Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Don't Swallow Bob Thiel's Shallow Stories About Africa

Dr. Bobby Thiel is sadly being used as a pawn of Major Muzungu Suckerbility, as It's now been reported that Radson Mulozowa has sought out the best WitchDoctor in Mozambique and has specifically had him place Mind Zombie spells on Dr. Thiel to render him a complete Fool believing lies and outright fairy tales. But of course, even carnal people in the world can figure this out, which means Bobby Thiel is really being sadly used by Satan and his Minions. We believe at Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God, that this is so, as some of the excuses Dr Bobby believes are truly disturbing and out of touch with reality. 

Some Examples are provided as follows:

Radson Mulozowa's new Wife or Mistress. Dr. Thiel Believes Radson Mulozowa's excuse that this is just a cousin..... Really Kissing Cousins 🤣.  


You people be the judge, also you must realize Priscilla, Radsons ex-wife, and all his children testified to Radsons Adultery. Bobby Thiel never mentioned that big revelation though

Also, Bobby Thiel believes Bradox Ouma Ocheing never ran in the 2022 election in Kenya as Bradox and Evans state someone put Bradoxs name on the Ballot and framed him, so the gullible Bobby Thiel or should I say mind cursed Bobby Thiel believes this Bull.  

Double-click both to embiggen

So really seriously folks, can you really believe someone that's that blind or willingly ignorant, go ahead if you want to be a big Muzungu.

Forster Abraham/ Chief Council of the Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God


Adultery Scandal of Continuing Church of God Pastor In Malawi - ExWife Shares

"I'm not 100% sure why Dr Thiel isn't accepting these truths that are so plain. Willingly ignorant? Pride? Gullibility?"


  1. A poem generated by artificial intelligence (Chat GPT) about Bob Thiel...

    In the realm of False Prophets, a tale unfolds,
    Of a man named Bob Thiel, or so I'm told.
    With a Christian façade, he claimed to lead,
    But corruption and deceit are his true creed.

    In Africa's land, where poverty reigns,
    Thiel's ministers sought personal gains.
    They lined their pockets, ignoring the poor,
    Leaving behind a trail of lies and more.

    With promises of salvation, they did preach,
    While their actions strayed far out of reach.
    They exploited the vulnerable, oh how they feigned,
    But their hypocrisy, the world has now gained.

    Bob Thiel, the ringleader, cunning and sly,
    In his quest for power, he'd make angels cry.
    His words dripped with falsehood, his motives clear,
    To exploit the faithful, instill them with fear.

    He posed as a shepherd, guiding his flock,
    But behind the scenes, a twisted mind did dock.
    He played with their faith, their dreams he'd distort,
    While his ministers plotted their unholy sort.

    The corruption spreads like a poisonous vine,
    Tainting the name of Christianity's shrine.
    False Prophet Thiel, you shall be exposed,
    Your web of deceit, we shall duly disclose.

    So let this be a lesson to those who follow,
    Beware the charlatans, hollow and shallow.
    True prophets are rare, their hearts pure and bright,
    But False Prophets like Thiel, shall fade in the night.

  2. There is absolutely nothing that a Bob Thiel can say anymore that I trust. I was once part of his group and got so sick of the lies and deceit that I left.

  3. Sadly , this is the Fruits of Dr Thiel and the Continuing church of God/ I really believed Dr Thiel to be a Prophet, but even unbelievers according to Dr Thiel"s own beliefs , would have to be lobotomized to believe such crazy Bull, I mean it's just that simple; Dr Thiel I believe in his Arrogant and Prideful mind actually believes himself to be a prophet and he willfully in his arrogance can't accept the truth that his top 2 Men of God are vulgar, Bullying, Satanists and the work of Africa is a pipe dream with massive Mary Jane visions of Delusions of Grandeur . Terry Nelson, Cry Aloud Spare not

  4. Just read the united methodist church has grown overseas particularly in Africa.

  5. Big Surprise, Pump Da Money, get Da Numbers Man😏

  6. I've been to several Asian countries. They all view whites as outsiders to be heartlessly exploited. There's no reason why Africa should be any different.

    1. Funny, we do the same thing here with foreigners.
