Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, July 23, 2023

That Other Deranged Crackpot Prophet Says: This is the last opportunity to unite the Churches of God


It's your last chance to unite before it's all over!

Why is it that the current Church of God movement has so many mentally ill men leading it? We are infected with deluded narcissistic men who make bold and outlandish claims that never have and never will come to pass.

This is one of the latest posts from that other crackpot prophet leading the so-called "christian" Churches of "god", Wade Cox, the bitter competition in Africa with Bob Thiel's fake ministry.

If you thought spending three and half years with Bob Thiel in charge in Petra would be hell on earth, it will be even worse under this looney tune.

God has dealt with the Measuring of the Temple and we are now at the final phase of dealing with the nations and the removal of the sinful societies. The Churches of God have been judged and they have been scattered. Their ministries have been warned for the last time and their people also warned for the final sequence before the Witnesses Enoch and Elijah arrive for the commencement of the Final Empire of the Beast after the War of the Sixth Trumpet and they then begin to deal with the Empire of the Beast. We have said that Messiah will destroy the systems of this world. There will be no false religion left on the planet under Messiah and the Host. There will be no second chances with the arrival of the Witnesses. If you have not repented and got rid of Hillel and those other false doctrines by the end of the Second Year of the Witnesses, then you will not be in the First Resurrection. If you do not repent of Hillel and your false doctrines by the Messiah and the Jubilee then you will die by the commencement of the Millennium. Everyone then goes to the Second Resurrection of the Dead after the Millennium. If you want to take those risks, then you are a true gambler betting against the word of God. 

The COG has no major or minor prophets, just a bunch of self-appointed nincompoops.

There appears to be a significant increase and access to the Open Letter to the Churches of God of this month. The brethren seem to be completely disinterested in the truth of anything. Many are repenting but the reality is that the majority are brainwashed and unable to see through the errors taught them. They have only this last opportunity and responsibility to unify the Churches of God under the correct doctrines of the Original Churches of God and if they do not do that they will then suffer under the Witnesses, as we said Last Sabbath. We dealt with the issue of what Bible to choose and how to use it this New Moon of the Fifth Month. This of itself is an important topic and task. The Churches of God have been seriously misled from the issue of the KJV in 1611 based on the seriously flawed and forged Textus Receptus and the many forgeries incorporated into the Receptus and also from the Post Temple Masoretic Text forged by the Jews in the Dispersion. It is not a joke. Messiah and the Host will destroy you and send you to the Second Resurrection if you do not repent by the arrival of the Messiah. The Ministry has nowhere to go, and nor do you, if you follow them. It is your own personal responsibility to get the doctrines correct. Your ministers are no doubt teaching you false doctrines if they are pushing Hillel and the false God of Ditheism or Binitarianism/Trinitarianism. They will be judged severely (Jas 3:1), but you are also responsible, and you cannot blame anyone else but yourself. If they do not speak according to the Law and the Testimony, there is no light in them. (Isa. 8:20) 
Wade Cox
Coordinator General



  1. Anonymous said...

    Dave Pack "Always Wrong Mind-Numbing Money Sucking All About Me and I Can't Shut Up General"

    Gerald Flurry "Family Killer General"

    Gerald Weston "Presiding Old Testament General"

    Whoever is in charge of UCG "Manasseh General"

    Ron Weinland "Goofball in General"

    Bob Thiel "Former Presiding Bwana General"

  2. I Tonto, am


  3. Does that make Pack...


  4. One of the most bitter and condescending posts I've read.

  5. This guy wrote, "The Churches of God have been seriously misled from the issue of the KJV in 1611 based on the seriously flawed and forged Textus Receptus and the many forgeries incorporated into the Receptus and also from the Post Temple Masoretic Text forged by the Jews in the Dispersion. It is not a joke. Messiah and the Host will destroy you and send you to the Second Resurrection if you do not repent by the arrival of the Messiah."

    This is a clear example of Gnosticism. He is asserting that special knowledge is required for salvation and only he has that special knowledge. He then menaces his readers with eternal perdition if they do not align their thinking with his special knowledge.

    In other words, the god that he worships did not bring a clarion message of good news but a mysterious and tangled assemblage of ideas and concepts that this guy must unpack for you. This is a form of ideological despotism that does not comport with the writings of the New Testament authors.

  6. In other words, the god that he worships did not bring a clarion message of good news but a mysterious and tangled assemblage of ideas and concepts that this guy must unpack for you. This is a form of ideological despotism that does not comport with the writings of the New Testament authors.

    What about the Old Testament authors that the New Testament authors based their writings on?

  7. ... his guy must unpack for you. This is a form of ideological despotism.

    Who unpacks for us which books should be in the cannon? Is that despotism too?

  8. 11:34 and 11:36

    Ideological despotism is one guy saying that "I have the truth and nobody else has it. And if you want to know the truth you must come to me and do what I tell you to do in order to get it." That is the model pioneered by HWA - quite successfully.

    Both the OC and the NC were received by a large population of people directly from God. In the case of the OC it was the nation of Israel and in the case of the NC it was the church. I think you can understand the difference between these events and one man claiming to be the sole interpreter of the Bible.

    As for the canon, which one are you referring to? There are many. Athanasius gave us the one that is most common. But contemporaries were not afraid to challenge him. If he was a despot, he was a poor one.

  9. Both the OC and the NC were received by a large population of people directly from God. In the case of the OC it was the nation of Israel and in the case of the NC it was the church. I think you can understand the difference between these events and one man claiming to be the sole interpreter of the Bible.

    The story is that Israel heard God give the ten commandments. Other than that, pretty much everything seems to have come from a lone prophet via a private communication with God. The idea that everything was received by a large population directly from God is clearly not true.

    The same is basically true of the new testament. Paul said he had revealations. John wrote Revelation after claiming to have had visions. The apostles claimed they heard Jessus say this or that. There was no revelation direct from God to the masses, except for very few exceptions, which we need to take on the authority of one or a very small number of lone authors.

    So, it sounds like what you call ideological despotism.

  10. As for the canon, which one are you referring to? There are many.

    That's the problem. One needs to read through the works of an army of scholars just to TRY to determine what the cannon should be. You need a bunch of scholars to unpack it for you.

    This is a clear example of Gnosticism. He is asserting that special knowledge is required for salvation and only he has that special knowledge. He then menaces his readers with eternal perdition if they do not align their thinking with his special knowledge.

    That is basically what Jesus did.

    That is the same thing the scholars do. Except they are not a single person claiming to have special knowledge, but an elite club of "experts" claiming to have special knowledge. They don't even agree with each other on many things, including which books actually contain what we need to know for salvation.

  11. 5:18: "That is basically what Jesus did."

    It is not possible for God to be a despot. This pivots not on the form of government but on the intent and conduct of government. Terms such as autocratic, tyrannical, dictatorial, despotic are all pejorative. These terms are not applicable to God. He is a father and not an autocratic; his government is a family and not an autocracy. In form they are the same: top-down, hierarchies. But autocracies differ from the family of God in spirit. If God were a despot, you would not be enjoying many of the freedoms you have now. Your personal life would be very different.

    So, what is the difference between a genuine orthodox Christian minister and a neo-Millerite autocrat who bandies about idiosyncratic assertions? Jesus said that by the fruit you will know the tree. He also said that it is impossible for the Elect to be deceived. So, there is activity by the Holy Spirit that makes the difference. This activity is something that I cannot prove to you with the scientific method.

    You wrote, “The idea that everything was received by a large population directly from God is clearly not true.”

    I would not say “everything” but rather the essentials came directly. And there was enough general witness to the power of God at Sinai to credential anything that came indirectly through Moses. We have Moses addressing the people of Israel:

    Deut 4:12: ...YHWH spoke to you out of the fire; you heard the sound of words but perceived no shape—nothing but a voice. He declared to you the covenant He commanded you to observe, the Decalogue ...

    Deut 5:19: YHWH spoke those words to your whole congregation at the mountain, out of the fire and the dense clouds, with a mighty voice—and no more. He inscribed them on two tablets of stone, which He gave to me. When you heard the voice out of the darkness, while the mountain was ablaze with fire, you came up to me ...

    As for the New Covenant, Jesus spoke directly in public to large audiences - sometimes numbering into the thousands.

    Census taking aside, the point is that Gnostics are concealers and controllers of knowledge. They do not bring light but carefully leverage and ration their putative gnosis.

  12. Some religious zealots need to grow up and stop freaking out with those who don't see things the same way. Why are their heads always exploding?


  13. Herbert based his ideas on J. Allen, G. G. Rupert, the Millerites, the JWs, COG7, Dugger and Dodd, and many others. So he had many scholars on his side. It was not a one-man show, although he claimed that it was. The orthodox scholars fall into a different pit than the Armstrongists, but also fall into a pit. They are equally despots since they ruthlessly exclude any scholars outside their echo-chamber.

  14. The claim that God actually spoke to the people at Sinai cannot be verified. It's just a narrative. The only "evidence" for it is that it was "recorded" by an elitist group of Rabbis who set themselves up as the pinnacle of society and could have (and did) make it all up to justify their authority and control of the people.

    And all the OT prophets received private messages from God. That's where 99% of the OT comes from. The Sinai incident was perhaps 1% of the OT, and even that story comes to us through those who control the information. There are no living witnesses. The NT is essentially the same.

  15. 10:08/10:13

    I'm not going to bring you another rock. If you want to believe that Moses and Jesus are just as despotic as HWA, that's fine. It does not speak well for your critical faculties but it does demonstrate that God has given you the freedom to believe what you want.

  16. According to the gospels, Jesus spoke in parables to conceal the meaning from the general public. Sounds a lot like gnosticism or a mystery religion. Only Jesus could unpack the meaning for his disciples, who were the few. That seems to be consistent with YOUR definition of despotic.

  17. 4:39

    I recall I stated that despotism pivots not on form but intent and conduct. At this point, I would have to introduce my views on theodicy. But my views are likely quite different from what you have ever encountered in mainstream or evangelical Chistianity - brothers that I view as infernalist in their view of soteriology. I am a Trinitarian Universalist. This places a different meaning on some scriptures. And I don't feel much inclined to defend the infernalist views of mainstream Christianity for sake of argument.

  18. ... my views are likely quite different from what you have ever encountered in mainstream or evangelical Chistianity ... a different meaning on some scriptures.

    Sounds rather cryptic.

    ... despotism pivots not on form but intent and conduct.

    Well, if somebody crucifies me I'm gonna be ticked whether or not he thought he was doing God service. The end result of despotism and good intentions being the same thing, in many cases, making it a distinction without a difference for practical purposes.

  19. 8:50

    No. The events in the interval may seem similar but the end results are quite different.

  20. A message to Wade Cox: "Hey! Electrolux! Your bag is bursting, so you're now spreading dirt instead of cleaning it up!"
