Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, June 23, 2023

The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa Bob Thiel Is Deliberately Trying To Provoke Europeans With His So-called "sermons"


The new European Union HQ, Brussels Belgium

This is where the persecution against 
The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa and 100 Caucasians will emanate from...
once they hear his astounding message and witness his hands and arms flapping.

The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa and 100 Caucasians is bragging today to his African followers and a few others about his renewal of a one-year contract with a shortwave am radio station in Europe. Notice what he says below:

Although shortwave is not used much in North America, it reportedly has hundreds of millions of listeners around the world. Radio is a proclamation door that we use to reach those we otherwise would not reach. 
As I mentioned to Steve Dupuie this month, I believe that being on radio in Europe is part of The Final Phase of the Work. When we see certain prophecies fulfilled and are identifying the upcoming European Beast leader in leading some of those efforts, it is my opinion that being on radio in places like Europe will be key for attention to be drawn to the Continuing Church of God (CCOG). 
I believe that being on European radio may be the spark that will set off more public scrutiny of the CCOG and our teachings. That will lead to more people looking at our websites as well as the hundreds of languages that of our The Gospel of the Kingdom of God has been translated into–and we received 32 additional translations yesterday! The coming scrutiny of our teachings will lead not only to support the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, but also events in Daniel 11:28-35 and other scriptures. 

No, it won't! The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa is no more going to start the end times sequence than Jesus will return to Wadsworth to sup with Dave.

Does that make sense to you? 

If you are a Philadelphian Christian, it should.

Apparently, the Europeans will be so ASTOUNDED by his sermons that they will not know what to do...other than lash out, of course. 

The prophet Habakkuk was inspired to write:

5 Look among the nations and watch —
Be utterly astounded!
For I will work a work in your days
Which you would not believe, though it were told you. (Habakkuk 1:5)

The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa then goes on to add:

This was also quoted in the New Testament: 
40 Beware therefore, lest what has been spoken in the prophets come upon you: 41 ‘Behold, you despisers, Marvel and perish! For I work a work in your days, A work which you will by no means believe, Though one were to declare it to you.'” (Acts 13:40-41)

This is no more speaking about The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa and his so-called "work" than it did to Herbert Armstong'x work. Additionally, The Great Bwana Mzungu to Africa's so-called "work" is so widely mocked because it is grounded upon narcissism and appalling legalism.

Let him try and provoke the Europeans, that way we get to watch his childish meltdown over the suppression of his so-called "gospel" and other nonsense. They will be more offended by all the chair bouncing and hand and arm flapping than anything he has to say.


  1. Where in the Bible do you find this ABSURD often repeated phrase of yours, Bob, the "final phase of the work"? Nowhere. Made up, just like your personality cult.

    Secondly, you once again simply proof text through the Scriptures giving NO HEED to what it ACTUALLY SAYS. Just Who says "I will work a work in your day, which would not be believed though it be told to you"? Who is that "I" Bob? It sure as hell is not you. So Who is it? Gee, could it possibly, perhaps be God, the One you know nothing about as evidenced every time you pull a stunt like this! How DARE YOU take credit for what God does, for His purposes and His Glory. How dare you!

    You cannot teach what you do not understand. You are living proof of that old axiom. You better consider seriously just what you are doing to yourself (and 100 others) eternally. You know that had you lived in Old Testament times, Gos would stone you to death for the lies you utter in His Name and the deception you teach. He would stone you for being a false prophet. You are thrice cursed by God for what you are doing. Wake up Bob. Dream over, nightmare just beginning.

  2. When is Thiel going to start broadcasting over "CB RADIO" , and preaching the Thiel Gospel to the nations truckers??

  3. Are there any scriptures or prophecies about a muddled muzungu being involuntarily committed to a psych ward?

  4. This insignificant little man has a rather inflated view of his importance and impact on the Universe, Bob who? Continuing Church of what?

  5. Bob is in the little leagues but he thinks he is Ronaldo.

  6. Amazing! These people, Theil, Pack and others look at OT prophecies that may have already been fulfilled, or not as they choose to interpret them. Then they claim *I* am that person! Please, please, please believe me, trust me and support me in claiming *I* am 'the one'! Instead of spending all that time to influence people to believe in 'them' ..... as Nike slogan says ---- JUST DO IT!!

  7. Bob continually refers to Mat 24:14 and apparently doesn't know 1Cor 10:11 and Col 1:23.

  8. SRN News had a story today saying in Belgium, some cities now have no more than six churches - and not even enough combined worshipers to fill one.

    So. Dr. Thiel has an awful lot of work to do on the continent.

  9. Just a thot.

    If Thiel only has 100, why is a site showing over 10,000,000 hits, giving him so much continual promotion?

    Think he doesn’t know that?

    Same for Pack and Flurry, etc.

    Just saying.

  10. We are ALL made in the image of the great "I AM".
    ALL of our words carry authority. Even witches know that speaking out loud their spells. We each introduce our creator before we introduce ourselves. He said to Moses in the burning bush, "I AM the great I AM." Example....We say His Name before our own because He created us.
    I AM Mary.
    I AM John.
    I AM Dave
    I AM TONTO (who has a lot of common sense on this blog).

  11. Silly Bob! Don't you know that you can use AI to create and deliver a sermon?

  12. Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you.

    This is hardly astounding. Most of the things we are told in our days cannot be believed anyway.

  13. (Hab1:5) …Because I am doing something IN YOUR (Habakkuk’s) DAYS—You would not believe if you were told.
    It is not difficult to understand.

    The false idea about the ‘work’ started with a questionable translation.
    (Rom 9:28 KJV) For he will finish the work (G3056), and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work (G3056) will the Lord make upon the earth.

    The Greek word ‘logos’ (G3056) is translated with ‘work’ in the KJV but means ‘word’ in most instances.

    In Romans Paul partially quotes Isaiah 10:21-23. The context, like in the OT, is Israel and the captivity/destruction by Assyria at that time. In any case, Rom 9:28 has nothing to do with the work of the church, but God will punish Israel at the end time and a remnant will survive because the time of punishment will be cut short.

    (Isa 10:21 NASB) A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God.
    (Isa 10:22 NASB) For though your people, O Israel, may be like the sand of the sea, Only a remnant within them will return; A destruction is determined, overflowing with righteousness.
    (Isa 10:23 NASB) For a complete destruction, one that is decreed, the Lord GOD of hosts will execute in the midst of the whole land.

    (Rom 9:27 HRB) But Isaiah cries on behalf of Israel, "If the number of the sons of Israel be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant will be saved."
    (Rom 9:28 HRB) For He [God] is bringing the matter [the word = what He said = the prophesied punishment in Isaiah] to an end, and having been cut short "in righteousness, because YAHWEH will do a thing cut short on the earth." [or no flesh (remnant) would be saved]

    Other translations for the Greek word 'logos'.
    (Rom 9:28 LITV) For He is bringing the MATTER to an end, and having been cut short "in righteousness," "because the Lord" "will do a thing cut short" "on the earth." [Isa. 10:22, 23]
    (Rom 9:28 Lamsa Translation) For whatever the Lord has DETERMINED and DECREED he shall bring to pass upon the earth.
    (Rom 9:28 ESV) for the Lord will carry out his SENTENCE upon the earth fully and without delay.”
    (Rom 9:28 DRB) For he shall finish his WORD and cut it short in justice: because a short word shall the Lord make upon the earth.
    (Rom 9:28 AENT) He has finished and has cut short the matter: and Master Yahweh will do it on the earth.

    The COG doctrine about the work cut short is based on Romans 9:28. How do you make the connection from God's word that He will execute, with the context of Israel’s destruction and only a remnant left, to the work of the church being cut short, especially the Philadelphian church? There is absolutely no connection to both claims, the work or to Philadelphia.

    Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain

    (Isa 24:3 NASB) The earth will be completely laid waste and completely despoiled, for the LORD has spoken this word.

    1. Thiel says he is looking to identify the “upcoming European Beast leader”. But, Herbert Armstrong already said that it would be Franz Josef Strauss (the Bull of Brussels).
      Strauss died in 1988 though ruining HWA effort in identifying the beast leader.
      I’m confident Thiel will be equally as accurate and prescient.

  14. The Armstrongist model of end-time prophecy is a like a set of blinders for people who believe in it. They are scanning the horizon for something that is never going to happen while ignoring what is happening daily. Yet, they characterize themselves as watchmen. They seem to be unaware of the historic events taking place in the Ukraine and with the Wagner Group in Russia. The Sudan and other hot spots. Instead, they are looking for a re-armed, conquest-oriented Assyria in central Europe. This Assyria does not exist. It is a fable from Hoeh's legendarium. When the real end-time goes down, Armstrongists will be the last to know.

  15. Well said 7:53.
    Absolutely agree

  16. 7:53, what about the Wagner Group in Russia? Russia has been a totalitarian state for a long time. It's easy for them to contrive a rebellion and smash it at any time. The Russian invasion had to happen (at a weak point in US politics) because it will set a dividing line between east and west in order to fulfill prophecy.

  17. Interesting! One of the people described by 7:53 actually responds from his blindness at 11:18. There you have it, folks! The continuing bias "confirmation" of the Armstrong prophecy mold, illustrating how they do it.

    Don't worry, though! I lived in total fear of this until 1975! I'm sure that many of you out there also have your breaking point as they continue to trondle this out to you. Life is good after you break the power of their lever and fulcrum over you!

  18. Anon, Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 7:53:00 AM PDT, wrote:

    "...The Armstrongist model of end-time prophecy is a like a set of blinders for people who believe in it. They are scanning the horizon for something that is never going to happen...When the real end-time goes down, Armstrongists will be the last to know..."
    Well, Doug Winnail, like so many of the hirelings who fled from the former WCG of Pasadena, leaving his ministerial credentials behind is still looking for "another Jesus" to very soon return to reign 1,000 years on earth as "good news," that was predicted over and over again since the days of HWA to occur in 3 to 5 (pick a number) years. Why are they all so far off?

    Oh, and that included Bob Thiel, although he never qualified as a hireling of the former WCG.

    And they want to be known as "watchmen?" What kind of watchmen?

    Nothing new under the sun in this area. Isaiah has a very good description of those like Bob Thiel, Doug Winnail, Franks, Kubik, Weston, Flurry, Pack, Weinland, Coulter...etc., and that description goes something like this:

    Isaiah 56:10 "His watchmen [are] blind: they are all ignorant, they [are] all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
    :11 Yea, [they are] greedy dogs [which] can never have enough, and they [are] shepherds [that] cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter."

    Blind watchmen! Why not? God never planted a one of them and their man-made organizations, Ass., groups, etc.:

    Matthew 15:13 "But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."

    They all continued to be in a stagnant, scattered, condition until they be rooted up, but in the meantime what happens to these uncaring (John 10:13) hirelings?

    Matthew 15:14 "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."

    What's ahead? Will these blind hirelings eventually be ditched and rooted up?

    Time will tell...


  19. 2:40, you're not familiar with the prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation re this subject after all these years? HWA isn't the only one who prophesied on the endtimes. The right spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus Christ as per Rev 19:10. If someone is wrong about it he'll pay a penalty, as HWA did when he nearly died in '79. Prophecy stands regardless of who is right or wrong. And prophesying has a place in the church (1 Cor 14:31) if the church would only let it instead of taking offence over it all the time.

    Speaking of Russia, China and the eastern bloc, making their way to attack Christ in Jerusalem, the Lord says:

    "Art thou he (Gog) of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel (not just by Ezekiel or Daniel but also by Christian preachers of the past 100 years or so), which prophesied in those days many years that I (Christ) would bring thee (Russia) against them (Israel)?" (Here is an example of a prophecy written in the 6th century BC that projects into the 21st century AD while looking back in time)

    You lived in fear until 1975? Where was your faith? In men who can disappoint you? Or in Christ who shepherds the church? Scripture and the church are all bad because one man disappointed you? Let every man be a liar but let God be true. (Rom 3:4) You're not the only one trying to be good before virulent, incorrigible and diabolical sinners who don't deserve a temporary or eternal existence from God.

  20. Where was your faith? In men who can disappoint you? Or in Christ who shepherds the church?

    Never forget: the sheep spends its whole life living in fear of the wolf, but in the end it's the shepherd who kills and eats the sheep.

  21. Right, 8:52, the shepherds today have been slaughtering the sheep but not feeding them. ((Ezek 34:3)

    However, the Lord says that He will save His flock from the wolves and "they shall no more be a prey (for them)". (Ezek 34:22)

    Remember the beautiful hymn that we sing, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be lacking (though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death)".

    In that valley are wild carnivorous beasts and demons that we must guard against, not to mention treacherous and deceitful ministers and members in the church who are not afraid to cut off a brother's membership in the church with one evil word. (Is 29:21)

  22. "You lived in fear until 1975? Where was your faith?"

    Interesting question, if not a little simplistic. First, I was living in fear of something fake. Or, it would have happened. And the cretins who were teaching it lambasted us every week with the proviso that "you may not make it unless you do exactly as Gawd's ministers tell you". They used the date to create a sense of urgency to keep a stream of money going into Pasadena. A sizable amount of this was to fund "Herbie's Last Erection" (Ambassador Auditorium), which was totally illogical to build if Christ was to return shortly after it was completed.

    They did their math "proving" that it just had to happen in 1972-75, just as Dave Pack has his math that is regularly wrong. I wish I had known then that the Jews, keeper of the oracles, counted off the years, and we were nowhere near year 6,000. In fact, right now, it is 5783! I also wish the mapping of the human genome had been done during the 1960s, so we could have known that there is no way that the US/BC could possibly be Israel.

    I could see why you would think the prophecies are a such a gas, because it makes you special for knowing them. I get that, I really do.
    But clearly, they apply to another people in a future time. As an end time watchman, the Armstrong movement goes down as an exploitative scam. Nobody even remembers HWA or his message. I would perhaps never have understood why thousands of people believed the man, had it not been for the conspiracy theory phenomenon of the past 7 years.
