Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Need For A Physical Library Of WCG Materials So That HWA's Teachings Can Be Handed Over To The Proper Church Leaders When Everyone Arrives In Petra


I was going to copy some excerpts of a post recently by Samuel Kitchen regarding HWA's passing on the line of succession to Joeseph Tkach and the subsequent changes in the church. Aaron Dean figures prominently in this as Aaron claims that HE was to be HWA's successor but turned it down. 

Sadly, Aaron completed his apostasy from the one true church when he started taking a paycheck from the United Church of God. At that point, it became the duty of the Kitchen family to preserve HWA's writings and church literature pre-1986. Up until now, it has been all online. Samuel is looking now to gather all of the physical books. articles, booklets, and materials the church published from the early 1930s to January 1986. He wants this physical library to be located close to Petra so that once all of the hundreds of splinter groups arrive there before the start of the great tribulation, he can turn over these "truth's to the ministry gathered there.

Seriously, I kid you not...

Hundreds of splinter group leaders all vying for the position to be in charge. Right in the middle of the mix will be the Great Bwana Bob Thiel the Overseer of Africa and 100 Caucasians claiming that he and he alone was appointed by God to be the one true leader in Petra. 

What an absolute shitfest this will be!

Aaron Dean, was on the list for evaluation Mr. Armstrong had for the next Pastor General.
It had been the men of the ministry, the elders of the Church, who had pushed for a successor to be chosen. This actually mirrored the behavior exhibited by the elders of Israel who demanded a SUCCESSOR to the prophet Samuel. They wanted instead, a King, like the other nations around them.
They saw how the sons of Samuel departed from God, and they saw he was up there in his years too. So they demanded Samuel pick a man who would be King.
So, God told Samuel to do it. Give to them what they wanted, but warn THEM of the consequences.
I think Mr. Armstrong did that with the ministry. He gave them ample warning and teaching, to equip them against the apostasy. But they wanted a successor anyways.
So Mr. Armstrong chose leaders of the ministry who had proven to him loyal and faithful men of God and added them to the Advisory Council of Elders.
Aaron Dean said Mr. Armstrong went through those men watching them to see who would be the one God wanted to succeed. Like Samuel examining the line of the sons of Jesse. God led Samuel to each man, telling Samuel to not look at the outward appearance.
Aaron Dean said Mr. Armstrong went through the Advisory Council of Elders and came to the conclusion that they would not be the man God would use! Aaron Dean was examined, and Mr. Armstrong(according to Aaron Dean) said he was to be the next Pastor General. Aaron Dean claimed to have talked him out of the decision.
Joseph TKACH Sr was added to the list during this time, and so Mr. Armstrong went on to the next person to be examined. Joseph TKACH Sr.
He was made deputy pastor general, and during his evaluation Mr. Armstrong died.
I have a hard time believing Mr. Armstrong chose TKACH.
In any case, the decision made was automatic and TKACH Sr was made Pastor General.
The only man on the list of evaluation left alive is Aaron Dean.
Also, right after his death in May, a dummy corporation in Colorado was resurrected from suspension. In 1983 Mr. Armstrong found that people had incorporated in various states using his name, in order to set up the decision to choose a successor on his death. He ordered Ralph Helge to shut them down! They were. Except for this Colorado corporation sole.
Ralph Helge, in May 1986 resurrected it back to life and used that corporation sole until 1991 when a name change was made.
This corporation sole said the Advisory Council of Elders was in control of the corporate affairs.
Aaron Dean was removed from the Advisory Council of Elders prior to this in 1986.
He told me in private email, that perhaps the Colorado corporation was used to reinstate the contract with Stanley Rader.
So, without Aaron Dean we would not have had Joseph TKACH Sr in position of Pastor General.
He is also the author of the January 10,1986 letter of Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong could not speak or walk, but squeezed his hand in acknowledgement. It was Aaron Dean who said "the greatest work lies ahead". Not Mr. Armstrong.
This was used to justify the creation of new organizations afterwards. Because people thought they had to do a greater work, so they set out to incorporate.
Now Mr. Armstrong made Aaron Dean promise he would stand up and speak up against deception and heresy, a warning work. He also said to correct the ministry of they were to depart any.
In 2010 he became a paid employee of the UCG.
The same year, my family started to warn brethren of the departures these COG group organizations have done, and emphasized the revival and return to what had been originally taught by Mr Armstrong.
The warning to the Laodiceans is what has been happening. It is the Philadelphia era and we have people in Laodicean condition trying to do a work of their own.
So while Aaron Dean is involved with the UCG house, we have been involved with the WCG house, to keep all materials and publications linked to the WCG, and not with some other church or work.
That is why the battle with copyrights etc. We aren't stealing it but preserving it as it was produced.
In Zechariah 6 we have a household, Josiah-Hen the son of Zephaniah.
The job of God's servant was to enter into that house, to provide crowns to Joshua the High Priest(pictured in Zechariah 3).
He was unable to do God's Work, chained by Satan. But God cleans him up and puts him over HIS HOUSE.
That is what we look forward to, when the ministry gets cleaned up so they can do their job properly.
In this case, the assistant to Zerubbabel was Joshua.
The assistant to Mr. Armstrong is Aaron Dean.
But God used a source outside of the priesthood (Zerubbabel was of the house of Josiah-Hen the son of Zephaniah).
Ezra explains that in chapter 5 I believe and Zechariah 6 shows it is in that house .
The job was to preserve, and through Joshua the temple would be finished.
Now in Revelation 11, two witnesses are two candlesticks and Laodicea is the finish of the church age.
In Zechariah 4 there is one candlestick, with two anointed ones feeding the bowl the golden oil.
So if we was to apply Zechariah 6, with church eras in Revelation 11, the finishing of the Temple is by the assistant of Zerubbabel!!! Aaron Dean could be that man.
Since he did pass the "counting of lots", as David did.
He's just in the state of Zechariah 3. Picked for a job, but unable to do that job as he is now.
The job of warning ended with 2010 when Aaron Dean officially received wages from UCG. That seems to be when we picked up and began warning the Church membership from outside of these groups(Rev 3:14-21).
We are simply preserving what is needed to hand over to the ministry. Christ is working to clean up the ministry, and that's all.
When we announced in Jerusalem last year, that the Worldwide Church of God was meeting in Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles and Holy Days, we put a big ole target on our backs. Satan wanted to find out what was happening and he attacked. God brought us to Petra and our small congregation kept the Fall Holy Days there.
God says in Revelation 12, that two wings of an eagle were given to the woman so that she may FLY into "her place". I think God was showing me, that His name was in Petra!
That's why I want to focus on establishing a physical rather than digital Worldwide Church of God library. Locked to a location! So no matter what, whoever ends up in the area around Petra, there is a collection of Church publications ready to be used in college work!
Today the Church of God is scattered Worldwide! But all of us are going to go to Jerusalem and go to ONE LOCATION. There won't be a need for internet. There won't be a need for computers.
God's Church will fly to Her Place. The name of God is placed where God places it! See Malachi 3:16.
Last year when we went to Jerusalem, no other COG organization(at least that we could find) had a feast site in the middle east! We was the only one in Petra!
I think that's significant. I think my attention has been tuned into this location. So pray for me. But also pray for Mr. Aaron Dean and all the ministry.
The book of Malachi is a warning to the ministry from departure from Christ's apostle. They will pay heed brethren. The ministry wasn't raised up for nothing! Give them respect, but most of all give God your prayers for them. They need it.


  1. You know sometimes, you just cannot help people see what they themselves cannot. The Kitchen clan are among that group, along with our littlest prophlet of all, Pack and Flurry.

    Brainwashing has done such a number on these folks, they think the sky is green. Nothing and no one is going to convince them the sky is blue. Sadly, they will have to find out that we are not the liars and their choices have eternal consequences. Time is just about up for most of these men, life expectancy wise. Too late to admit the truth and start again as a Christian, if they are so inclined. But, they are not so inclined because it would require humility and repentance. Not exactly a well known trait among this lot of false prophets.

    To the Kitchen family personally...what are the two greatest sins throughout the entirety of Scripture? Unbelief and idolatry. Think about that (particularly the idolatry).

  2. Retrospectively, HWA was quite dumb. His level of scholarship & education was weak; it reflects in his shallow, naive body of writings/'theses' (sans footnotes & references.)

  3. I can see where someone who is currently a member of one of the Armstrong churches, possibly one or more of the old timers, would see this as an admirable dream, and even be encouraged by it. I'm not one of those people, mainly because I've seen too much. HWA did not pass the test.

    The library has been open as a resource over the years as a two-edged sword. Because of their thoroughness, the Kitchen family has provided a library which researchers use to "prove" that the WCG was God's church, and other researchers have accessed it to "prove" that it's no such thing.

    Personally, I don't believe there is any such thing as one true church. Different people, and different organizations, have partial truth, and exhibit strengths based on their truths. Believing you have found all the answers never ends well. There is not enough time in one lifetime to find them. Best advice I've ever heard is never stop searching. Don't ever assume you have already them, because that has a tendency to make your mind close. And, a mind works just like a parachute. It only works when it's open!

  4. Temple in Jerusalem - Matthias chosen as new apostle; James was never replaced
    - after Paul no new apostles.

    (Act 1:15 NASB) At this time in those days (note 1) Peter stood up in the midst of the
    brethren, a gathering of about one hundred and twenty persons was there
    together, …

    (Act 1:21 NASB) "Therefore it is necessary that of the men who have accompanied us all the
    time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us — [during the 40 days
    when He was among them (1Cor15:5-8)]

    (Act 1:22 NASB) beginning with the baptism of John until the day that He was taken up from
    us — one of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection."

    What is the criterion of an apostle, one who is sent by Christ, and what was his purpose?
    The most important point is, taken from the choosing of the new apostle Matthias, all apostles had to see, walk, and talk with Christ after His resurrection to be an eyewitness for His resurrection, that He is alive. Also, all were chosen and taught by Him. That is why James, after he was executed, was not replaced. After those, who had seen the living Christ (120 for instance), had died, there were no more eyewitnesses. NO NEW APOSTLES AFTER PAUL!

    The obvious conclusion: Everyone, after Paul, who claimed or claims to be an apostle is a liar and impostor.

    note 1
    Resurrection: Sunday after the Sabbath during the Days of Unleavened Bread. Wave sheaf offering.
    - First day of counting to 50 (Pentecost) (Lev 23:16)
    - First day Christ was appearing and teaching His apostles for 40 days (Acts 1:3)
    - 50-40 = 10 days the apostles had to be in the temple in Jerusalem (Luk24:49-53)

  5. It is important that the Kitchens preserve such writings from HWA as "Hitler Did Not Die" (Plain Truth 1952) for future generations to understand and believe.


    1. I've never read Herbert's 1952 thoughts on Hitler not dying. But I have read in recent years balanced news media reports on the prospect of Hitler actually escaping nazi Germany and escaping to Argentina or Venezuela as other high ranking Nazis as Eichmann did.

  6. "To the Kitchen family personally...what are the two greatest sins throughout the entirety of Scripture? Unbelief and idolatry. Think about that (particularly the idolatry)."

    More specifically, Herbolatry.

  7. It is important that the Kitchens preserve such writings from HWA as "Hitler Did Not Die" (Plain Truth 1952)

    Don't be gullible. It's entirely possible, even likely, that Hitler died in South America many years after World War II.

    However, it is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that this speculative fact has NOTHING AT ALL to do with Christianity or end-time prophecy.

  8. The Kitchen family have followed the Catholic church by making HWA a saint. That HWA lived a "heroically virtuous life" is laughable. Stepping back and observing the body of evidence, Herb morally followed Stalin rather than Christ. This legacy still plagues all the splinters. They are all run along police-state lines, its members are regarded as the chattel of their group, together with the accompanying narcissistic devaluation and demonization of self love. It's no coincidence that the "righteous look" for men in the 1960s, ie, the mandatory dark blue suit, looks suspiciously like the Mao suits of that period.
    HWA did not follow Christ but rather some strange gentile false god.

  9. Anon 5:41 PM shockingly wrote:

    Herb morally followed Stalin rather than Christ.

    Anon should recant that horrible and libelous statement. There are no accusations that Stalin ever committed incest with his daughter. Anon owes Stalin an apology.

  10. Idolatry is believing whatever some "scholar" with cherry-picked evidence or a cherry-picked cannon says we should believe.

  11. Herbert Armstrong was a cult leader.
    He operated through the Jezebel Spirit, Leviathan Spirit, and the religious spirit. He operated in hate, pride, greed (Mammon demon) love of money.
    Baal ran his home as it came out in court documents that he did not deny that he raped his daughter Dorothy for 10 years..Doctrines changed with his lifestyle. Burn his writings that separated people from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Tear down Armstrong's high places until they are dust no evidence of.

  12. Armstrong turned men into eunuchs.
    FEAR the world is going to end & creating POVERTY.
    Divorce your wife if she didn't believe in his interpretations of scripture.
    "She just isn't called at this time, and she just can't fake it.". Don't have children. The world is ending soon.
    Christ is coming back in our lifetime.
    Give me all your 💰. Max out your credit cards. "Give it all!" (to me!) Christ is coming back! Men are supposed to have money to raise their children. They can't afford children.
    "Break off your relationship with your boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance! "They aren't called! They can't fake it!"

  13. Hitler was too recognized to have escaped & not been recognized.
    His gun he committed suicide with was auctioned off.

  14. Jesus didn't come back in 1975 and all the other years he was supposed to return according to Armstrong proving Armstrong did not have a relationship with God, Jesus, or Holy Spirit. Let's come together to have a huge bonfire to burn Satan's literature up. You don't want to be held accountable for knowingly deceiving other people.
    That would be a sin.

  15. As I understand it, people are allowed to make one free copy of anything for themselves for research purposes. If true, anyone "researching" the scriptures might be entitled to a free copy. So why can't people share free digital copies?

  16. IIRC (and I'm just going on memory here), Dean has claimed that HWA ultimately decided he didn't want an aspiring Mini-Me in charge and was leaning towards making the Council the supreme authority - which is why he chose Tkach to inherit the office of Pastor General. Tkach would be the man, but he would be reliant on the Council. Diffusing the former autocracy ("There is no one man who has the qualifications").
    But ya see how that worked out.

  17. Tonto at 3:10 PM,

    There is a more recent book called GREY WOLF: The Escape of ADOLF HITLER (copyright 2013) by international journalist Gerrard Williams and military historian Simon Dunstan that presents the case that Adolf Hitler escaped to South America.

  18. Wouldnt matter if Hitler did. HWA's claims about him still didnt pan out.

  19. Back in the 1930's William Blackstone, a dispensationalist, fundamentalist preacher, did what the Kitchen's wanted to do. He believed the Jews would flee to Petra to escape the wrath of the Anti-Christ. So, he brought hundreds of Bibles, took them to Petra, and deposited them in the caves there. Why? He believed the refugee Jews would read those Bibles and this idea about going to Petra as a place of be converted to Christianity. Needless to say, no Jew has ever touched those Bibles, since they're all dust by now. BTW, this idea about going to Petra as s place of refuge (at least for the Jews) is quite common in fundamentalist, dispensationist circles. That's where HWA got it from. He just modified it to mean the members of his cult would be the refugees that would end up there.

  20. Hitlercwas sick and reliant on a cocktail of drugs just prior to his death. There are YouTube documentaries on this. So his escaping to South America is academic.

    Dean being so close to HWA raises the question in my mind as to whether he would ever publicly renounce a teaching of Herb if he felt it was wrong.
    God and truth comes before HWA, right?

  21. This Dean thing, where he passed on the offer to be HWA's successor. Can we all imagine Elisha passing on the opportunity to be Elijah's successor? Or Joshua turning down the opportunity to be the next Moses?
