Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Dave Pack: Particularly Arrogant

Particularly Arrogant


Professional cheek-presser David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God power-sat through his final final message a final time on July 15, 2023. "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 459)" revealed never-before-understood knowledge that put the entire Series into perspective and cleared up some of the greatest mysteries mankind has ever faced so precisely and accurately it can never be altered.


If there is one thing David C. Pack is best at, it is proving to the brethren of The Restored Church of God who and what he is. He repeatedly shows them that nothing coming out of his mouth can be trusted because he will surely backtrack his own statements and disregard all accountability.


Case in point:


Part 458 – July 8, 2023

@ 01:28:48 But, I wanna just say, if this exact timing is somehow wrong, I simply can’t tell you more. I can’t.


@ 01:14:30 I can’t come back with 359 [459], and I'm telling you, I won't.


One week later, Part 459 delayed the RCG Summer Picnic’s evening activities by at least two hours since Dave could not resist focusing all the attention on him when the Main Hall was filled with visitors. Event weekends act like a magnet for his tongue.


Making light of his previous statements somehow makes it all okay.


Part 459 – July 15, 2023

@ 01:04 If you'll recall, I said last week, "This Series is over. Next week." [laughing] Or was it just, "This Series is over?" Maybe that was what it was.


The All-Believing Zealots in the audience laughed at this. There is a portion of the RCG membership that seem oblivious to their own dire circumstances. Moments like this reveal their numbers, and it is discouraging.



One of the great mysteries cleared up with Part 459 was the long-perplexing “one month” puzzling Dave since 2012. Luckily for him, it was yet another way in which he personally fulfills prophecy and cements his ever-presence in the pages of your Bible.


Dave speaking for the length of a month during the month of Tammuz was the secret necessary for the Kingdom to come. So, the door was wide open for Jesus Christ to return any time between July 15 and July 19. I said, ANY TIME BETWEEN JULY 15 AND JULY 19.


Hmmm. That didn’t work. Av 1 came and went. Nothing happened. How can that be? Dave sounded so confident.


@ 16:48 So, these are some of the Mysteries of God that are clearing up that are telling us we’ve got this right.


It is a curious thing why the audience did not also laugh here.

@ 33:12 So then, where is the year? This year? Where is it? When is it? It wasn’t on the 24th [of Tammuz, July 13]. I was suspicious. I ended the way I did because I was suspicious. I’ll tell ya, you’ll see how I end when we’re done today. But we should be able to figure it out. The 1335. We've battled that for a long time. Battled and battled and battled and battled, but you know what, brethren? We got it. It's the split-second of Passover two-and-a-half months before the Day of the Lord. You know, that moment is very special.


@ 35:37 We’ve battled and battled and battled and battled and battled. But, eventually, we got them. Now, the people who left didn’t get them. They didn’t stay long enough. They weren’t even excited to know that the Lord of Hosts and the Captain of the Hosts were Father and Son. And that Christ was never the God of the Old Testament. You know, a little minor detail like that. 


Dave has no understanding that having a theory that has not yet moved is not the same as having a theory proven right. He will not and can never be right about the return of Jesus Christ because he is a false prophet forever disqualified. This is why he continues to wallow in the hell of his own doing.


@ 36:52 But we got it. And maybe I should say God eventually made it clear. You could argue we didn’t get anything. I didn’t get anything, but it came clear.


Crediting God with the continued failure of David C. Pack’s teachings is the same type of praise as if you commend God for allowing an orphanage to burn to the ground with all the kids inside. Wow. Are you super-sure you want to put His fingerprints on something like that?



@ 55:58 But, there is a month there, and I finally understand it. My quest with my wife on Obama’s re-election, November 6, 2012, almost eleven years ago, was to try to figure this out. And I never could, and never could, thought I did, and never could, thought I did, and this theory and that, and imagine how much we had to learn before we could ever get it right. But God seemed to wait for last to explain what I ran into and got a headache from first.


@ 56:47 Now, if it’s Tammuz, well then, we’re right on track. We’re lookin’ at Tuesday (July 18). Because it's the month of Tammuz and it's 29 days. I didn't speak on Tammuz 1. I spoke on Tammuz 3. And I don’t know when God woulda lifted the Staffs and fed the flock. So, I don’t know.


Wishy-Washy Dave avoided hard dates because he was unsure when the "one month" officially began since he never stopped talking. One of his messages fulfilled prophecy setting a clock in motion so that God could initiate the arrival of the Kingdom of God. Man…if he could only know which one it was.


@ 1:24:36 Now, I said this Series is over last week. I don’t know what in the world I would discover that could cause us to have another one. There's a final message. But I do read, you know, a final message that's given in a season. Is it this one? It wudn't the last one. I thought so and times before that.


Could you imagine waking up each day wondering HOW you are fulfilling prophecy?


You just know in your heart that your god is using you for a great purpose, but that same god keeps you in the dark about the details because it refuses to communicate essential details clearly even though you are tasked with leading the last little flock on the planet.


This is the life of David C. Pack. He pours through the instruction manual, trying to understand how Peg A fits into Slot X. Sure, the parts connect if you press hard enough and ignore a few paragraphs, but it certainly does not match the diagram.


David C. Pack will never be able to properly connect the biblical pieces together because rightly dividing the word of truth is beyond his grasp.



@ 1:25:15 No man knows the day or the hour. That’s kind of a problem. Is that no man? …No prophet has ever known that day. The apostles never knew it. The Bible says Christ doesn’t know it. Angels don’t know it. And it has struck me from time to time when the Bible seems to pull YOU toward a particular time (and it does); if YOU nail that day down, it strikes me as particularly arrogant. And I have to bite my lip and say, “But God says the Goodman know. He knows, and he tells his house.” Or does he give'em a range of time? No prophet, apostle, Christ, and the angels know it, just the Father. But we know. Or, I know. No man knows the day or the hour or can’t think or know the hour.


It would be hard to believe David C. Pack pays attention to his own words as closely as I do. This troublesome verse in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 has been a thorn in his flesh for over a decade. Dave occasionally acknowledges that such words exist but ignores them because they cannot possibly apply to him.


“it has struck me from time to time”


And yet, between Tammuz 1 of 2022 to Tammuz 1 of 2023, Dave taught 59 dates for the return of Jesus Christ. Was he struck all 59 times? Maybe he needs to get struck a little harder to pay attention.


“the Bible seems to pull YOU…if YOU nail that day down”


Dave's coping mechanism to keep his conscious mind away from realizing he is a biblical fraud is to implement the generous placement of the separating pronoun, YOU. He warns if YOU do this, he has concerns.


It is almost as though what has occurred inside The Restored Church of God happened due to and implemented by some entity beyond the bounds of his own flesh. Some other voice spoke the words and set dates that all failed. It was not David C. Pack. It was YOU.


“it strikes me as particularly arrogant”


Dave betrays a rare moment of pure honesty.


“I have to bite my lip”


David C. Pack does not bite his lip. He pushes through his uncomfortable feelings and chooses to teach what he knows is incorrect because he "ran out of time." The Restored Church of God would be a much happier place if David C. Pack were capable of biting his lip.



@ 1:32:13 And there are people who leave because he says My Lord delays His coming. Shouldn’t we at least say, What if some among us commit suicide at the last minute ‘cause it goes a few days longer? Now, you know, and I know, and they should know, and God knows they were never gonna get eternal life anyway because they were on a short-timer’s attitude. But what if that happened? What if, you know…It goes long enough the people say, “I’m outta here. I just waited and waited and waited.” Well, then, that’s a decision that you made. Best case scenario, such people who bail out, best case is they’re goin’ into the year. Worst case, it looks like those people are cut asunder and burned on the spot. And they weeping and gnashing their teeth even if they quit a day before. But, I’m gonna at least warn about that.


The fate of those who leave The Restored Church of God is assured. Using his superior discernment and apostolic wisdom, David C. Pack knows just like you know, and God knows who will not receive the gift of eternal life. This broad color in the Brainwashing Rainbow casts a bleak, fearful shadow over all the brethren, keeping them in their chairs.


Waiting is not the issue. Listening to a proven false prophet God is not leading is.



While enthusiastically asserting the Series is over, Dave set up quotes for a future article.


@ 1:34:30 What could be so big, so transcendent, so sweeping in power and force and knowledge to overcome all the points about timing? All of them. Not just tonight. Well, what could do that? It would have to be an oracle outside the BibleNobody else is gonna pick up the Bible and find different months and days and understanding…


@ 1:38:58 After the last message, Christ comes quickly. That’s really fast. That’s not a month. I’m just trying to these are subtle nuances. It took me a long time to see them. But it all adds up. So, what in the world could change everything? Nothing I can see…I do not rule out that we could go two or three more weeks, brethren. I have no authority to do that. I don’t see how you could go two or three more weeks without another message. But I'm not gonna say anything along that line.


I wonder how much of this will be ripe for use after Part 460 is delivered tonight.


Av 1 on July 19 was a focal point, but Dave gave himself wiggle room of “two or three more weeks.” The brethren hanging on will be waiting much longer than that.


Whatever changes are afoot or new “reset in thinking” occurs, there is one aspect that will not change. Out of his own mouth, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God has judged himself to be “particularly arrogant.” 


The end must be near because he and I both agree.

Marc Cebrian

See: Particularly Arrogant


  1. I've been reminded by Dave's missteps, more than once, of the old FEDEX commercial, in which an account executive has materials for the most important presentation of his life, shipped to him overnight by one of FEDEX's competitors. It shows the man nervously looking at his watch, and out the window upon the front entrance of the office building, but the package never arrives. The final frames show the exec making hand motions in front of the light for his projector which are then silhouetted on the wall as a bird flapping its wings, which he accompanies by making bird calls. And, the announcer says, "Got an important package? Next time, choose FEDEX!"

    Sadly, there is no FEDEX of prophecy! So, we can't proclaim to RCG members, "Next time, choose.............!" We live in times when all prophecy fails, except for the occasional statistically negligible anomaly. So, the best advice is, "Next time, focus on Christian values!"

    When will Armstrongite preachers finally learn that the HWA prophecy mold, no matter how it is modified, updated, or subjected to new math equations, is a complete loser????

    1. The COG’s will never learn because they have “the truth”. Any knowledge which contradicts “the truth” or substitute “minister” /“prophet” is disregarded because it’s a deception.

      Like the fossil record for young earth creationists. They’ll bend logic, reason, etc to make it so dinosaurs were with Adam and Eve. Also, Noah and the flood. Despite no evidence of a worldwide cataclysmic event. People will believe it because one guy wrote it down thousands of years ago

      The COG refuses to accept any truth not in their worldview/philosophy..

  2. Those that dare leave Dave will be "cut asunder and burned on the spot"

    These kind of appallingly perverse comments by Dave is what has the current members who won't leave living fear. This threat is constantly looming ginger back of their minds any time they even contemplate leaving.

  3. I was criticized by the evaluating minister in club for turning my ring while giving a speech. It was apparently very distracting. Has anyone noticed how much Dave picks at his nails? What the hell is that?

  4. It's called nailpicking. I was criticized for using the word "tad" in club.

  5. What if some among us commit suicide at the last minute ‘cause it goes a few days longer?

    There's more truth to that than Mr. Pack may know.

    I know a woman who worked at Family Radio who tried to kill herself on the eve of Harold Camping's "Judgment Day" in May 2011.

    She did not kill herself, thankfully. She survived to watch a ministry which still seems to be in decline.

  6. Dave's fear tactics suggest he's a manipulating liar who knows what he is doing.

  7. I do not believe this is the first time that Pack has addressed suicide situations. People who talk about suicide are often exhibiting a tell that they are thinking about suicide for themselves.

    This whole Pack mess is becoming more and more volatile and desperate IMHO!

  8. How can one claim to know God when you don't even know His name? None of the cogs know or tell us His Name or His Son's name. The pagan religions of this world know the name of their gods but cogs are ignorant when it comes to the name of their god.

  9. Pack is 75, so he knows that the end isn't far off. Perhaps like Hitler, he fantasies about going out on his terms. People like that can be dangerous since they feel that they don't have much to lose.

  10. Sermon on the Mount

    It seems like a very important part of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount was the “beware of false prophets” bit. Those who hear these words of Jesus and do not put them into practice are like a foolish person who built their house on sand. I get the impression that the current RCG types are more into Prediction Addiction and not so much into the Sermon on the Mount.

  11. Anonymous at 8:02 AM said...“Pack is 75, so he knows that the end isn't far off.”

    Never hold your breath while you wait for the wicked to die. Satan might still be able to use Dave's old, dead, zombie carcass, like he does with Gerald Flurry's ancient carcass (preserved by alcohol).

  12. Dave has 2 Pack Horses! He will need them to escape when the time comes.
