Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Restored Church of God Open House Interview


Dawn Blue of How It's Done TV and Marc Cebrian of exrcg.org had a mini-Watch Party across the street from The Restored Church of God Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, on June 25, 2023.

RCG had an Open House event. They invited the residents of Wadsworth to tour the Campus. The event was held from 1pm to 5pm. The total attendance was counted to be 96.

Dawn and I had an impromptu interview while we sat on the grass across the street in the Giant Eagle parking lot.

David C. Pack made a surprise appearance at 18:15.

Marc Cebrian


  1. I attended the open house and took advantage of the one time opportunity to wander through the Glorious Campus for a couple hours. I can only wonder what Mr Pack was thinking as us 96 or so gentiles were trodding freely about on his magnificent campus. Perish the thought!

    I got to see such celebrities as Enabler-in-Chief and Chicago Heavy in person, and let's not forget the horses... Woo Hoo!

    All they had to offer was bottled water and no Kool-Aid...

    Unfortunately, all of the buildings were closed off except for the first floor of the Hall of Administration, and I didn't get so much as a glimpse of the Apostle Himself.

    The best part was getting to meet Marc Cebrian across the way at the legendary Wadsworth Giant Eagle afterward.

  2. Wait until the community unfamiliar with this group hear that past members were told to give Pack their retirement money as well as their children and grandchildren's inheritance. What a burden to their families when they are too old to work. I am sure they will make fine Wal-Mart greeters toward the end.
    How unloving to their family members. They are a burden to the tax payers.

  3. Looks like Elijah is driving a Lincoln, very very nice, if you have the money, and he has the money!

  4. Pack shows up driving a black Lincoln SUV to give the appearance of a Presidential entrance, like a Biden or Trump. Such a vain wannabe!

  5. "Pack shows up driving a black Lincoln SUV to give the appearance of a Presidential entrance, like a Biden or Trump. Such a vain wannabe!"

    That's exactly what I thought. He has an internal road that goes directly to the main campus. He could have even walked.

  6. Anonymous at 6:04 AM said...“Looks like Elijah is driving a Lincoln, very very nice, if you have the money, and he has the money!”

    Klepto-Dave has lots of Other People's Money (OPM), not to mention their retirement plans, possessions, houses, etc. They will NOT be getting any of it back. Giving freely and generously to a scammer is easy. Getting any of it back from the greedy, stingy scammer is next to impossible.

    But Dave is still a second-class fake. The Real Elijah was driven around in a Rolls-Royce when in Britain.

  7. Since the people in this church group bought the horses and grounds, everyone who contributed can sign up for free rides and their families and their grandchildren.. After all, they were called to "Give All."

  8. Klepto-Dave has lots of Other People's Money (OPM), not to mention their retirement plans, possessions, houses, etc. They will NOT be getting any of it back.

    This is similar to what we see in Matt 15 and Mark 9. The practice was to give money to the church instead of supporting parents. Jesus sharply criticizes this as substituting the traditions of man for the commandment of God, clearly referencing the 5th commandment.

    Sunday worship is exactly the same thing, namely, substituting the traditions of man for the commandment of God (the 4th commandment). In Mark's account, Jesus says people who do this are worshipping in vain.

  9. See, now if the RCG were a secular business, and the CEO knew that a valued former employee was across the street watching this event from afar, that CEO might go over and have a heart to heart talk starting with "We miss you and your unique contributions! What do we need to get you to come back with us?"

    But, as I've noted in the past, love was always conditional in Armstrongism, based on "my way or the highway".

  10. "Pack shows up driving a black Lincoln SUV to give the appearance of a Presidential entrance, like a Biden or Trump. Such a vain wannabe!"
    He should have had a driver so he could sit in the back like HWA, with the windows up, of course so he wouldn't have to have contact with the common folks. Also, did he go around and around, out the back gate, in the front so he could claim more visitors came through the gate for the open house. And each time he went through the front gate he wore a disguize.

  11. It can be their retirement home. They pre-paid it. What a lovely retirement home

  12. Anonymous 12:38 - I guess you haven't worked for too many "secular businesses." I've worked for several and I don't know of a CEO who would walk across the street to kick a "valued former employee." Not defending RCG or Dave Pack, just saying that you are holding them to a standard that is imaginary in your mind. The thing about most secular businesses is there is no love, conditional or otherwise.

  13. 5:23: No, man, I saw that happen on television one time and thought it was kinda cool, especially since we're discussing something as surreal as the RCG.

  14. "But Dave is still a second-class fake. The Real Elijah was driven around in a Rolls-Royce when in Britain."

    Yes, but nothing tops Kim Jong-il's sendoff in a vintage stretch Lincoln.


  15. "..there is no love, conditional or otherwise."

    That's a two way street. Businesses sometimes spend a fortune training their employees, only to have them go elsewhere for a small pay increase.

    And even the "conditional love" in the ACOGs is fake. It's just the Sabbath mask that members wear.

  16. God's love is unconditional.

  17. If I have a wayward child, I certainly don't stop loving that child or give up.
    I call out his or her future in faith in Jesus' Name.

  18. How many new members did RCG get from this? How much more money? Seems like all they care about is getting as much money as possible, so that Pack can be driven around in an expensive car, on his expensive campus, sit in his expensive office, while RCG members starve and beg. He is not only a false prophet, but a hireling who serves money rather than God, the worst possible false Christian.
