Saturday, December 7, 2024

UCG Now Hiding Sermons From The World

The following was a comment today on another thread:

They just announced today in church that they're putting their sermons on their website under lock down. You now have to register and have a password to watch/listen to sermons! How is that making the gospel available to the world!? SMH....they're doing the exact same thing as LCG and PCG. Stop saying you want to preach the gospel to the world and then hide it away behind permissions and passwords. What you're really doing is exerting control. Can't any group do something different for a change without all following down the same controlling, cult-like path??? 

Why is it that most of the larger Church of God groups hide behind member walls? Do they now realize how embarrassing their sermons are and how little of what they say is of substance? They all claim coming intense persecution, but none of them have the balls to publicly say what they believe. Now they cower behind "paywalls". Ever since Herbert went around the world talking about a "strong hand from someplace" the ministry and splinter leaders have followed in that same pathway. Unable to really explain God, Jesus, grace, etc. they instead spout the same canned sermons you would have heard 40 years ago in the church. 

It is time for you to break free from the captivity of the splinter groups!


"For thus saith the Lord, That after seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place."
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
"Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
"And I will be found of you, saith the Lord: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the Lord; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive."

Are you ready to flee from the captivity of the various splinter groups that fill up COGland? It is time for you to break the chains of enslavement and return home to your one true mother. So says Samuel Kitchen:

Yes, God is going to bring all the membership of the Worldwide Church of God out of Babylon and back together as ONE FAMILY IN HARMONY.
Christ calls on us, as He does in Revelation 18:4 to COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE.
How God does this is based on WHEN you turn your entire heart unto Him and search Him and His ways out! That is how you "Deliver thyself out"(Zech 2:8) from dwelling among false churches and false religions! THAT IS HOW YOU ENDURE UNTIL THE END! That is how you remember what your parents taught you and how you can be involved with the finishing of the Elijah work which has been done through Mr. Herbert W Armstrong by Jesus Christ. Christ through His apostle turned the hearts of the fathers to their children and now is turning the hearts of the children to their fathers.
We can be part of the team which Christ will use to educate the entire world upon His return!
The Worldwide Church of God was not just our parents church. It is the Church which we have been called to be apart of! So lets seek out the Lord with all our hearts brethren.
Let us rise to the occasion and be what God has called us to be.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Video: Gerald Flurry's Prophecies EXPOSED - The Shocking Truth!


In this video, we expose the shocking truth behind the Philadelphia Church of God and Gerald Flurry's false prophecies and his cult-like following. Don't be deceived by these fake prophets! although they claim it is, what they are saying is NOT from the Bible. They leave Jesus out of the picture and blasphem against God. 

This is a snippet from EP1. To watch the full version go to

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Politics and Christianity: Is the Southern Border a Test of Our Christianity?


Christianity and politics.  (Fair Use)

Politics and Christianity

Is the Southern Border a Test of Our Christianity?

By Scout


“ONE BEGOTTEN OF GOD TAKES NO PART IN THIS WORLD'S POLITICS!” – Herbert W. Armstrong, Worldwide News, 1980

I remember when political realism caught up with the Worldwide Church of God (WCG).  For some of us, it landed like a hot potato – to be handled cautiously and gingerly.  I do not remember the facts of the case as much as I remember the philosophical and theological arguments.  A member of the WCG was going to run for mayor in Big Sandy, Texas. At least, this is what I recall now decades later.  To the WCG lay membership back in those days, worldly political involvement was anathema.  

I discussed this growing issue with one of my buddies who worked at AC.  I recall that he was ambivalent but knew one of the principal arguments in support of this new political realism.  He said, “If you lived in a city where most of the population was in the WCG, wouldn’t you want the city government to be run by a WCG member?”  While there is a practicality to this view, it does not comport with the quotation from Hebert W. Armstrong above.  Herbert W. Armstrong was fully in opposition to WCG members participating in politics. So much so, that in the quote above, he is unequivocally denying the conversion of anyone who does.  But what are the ramifications? 


The Dilemma of Politics for Christianity

A case in point.  Many White Evangelicals around the country are influenced by something called White Christian Nationalism (WCN).   Sociologist Samuel L. Perry defined it this way, “Adherents believe in the idea that America was founded by Christians who modeled its laws and institutions after Protestant ideals with a mission to spread the religion and those ideals in the face of threats from non-whites, non-Christians, and immigrants.”  

This creates a problem, for instance concerning the issue of immigration.  This is roughly what has happened.  The USA has a great appetite for illegal drugs.  US citizens buy tons of product from Central and South American countries.  This destabilizes their governments and economies and funds the power of the cartels.  The result is that people flee these countries to come to the USA where there is an economy they can participate in up to a certain level – that level being lower class but much better than what is available in their devastated homeland.  They want their kids to eat regularly and go to school – like most economic immigrants.  The USA is a full participant in this cycle.

The conundrum for those American citizens who claim to follow Jesus, but are influenced by WCN thinking, is that some of the people sleeping on the ground at the southern border are also Christians.  I have seen church services at the border being conducted on TV.  And it only makes sense that some Christians would be caught up in this engine of destruction.  Christians are everywhere – they salt the earth.  There are missionary groups that are trying to help these Christians on the border.  But they are the traditional groups and I really do not see any WCN involvement.  The WCN people are mostly Trump supporters and want to see the door closed in the faces of, in some cases, other Christians.  Hence, the political involvement of the WCN not only trumps Christianity, it vacates its force and role.  It is no longer about Jesus’ commandment to love your neighbor but about a political opposition to immigration for secular reasons.

Let me hasten to add that I do not do anything directly to help the border Christians and non-Christians - people in crisis.  My resources are absorbed elsewhere.   I do see Christian groups, judging from the internet, who are helping.  And I know of some Armstrongists who have talked up the idea of charity.   I know little about what actually gets done. 

Summary Argument

Worldly politics has resulted in Christians with a hard heart opposing other Christians in need.  That is the sad dilemma whether HWA saw this specific issue of immigration or not.  Watch this space.  If there are rebuttals from WCN-influenced Armstrongists the chances are high that the rebuttals will be political and not theological.  I am not sure there is a theological rebuttal to taking care of your brothers.  An example of a political rebuttal is to say, “We just want these people to come into the country legally.”  That doesn’t give anyone a plate of food.  That doesn’t acknowledge that American drug consumers role in destroying homelands.  I believe HWA was right about politics.  I wonder how many of his followers adhere to that idea?  

Some Political Questions for U.S. Christians?

Some Political Questions for U.S. Christians?
Lonnie Hendrix/Miller Jones

Do you believe that the founding documents (e.g. Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution) were Divinely inspired? Does that make those documents inerrant and/or the founding fathers infallible?

If so, do you believe that the United States is God's nation? Do you believe that the political system of the United States is the most perfect system of human governance ever created by man?

Do you believe that the United States is a "Christian" nation? If so, does that mean that all other religions should not be tolerated? Should we ensure that any contributions to our system by people of other faiths should not be permitted/tolerated?

Do you believe that the founding fathers were righteous individuals? If so, why did some of them own slaves and/or engage in extramarital affairs? Likewise, do you believe that the United States is/was a righteous nation? If so, how do you explain the way land was taken away from Native Americans? How do you explain the toleration and support of the institution of slavery? How do you explain the exploitation of natural resources, extermination of species, and pollution of our air and waterways?

Do you believe that human political leaders can and/or should be Christians? Do you believe that it is possible or practical for secular leaders to strictly adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ in the performance of their duties within the current system and/or on the world stage?

Do you believe that God intended for Christians to improve the human political systems of this earth? Do you believe that Christians have a responsibility/duty to impose Christian moral standards on the larger society? If so, which denomination's beliefs should we employ as our standard? Also, does that mean that the rights of some groups of citizens should be denied (like homosexuals, atheists, or adulterers)? Should Christians support the public execution of sinners/criminals? If so, do we have any responsibility to encourage repentance, forgive, or show mercy to such individuals? How would that be managed/administered?

If God truly directs the affairs of humankind and is working out some design/plan, what happens if we support or vote for a candidate whom He didn't choose? Do we bear any responsibility for the failure of policy choices that we help to make? Do we bear any responsibility before God for unintended consequences of the choices we make at the ballot box? How do we maintain a clear conscience before God when we support someone who clearly does not live up to God's standard of behavior? Does the end justify the means?

Do you believe that the United States is a democratic republic? If so, how do you explain the fact that blacks and women were only allowed to participate in the political process in just the last century? How do we justify a minority being able to thwart the will of the majority or impose its beliefs/policies on the majority? How do we justify the practice of gerrymandering or the practice of partisanship?

Why do you think that Jesus said that his Kingdom was NOT of this world? Why do you think that Jesus instructed his disciples to pray that God's Kingdom come to this earth? Why do you believe that he also instructed them to pray for God's will to be done on earth as it currently is in heaven? Does that imply that human leaders are NOT doing God's will? Why did the Apostle Paul instruct the saints to NOT get entangled in civilian affairs? What did he mean by that? Why did John refer to human governance as Babylon and "Beast"? What do you think it meant when he wrote for God's saints to come out of her and NOT participate in her sins?

I'm truly interested in hearing some responses to these questions - especially for those who answered yes to the first few questions! Did any of the above questions prompt you to reconsider your political views or better understand why some Christians choose not to involve themselves in secular politics?

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Continuing Church of Chigololo

The Great Bwana Bob had better whip up some of his homeopathic brews and ship them over to Africa to cure the rampant chigololo going on there in his leadership. 

Sources have again confirmed the truth that Radson Molowzoa does have a new wife (Patrisha Sambani). His ex-wife divorced him around 3 years ago for adultery. 

Terry Nelson reported this to Dr Bob Thiel way over a year ago and even showed Dr Thiel a picture of Radson holding a woman. Radson told Dr Thiel it was a cousin (Patrisha Sambani). Really? 

Sources have also confirmed a phone conversation between a top CCOG leader and a Hope of Israel leader. The leader in the CCOG said, quote "I will have no part in bringing Radson M. And his ex-wife together....Radson has a new wife, let him stay put". 

This CCOG leader also said Dr Bob needs to fire Radson, as he is a liar, adulterer, and rampant fornication machine. He has no churches in Malawi as the people don't trust him.. 

The CCOG Leader also said, hopefully, Dr Thiel will do the right thing before it's too late. Sources have also confirmed a letter written to Evans and Dr Thiel from 2 top CCOG men saying Radson does have a new wife, and Thiel must be told. 

A top CCOG leader apparently has this letter and plans on releasing it soon unless action is taken. 

Many reports are coming in praising Sosten L., as the most caring man for the CCOG brethren. Let's hope for the best......

CHINYANJA (CHICEWA) language translates chigololo as:
"improper sexual conduct or adultery"


Bob Thiel's Right Hand Man In Panic Mode Due To The Great Disappearing Churches Debacle


Isn't it amazing how the most important Church of God on the earth today is a swirling mess of corruption, sexual misconduct, and unprincipled intrigue while the Great Overseer plays with his herbs and homeopathic remedies along the California Coast? While Rome burns, the emperor fiddles...

RADSON MOLOWZOA is in panic mode as he doesn't have any churches in Malawi representing CCOG. 
Radson just recently texted a Top Hope of Israel leader, trying to provoke him, by saying he took one of Hope's churches in the Balaka district and that also Wedson Matiya is back with him and the CCOG. 
In reality, Forster Abraham, Hope of Israel's administrator,  disfellowshipped Wedson Matiya and also terminated Balaka Congregation for not following church beliefs and other church protocols, around 2 months ago. 
This latest Radson move is to appease Dr Bob into believing Radson is doing wonders in growing CCOG membership. 
Maybe Dr Thiel will now support the disgraceful Wedson Matiya? 
Hope doesn't play games..... Hope Leadership truly feels bad for Dr Thiel as Radson constantly lies to Dr Thiel for financial rewards. 


Monday, December 2, 2024

UCG: We Now Have A Small Window Of Opportunity To Get The Gospel Out

Jelly getting ready to help UCG 
with their new small window of opportunity to ALL creation.

UCG has been around since May of 1995. During this time, they claim they have been proclaiming a gospel, yet most people have no idea who they are and what they are about.  After three decades of numerous groups splintering off of them and losing a large percentage of their ministers to COGWA, they now realize they should have been proclaiming a gospel message.

Now that Trump has been elected, they claim they have a small opportunity open before them to successfully get their message out. Of course, that will take money, and they are begging for "resources" once again. In COGspeak, "resources" means money (tithes, offerings, estate donations, and more).

Thirty years and their accomplishments are minimal. Sure, they have had numerous office buildings and that stuffed blue puppet named Jelly representing them, but that is about all that they present to the world. They have no dynamic speakers who can arrest the attention of the public. Repackaging old WCG booklets, articles, and World Tomorrow broadcasts has not accomplished much of anything.

People are turned off and will continue to be turned off, with or without Jelly as their public face. They have an unforgiving battle ahead of them when they think they are going to be preaching a gospel "boldly, directly, and authoritatively to all nations". 

Oh, and they will be preaching this to ALL CREATION! Even Jelly laughed at this!

The COG's are always on that final gun lap that has never seen a finish line since 1933.

Here in the United States, the long, hotly contested presidential campaign finally and mercifully came to a close a few days ago. You’ve likely heard of the results of the election, and we are thankful to God for the clarity He has provided. 
In Romans 13:1, we are reminded, “there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” It is God who we worship, trust and follow. He “removes kings and raises up kings” (Daniel 2:21) and we live and carry out His work in the physical environment He provides. 
As we look at the physical “landscape” shaped by the direction God has given, we see that now it is time to be earnestly about His “business.” There is a window of time, however long He determines, for us to preach the gospel boldly, directly and authoritatively in all nations to “every creature” (Mark 16:15), which means to all creation. As God continues to open our eyes, there is still a big work to do to fulfill this aspect of His commission to His Church. 
It is a daunting commission when we consider how much has to be done, but we know Jesus Christ is the Head of this Church, and only with His guidance and direction by His Spirit will it be accomplished. We are fully committed here to do that work, but we need and ask for your prayers that God lead us and provide the resources needed to accomplish what needs to be done. Many of you have knowledge and expertise in areas that can be of great help as we do God’s work. God will provide those opportunities for all of us to work together, offering the talents and skills that will contribute to this effort (Ephesians 4:16).

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Satan Continues To Attack Whiney Self-Appointed COG Prophet


Why is it that Satan is always so busy persecuting certain self-appointed Church of God leaders? Doesn't he have anything better to do? Apparently, he has to sit in the local coffee shop hacking into the Great Bwana's websites, stirring up trouble. He could be attacking Dave Pack or Gerald Flurry, but no, he picks Bob Thiel. The world gets crazier by the day!

Hacking Issues

Last week I mentioned that we were working on issues because our Bible News Prophecy International radio site hit by a targeted hack that shut down our Bible News Prophecy International multi-language internet radio channel and has made it not possible to currently update.

While working on that, we also noticed that our site was hacked and taken offline. Plus, a hack affected out Spanish language site. We found 1,700 pieces of malware on just one of the sites!

So, we have been working on these matters, as well as taking steps to protect more of our websites from being hacked.

Satan does not want Matthew 24:14 to be fulfilled as that is an important sign of the end, which will lead to the countdown of his end. Since Satan is the “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2), he has directly or indirectly, influenced one or more of the disobedient to attack our websites.