Just when you think things in the world's most perfect Church of God are all rosy and pink, the Great Bwana does another dump in his member letter on witchcraft. Still feeling the fallout of the recent expose of improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" members engaging in witchcraft in Africa, the Great Bwana has his hackles up with a note to his few faithful:
A couple of people once affiliated with us that went out from us (cf. 1 John 2:19) have continued to spread false information as well as lies related to witch doctors. Regarding falseness of witch doctors, you can watch the video: Can Witch Doctors Cast Spells on Christians?
As far as other false information goes, I saw a report late last week that supposedly all of our supporters in Zomba, Malawi left us. However, pastor Radson Mulozowa sent the following:ZOMBA VISIT
Pastor today I visited Zomba since … and his friends were saying that there is no congregation in Zomba and brethren has left ccog to hope of Israel worldwide church of God which was not true. So today I collected photos for you to see that there is church growth both Malawi and Mozambique and your prayers for us are doing wellContinue praying for usThey tried to start a church in Migowi but it has endedNobody is being bought but brethren are following the truth in ccogWhile I was in Zomba I gave fund to Kachingwe congregation so that they can start moulding bricks for the church as you know that most of our churches fallen down due to Fred cyclone and most of our churches we are rebuilding the church structures as you can see that they are meeting in temporary structureAttached is the photos for my visitBest regardsRadson Mulozowa
Despite our trials and faults, we continue to work with people in Africa and elsewhere.
Bwana Bob continues to stick his head in the sand as certain African leaders pull the wool over his blinded eyes.
More will be coming here soon over the ongoing Africa trouble his group is facing. It's not all rainbows and lollipops as Bwana wants you to believe.
See now, the threat Bob Thiel should really be guarding against is Vampires, not witches! From what I've learned from my fictional sources, which I believe are every bit as accurate as the fictional sources Bob always relies upon for his information, Vampires usually seek out and control witches in an effort to help advance their causes. Vampires can compel their victims to carry out their commands, they can fully feed off their victims, actually killing them, or they can turn and sire their victims, making them vampires themselves! Bob needs to acquire mass quantities of verbena, or verveine, an herb with supernatural qualities which functions as protection against Vampires. It can be used to treat rope to constrain Vampires so that they can be immobilized. Bob's church members should be eating or injecting verveine for protection so that they cannot be compelled. Also, unless they have protective spells or devices, sunlight produces exaggerated burns to a Vampire's flesh, and prolonged exposure can kill them. The night, or dark hours, are the most dangerous times for humans if a Vampire colony lives amongst or near them.
Vampires can act very surreptitiously, because with the medical advances of the 1940s and '50s, came the advent of blood banks. The problem being that if the local blood supply is low or has run out, there will of necessity be more attacks on humans.
I certainly hope that this information is helpful to Bob! I vehemently disagree with his theology, but I certainly do not want to see him or his members turned into Vampires! That would probably be the only thing worse than being the brainwashed member of an Armstrong splinter group! I hope that with his connections as a naturopath he can acquire a good supply of verbena! In fact, we should pray for him to be able to do just that!
I hate to say this, but I am starting to root for the witches.:-)
DW said:
"I hate to say this, but I am starting to root for the witches.:-)"
LOL! I agree! I think whatever they cast upon him sure has worked well!
I've made about 7 trips to Tanzania and Kenya to teach pastors. Being very poor, they know how to befriend the white man to get help from us.
When they enter my room, while they are talking to me, I can see their eyes scanning around the room for things they might ask form. They are not malicious or greedy; just poor and desperate. The less ethical know very well how to push the buttons to get more from their visitors. I imagine that some members are claiming support for and membership in multiple churches. What does Bob get out of this, his ego is stroked.
Well at least he's doing something positive trying to build up. What's this pessimistic blog done except spew out hatred ? All you do is tear down from behind a computer screen and live deceitful lives so you can spread gossip and lies.
What's courageous about that ?
Are you dense, or something Zser? Since when is it spewing out hatred to expose toxic evil? Prior to the internet, one could not really do this effectively. People who had realized that Armstrongism had ruined their lives silently languished in anguish, made worse by the fact that they could do nothing about it. We're like Yelp, or a class action lawsuit without the courts or lawyers! Self-appointed teachers with fake or manufactured credentials are not capable of accomplishing positives! On the other hand, I take great pride in the great positives I get to be part of every day through my testimonies here at Banned! It makes me feel like David going up against Goliath! Maybe some day you too will have had enough and will join along with us!
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