Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Dave Pack: " Daniel’s 70-Week Prophecy Has Already Been Fulfilled" and other idiocy


Play It Again, Tammuz


Novice prophecy enthusiast David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God déjà vu’d his audience on June 3, 2023, when he delivered “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 446).” Most of the message should sound painfully familiar. The Hebrew month of Tammuz is back to being worth sitting about after becoming a dirty word following last year’s string of pitiful embarrassments.


Dr. Ranney, you should have someone check the drinking water at Headquarters for lead contamination because everyone over there seems to be suffering from lethargy and annualized amnesia.


In 2022, Tammuz was all the rage starting in Part 376 until it was kicked to the curb in Part 383. Since The Restored Church of God does not seem to archive their own information, here are a few notable quotes from last year.


Flashback Part 378 – June 15, 2022

@ 23:07 So, this is a critical thing to understand. We’ve got the right month…I’m now convinced if nothing happened in the month of Tammuz, I would be weeping.


@ 32:10 And God’s people around the world, I’m telling you, if you’re sitting on funds, don’t! You’re gonna lose it soon after, anyway. So, why not gain eternal life with it?


@ 37:27 God help us if it doesn’t come ‘cause we’re gonna wait a year. I won’t be telling you we’re gonna wait a month. That’s impossible. You could throw my own words back up against me if you will. You can't wait a year. This world won’t allow that.


If any of the brethren actually did that, it would be their last act as a member. Get your hugs and kisses before you attempt to hold David C. Pack accountable even when he instructs you to do so.


Flashback Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 18:23 It’s impossible that God doesn’t start to ‘revive His work’ on Tammuz 1 in the year of His choosing…I believe that no less certainly than I believe the seventh day is the Sabbath.


@ 19:14 Now, if I’m gonna get rid of the Mystery of God and make this plain, I was never in a position to be able to say that with absolute bold emphasis. It cannot be any other month. You can go home tonight and put your head on your pillow and rest absolutely secure with that knowledge.


There are many more, but you get the point. The Tammuz Debacle of 2022 was already covered extensively. Consider this a mini-primer.


The Kingdom of God Arrives on Tammuz 1

Sunset on June 19, 2023


Oh. One other small item of note from Part 446.


Daniel’s 70-Week Prophecy

Has Already Been Fulfilled


Oh, yes, he did.



When Dave uttered his first few sentences of Part 446, I knew he would ignore his Pentecost failure as if it had never happened. He is that guy who crashes his car into your house at 3 AM and just gets out and walks away. Well, that never happened. There is nothing to talk about because it just never happened.


There also sounds like something is wrong with him. He struggles to get his words out but eventually finds his stride. This feels like further proof of his deterioration.

Part 446 – June 3, 2023

@ 00:07 Since we all know that [throat clear] the first group to be dealt with is this generation and the Sixth under the Sixth King, you know, every every message [double throat clear] if if the only gonna be um, well, we’ll see we’ll see about more, but every m-every message could open looking at society daily worsening to prove we don’t have another year.


What? Remember, these are his first words after Pentecost failed to produce anything he said. He begins to address it later, but only by framing it with keen insights.


@ 05:36 It will help us. It will resonate powerfully. We all know we’re running outta time here. But are there any things that needed to be cleared up? Well, about eight days ago, I began to suspicion some things.


@ 16:07 The fact really helps to guide us, and I suspicioned this starting last Friday. That’s why I sent an email before Pentecost.


He believes that one paragraph annuls and excuses two hours and fifty-seven minutes of blather the brethren were pressured into listening to and taking notes about. Those that skipped Parts 444 and 445 had the last laugh when they read the Friday update that prepared the brethren for disappointment.


@ 16:35 Now, I wudden’t quite sure how God was gonna do this. What kind of a year we were looking at. But, eventually, it became clear in my thinking, and I suspicioned that we were gonna wait a few days and, sure enough, we have.


His point is that he suspicioned before it happened that they were "gonna wait a few days," and he was right because they did.


Except…David C. Pack is a liar.


Pentecost was Sunday, May 28. Part 446 was on June 3. Six days apart.


During that Friday cop-out update, Dave was precise about how long their wait would be.


Prophecy Update - Friday, May 26, 2023

…The case for a delay beyond Pentecost is there, but it cannot be long…One viable instance has us waiting exactly one more day, and another one two more days.


His suspicioned theory had Jesus Christ establishing a kingdom one or two days beyond Pentecost. Monday or Tuesday. Yet, four days later than that, he is crowing about how he knew that.


The man cannot be trusted with anything he says. Even when he quotes or paraphrases himself.


@ 21:32 Now, if you just accept that…then the Kingdom of God has to start on Tammuz 1. It’s impossible.I’m gonna give ya many more points…The Kingdom of God has to start on Tammuz 1…And since it’s a little over fifteen days away, it should be on everybody’s mind…Tammuz 1 is June 19th this year. Next year, it’s July 7th. Way out there.


Quotes like the next one make me wonder just how mentally numb David C. Pack is. Is it possible he is so out of touch with reality that he is incapable of understanding that others outside his head do not experience the world as he does? Is he able to even consider others?


@ 22:36 So, this should have everybody’s attention focused right now.


Should everybody have their attention more or less focused than they did on Pentecost last week?


Statements like this convince me David C. Pack suffers from acute forms of mental illness. Something is very wrong with him. His attention span is shorter than a cat chasing a flashlight spot on the carpet.


As time passes, Dennis Diehl's observation becomes more and more evident. David C. Pack only lives in the present. He cannot remember the past and does not consider the ramifications of the future.



Part 446 – June 3, 2023

@ 40:32 Now, you should have enough now that nobody could ever ever ever talk you out believing that the first year of the Kingdom of God…it’s coming on Tammuz 1.


@ 45:39 I could have given you more [proofs], but there’s no possible way to defeat that.


Future Dave is going to collaborate with Past Dave to defeat Present Dave. Just like Present Dave defeated Past Dave when Past Dave challenged the Better Future Dave to teach what he could not.


Flashback Part 445 – May 24, 2023

@ 1:15:23 I mean, if it’s not Pentecost, it’s gonna take a better person than I to ever be able to explain it. It’s just above my pay grade.


@ 1:21:58 But, if it’s not Pentecost, then I don’t know what it is.


@ 47:33 Only, finally, trial and error, piecemeal…hit and miss…we’ll have given you that many that point to Pentecost that appear to make it impossible to move away from.


Curiously, during Part 446, there was no mention of trial and error, hit and miss, or piecemeal understanding. Perhaps the effectiveness of that thinking only works the first time you try while touting how right you finally are, only to fail again. We can all hope this unbiblical concept is permanently retired alongside Stone-Cold Math and the Trumpets Solar System.



Part 446 – June 3, 2023

@ 55:42 …but I’m gonna throw you a thought, then we’re gonna go take a look at a verse the church has never understood. I’m gonna shock you with rudimentary math.


Dave cannot seem to learn he really needs to stay away from math.


He peruses Daniel 9 and the 70 Weeks Prophecy verses. Trying to follow his logic too closely is to journey into madness. Worldwide Church of God prophecy buffs may be more interested in how he reached his conclusion, but this is typically the type of content I skim past. How he got there does not matter since I suspicion he will soon backpedal and throw the Uno Reverse card on this concept anyway.


@ 1:01:30 I'm sorry. I don’t know why I never did the math or anybody else ever did. The seventy weeks are over. They’re gone.


@ 1:02:02 The seventy weeks are over. It's after sixty-nine, and nobody paid attention to that.


Nobody else on the face of the earth throughout history ever counted the numbers of Daniel 9 and the calendar years like Dave did. Right.


His mathalon is five painful minutes. For those genuinely interested in hearing his explanation, write to exrcgwebsite@gmail.com. I think you will be wasting your time, but I am happy to indulge you if you are curious.



It is hard to believe we have come full circle. Dave is teaching Tammuz like he did last year. The RCG Ministerial Conference is just around the corner. And exrcg.org is approaching its first anniversary.


David C. Pack’s repeating patterns have been so well-documented people must be staying in The Restored Church of God for reasons that defy faith in God, belief in the Bible, and trust in God’s government. All the signposts scream they are giving their money to a biblical fraud and false prophet.


If the brethren are willing to let their Pastor General dwell on Tammuz for the next 42 days, then that is on them. If you want to peer into the future, read the articles from last year.


Do not be surprised when you circle your wagons down the same trail of Tammuz in 2024.

Marc Cebrian

See: Play It Again, Tammuz


  1. I have been wondering for years and years why people stay in the Acogs and Adventism, Mormonism, et al, when it is painfully obvious that they all teach heresies. After reading and listening to those involved, the bottom line answer always seems to be "fear".

    I would genuinely like to put forth the following, with a heart to help at least one person begin to wonder. Scripture tells us over and over and over that God does not like people to succumb to fear. His entire point, throughout both Old and New Testaments, is that when we place our trust in Him, fear is driven out. Faith and fear are incompatible. Jesus tells us that fear is useless and what is needed is faith. He even says that whatever is NOT OF FAITH is sin.

    Given this, the fear experienced by members of these groups is what has kept them in, but God says, trust Me. I have got you. I will never leave nor forsake you. Fear not, I am with you always, even to the end of time. So, respectfully, what could you possible have to fear by leaving, for God? Staying basically says you fear your minister or neighbors gossip more than you trust God. Surely you know that will not end well.

    So please, please consider this with the intention of getting to a place where fear is in the rearview mirror and God is your priority. Not "finding the right meeting place or finding God's one true church". Those ideas are neither real nor biblical. Doctrine matters, but not to the extent you do what you do to worship Him out of fear (i.e. law keeping and the govt of God), but out of love and reverence (i.e. grace, faith). There is a world of difference between these two.

  2. This guy will never just shut up. And, most likely, when he dies, someone will actually make an effort to continue where he left off. That's how deeply people are invested in this hysteria. We all know how that happens. Instead of simply taking their vitamins, someone requests annointing for a cold and general fatigue, extracts unintended meaning from the elder's prayer, then goes off and seizes the mantle. As Dylan once sang, "He went off sniffing drainpipes, and reciting the alphabet." Ah, that Dylan. Such a command of the English language!

    I'm thinking of a good descriptive for Dave's tombstone. Maybe something like, "He aspired to be the Elvis of Armstrongism."

  3. The "prophecies" in Daniel were written after they happened. Duh.

  4. Anon June 7 @ 8:44 AM - Dave must have read this because the shot glass is back as of Part 447 yesterday. He is back to teaching a four-stage Kingdom system.

  5. Wonder where and what that shot glass was doing during its conspicuous absence ...

  6. I sew, where's my thimble? Maybe he burst a button or split his britches in all the excitement of a more sure word of packian prophecy.
