Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Dave Pack: Running out of gas...


Outta Gas


Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God is out of gas. Not only is he running on prophetic fumes, he must be huffing them. His Jerusalem Syndrome hallucinations keep his head spinning with perpetual compulsive date-setting while his mouth tries to keep up.


Headquarters must be "going green" trying to save the environment because there is serious recycling in Wadsworth. The failed dates for the return of Jesus Christ in 2022 have become the exact failed dates for the return of Jesus Christ in 2023.


During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 457)” on July 1, 2023, David C. Pack spent 85 minutes convincing the All-Believing Zealots that Jesus Christ would return on Tammuz 15.


Tammuz 15 began at sunset on Monday, July 3. The explosions you heard were just early fireworks.


If 2023 is a repeat of 2022, keep an eye out for these upcoming dates:


Tammuz 20 – Starting at sunset on Saturday, July 8

Av 1 – Starting at sunset on Tuesday, July 18


David C. Pack's latest messages putter and sputter as he coasts downhill, reading the same verses over and over and over again as if the material was new. He is just plain boring. Except for a few instances.



To properly frame Part 457, enjoy the end of Part 456.


Part 456 – June 24, 2023

@ 1:43:05 I need to give more messages, more often turned on WHEN not WHAT. Oh, I’m never gonna do that again. If I speak after vacation, expect more WHAT and nothing about WHEN. Gabriel would hafta tell me what to say. I can’t imagine anything else.


Part 457 – July 1, 2023

@ 01:34 I said last time if I speak again, it will be about the WHAT, not the WHEN. Well, little did I know how that would be opposite to true. I have no WHAT that God is gonna do to talk about at all. It’s strictly the WHEN. Again, absolutely nothing changes from this picture.


With six people, including Ken and Tim, going off payroll, that must have left room to bring Gabriel on as a consultant. This is classic David C. Pack proving to all the brethren he is not a man of his word, nor should anything he says be taken seriously.


By his own admission, he speaks “opposite to true.” When it comes to Grandpa Dave, I have operated in Opposite Land for a long time. If he says, he will NEVER, be guaranteed he will. If he promises he WILL, rest assured he will find a way out of it. If what he teaches is IMPOSSIBLE to argue with, he will argue with it until his ears turn red. If what he teaches is impossible to MISUNDERSTAND, he will later admit he spoke without enough knowledge.


The brethren of The Restored Church of God are given every opportunity to see who and what their Pastor General is, yet they still choose to sit and accept him. To their shame.


@ 04:19 We’re not losing people now. There’s no gush of people out the door at the last minute ‘cause “This went an extra week or three.” There’s nothing like that going on at all. Church is doing just fine. But, we been losing people for several years who have been correctly saying, therefore, Christ tarried, and He did, and that's all it took for them to quit.


Eventually, there are no more righteous left in Sodom. Perhaps the folks with an ounce of sense and strength have already departed.


@ 05:48 In other words, it becomes encouraging for me to realize God built this Series to go a lot longer than I thought. It's just I wuddn't gonna leave the church. It was always sort of built-in.


God is always why the endless Series drags on, and Dave loves using Him as Blame Armor. Careful, boss. Careful.


Elijah-Elect searches the Scriptures to continually find new ways to give himself comfort. The peace, peace never lasts long. With good reason.


@ 11:01 First, I thought it was Tammuz 1 (June 20). Well, this is Tammuz 12. That was wrong. It had to be a Gold Standard, something precise and absolute. I mean, a smoking gun. But, again, what would it be? And I wanna repeat, I think I finally know.


Maybe less thinking and more vacationing on vacation next time, Dave.


Sshh. Do not interrupt him. Yes, we know this already failed miserably, but let the guy get it off his chest and prove to the brethren how much he THINKS he knows.


@ 11:21 And I'm gonna show you what I learned. I got close to this on Tuesday, and being away on vacation was wonderfully helpful. I had a lot of time to think. And I had figured out by Tuesday afternoon (evening, really.) Tuesday evening, really, I had figured out exactly what God was telling us per when it cannot tarry any longer.


@ 14:06 …and so, my sole point today is timing. Timing.


So, his sole point for taking up the entirety of Sabbath Services on July 1 was a waste of time. A waste of his time during his vacation. A waste of the brethren's time at Headquarters. And a waste of time for anyone in The Restored Church of God who listens to this dreck.


@ 14:21 So, let’s see if we can by something God waited deliberately, very carefully, for the very last message, and that what I was supposta "make plain" was not WHAT had been covered in 456 messages, but WHEN this is gonna happen. I think now I understand. I've run it by three good men in great detail, and they saw it, "Wow. There it is." And you never hafta leave Habakkuk.


Those men will nod their heads and widen their eyes no matter what Dave tells them. He could lay out the loudest, most detailed, and most nuanced fart in RCG history with the heater on and the windows rolled up, and they would fain amazement.


The lot of them at Headquarters are worthless hirelings. Shame on you compromised cowards.


@ 42:33 Literally, what you can do is just close the Bible and say, “I know when this is gonna be.” …I wanna lock this down so you can see how all the verses fit. Monday night, not Sabbath night (tonight), Monday night is the “midst of the years.”


@ 45:24 So, Monday night is the only time, the only night, Monday night, Jerusalem time, which it’d be, you know, fairly early in the day Monday to us… It’s the only time it can be. Or God said something different than what we can we would understand. Anybody think He did that? Would He do that?


@ 47:01 So, this is either Monday night, or it's two years out.


David C. Pack will never ever ever ever wait two years for anything. He will not wait one year. He cannot even stand to shut his mouth for one month. Part 458 was recorded today. How much do you want to bet he found a pathway to keep pushing the goalpost?



If what Dave says next is true, then what he describes is direct evidence of dark spiritual influence. A more secular-based mind would point to mental illness. Whether it is demonic or psychotic in nature, the result is the same.

@ 1:15:50 …if you say he [Ezekiel] ate the book on the 5th [Tammuz]…I wonder, is it possible? …Within five minutes of Tammuz 5 beginning in Jerusalem, a whole series of things came exploding into my mind…about Revelation (many of which I covered last week), and by about 24 hours later, I had my message completed, and I can talk to my staff, and we were ready to go, and you heard [Part] 456. Now that’s more important to meand it may or be not be lost on you. But I’m gonna tell you when Revelation came clear…that led us to understand, "Whoa, that's when the foolish and wise virgins are waiting for the Bridegroom. Whoa, certain saints are gonna get killed. Whoa, we're gonna enter the joy of the Lord.” All of that came clear almost exactly on the 24 hours of Tammuz 5.


Dave's brain has an open-door policy with demonic visitors. Wicked entities are allowed to visit Elijah That Prophet, to leave their excrement between his ears. And he is grateful for it.


Inspired false knowledge is not from God. Whether the culprit is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Legion, the victims of this are the members of The Restored Church of God. They are trapped in a lie they cannot escape because they have no clear alternative.


They are repeating the error of those who stayed in The Worldwide Church of God after the apostasy until it became Grace Communion International. The Restored Church of God has become The Restored Church of Another god.


Their false prophet, false teacher, preaches a false god who tells them this:


@ 1:24:56 But, there’s no way we’re here next week. Never mind, the mystery of all a this is over. I hafta be “about to sound.”



David C. Pack has run out of gas. He is out of new material and is forced to keep recycling the same ideas and the same Hebrew dates over and over again. The hirelings at Headquarters let him do it. The apathetic, lethargic brethren let him do it.


@ 1:25:20 So, I’m just telling you what the Bible says. We reached that time. We reached that time…A little before one o’clock our time here [July 3]. And everybody can calculate around the world with the idea that "Yeah, it could go twelve more hours,” I guess. Maybe. I don’t know. There could. They’re competing commentaries. With that, we’re done. Godspeed this moment. Come, Lord Jesus, as John said.

Marc Cebrian


  1. Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw yourself. 1Tim 6:5

  2. Does he ever preach regular sermons about sound doctrine? Eg love, joy, peace, longsuffering, self-control, faith, etc. Does he ever preach about repentance, the life and words of Jesus Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, salvation through Jesus Christ?

  3. I knew this commercial artist, who was great at his job, but conducted his business fraudulently. He would underbid his competitors to get the job. Take the upfront money to pay off bills or drink or whatever, then come back to his client saying he needed more money to complete the job. At this point in the process the client really had no choice but to comply. And the job would never be completed on time.

    He became a master at coming up with reasons for the delay or the cost. Constantly just making up stuff to get to the next day. He started doing this in his personal life as well. Doing or saying anything to keep the lights on and a roof over his head. There was no thought of tomorrow.

    In time, anybody who knew him did not buy his b.s. anymore so he married a gal who carried him for awhile. Covered for him. Overlooked his flaws. Up until the inevitable divorce.

    After that one triggering event his life devolved rapidly.

    Anytime I read about Dave and the RCG now I think of that guy.

  4. well pack is filled with love
