Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Bwana Mzungu Bob Thiel: "Our greatest Prophet Of Possibilities, is getting hoodwinked big-time"

Bwana Mzungu Magoo Bob Thiel: too blind to see what is really going on in Africa

"Thiel doesn't know Jack squat about anything in Africa, 
he's a complete Fool that was warned"

Our Great Bwana to Africa has been working overtime to claim that many of those who left his co-called "continuing" Church of God in Africa have now returned to his glorious one true flock. However, since this is the Great Bwana speaking, you need to take most of what he says with a grain of salt. Things are never quite what they look like on the surface.

The following arrived today from Terry Nelson:

Just in: 
Our greatest Prophet Of Possibilities, is getting hoodwinked big-time; it's been reported that John Machemba of Mwanza Center has left Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God and joined back with CCOG. This is TOTALLY FALSE as Radson Mulozowa is in deep s### now that he doesn't have congregations to get the Big Feast Funds that are going to soon be given by the Great Muzungu Bob Thiel.

FYI: What is the meaning of the word Mzungu or Muzungu? According to Wikipedia:

Mzungu is the southern, central and eastern African term for a person of foreign descent. Literally translated it means “someone who roams around aimlessly” or “aimless wanderer” (from the Swahili and Ganda words).

And this definition:

The word mzungu comes from Kiswahili, where zungu or zunguka is the word for spinning around on the same spot. Kizunguzungu is Kiswahili for dizziness. The term is now used to refer to "someone with white skin" or "white skin", but can be used to refer to all foreigners more generally.

Mzungu is a perfect description of Bwana Bob. Ever since he was cast into outer darkness by Rod Meredith when he was kicked out of the Living Church of God, the Great Bwana has been wandering aimlessly trying to use dreams, so-called double blessings, and literature counts as means of justification for the existence of his little cult. But, try as he might, in spite of all the photo ops being sent from Africa, most of the brethren there have no idea who he is other than being the white Overseer from America trying to save them. Only the money grubbers who continually rake in profits from Bwana Bob, COG7, SDA's, and other Sabbatarian groups that are the quickest to open their wallets, truly know who he is.

Let's continue:

The Only Congregation that CCOG has is Chileka Center, and they only stayed with them to get the Iron Sheets to roof their Church. We should know as Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God met the Leadership of Chileka and this plan was in play back in May of this year. 
This False Report was reported by Master Witch Doctor apprentice so called Evangelist Evan Ochieng in Thiels June 15 th Letter to the Brethren. Master Evans and his mini-me minion Radson Mulozowa are in Deep Panic mode as 95% of CCOG in Malawi have abandoned ship and jumped over to Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God which actually cares about the people of Malawi instead of Bob Thiel's Church of Witch Doctors, Whoopie, and Whack Jobs that practice all kinds of carnal lusts and EVIL. 

Doesn't this create a warm fuzzy picture of Bwana Mzungu Bob's group!  LOL  

Sadly Dr Thiel doesn't know Up from Down as back in December Louis Wahela and John Machemba were fired from CCOG by Evans Ocheing on his unannounced mission to Malawi to uncover mass corruption. Me think it strange that Dr Thiel would accept John Machemba back to CCOG, when he was fired for corruption and bribes, but hey, what ever Evans Ocheing says Thiel must obey, otherwise numbers flounder. 
Sadly CCOG is based on this Africa sham, all just for numbers. Included in this article are pictures of Forester Abraham and John Machemba this last Sabbath of June 15 th, showing Mwanza Center is still with Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God. 
Sadly Dr Thiel won't wake up until Major Headlines of Africa corruption via CCOG are verified. When that happens I imagine it will put the Nail in the Coffin. 
Wake up current tithe supporting CCOG members, you're really supporting pure Evil! 
Terry Nelson. Cry Aloud Spare not

The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa gloatingly reported the following letter recently:

"Pastor Dr Bob,

Greetings from Kenya.

I was on fasting for some days so I delayed not to send the report as I promised. Today I was in my tomatoes garden from morning to evening. The work in Kenya has expanded that needs a lot of care. I was on fasting for the four days and praying. I can’t explain how much the work is growing not only in Kenya but Africa at large. I’m receiving good reports from all corners of Africa how God has opened the doors for the gospel. Arthur Topos from Lodwar was in Kakuma refugees center, where he met the refugees and before that he was at the border of Ethiopia and Kenya where there is another congregation.

I’ve received good reports from Rwanda, Congo, Malawi and Mozambique. I sent Molozwa to go and meet with Machemba who had been calling me and wanted to come back to the Church after he rejected the rubbish in Hope of Israel worldwide church of God. He decided to come back to the church. Radson Molozwa gave me a report that their discussion went very well and Machemba is back to CCOG.

This week Molozwa has been visiting congregations in Malawi. Today he was in Cheleka."

Anyone who has ever been part of the Church of God for a long period of time can tell a snow job when they read and hear it. There are not enough snow plows in the United States that can ever clear this road off! 

The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa also had this as more proof of his exaltedness as a church by providing a letter that mentions how Evans Ochieng made an unannounced trip to Malawi recently to fire some ministers there:

"We are glad that the chicken and goat projects are still helping our brethren in Africa.

Radson Mulozowa also mentioned two chicken projects in Malawi that failed, and that they were led by two men that had spiritual problems.

Evangelist Evans Ochieng just returned from an unannounced visit to Malawi. We decided that going unannounced would better help him investigate various complaints we have received related to leaders in Malawi. It is sad that we have people who claim to be of us, but then will not hold to the truth–and Evans Ochieng and others met and addressed issues with those two men (who were told they were no longer part of CCOG) and some others.

That said, we also provided assistance today to Mozambique so that they can buy fertilizer to raise more food. Fertilizer costs have risen related to Russia’s incursion into Ukraine and sanctions imposed because of that."

The claim by The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa that the Malawi brethren have all returned to his sacred flock is not true:

Pictures of Forester Abraham, and John Machemba at Mwanza Center on June 15, 2023, 
Abraham Is Chief Council for Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God 

This is the Facebook screenshot of comments I made about Chileka congregation getting Iron Sheets 
(metal roofing materials) and now that is confirmed 

Comment that I left on Jacob Otieno profile back on May 6th. Thiel doesn't know Jack squat about anything Africa, he's a complete Fool that was warned:


  1. I think that just about said it all.

    Bob, the great white wandering fool! Priceless.

  2. Believe me worse things are coming, you will not Believe a Church of God could be so Full of Evil

  3. Read Evans' note carefully. On the same day that Evans was working in his tomato garden, after four days of fasting, one of his junior pastors was preaching in another town.

    Maybe Evans was breaking the Sabbath, or maybe he wasn't. But he sure hasn't understood the principle of not creating the APPEARANCE of wrongdoing.

    Bob is a fool. Deep down I am sure he knows better, but his ego won't let him do anything to fix the mess he has made for himself.

  4. Evans claims he fasted for four days, ending the day before the Wednesday when he sent Bob the letter? He started a fast on the Sabbath and continued through Tuesday? That's hard to believe.

  5. What is the role of a prophet by all of the examples given in the Bible? When do prophets show up? King David is an easy example when confronted by a prophet over Bethsheba and murdering Uriah. Answer:
    The prophet is the voice of bringing heaven's tribunal court into the affairs of men in political positions. This has never changed since the first recorded prophet. They bring the courtroom of heaven into the room and announce God's verdict. Therefore, Herbert W. Armstrong was never a prophet. He was a greedy, prideful salesman who twisted scripture separating people from Jesus.

  6. Bob's African members are only numbers to him. The more numbers he can throw around the more he believes it will impress people to join him. His first indication that things were not going to go his way was when no one in the Living Church of God followed him. We knew him to be a narcissistic wanna-be who was even getting on Mr. Meredith's nerves towards the end, particularly when he claimed to predict the death of Meredith's wife. Bob is crass and has no self-awareness and cannot filter his words.

  7. Bitter Bwana Bob, the Prophet of Possibles and the Muzungu of Maybes.

  8. Bob may be a false prophet, but he's almost surely NOT "the" False Prophet. He's more of a Whore of Speculation.

  9. Good morning brethrens everywhere you are please pray for hope of Israel worldwide church of God to bring light in Kenya and all African countries,they are trying to prepare people for the for coming kingdom

  10. The kingdom showed up with Jesus. It has only increased since then.
    The Roman guard spread it throughout Rome listening to the Apostles and Paul everytime they spent time in prison.
    Of course, Jesus is coming back & the millennial reign will happen.
    Your main focus is way off track. You are supposed to be operating in kingdom
    authority & dominion right now.

  11. Whoever met Evans Kisiengo Ochieng knows fully well that he never fasted himself, nor has he ever called on others to fast about anything. And Bob Thiel, I am sure, certainly had to know that. So, the very first sentence of his report to Bob Thiel is a sheer lie. But all those who have experienced the "evangelist" Ochieng also know well that he has been feeding Bob Thiel lies for years now. What is worse is that, in spite of being warned about this Africa manipulator(s), Bob Thiel continues to believe only Evans. And those who warned Bob were all of his former close friends, the ones he himself sent to Africa to further the preaching of the Gospel.

    The manipulations done in the country of Malawi by CCOG Africa representatives are so bad and it will be shocking once they surface. And they will surface because the government of Malawi seem to be fed up with CCOG already. Not to mention that CCOG is not even registered in that country. So, as someone pointed out already, even more shocking things are coming and many of us could hardly believe that is that much evil in what should be the Church of God. Neverthless, keep in mind that many have crept in unawaress, as Jude puts it, and joined Church of God for their own benefits.

  12. It's true Evas and mulozowa are too evil

  13. Tiny mini prophet Bob must be sad seeing all his African congregants deserting him and joining hope of Israel. Looking this morning They already have more subscribers on YouTube than all his channels. Poor Bobby.

  14. You are right, they are in a disarray and full of anger to see the disintegration of the "open door" in Africa. They are afraid of people finding freedom away from the CCOG system of bribes, control, threats, political involvement and witchcraft, so they don't know what to do other than spread unfounded claims and comments. And all their claims and comments related to Hope of Israel fall into water by the events on the ground. And what is happening right now in Malawi, for example, is the tragedy of epochal proportions, a scandal such as has never happened to any Church of God out there.

    As for YouTube subscribers, Hope of Israel had more subscribers than CCOG even at the time when we were not registered as a Church, but worked as humanitarian NGO. Thus, the statement that "tiny mini" prophet, the supreme arbiter of spiritual conditions of all Christians worldwide, made once to one of our members that Hope of Israel "cannot be possibly a Philadelphian remnant" is truly challenged by the very statistics. Through its radio, for example, Hope of Israel is heavily reaching all inhabited continents, including areas that no Church of God has ever reached, such as the capitals of Island, Slovenia and Albania, to name a few.

  15. When a foolish man talks, you don't comment. People might not notice the difference. A true man of God doesn't accuse a brother in any way but sit down with a brother and solve the problem. If they disagree they call the other two to help solving the problem. But if they still disagree they call the whole congregation to solve the problem. That's how the family members of God are behaving. But if you find a brother who is accusing a brother. That's satanic and self rightuosness. Philippians 2:3. Our main work as ministers of the Almighty God is to prepare people for the soon coming Kingdom of God and to preach about the soon coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ who is coming to restore everything. If some people are still in deep sleep of false accusations and ready to take some innocent man of God in to court of the world. Meaning that,that man doesn't have the Holly Spirit to guide him. Paul said that how can you take your brother in Christ in the world court before the none believer. Don't you know that you will judge even the angels? And if so why do you take a brother in court to judge falsely? We know that soon the church will be back to vine Yard. Meaning Ezekiel 21: 26 is soon going to take place. And Jeremiah 23:5 is at hand. So brethren let's prepare and cleanest ourselves to meet Christ. Those who are sinning stop sinning. Romans 12:1. And if you see a brother sinning take him back to Christ in a faithful and polite manner. Satan is the father of accusers because he is an accuser from the beginning and his end is the lake of fire. Another thing brethren, we must know how to treat our families and our wives. Because marriage is clean before GOD and that's why the Almighty God hates divorce. Malaki 2:15 onwards. Divorce and remarriage is not in God's plan. Our grandfather Adam didn't divorce our grandmother Eve after realizing that Eve Fall. What's needed in our marriage is the correction in humble way. Divorce and remarriage is not in God's plan. Mathew 19:3. . The ministers are sent to go and preach the true gospel. Mathew 10:7.
