Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Crackpot Prophet Seeks To Divert Attention Away From African Boondoggle To Take A Swipe At Living Church of God…Again...

It has been many years since Rod Meredith publicly rebuked the future Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucasians and the very public ongoing rebukes by the entire ministry of the Living Church of God to the demands of Bwana Bob to change church teachings to fit HIS interpretations. The bitterness of that rapid rejection still weighs heavily upon his disturbed mind.

That frustration usually arises after suffering public humiliation over some part of his operation malfunctions, which usually means something happened in his African congregations and/or leadership. With the recent exposés of the appalling happenings in Malawi, Africa, the Great Bwana lashed out again at LCG and others in order to divert attention away from his miserable ongoing failures.

What stirred the indignity of the Great Bwana Mzungu was their new "whiteboard" telecasts and that he believes the Living Church of God is too stupid to know when Christ is returning. 

Mzungu writes:

A Canadian sent me the following email last year:

LCG wades deeper into the Laodicean mire… 
I think they’re getting even more confused about end-time events, stating that when we see the 1st and 2nd seal opened that Christ’s return is about 3.5 years away. I thought the Great Tribulation marked 3.5 years from Christ’s return and this is reflected in the 5th seal? What about the 3rd and 4th seals? (I say this tongue-in-cheek.) Aside from their confusion on the identity of the man of sin, they’re REALLY not going to know when things are coming to a head… 
This video is only about 6 minutes long, so not a huge waste of time but I thought I would let you know some of what they’ve been up to.

I don't know why Bwana Bob and his followers get all upset over prophetic timelines for the return of Christ when they ignore the dude for most of the year after Passover. 

What initially frosted Bwana Bob's homeopathic butt was that LCG's new program was professionally done, something he has been totally inept at doing. When no one from LCG joined him when he started his little group he had no access to professional video and production people to guide him. Instead, it is all done in his own home, work office, and a few hotel rooms when he travels. Production values have been nonexistent both in his presentation skills, video sets, and words being spoken. LCG's production skills at least draw interest from the public that Bwana Bob can only dream about.

While I rarely watch videos people suggest, I did watch this one. 
The video, itself, is well produced and seems designed to keep modern audiences interested enough to watch it.

At least the production is interesting enough for people to engage with it. When it comes to Bwana Bob's chair bouncing, arm waving, hand flapping, Bible thrusting, and face obscuring gestures, people quickly tune out as they are laughing.

Bwana Mzungu continues with this, which shows his great displeasure:

The problem is that it makes statements and assertions that are in biblical error as well as in contradiction to previous LCG teachings. 
The video perpetuates LCG’s error that the False Prophet is the ‘man of sin’. It also somewhat hints that its ‘falling away’ error is valid. 
While the whiteboard video cites Jesus’ statement about wars and rumors of wars, related to the beginning of sorrows, it teaches that neither the first nor second seal of Revelation 6 is open yet. 
That contradicts what LCG was publishing for years.

This is the point the bitterness that has been eating away at the  Great Bwana for the last 15 years or so manifests itself all over again. Bob=Good - LCG=Bad.

Before proving that, let me state that during the Feast of Tabernacles in October 2009, an odd feeling came over me that pointed to looking to see if the beginning of sorrows may have begun. After researching and finding that events consistent with start of the ride of the 1sthorseman, in November of 2009 I telephoned LCG’s Dr. Roderick C. Meredith and told him. While his church had taught that the beginning of sorrows had not begun prior to that, it taught shortly after that telephone call that the beginning of sorrows had begun.

Bwana Mzungu then goes on to whine about Davey Crocket III, Doug Winnail, Richard Ames, and Rod Meredith ignoring him when he tried to point out their errors.

It just pops Bwana Mzungu's self-righteous cork that the Living Church of God is NOT proclaiming that any of the Four Horsemen of Revelation are currently riding.

Bwana Bob Mzungu's bitterness is so extreme that he has had to find 57 different points on where LCG differed from his misinterpretations.

Then the ever-whining crybaby has to put on his 'martyrdumb' cape and whine that people ignore him:

Instead of checking out the teachings of differences with the Bible, most will instead prefer to listen to false and misleading information about me. 
All of course, in LCG and elsewhere, should instead value the truth.

According to Bwana Bob Mzungu all truth solely resides in him and his group. No other Church of God and no little independent group has any of the truth that Bwana Bob Mzungu has.

All of course, in LCG and elsewhere, should instead value the truth. 
Notice also:

16 The lazy man is wiser in his own eyes
Than seven men who can answer sensibly. (Proverbs 26:16) 
There are more than seven sensible reasons that those in LCG should realize that it does not hold to the truth as it should. 
Jesus said:

31 “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32) 
The truth is that some time ago, LCG ceased to have the ‘Philadelphia mantle‘ (proper leadership authority for the true and faithful church). 
Its prophetic whiteboard is additional proof that it will not know when the Great Tribulation will begin until it will be too late for most to flee and get the protection that Jesus promised the Philadelphian Christians. 
Jesus told the Laodicean Christians, who thought that they were fine, to repent (Revelation 3:14-22).
I pray that those in LCG and other Laodicean groups as well as the Laodicean independents, will repent and not simply brush off truths that they do not find convenient.

As much as we rag on the Living Church of God, Doug Winnail, and others here, my hat is off to them that they fully recognize what an absolute liar Bob Thiel is and that there is NOTHING he has to say about prophecy, Biblical interpretation, or church government that are relevant.  Not one single thing!


  1. Ah yes! Yet another round of gratuitous farts blown at the LCG by the flatulent Bob Thiel!

  2. Bob, you are really losing it!

    How can you claim to teach truth when you rarely, if ever, point your measly 100 members to THE TRUTH? Jesus Christ. You are playing a very dangerous game. You will never find a single Scripture that authorizes mere mortal men to preach about truth apart from a believers identity in Jesus. You have no truth to preach Bob because you do not belong to Jesus. You are preaching your opinion of what truth should be, as determined by YOU! And all of it apart from the only Truth there is. Why would a so called man of God do that? Why would you tell your members what you think the Bible says instead of leading them verse by verse through the ENTIRETY of Scripture, exegeting it correctly, with a consistent hermeneutic? Could it possibly, perhaps, may be because you have no idea what you're doing and merely want their praise, tithes and power?

  3. .....during the Feast of Tabernacles in October 2009, an odd feeling came over me....

    Odd indeed.

  4. Thiel like HWA cant handle the rejection of their previous groups. HWA until his dying day, had to put down the small Church of God 7th Day for rejecting him and had to label them Sardis, again and again.
