afraid of Trump? His opponents have been calling him wrong and immoral from the moment he ran for president and even rigged the last election so that he couldn't win. The country could do worse without him in charge (which they have).

    The right is on a war time footing?? Against what? Against the morals of the corrupt left? (who want to kill babies and change gender identities)

    So Mr. Weston wants us to be "bold and unafraid"? Hypocrite, try that against the ministers and they'll condemn you for it. Contrast that with the righteous Lord who welcomes it, the boldness, the all-outspokenness, parrhesia in Greek, as per Heb 10:19, when we come to Him.

    BTW, was Weston "bold and unafraid" of being fined, jailed or charitable-status stripped during COVID when the church was ordered by the government to hide and not assemble on Sabbath, contrary to the commandment of God that they supposedly teach on a good day?

  11. Weston and his prideful boasting. Be careful , Remember the Alamo Worldwide. This man said in a sermon that he’s a conservative. And that term isn’t in the Bible. Their British American descended Christian agenda will come to nothing in the end, because it’s of the flesh. Iand it can’t even be backed up with dna.

  12. Anonymous 7:56

    Your statement seems to refer to some religous groups that you know. If it doesn't, it should.

    1. 126 and 1224, i was actually referring to 707’s otherwise good comment regarding his thoughts on why “white” people want guns. He draws me in every time he gives his unsupported opinions on certain issues where he believes he knows the “real” motivations of conservative whites.
      Otherwise I appreciate his comments.

  13. Will Durant observed, "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has first destroyed itself from within. The essential cause of Rome's decline lay in her people and her morals."

    I do not see a split along ‘racial’ lines but a split between the ‘left’ and ‘right’ as per Martin Armstrong:

    * The LEFT is Violating the Foundation of Law, July 23, 2022:

    But never in the history of the nation has what is unfolding over abortion ever taken place, which is in itself, a confirmation that our computer is forecasting that the United States will separate. It has become impossible to live together. The left just hates the right, and it is always the LEFT, as in the Communist Revolutions, that end up waging war and justify the slaughter of anyone who they disagree with.

    The ONLY way to secure the future is to divide the United States between LEFT and RIGHT. There are many who personally have no desire to be an economic slave for policies I do not agree with on an economic and RELIGIOUS basis. Even the progressive tax policies of the left violate the Ten Commandments, which is an affront to the religious beliefs of many.

    * Pushing the Envelope for Civil Unrest, July 23, 2022:

    We cannot live as one nation divided with such hatred. We are becoming Ukraine with a mindless civil war based entirely upon sheer seething hatred of Russian-speaking Ukrainians. There is no going back for Ukraine, and there will be no return to normal for the United States. We will most likely divide along the same lines as North v South. The hatred of state's rights v federalism will return.

    * We have Enemies Within Our Own Governments Seeking War & Agenda 2030, May 2, 2022:

    Over the course of the next 10 years into 2032, we will see the United States split. There will emerge a division in the military once they come to actually see that this is no conspiracy theory by Agenda 2030 is in full swing.


    * Are the Immigrants Part of the Decline & Fall? January 3, 2023:

    The invasion of migrants, both in Europe and the United States, is evolving into a major crime wave not seen in decades. In Germany, Berlin looked like a war zone. There were 3,943 incidents, but when recuse workers arrived, they were deliberately attacked. Some 15 firefighters and 18 police officers were injured. The Bild newspaper has reported that these incidents were "particularly bad attacks in the hotspot neighborhoods of Kreuzberg and Neukölln with a high proportion of migrants." They were setting up barricades, setting them on fire, and when the firefighters arrived, they were attacked by some 200 men. There were even attacking an ambulance, hurling objects inside the vehicle's open rear doors.

    I have been getting emails from people shocked here in the United States from towns that never had any homeless are suddenly inundated. This mass migration into Europe and the United States is reminiscent of the barbarian invasions into Rome...

    These migrations are all part of the decline and fall. Just like in Rome, once that process began, there was no turning back. They bring a different culture and that undermined the traditions that held society together creating a civilization that will no longer be.

  14. Weston should be careful about boasting. Look at what happened to Bob Thiel. All of his chest-thumping ended up with him losing hundreds of members in Africa. They are all such self-righteous idiots.

  15. The West is a lost cause. The reasons are well known but it is hate speech to identify the culprits.

  16. Both parties have destroyed the economy and everything else. They are two cheeks of the same rear-end. There is no way to vote our way out of this mess. There is no way to pray our way out of this mess. Democracy is a hoax. Religion is a hoax. Stop putting faith in brainwashed liars.

  17. Aron Ra refutes basis of LCG beliefs.

    Fatso Aron Ra wearing a dress confronts J.W.'s.


  18. If you elect and president who is a White Nationalist, what do you think will happen? Is that the pathway to peace and prosperity? Or might it be the pathway to division and civil war? Jesus pointed out that a house divided will not stand. So we know now that the USA is going to come apart. It is just a matter of how and how soon. I see that the growing interracial violence of action and violance of rhetoric that we have in this country inexorably gravitates in one direction.

    If you are not too old, you will one day be shot at - likely many times. And you will witness the deaths of many other people. The sight of human blood will be commonplace. You might even die in a grocery store with a few .223 caliber bullets in your body from a legally purchased assault rifle, blood in your mouth and a rutabaga in your hand.

    The United States is the greatest Gentile empire to ever exist on earth to date. But the seeds of its destruction are in its inability of deal with racial diversity. Is it reasonable that in the Biblical flow of events, that a powerful, nominally Christian, Gentile nation will be the hope of humanity? I do not think the trend tends in that direction at all. The West will succumb, including Germany, and we stand on the brink of the Age of the Asians. And the COGs, who dally with White Nationalism, will just go with the flow. Maybe the Armstrongists of the future will cook up a fabulous history where the Chinese are the Assyrians.

  19. Anonymous 6:48

    I do know the real motiviations of the bulk of conservative Whites. I attended a church that advocated a form of White Supremacy. I have spent time in the Deep South. I have listened carefully to what Trump and his minions espoused - ideas that make the magnetically attractive to their base. I have seen police officers on the evening news shoot Black people virtually on a whim because the police officers thought they were protected by the establishment. The inordinate sale of assault rifles, people killers, is apalling. The White Right sees the mass shootings and the death of school children as the unavoidable and acceptable cost of being ready of the next civil war. It's the warrior ethic. Someone has to make a sacrifice. As long as the demographic trends remain as they are now, people like The Donald will always have a vaunted place at the table. They will never be abandoned by their bellicose base. They are afraid and they want to make people of color afraid in return. Its the elephant in the room that news media and talk shows don't mention as we segue toward the precipice.

    I believe we have in the USA a genuine problem with a racially diverse social underclass - people who must squabble over the few low-end jobs left after the technology revolution. But I don't believe the solution is the inevitable civil war. I am politically conservative in most things. But I am not like these people.

    And the COGs, by hanging onto the antiquated and scientifically unviable Assyria-Germany view in this milieu of civil war, will become progressively more irrelevant.

  20. Random comments in response to the discussion:

    The idea that white people purchase ARs and AKs for a future race war may be an extrapolation, but it is certainly rooted in fact. HWA and the splinters have taught for decades that race wars are going to be part of the end times events, based on Deut. 28:43. Hippie Guru Charles Manson held and taught similar theories. Any white person, like myself, who gets out and about amongst the public, knows at least some fellow whites who do have assault weapons for this very reason. Conservative commentators have promoted the idea that the public needs these weapons every time there is a riot or civil unrest. White separatist militias who gained highly visible status (and respectability amongst conservatives) starting at Charlottesville are partially motivated by this theory. Within the past several decades, protection against Muslims and encroaching Sharia law has been used as further evidence in favor of the necessity for these weapons. I have said for years that so long as we have a strong Federal government, our nation will never suffer Balkanization, but now I find myself fearing the conservatives who are pushing for a return to states rights. So, alas, even I am considering upgrading my own small gun collection for protection against the uber-right.

    Regarding the homeless, statistically, there is a fixed percentage of the general population of individuals who are incapable of taking care of themselves. These people, many of whom are non-violent, were once held involuntarily in mental hospitals. There was a huge "industry" devoted to their care. Starting in the 1960s, the laws were changed, and these people, still totally incapable of taking care of themselves, began to be released from the institutions. Many of them offended, and ended up in jails or prisons. Others had families who were exhausted emotionally and financially by the extreme burden of caring for them. When you add those with addiction problems, and known sexual predators who cannot find places to live and work to this population, plus those who fall through the cracks of our economic system, it is little wonder that the population of homeless is constantly growing. Opioid addiction and fentanyl have certainly expanded this population exponentially in recent years. It is not some sort of sinister plot. It is an exploding management problem. These people are a nuisance that nobody wants around. They resist rehabilitation. Police are often reluctant to arrest them for crimes they commit, because then they are then tagged with a criminal record which can permanently prevent them from exiting the homeless lifestyle and mainstreaming. Empirical evidence over the past forty years has proven the necessity for mental institutions, and until these return, the homeless population will continue to grow.

    Regarding the current state of our two party system, so long as the extreme wings of the parties continue to have a voice and power, the rhetoric will continue to heat up, and the country will appear to be going crazy. Somewhere along the line, something needs to happen to de-escalate, to ratchet the tone of the debates down. It isn't as if one party is good and the other inherently bad. Each is a set advocacy group for a specific demographic. When we learn to compromise once again so that everyone receives part of what they need, rather than constant nuclear war, then reason and sanity can return. Unfortunately, tragedy of some sort is usually required to foment the total capitulation necessary for such a correction.

  21. What I find interesting is that when one considers the term Babylon or Mystery Babylon, the COGs understand that it no longer means Iraq (the original physical location). But they understand that Babylon is now a spiritual system.

    Also when considering where the two witnesses die, in Rev 11:8. God's word calls Jerusalem, spiritually Egypt or Sodom.

    So at the end time God is looking at things differently, from His perspective. By looking at the physical perspective in regards to Israel so much, the COG's might not be looking at things from the proper perspective.

  22. I have an ambivalence about this topic that is problematic for me. While I deplore the right wing and their weapons, goofy conspiracy theories, naive zeal and energetic hatreds, I also recognize their utility. As I have stated, the USA is filled with stresses that will, if unchecked by a wholesale renewal of the American spirit, lead to civil war - race against race. The problem is not the rise of a militant Germany. It is the deadening of the American heart.

    Here are the words of Colonel Jessup from the movie "A Few Good Men":

    "You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom...And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like "honor", "code", "loyalty". We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline! I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then QUESTIONS the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "thank you", and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a DAMN what you think you are entitled to!"

    I am evoking this excerpt not in relation to the US Marines but in relation to the American White Nationalist Right-wing. America is a dangerous place and it is getting more dangerous all the time. I am, deep down, thankful that someone has picked up a weapon and is standing a post. At the same time, I do not want this nightmare to be. It is called being between a rock and a hard spot. I think many Americans across the political spectrum find themselves in this horrid position. We need to find a way to peace fast. The collapse of our nation is knocking on the front door. And men in the spirit of Colonel Jessup will answer.

    As for Armstrongists, they live in a fantasy world of pseudo-history and eccentric Biblical interpretation. Germany is not Assyria and Germany is not the problem. Their total irrelevance, if they cling to the past, is inevitable.

  23. Right now, 7:47, it's not so much being caught between a rock and a hard place. It's more like being stuck in the middle of a demonstration of Newton's Third Law. You know, a series of equal and opposite reactions!

    Be careful of the strong men picking up the weapons. They don't always share all of their intentions. Like the politicians, they are all about power. You may not like some of the things they do later on in the game! We get a little preview once in a while from some of the news coming from Texas, Florida, and Idaho.

  24. 7:47, you sound worried. This is what you get when society is corrrupt from head (leaders) to toe (the lowest classes). There has always been a war between wickedness and righteousness. And wickedness is not going to win.

    You want peace? There is no peace to the wicked, saith the Lord (Is 48:22), if you won't accept Christ as Lord (which means that He is a ruler who gives commandments) and Saviour (which means that he saves from sins that consign us to hell) and obey the gospel.

    Yes, the government performs a service for us by keeping the peace -- albeit at the expense of breaking the law sometimes (which Colonel Jessup wasn't willing to address) -- but that is because the authorities are ordained by God for that purpose. (Rom 13) Jessup is reflective of the COG ministers and Joab, David's general. They act as if they can break the law and be justified for it. But it caught up with both Jessup and Joab and will also catch up with those ministers who are failing in their duties to feed the flock.

    And believers, if they are true believers, do not live in a fantasy world, as you say, but under the authority of the Kingdom of God which is coming to overthrow all opposition, whether right-wing or left-wing, and replace all human governments. You, if you are outside of Christ, are the one living under the condemnation. Go figure what Christ meant when He said, "I will separate the sheep from the goats" (Mt 25), something which He is doing now in the mass confusion that exists in the churches, which is a way of bringing relief from oppressive and tyrannical leaders.

    We get what we deserve for our sins (i.e., left-wing governments ruining our countries, extremists, renegades, vigilante groups), and guns are not going to help us. For the Scripture says, "he who kills with a sword must be killed with a sword". (Rev 13:10)

  25. Anonymous 2:09

    "7:47, you sound worried."

    I am worried but not in the way you think. The denouement is in the hands of God, of course. But we live in the age of already but not yet. Jesus deposed Throne, Principalities and Powers but they are yet in operation. We pray "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." The implication of all this is that we live in the present evil world. I pray almost daily for my Christian brothers and sisters in the Ukraine. This is not time to sit back and say God will take care of it. I really don't want the USA to be run by Big Brother, whether right wing or left wing. It is a waste of energy to be caught up in conspiracy theory like BI and Germany-Assyria when this is may well go to hell in a handbasket. Christians need to advocate the pathway to peace rather than raising alarming about Hoehist pseudo-history.

  26. I don't worry about dying. I'm thinking about what I want my next life to be like. If the clock gets reset, first choice would be to be born right around 1940 as a Black guy in Chicago right about the time the blues are going electric. It would be just awesome to study under Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, John Lee Hooker, BB King, Mickey Baker, Bo Diddley, Elmore James, Lightnin' Hopkins, Lowell Fulsom, Albert Collins, and countless others; whoever comes through town.

    Second choice would be to live the life of a secret agent, maybe even a time traveller, who knows who all the WCG ministers are going to be, tracks the families down, and passes out condoms to their daddies. It would give me especially great pleasure to give HWA's daddy a whole case of the things! To be absolutely sure, I'd also need to deal with HWA's influences, lest some sort of parallel reality evolves. That means visits to the Rupert family, the Duggers, and the Dodds. Oh, and most definitely the Miller family! Knowing what I know, I'd be conscience bound to prevent other predators from happening. Actually, I'm taking suggestions. Don't worry, I've already got Charlie Manson and Richard Nixon on the list. Oh, and Kevin Dean.
