Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Dave Pack: "You have my permission to pray Mr. Pack botched this"


The Great Excuse Maker


David C. Pack began The Restored Church of God Ministerial Conference by changing the length of the First Kingdom to Israel from ten days to one month. Again. He opened the five-day event by reversing what he said in the previous message earlier in the week.


This set the tone for the entire Ministerial Conference, and it would not be the last time he had to flip-flop in front of a room full of visitors. Within the first ten minutes of the first message on the first day, he launched into a belabored laundry list of feeble excuses for why he was wrong, yet again.


The opening message introduces the theme of the Conference every year. And the topics during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 448, Part 1)” on June 11, 2023, sure fit the bill.


The official theme of the 2023 Restored Church of God Ministerial Conference was “Great Changes Create Greater Disappointments Followed By The Greatest Excuses.” Be sure to let Ken Orel know which T-shirt size you need to order before he heads off to Atlanta.


One of the benefits of being a chronic narcissist is the ability to make paper-thin excuses while still managing to sprinkle praise throughout. Watching Dave explain what went wrong with his teachings while also emphasizing glowing spin is like discovering a long dog turd covered in powdered sugar.


Dave knows what it is made of but tries to present it with sweetened verbal trickery. No matter what the Pastor General tells you he is feeding you…DO NOT EAT IT.



David C. Pack is a master manipulator using words of greasy sophistry.


Part 448, Part 1 – June 11, 2023

@ 11:10 This one year. And frankly, as wonderful as the one year was to learn about, it threw me in a way I didn't realize was happening, and I was rushing to put together this amazing knowledge…What happened to the initional initial month that somehow became 10 days?


He frequently uses the slippery technique of disassociating his role in creating the doctrines he now backs away from.


@ 11:54 What happened to the month? How did it become 10 days? ...essentially, I didn't throw out what I said three days before. All these wonderful points from [Part] 446…But it was very clear.


Very clear? Try very wrong. But that is a minor detail.


@ 12:17 With the 10 and 7 days, the way it looked like I was correctly reading the very end of Daniel 9…I could only conclude that the month had to fit at the end of the year. From the 1290 to the 1260 before the 7-Year Kingdom. That's not true. I'll show you what I discovered. That's not true.


What he discovered in a previous message was not true. He said so twice. What he just discovered is what he was excited about. Too bad that discovery also turned out to be untrue by the end of the Conference.


@ 13:00 And I wanna show you the error because in learning the error, you'll learn more about the year.


Dave is failing his way into success, just as Stephen Covey always taught.


@ 13:10 I was learning big things fast. I was working on multiple projects, still trying to figure out if Elijah rose first, and had missed other powerful things about the Acceptable Year of the Lord….by the time I'm done today, we're gonna not only re-identify the month, I believe we can now conclusively tell you which month it is. But the timing and the trial and error and the hit and miss has been resolved.


Nothing has been resolved. Do not think we missed it when Tammuz 1 (June 20) failed, Dave.


The one-month period of Part(s) 448 became three months before it was thrown out to become some vague “Sixth Head” period at the conclusion of the Conference. The prophetic landscape continues to evolve, with Parts 453, 454, and 455 still resting in my ToDo folder.

@ 13:44 The 10 days and 7 years and 1 year to the Great Day of the Lord and placement of a chag and caused the difficulty…trying to examine a flurry of the greatest events ahead that we had not seen before. That was the difficulty.


Prophecy is hard. Dave should leave it to the experts. Or better yet, leave it to a true prophet of God.


After each sentence, I could pause, laugh, and point out the ridiculousness. This went on and on and on through the Conference. He really did set the theme with his frail linguistic contortions. How those enablers managed to sit and listen to Dave talk like this for five days straight is a testimony to the lack of discernment and wisdom in The Restored Church of God ministry.



David C. Pack loves to tempt God as there is no fear of God before his eyes.


Pre-Conference Part 447 – June 6, 2023

@ 1:56:16 10-1-7-1000 is immutable. I will die on that hill. That’s the hill I die on. There's no way the Scriptures change, or the Sabbath can change.


Come on, Dave. Even a cat only has NINE lives.


Part 448, Part 1 – June 11, 2023

@ 58:07 1-1-7-1000. You can book it. Don’t ever be challenged again.


David C. Pack challenged this again by changing one month to three months. And then altered it again.


Part 451, Part 2 – June 14, 2023

@ 24:39 But, now, with this three months kind of resetting everything, I mean, you talk about Etch-A-Sketch in terms of our timing. We’re right on track per what God was gonna do. It's just God has inserted in front of us two months we could never pin down. We didn’t see.


@ 37:16 It all fits perfectly. Perfectly. It’s exquisite. It’s tight.


David C. Pack credits God with the discovery of the exquisite three-month period that fits perfectly. If that were true, why did this vital knowledge last less than 24 hours?


Part 452 – June 15, 2023

03:44 Are we waiting two months for a one-month kingdom? Or are we waiting three months for a one-year kingdom? What? Or are we waiting one month for a one-year kingdom? Or four days for a one month for a one-year kingdom? "Mr. Pack, you threw in one year there instead of a short kingdom.” I know. You know, one of the problems that has plagued me, I’d like to think it’s humility [chuckles], but I’ve been unable to get myself to believe we would actually lead the world for an entire year…


Dave chuckled when he mentioned his humility. Even he does not buy it. That portion of his comments has been isolated if you care to hear it.

@ 10:01 We’re gonna come to grips with a powerful reality. And, I mean, it's inescapable. There is no way to escape what I’m gonna tell you. And I finally come to grips with it.


@ 17:27 I wonder if we’re literally waiting for a King and followed by a kingdom.


This is how to slide from three months to a vague, undetermined “Sixth King” period. It would spoil the punch line if I told you David C. Pack now teaches the Sixth Head of Revelation 17 is Vladimir Putin. Shush. Do not tell anyone. We will save that for another time.



It is bad enough when Dave swears on his own life, but he goes on to swear on the lives of the brethren.


Part 448, Part 1 – June 11, 2023

@ 53:34 I don’t want any lingering in the back of anybody’s mind the idea that the whole thing is 10 days or 7 days. I wanna clear the deck that that picture is absolutely right. And this is the hill ya die on.


David C. Pack is like the guy who wants to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. He convinces a friend to jump with him. Once they reach the top, Dave tells him, “Hey, you go first.” The friend jumps and quickly realizes Dave is not behind him. The last thing the fool hears as he falls is Dave shouting, “I changed my mind.”


Any foolish members of The Restored Church of God who privately accepted Dave’s challenge to believe the one-month must have felt that bucket of ice water poured over them when he changed it three days later. But maybe not. They also must not care when he is irreverent with God.


Part 448, Part 1 – June 11, 2023

@ 58:13 We pretty much had it settled until God threw us this extraordinary curveball of that year and the anointing of God Almighty by all Israel…and His incredible power and love allows them to do it.


So, having a death wish is no problem. Error being the only pathway to truth is no problem.


Part 448, Part 1 – June 11, 2023

@ 58:30 And that threw me. We’re, you know, been trial and error. Then, hit and miss and, occasionally, piecemeal.


Claiming to be Elijah the Prophet now is no problem.


Pre-Conference Part 447 – June 6, 2023

@ 2:02:42 Now, the fact that He’s revealing this to me, I have to be a prophet…I have to be Elijah now.


Setting dates that will fail is no problem.


Part 450 Part 1 – June 13, 2023

@ 20:56 Nobody could ever convince me the Father doesn’t come on Av 1 [July 18 at sunset].


Part 450 Part 2 – June 13, 2023

@ 10:56 You could never ever ever move me from believing the Kingdom of God is not Av 1.


Then what could possibly move people out of The Restored Church of God?


Part 450, Part 2 – June 13, 2023

@ 35:52 What I’m gonna tell ya here, I hope, is wrong. Okay? I’ma just state it…I hope it is absolutely wrong. But, if I’m gonna be a wise and faithful servant, I hafta tell ya what I think is right, and you have every right if you’ve got any brains in you (and you all do), pray I’m wrong. It’s okay. You have my permission to pray Mr. Pack botched this.


Nobody needs to pray for that. Of course, he botched it. Then will come the world-class excuses from The Great Excuse Maker, David C. Pack.

Marc Cebrian

See: The Great Excuse Maker


  1. RCG membership now down to 500
    ..just five-hundred fiercely fanatical Armstrongites
    ..scattered clear across the fair land of 'Manasseh'

  2. Does he or the people that show up ever open up to study a Book of Bible together and read all of the words keeping it in context? The Bible is mentioned, & then he goes off into a rabbit hole.

    1. This is what they do. They give platitudes to the Bible, then bow before their own mind. I've seen more than one minister do this over the years. Sadly there are those who will bow before these men as well. A person who reads the word of God daily, and keeps his own opinions out of the mix, will see these charlatans from a mile away. That's why they sound like lunatics to us.

  3. Is that 500 number of membership an accurate one? How many are attending in Wadsworth, and how many outside of Wadsworth?

  4. I think it's against the Geneva Convention to be forced to sit through his lectures.

  5. God is not be the author of confusion, but Dave Pack certainly is! How can people stand listening to this confusion for so long? I’m surprised that there are 500 members left in Dave Pack’ s little Communist Common cult. Richard


    Imagine if all that time, energy, and zeal that the false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack have for worshipping themselves and doing evil to other people had been properly directed into doing good instead of into making up lies and nonsense and evil.


    David C. Pack and his RCG cult produced thousands of pages of literature to read and hundreds of hours of noise to listen to.

    In the end, it was all a terrible waste of other people's time and money.

  8. I/we have pretty much run out of adjectives to describe the lunacy that resides within all these groups. You know, to do what Dave, Gerald, Bob et al do everyday, they must have to think about nothing but themselves all day, everyday, without ceasing. What a tragic headspace to be in. Both for themselves and those foolish enough to believe what they teach.

    The final, eternal results for these men will be exactly as described in Scripture, but for some reason, that is the one exception they make when they pick up their Bibles and read them. Although it's far more accurate to say pick up their Bibles and read themselves into it! They see themself all over the Bible, but when it comes to the fate of idolators and unbelievers, which they are, they completely miss it. It's just like Bob Thiel who only hears what he likes and doesn't hear what he dislikes.

    If only they were teachable, but they are not. If only they were correctable, but they are not. If only they were humble, but they are not. Frankly, given the shared characteristics of these men, whether they realize it or not, they have made themselves God. No need to be corrected or taught or admonished or warned. They are without fault, blame or responsibility. They are perfect, all knowing fonts of truth. I have no doubt they would all deny this, but their words, actions and teachings say otherwise. Just try and correct or warn one of them and see what happens. I just wish they would wake up before it's too late, because their end(s) will be according to their deeds. God have mercy on them. If only they had Jesus!!

  9. Perhaps there really is something to BI after all:

    “God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.”

    ― Otto von Bismarck

  10. I would love to see the video of this comment, because it’s hard to know from just the text whether or not he was being facetious, or if he was being genuine. If he was being genuine, how dare any man tell an individual what they can and cannot pray for. Our relationship with God is between us and God alone.

  11. Whoever started the 500-member rumor needs to get fact-checked. Headquarters has about 90 by itself. I call shenanigans on that. Around March of 2022, Dave proclaimed there were 1440 baptized members in RCG. No way they have sunk to 500. My inbox would be flooded. Whoever "anonymous" is that made that up, that's the kind of thing RCG loves to point out as "attacker lie about us out there." They lump me in with you. Please do not say stupid things like that without pointing out that is just something stupid.

  12. Anon, June 23 @ 3:05PM - You got your wish. I just posted it.


  13. Marc:

    What would be your "ballpark" estimate of how many have left since the 1440 figure was proclaimed in March 2022 ?

  14. Inadvertently, Dave has just admonished the RCG brethren to pray to preserve the status quo! ("to pray that Mr. Pack has botched this").

    But seriously, I think his ego has placed him beyond the effectiveness of prayer. He's going to keep botching it until he finally reaches terminal velocity.

  15. No one needs HIS permission to do anything.
    What an ego. So arrogant.
    He put himself above God.
    God hates pride.

  16. Tonto, you are asking the million-dollar question. My personal estimate is about 1,200 baptized members worldwide and falling. People are trickling out the door. To outsiders, what Dave may be doing from time to time is completely outrageous (teens to be eaten by lions ), but to the members, it is just another Tuesday in RCG. When Dave spoke a few months back about members not listening to him, that is a real thing and keeps many isolated from having to be mortified by what the Pastor Kook is saying this week.

    I do not write about my estimate because I cannot substantiate it with real numbers. I know people are leaving. I hear this and that from other former members. Some contact me. I do know entire congregations have dissolved and been combined with others.

    My estimate/opinion should hold little value, but I would guess they have about 1200 baptized members today but are CERTAINLY losing more than gaining. "Flat growth is just decline in denial."


    1. Your estimate sounds about right to me. When I was a Minister there in 2010, that number was 1700 confirmed on paper.

  17. Dave should add 2 more zeros to the headcount. Then he could actually claim something Biblical.

  18. Beware of David C. Pack. He has "botchulism".
