The chief Pharisee of the Churches of God is back today laying down the law on what is proper and not proper for Saturdays.
At no time should you fire up the BBQ on Saturdays and cook yourself a steak or beef hot dog. No fixing salads or taking effort to cut a watermelon. You should do that on Fridays anyway!
If you have to drive a distance to church then fill up on Friday and DO NOT spend extra money for gas if you need to get home! If you have to do that then you are driving too far.
You are not allowed to bake, boil, simmer or seethe on Saturday. I know a lot of seething church members by the end of some of the sermons, are they allowed to seethe too?
Exodus 16:22
“And it came to pass that on the sixth day, they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses. And Moses told them, this is that which the Lord hath said. Tomorrow is the rest of the Holy Sabbath unto the Eternal. Bake that which you will bake today. And seethe or simmer or boil that which you will seethe today and that which remains overlay for you to be kept until the morning.” And in giving this command, Jesus Christ was telling the people that they are not to bake, or simmer, or boil, or to seethe. They are not to do any kind of cooking on the Sabbath Day. No serious cooking of any kind.
Now I myself will go ahead and put a piece of bread in the toaster. Or warm up some water for a coffee or a tea. Or even heat up a previously prepared container of soup. Or warm up something on a cold winter’s day up here in Canada. But I am not going to start frying a steak, or barbecuing, or roasting meat, or boiling potatoes, or doing any kind of serious cooking. Cooking is for the preparation day; which is the day before the Sabbath.
What about the person who has to drive 30 or 40 miles to attend a service? All I can say is fill up your gas tank on Friday. Prepare a little boxed lunch on Friday. Do your preparation on Friday.
No, absolutely not. No extensive travel and no travel for personal reasons. Travel should be for Godly reasons, should be very, very limited in scope and duration; and should not involve any expense. If you have to buy an extra tank of gas on a Sabbath, the trip is too far. Don’t go. Make some kind of other arrangement. It can be done. Things can be worked out. You can work around these things and truly make God’s Sabbath a delight.
So now you have done all these things are at church and have set through the most god awful sermon ever preached. Afterwards you turn to your friend and start talking about it, or your kids, or the latest world news event. If you do that you are a grievous sinner bound to t the lake of fire because you have PROFANED Saturday!
A convocation is ONLY holy if it is God centered! If you go to a service to hear a sermon and then talk ONLY about work and business, the weather, clothes and babies you have PROFANED that convocation and God’s sabbath. Out of one’s mouth come those things that are dearest to one’s heart Mat 12:34God forbid if you friend invites you out to eat after church on Saturday. If you do that you might as well go find a whore and pay her (or him) too. It is a sin to do that, a MAJOR sin since Malm has it all in CAPS.. If your heart and mind are not on the things of God, your mouth will reveal this.
It is NOT LAWFUL to buy goods and services in restaurants or other establishments. To say that we may buy, because they are going to work anyway, makes a mockery of God’s way. For that excuse justifies ALL SIN; there is NO SIN that men are not going to do ANYWAY! Let us then use the whore, for she will do it anyway. Why not have our enemy murdered, for the killer will kill anyway. This is a juvenile and pathetic excuse to justify SIN.Pharasee Malm wants you to know that he is SINLESS when it comes to these rules. He has not sinned on Saturdays in 30 years!
I ask YOU; WHERE IS YOUR FAITH? If you make an HONEST EFFORT TO PLEASE GOD, don’t you think that He WILL HELP YOU? Most problems involving Sabbath pollution through buying and selling can be resolved simply and easily, with a little forethought, planning and effort. I have avoided this sin for thirty years and it has been difficult at times but God has always provided a way.Talk about convoluted legalistic crap!