Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 6, 2023

"To Bob Thiel, there are no issues in Africa. He has the most bizarre and dumb explanations to cover all of African lawlessness,…"

Someone above asked how would (Bob Thiel, I guess) portray me in his cartoon. Well, considering his accusations after my conscience compelled me to leave CCOG, I guess I will be portrayed as someone who released funds so that he can go on to American radios; also, as someone who is a talebearer and a gossiper. He was always so unhappy when I would raise the questions about Africa, and especially about how the CCOG in Africa was governed.  

In January of this year he sent me an email in which he said that I should be careful about my attitude to Africa. I responded in a long email telling him that my attitudes to Africa have nothing racist there, but that I have been raising concerns about Africa for years. In my concerns I quoted lies of certain ministers, as well as the involvement of CCOG main person in the elections in Kenya, his proselytizing Muslim boys by taking them as orphans to work on his farm, of his main man taking one of his sons to the Kenyan military, of local churches supposedly being CCOG, when in fact on their sings it was written "Church of God 7th Day Jerusalem" and so on. So, in that long email I repeated all my concerns about African CCOG ministry. Meanwhile, Terry Nelson provided me with various proofs of all the wrongdoings in Africa that he investigated!  

And let now be clear. The small amount of money I was allotted monthly from CCOG for my service cannot compare with the amount of money Bob Thiel sent to Africa. And my issues were not the amounts he sent, but how that money was being squandered and that he was lied that such money was used to help all the poor members there. Besides, he would have had enough money for presence on American radio stations if he did not send so much money to Africa to allow those people there to build their local churches. As far as talebearing and gossip, I was shocked that Bob Thiel would not take into consideration testimonies of children and the testimony showed here by lady Priscilla, ex-wife of Radson Mulozowa, "the minister in good standing". One of the lies that Evans Ochieng uses in Africa is that Priscilla was cheating on her husband and that Terry Nelson tried to break her marriage to Radson. That detestable lie has never been addressed, just as usually nothing is addressed when it comes to Africa. To Bob Thiel, there are no issues in Africa. He has the most bizzare and dumb explanations to cover all of African lawlessness, while his African minions keep flattering him and go to great lengths to express to him their unwavering loyalty. Million times I asked Bob Thiel if he is aware of how much of Bible truths those people understand, but I never had any answer. And yet, there are rumors that some CCOG members don`t even know what Holy Days are kept by CCOG, and this does not exclude the top men of CCOG in Africa.

Aleksandar Sasha Veljic


  1. Well said Sasha; I was sent by Bob Thiel to Africa Twice, I can't turn my back on the persons that are being Abused under the So called Philadelphia Remnant Government of God; I can assure you I won't rest until I see God's Judgement prevail on the Evil Satanists Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa, the Evil Bob Thiels Continuing church of WitchDoctors and Whackjobs must be put down and Buried, by God's Righteous Judgement before more Evil is unleashed and unchecked in Africa, if any persons are reading this please speak up and voice your concerns for the humiliated and abused and innocent / let's get a wave of Rants/ Stop the Evil Ocheing Empire before it spreads. Terry Nelson. Cry Aloud Spare not

  2. Sasha, you need not worry about the "what ifs", like what might happen if Bob Thiel had more money for American Radio. That man could have all the radio, and TV, and internet in the world, and yet his own personal limitations would prevent those resources from making any difference in the size of his work. The followers whom you see attracted to CCOG in Africa are totally appropriate to a man of his mindset, personality, and natural talents and abilities. If he were not active in Africa, one might envision him ministering to the homeless, and it is easy to see him overlooking all of their faults and bad habits as well. The funny thing is, there are those who believe that such people are actually more capable of being reached by God than your typical Joe citizen type whom Armstrongism either attracted, or attempted to make over.

    The minute I heard of Bob Thiel, and discovered COGwriter, I instantly knew exactly what type of personality would set such things up. Absolutely zero personal magnetism shined through. Later, seeing some excerpts from his videos, he confirmed my suspicions by coming off off as an authoritarian version of Franz Kafka, one afflicted with a bunch of tics. Or Joe Cocker as an ACOG minister! Still, he's probably not a bad small scale naturopath. Why can't he just be satisfied with that?

  3. Thiel , who is remarkably silent about the African mess, changes gears and starts going after his former church The Living Church of God , with a missive he posted today, outlining his criticisms of the group (which had rejected him and his prophet status)


    His missive lists no less than 57 complaints against LCG. Talk about the "pot calling the skillet black"! With all the problems and heresies that Thiel has, you would figure he would be focusing on his own church problems.

    It is apparent that with the loss of Thiel's African imaginary following, he is now trying to regroup and try to capture new followers from his former Living Church of God group by bashing them.

    Someone should notify the Wilkins Radio Network , (a group of small religious stations) , that Thiel is broadcasting on. They are unabashedly against anyone broacasting on their network who is NOT a Trinitarian. If they understood Thiel's non trinitarian stance they would cancel his weekly program.

  4. The Wilkins Radio Network has a "statement of beliefs" that it expects its broadcasters to adhere to. Here is there statement about the trinity...

    The Holy Spirit
    The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God. He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. The Christian seeks to live under his control daily.

    Thiel does not believe in the EQUAL part of the statement, and that network expects compliance to its statement of beliefs. He should not be on that radio network, and they have removed other COG groups from broadcasting there for those very reasons.

    File a complaint with Wilkins Radio about Thiel for those reasons.
    Phone 888-989-2299

    Email Denise@wilkinsradio.com

  5. Good old Bob. Always the world's smallest golden calf. Well, at least on radio the people dumb enough to listen to him don't have to watch the flapping arms and water gulping.

    Bob, you are in desperate need of an intervention. Stop talking/writing/preaching about YOURSELF and come to Jesus. Wake up! You will be held responsible for every single false doctrine you teach, every false "prophecy" you give, every claim of being a prophet, when you are not and for preaching a twice cursed gospel of law, not the Grace of Jesus. That is a whole lotta evil in the eyes of Almighty God. And none of that even touches on the evil you are allowing in Africa. Before it's too late, repent and come to Jesus, for your own sake, and for those foolish enough to believe your lies.

  6. Too funny, Beto BOB in front of a black judge, priceless

  7. File a complaint with Wilkins Radio about Thiel for those reasons.

    How about refuting people you don't agree with rather than cancelling them like a totalitarian?

    Next, why not just cancel all Sabbatarians? Or all religious people?

  8. The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son

    Heresy. My Father is greater than I. -- Jesus.

  9. How about refuting people you don't agree with rather than cancelling them like a totalitarian?

    Next, why not just cancel all Sabbatarians? Or all religious people?

    Bwana Bob has gone on and on about how he and his CCOG are the truthful ones, unlike those mean liars in LCG like his church daddy RCM who rejected him. Once we establish that Bob wants permission to lie like RCM, this shows that his CCOG is no different from RCM's church. If CCOG cannot handle the truth, it deserves to fail.

  10. "How about refuting people you don't agree with rather than cancelling them like a totalitarian?"

    Hey Zeus!!! Budweiser has been sprayed all over my precious ipad courtesy of 1:44!!!

    Dude, these totalitarians have cancelled us! Disfellowshipped us for leaving their nasty little cults! We are simply the dissenting opinion to their self-created "kangaroo" court of law!!!! Fu€k 'em!

  11. ANONYMOUS WROTE: How about refuting people you don't agree with rather than cancelling them like a totalitarian?
    Next, why not just cancel all Sabbatarians? Or all religious people?

    This is not about cancelling. Wilikins Radio has long had a policy that NON TRINITARIANS are not allowed to broadcast on their Christian radio stations. That is their right.

    This is about Bob either not be forthcoming with them, or Wilkins being not in the know about Thiel. Booby is taking advantage of Wilkins by violating their policy. No one is against private expression , and exercise of free rights. Let Thiel purchase broadcast time with FULL DISCLOSURE of his positions at any radio station that would have him, is fine with me. Otherwise, he is taking advantage of a company, and its own religious rights.

  12. "Dude, these totalitarians have cancelled us! Disfellowshipped us for leaving their nasty little cults!"

    You left. How can you be disfellowshipped? And why would it matter?

  13. Bob Thiel is one of those lizard people that David Ecke talks about.

  14. @ 6:07~ What I am saying is that for years the O.G. WCG and the offshoot splinter cults have practiced disfellowshipment and shunning, separation of members from non-Armstrongite family, identification and shunning of so-called "Laodiceans", and other similar treatments of people which have become known as cancellation. The internet and social media have made it possible to publicize this, and their other inhuman policies and beliefs, warning others and inhibiting their growth. So they, along with other hard-right band wagon conservative groups cry "cancellation". For decades, they shut others out as an official policy of their belief system, yet they hate it when these others are able to be even more effective in turning the tables and causing them to be shut out.

    All I can say is Hah Hah Hah! Thus to all tyrants!

  15. Africans, uncorrupted by modern civilization, don't have any problem cheating Bob out of his money. Or, whoever Bob got the money from. Soon they will want reparations for slavery, although they were never slaves.

  16. Perhaps Icke uses lizard people as a code word for those he cannot name. Probably not Bob though.

  17. The Fed, a collection of private banks, has merged with the government. That's fascism.

    Perhaps, being private companies, they have the right to cancel your bank accounts, T-bills, and currency. Kind of like they are doing to Nigel Farage because they don't like his political views. Kind of like Google does. Kind of like all the big media do. They have the right to buy up everything. If they owned the roads they would cancel your right to drive if they didn't like your opinion.

  18. The Theelie Bopper has labeled "Banned" as an "anti-COG" site on many occasions. This latest African news is a typical example of why so many of us are anti-COG, and why that is a good thing, and why our position is the logical and mentally stable approach to the ACOGs. To my knowledge, there is no YELP for cults. So, we are it!

  19. Heh, Bobs now complaining that robots arent Armstrongists. Its so odd.
