Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Dave Pack and Kardashian Underwear in Prophecy….


Chasing Tail


David C. Pack must be exhausted. The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God brute-forced his way through “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 441)” on May 6, 2023, using every last ounce of his preternatural strength to complete his commission to “rush and call it out.”


All he is doing is chasing a fantasy he can never attain.


As the Series continued to decay, so did Dave’s ability to clearly communicate. Stammering, repeating, self-interrupting, starting sentences that never finish, and uttering words that do not exist seem to be the new normal. Maybe his inability to pronounce whole words is due to age and fatigue, not laziness.


To let the point prove itself rather than appear only as a cruel accusation, the following articles will NOT include cleaned-up quotes from David C. Pack. As you read, imagine listening for 90 minutes-plus without being able to pause, slow down, or go back. This is what the brethren of The Restored Church of God accept as “revealed knowledge” from an apostle.


However, not all of it was a boringly confusing mess. There were some unintentionally funny moments. How the 441-plus Part Series ended after seven-and-a-half years “with a bang” is the best way to start.


You need to watch it to the end to appreciate it. The transcript cannot do the awkwardness justice.

Part 421 – May 6, 2023

@ 1:51:32 …whatever it is, wait for it. You’re not waiting in those verses anymore for a for Christ. You’re waiting for {me} Elijah to be raised by God to talk to 8 billion people. So so, brace for impact. Buckle up. It’s not exactly what we thought. But, there’s no escaping it that I can see. So, now, no one will have to come up to me with a rhetorical set of questions about what I think only leads you to one answer. Goodnight and Godspeed the day anytime now (I suppose) before Pentecost. Goodnight.


After this is when the comedy begins. A remarkable thirty-five seconds of it.



The changes Dave proclaimed across 113 minutes are not so humorous. Some of these are Dave chasing his own tail and spinning the RCG brethren in circles.


•  The Elijahn Period returns and starts the First Kingdom.

•  The First Kingdom begins “before” Pentecost. Maybe.

•  The First Kingdom is “permly” six months-ish long.

•  Israel’s captivity begins October 7.

•  The Day of the Lord is at sunset November 5.

•  The Last Great Day is “portable.”

•  Kim Kardashian wears underwear.


Okay, that last one is funny. But if you think I made it up, you give me too much credit.


@ 22:34 I watched an ad on television, and it was one of the                                                                                                                                                        s advertising underwear…and she starts by telling the the audience… “I like these underwear. Normally, I don’t like to wear underwear. I never wear it.” And I thought, "You filthy thing." The message you are sending.


Hey, you filthy girl. You are sending me such a message. And in your underwear. ;)


I never imagined a day could come when I would hear David C. Pack's smooth bedroom voice utter, “Normally, I don’t like to wear underwear.” And yet, here it is. Part 441. And I will never forget it. Playing his best rendition of Kim caressing herself makes me laugh hysterically to tears. My neighbors must think I am high. So much for avoiding the appearance of evil.


I have been laughing so hard that I worry about popping a blood vessel. So, it is best to move on.



After Dave's head hits the pillow, the prophetic picture changes by the time it rises again. As the winds of doctrine keep blowing and carrying him about, I wonder how loud that whistling between his ears gets at night.


Like a dog chasing his own tail, Dave cannot help but repeat patterns of the past even when the outcome is inevitable failure.


@ 00:31 This is Part 441. I normally don't say the the number anymore, but it is the end. And I do like to say when I can, you may find this more fascinating than any the others. And believe it or not, we finish with a bang.


Part 442 will dispute all of those elements. This is not the end. This will become far less fascinating. The non-finish is not a bang but a whimper. You did watch that first clip, right?


@ 08:35 Now, one of the questions we're gonna have to address is, When does God take Israel away into captivity? It is not what I thought.


At least Dave manned up and used a first-person pronoun here. Kudos. But, then…


@ 08:45 I had a lotta questions about it. This is gonna be eye-opening. I’m gonna tell you exactly the day they go into captivity. Right now, I think your general sense is they’re the the the month of captivity is Elul ending in Trumpets.


Even he questioned it, brethren, but now he has an eye-opening revised-exactly for them to chew on.


“I think your general sense is”


Who gave them that “general sense," and when? It takes 50 more minutes for Dave to finally answer those questions while setting up the next topic.


@ 58:53 So, when is the Kingdom of God? It haunted me. I mentioned that. Is it Trumpets? Or does Trumpets begin the captivity? I referenced Trumpets the last two messages. It was not wasn’t correct.


He was haunted. Again. The last two messages were three and four days ago. “It was not wasn’t correct.” The double negative is not a type-o but fatigue-related diminished communication capacity.


Dave spent 50 minutes of Part 441 reversing teachings from Part 440 and Part 439. Half of the Series is re-teaching the other half. For those still attending The Restored Church of God, go to the Sermon Library and notice the first thirty Parts missing. All of it was wrong and later reversed or just erased. Well, except for Dave being That Prophet in Part 8. For some reason, that solo point was a keeper.


@ 26:44 So, if you can understand where we’re going here, this [shot glass] ends at least, at least about 45 days after WE thought it does.


The timetable WE thought from three days ago is shifting. It is a shame if you proved it true and believed your Pastor General. He is counting on you being a gullible dope again. But, only a dope for “the last time.”



Dave cannot deny his true nature for long.


@ 39:09 Here’s proof that Israel keeps the Feast of Tabernacles and goes into captivity on the Last Great Day.And there’s big significance in that. But, now it’s easy to understand [Hosea] 12:9.


@ 40:22 They are gone on the Last Great Day. So, let’s stop for a moment. Let’s just let’s get this clear. They do not go into captivity one month before Tabernacles on Elul 1. Which is one day too short anyway. They do not go into captivity on Trumpets one month later. They go into captivity three weeks after that. Which, I believe, might be October 7th or something like that. I think it’s October 7th. Israel enters captivity on October 7th. And they’re there for one month. So, the Day of the Lord has to be, has to be November 6th, starting the night of the 5th.


Well, look at who crawled on his hands and knees, begging his boss to give him his old job back. And that was not me.


Dave returned to being terribly comfortable with setting dates. It is the irresistible aspect of his perpetual self-commission. Like a diabetic eyeing that last piece of pie calling out to him with a seductively delightful siren song. Just one little taste. This will be the last time. I promise.


Dave looks in the mirror and repeats the splitting-hairs analysis that he is teaching about a date for the later stages of the Kingdoms and not for when the First one starts. After all, that is the one that really matters when you debate the “no man knows the day and hour” hold-outs.


For those still attending The Restored Church of God, ask yourself how this is not “an inspired man” giving you “a sign or a wonder.” Observe when “the thing follow not, nor comes to pass” in October AND November. Then, try to make peace with Deuteronomy 13:1-2 and 18:20-22.


You can question your local minister, but all his flummoxed excuses and poorly-memorized Headquarters Boilerplate answers will leave you empty and unsatisfied.


The Bible is alive right before your eyes. Have eyes to see and ears to hear.



Dave chases his inarguable tail.


@ 41:10 You can’t argue with it…I’m just gonna overload you with proofs.


This guy loves to call out his future self. We know Future Dave always wins the Understanding Dance-Off, with Past Dave relegated to punching his pillow in frustration.


@ 41:19 So, I told you I I would tell you how long the Campus is here. The Campus will be here till November 6th. When all when everybody’s portions and the fish and birds and animals and people, everybody’s taken away.


Even the Gospel-helping fish in the Campus lakes are not immune from this?


If anyone is interested in joining me at a 4 PM Tailgate Party in the Giant Eagle parking lot on Sunday, November 5, please write exrcgwebsite@gmail.com. We will organize who brings what.


Starting at 5:18 PM, I will gladly take everyone on a tour of that empty Campus if my door code still works. Dave, please be a pal and leave your car keys and home security code on the call box at the front gate. After all, you will be needed none of that.



@ 42:20 If we’re gonna lead this Kingdom, we gotta we gotta understand it…So, you’re hearing exactly six months to the day on May 6th when the Day of the Lord is. Now, I tell you, brethren, believe it.


Brethren, do NOT believe it.


Flashback Part 380 – July 1, 2022

@ 32:15 Is there any way we can know that we’re waiting for July 14thLet’s just be blunt. July 14th is the Day of the LordLet’s be dramatic. Let’s just lay it out.


Flashback Part 382 – July 17, 2022

@ 00:18 You have the picture…I spoke to all the ministers about what we'll cover tonight, and they know that we're still right on time…I still believe that the Day of the Lord is the night of July 28th.


@ 09:53 Brethren, you cannot change, you cannot change July 28th.


Flashback Part 383 – July 23, 2022

@ 28:31 So that’s a powerful proof. Not only that the Day of the Lord comes on [September 25-26] Trumpets, but it cannot be next year or the year after.


Flashback Part 388 – August 23, 2022

@ 21:45 It has become absolute heresy to reject that the Day of the Lord comes on the Feast of Trumpets.


Flashback Part 403 – November 5, 2022

@ 42:51 But, the most wonderful news I could give you is not the news of Christmas, but the news that the Day of the Lord has to be Christmas.


Flashback Part 414 – January 14, 2023

@ 51:05 …and you know exactly what day is the Day of the Lord and that it’s inarguable, it will give you a warm and peaceful and wonderful feeling


@ 1:08:45 There’s no arguing with that…I’m just gonna drive it home and crush all idea that the Day of the Lord is not [March 22-23] Abib 1.


Flashback Part 418 – February 9, 2023

@ 18:02 The flight takes place at sundown on a Sunday night ten days from the Day of the Lord. So, we would say March 12th before the Day of the Lord on the [March] 22nd. If you wanna just keep it real with a calendar.


Flashback Part 423 – February 24, 2022

@ 24:33 Now, if that’s true…it's impossible, it's impossible, brethren, to not know when the Day of the Lord is. It's impossible. It's [April 21-22] Iyar 1.


@ 25:12 …and the math is perfect. Which means you now know…you now absolutely know when the Day of the Lord is. And anybody who argues with it simply threw the Bible out the window.


Part 441 – May 6, 2023

@ 41:01 So, the Day of the Lord has to be, has to be November 6th starting the night of the 5th.



July 14  |  July 28  |  September 25  |  December 24  |  March 22  |  April 21  |  November 5


Does that sound like a true apostle or a false apostle?


Does that sound like a true teacher or a false teacher?


Does that sound like a man led by God or by himself?


Does that sound like the Spirit of Truth or Error?


“Now, I tell you, brethren, believe it.”


He burns everyone who trusts him. He embarrasses everyone who takes him at his word.


David C. Pack is a prophecy dog chasing his own tail. If you are waiting for him to stop, you will be waiting a lifetime.

Marc Cebrian

See: Chasing Tail


  1. Is Aaron Ra finished with his you tube exposes on Dave Pack? Dennis should get word to him about this Kardashian underwear thing. Probably go viral!

  2. Mark 13:
    32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

    33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.

  3. Dave is too buy watching TV to go back into the studio or write co-worker letters evidently.I mean the man said he works 7 days a week because he is a Levite

  4. Doesn't Pack remember his reputation for wearing skimpy skin tight speedo swim trunks at church events??

    Sounds like borderline porn to me, and a scary image indeed!

  5. As the Series continued to decay, so did Dave’s ability to clearly communicate. Stammering, repeating, self-interrupting, starting sentences that never finish, and uttering words that do not exist seem to be the new normal.

    This type of situtation is commonly referred to as genius. It's not that Dave is confused, it's just that the rest of mankind is too stupid to grasp his profoundity, which he struggles to put into words that mere mortals can grasp. The fault is ours, not his.

  6. Since Dave is an easy to see false prophet, believe & do the opposite of what he says, and you will have a decent life. :)

  7. What's scary is Kardashian's fingernails, look like miniature swords.

  8. Tonto
    According to his original autobiography, Dave was a world class competitive swimmer. Speedos swimwear is practical for that sport, as is skimpy clothing for many Olympic game events. These athletes have been acclimatized to such clothing, so accusing them of dressing porn like or harboring such notions is unfair.

  9. But Anon @ 11:00, Dave was not wearing his Speedos at a swim meet. He wore them to a church function! He has also shown up at a church picnic dressed as a wolf. Does this sound appropriate to a church setting? Of course not, but him dressed in a suit showing up at a "church" lectern bumbling and stumbling over all things biblical is inappropriate too.

  10. ANON at 11:00 AM

    Church events are NOT Olympic events, or such. Many have commented on Dave's exhibitionist tendency at church water events for many years. Dave likes showing off his little package , while judging things like bikini's or going commando.

  11. Yes! How does Kim Kardashian keep her nose cleaned with those finger knives of hers???

  12. Women who left Armstrongism said ministers would yell at them publicly trying to embarrass them in front of their peers if they wore make up. (I imagine it was because the pastors didn't know scripture or have a real prayer life, or a sermon prepared that would interest anyone so they bullied women pretending they themselves were holy.. The people should boomerang it back on them shaming
    them. If that is true about him, he is not representing God.

  13. I noticed how quickly Dave went from being unsure to absolutely certain about October 7, and hence November 6. He didn't even check a calender, maybe he comes up with every absolute date the same way.

  14. So, Dave's prophecy begs the question. Where is the campus going after November 6th? Is it going to become invisible like Dave and RCG members? Will it just be beamed up to Heaven? What happens to the horses?

    Sounds much more like someone received a foreclosure notice to me! That struck me as an odd kind of add-on, that perhaps has a very real life reality behind it. Did anyone else get that vibe?

  15. Repo the horses you say ...

  16. 'Sounds much more like someone received a foreclosure'

    When the money stops, cult-compounds shut down (Tkach)
    I wonder about other compound in Tornado-alley (Flurry)

  17. Actually, Dave will be seen by his stalwarts as defending and preserving his crown, even with the encroaching diminishment of his mental faculties. They'll probably honor what they think he meant, consulting what he's said in the past, even though it fills them with sadness knowing his condition.

  18. I've always held that underwear for both males and females is an important, but not fundamental aspect of living Godly, wholesome lives. I guess you could call me old-fashioned, but underwear seems to be strongly implied in the scriptures. Moreover, there are unpleasant but practical issues involved. And how many other preachers talk about underwear?

  19. Aw, come on! Don't you just really look forward to Saturday mornings when you can hop out of the shower and pull on your Levis without being bothered by underpants? The freedom of it all as you get in your car and drive to Starbucks for some Mocha, listening to the Grateful Dead on your stereo system! It's kind of a sad reminder of how the world around us has really gone to hell since Jerry Garcia died, but it sure beats the heck out of wondering what harangue and garbage Dick Tater (oops, you really should call him "Mr." Dick Tater!) is going to lay on you at some sort of compulsory ACOG "services" in the rented hall in which you meet.

    Yeah, underwear can be symbolic, I guess. The establishment kind of mandates it for you during the business week, but the weekend is time to break free and recover from all of that so that you can attack it afresh and renewed, starting Monday AM.

  20. Reprobate minds under the saturn to saturn spell. If I were to keep Monday (Moonday) fixed week after week, I would be called an idolater, like the Sunday keepers. What are you doing? I will give 5k to the person who can point out the verse that tells you to keep Saturn day fixated. Saturday is the most polluted of all religions keeping, just ask the church of satan! I will be like the most high god, who weekened the nations! SEEK HIM ALONE AND DO NOT FOLLOW PAGAN MEN!

  21. Too narrow for us. Better to keep the old traditions of babel star of moloch. The "golden calf" is a man made calendar circled with idols on it. Jer verse of decking a "tree" is also a calendar decorated and pinned on a wall. His covenant of day and night, the two great lights are unchangable. No man can touch those. It is easier to go with the flow and millions of saturday keeping.
