Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Last Holdouts From The Worldwide Church of God Anticipate Being Martyrs


The fascination that so many in the church have about the old glory days of the Worldwide Church of God is fascinating. So many want to eagerly go back to the days when the church was supposedly pure and on track. The problem with that scenario is that most people outside Pasadena were only spoonfed the good parts through propaganda tools called The Envoy and the Good News. Early editions carried glorious pictures of a unified church eating together on holy days, enjoying wholesome music, and doing godly things, yet underneath that veneer, even in the 1950-1960s the church was a cesspool of corruption, sexual issues, backbiting, and other ungodly activities.

Many today choose to be blissfully blind to that fact and eagerly want to restore it all. this is particularly true of the Kitchen family.  After appropriating the name Worldwide Church of God for their exclusive use, they claim to be the sole heir to the truth once restored. Just like Bob Thiel, the Kitchens have trouble gaining any followers for their group and are languishing in limbo. After an epic failed blunder to gather in Jerusalem last year for the Feast to await the Kingdom of God to be announced, they have suffered mightily with family and friends at odds with each other.

Notice what they have to say about how special they are in this "worldwide church of god" and how they will be the holdouts till the end. They anticipate being martyrs.

I'm afraid that among the modern descendants of Israel, the last hold-outs will be those of the Worldwide Church of God. It was those of the Church who defended and fought the battle to preserve the rights provided by the Constitution of the United States. The declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights are world encompassing. The receivership tied the Worldwide Church of God directly to it.

So in order to bring down ISRAEL the Worldwide Church of God was to be brought down first , because not only were they a symbol of religious freedom by the end of the receivership, they are also the ones who will get on the megaphone and tell all the other children what's really going on. They don't want another Herbert W Armstrong to blab on the radio.

The Two witnesses are going to be their worst realized nightmare. They thought that bringing down the United States and the Britain commonwealth they would stop the Worldwide Church of God and religiously they would be unopposed. But God migrates His Church to the middle east, the Two Witnesses do their job, the Church is protected and with them the record of what the Devil wants destroyed! Israel. They want a new world order with no Israelite people. God's Church has set precedence. It also is tied directly to religious freedom in our day.

That's why different groups, which are children of the state, should dissolve and the people once again take up the identity of the Worldwide Church of God and show support to God's apostle. Having corporations for assistance is not wrong, but calling each other a different name is taking the people further away from the path which has been paved.

Until it's forced upon them, that is the choice we face. If we don't act now, tomorrow we will be forced to act. By then it will be too late. The only option would be to become martyrs and boost the ratings and validity for those who did act before the tribulation!


  1. Will the lunacy spawned by HWA never end? Apparently not while the Kitchens, Flurry, Pack and Thiel still have breath in their body to continue worshipping their god...HWA and themselves.

  2. "That's why different groups, which are children of the state, should dissolve and the people once again take up the identity of the Worldwide Church of God and show support to God's apostle."

    And which apostle would that be, hmm?

    "They don't want another Herbert W Armstrong to blab on the radio."

    Who listens to the radio anymore? Internet, Pandora, Spotify, podcasts and more dominate the media space, but AM radio?? It's been dead for a couple of decades, and even if HWA was on , wouldnt have much impact.

    Additionally, it really was Garner Ted Armstrong who was on the air for most of the high growth period of the WCG, from around 1955 to 1978 and did most of the "blabbing" on the radio in its day.

    HWA has now been dead 37 years. Anyone under the age of 55 has little or (more likely) NO remembrance of the man and his current relevance to the modern time is virtually nil, and that applies to even those who keep the Sabbath and Holy Days in the COG movement. Kitchen is trying to peddle a WCG nostalgia package that is as relevant as watching old reruns of "Father Knows Best" or "Ozzie and Harriett" over and over again.

    The Kitchen archives are admittedly interesting as a historic reference, and record, but beyond that are obsolete, dated, and poorly produced by todays standards.

  4. The Jim Jones cult forcing them to drink the poisoned Kool in Guana stopped Armstrongism in its tracks going on at the same time as the promotion of soon escaping to Petra.
    That is the only good that came out of it.

  5. I couldn't imagine being trapped in a rock at Petra with the Armstrong cult run by Satan.

  6. He writes that the WCG is directly tied to religious freedom. The church then, and its splinters now are religious dictatorships. Freedom of thought, expression and the right to choose one's own beliefs has never existed in these churches. Just like in every brutal dictatorship, members are forced to use double think, ie, believe one thing but say something completely different. Even the ministers do this in order to keep their jobs. Church "unity" is as real as the Sabbath masks and phony love one sees at services.

  7. If HWA preached the gospel to the world as a witness, he came and left almost two generations too soon. God must have bad timing.

  8. Talk about people who wear rose colored glasses!

  9. I am always taken aback by how small, insignificant Millerite groups in Splinterland shamelessly connect themseleves, with an outsized opinion of their own influence, to the events of world geopolitics. I always get the impression that I am listening to a group of people who have low self-esteem and are trying desperately to make themselves important. And the goal is not to steadily and humbly do the work of love, a role assigned to the church, but to make a big splash in the media. GTA and HWA in the past were linked to the Two Witnesses because the ministry of the Two Witnesses was supposed to be a big media event.

    Most of the geopolitical events recounted in the Book of Revelation, including the Two Witnesses, have already happened. Trying to relive them in the future just doesn't work for anyone - at least not that I have seen. Instead we see a little collection of apocalyptic Millerites believing prophecies that are as fabulous as any of the right-wing conspiracy theories circulating among the deplorables. And they spend their lives running around like extras in a Godzilla movie and finally die having wasted their time on this stuff. 1844 redux.

    If they want to be tantalized by impending doom, they should consider something that is likely to happen on their doorstep or, perhaps, in their living rooms. They should consider the coming racial civil war. We have the build up already. The police are still shooting people of color for little reason and getting acquitted. White people are still arming themselves for the showdown and jealously protecting their gun rights. White Nationalism and Replacement Theory develop apace. Any politician who wants to base their campaign on division is an immediate hit with the increasingly bellligerent right-wing. Militias abound. And White people disingenously pretend to be affronted when one refers to this Elephant in the Room.

  10. Yep, instead of trying to make a huge splash in the media and picking sides politically as most COGs do, they could simply preach the gospel solely on their internet platform devoid of the television and their contracts. Thus using the majority of the tithes to support the local congregations. Just as the COG's have left the newspaper and radio outlet (mostly), they can do the same thing by getting off of the tube.

    I saw this Tomorrows World magazine cover not too long ago with this "Critical Race Theory" article as being a major problem with the schools. The article ignored a plethora of issues of what's going on in the schools, such as sexual misconduct from teachers or school shootings because of guns. It's basically a Fox News talking point.

  11. They should call their group the Kitchen Church of God.
    I cannot take any preacher called Kitchen seriously. Why did he not at least change his name? Who is this apostle he says we should follow? If it's him, he should change his name to Armstrong. :-)

  12. They should shorten their name to Kitsch.

  13. I don't want any followers. Keep your money in your pockets too. I don't want it.
    Regardless of where I am in the configuration of the Worldwide Church of God, I am talking of those of the Church.
    I am not a minister. I only have warned my fellow brethren through personal experience and testimony.
    The message the ministry of Jesus Christ preaches can be found in the publications of the Church while it was under Mr. Armstrong's human leadership, and those publications point to one authority and that authority is the Holy Bible.
    Jesus Christ is ultimately there leading the Church as the Head. He has already been resurrected first of many brethren.
    So I trust He can lead His Church.
    Today, the many different COG groups are ripping people apart and pitting each other against each other.
    The publications of the Worldwide Church of God are OFFSITE.
    Our archive website is simply there because we feel all the other COG archive sites and libraries are directing people to a foreign(alien) church and identity. It's slowly boiling those who attend like the frog in the pot .

    For someone who is facing the traumas of today, of religion and society, if they want to genuinely learn the truth without anyone pressuring them to become this or that church, they can. All I say is if you are the Church of God, be the Church of God. Be genuine.

    Last year I asked members to come to Jerusalem to keep the Holy Days. After the Holy Days everyone who came went home.

    Members of the Church, in the Bible, are going to be martyrs. For me personally, I want to overcome my sins and my problems and grow spiritually in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

    And sometimes when someone persecutes you, you have to turn the cheek and be willing to take the slap. I also warn against people preparing for retaliation, because you aren't retaliating with agape love. You retaliate with self in the priority.

    As my Dad used to say, Satan wants us to react, and Christ wants us to act.

    To act, is by choice and a good amount of thought. It requires independent realization of one's motives, intent and purpose. Critical thinking is so much gone now says in our society.

    To be the Worldwide Church of God you have to be individually focused and active with your relationship with God. Then whenever you come into contact with others who are doing the same, you have a joining of hearts and mind. For that is what it means to have the mind of Christ, God's Holy Spirit.

    And I think that is what members of the true Church body, should focus on. It's not about convincing others. It's about helping each other and encouraging each other, and warning of dangers as you see them. Because it's not about self preservation here. That is not what true Christianity is about.
