The WWCG Archives had this turkey up on the Facebook pages of the
Kitchen clan's personal pages. Apparently the evil Catholics called early church members Vampires because they kept Passover. Now Satan uses The Walking Dead, and Vampire movies and TV shows to desensitize the COG and the public so that when the Great Whore and the Pope rise up along with Germany to kill all true believers, the rest of the world will stand by and watch us all die with delight.
Plus, whoever wrote this piece of crap needs to educate themselves on history and not swallow the putrid mess of Armstrong, Meredith, Hoeh, Pack, Thiel, Malm, Blackwell and others who have lied to the church over the decades about the Waldenses and others.
Revelation 12:5-6
She brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations ... [He]was caught up unto God, and to his throne. (6) And the woman fled into the wilderness...
Now we get into the Middle Ages. This happened along in the Middle Ages for 1260 years, where the Church had to flee. They had to meet underground, and secretly; and many times they had to flee: The time of the Waldenses, and of Peter Waldo, and of other leaders of the Church through those Middle Age years.
Despite it being a proven fact that the Waldenses were NOT Sabbath keepers, various COG groups still promote the lie.
Now we get into the Middle Ages. This happened along in the Middle Ages for 1260 years, where the Church had to flee. They had to meet underground, and secretly; and many times they had to flee: The time of the Waldenses, and of Peter Waldo, and of other leaders of the Church through those Middle Age years.
Rome was hunting brethren down at the bequest of the Catholic Church who led it with bridle & reins. The Catholic Church condemned anyone partaking in the custom of the "Passover" to be anathema, and the Roman governments followed behind, hunting the keepers of the "Passover" down to be tortured and martyred. "Easter" was their sacred day and it was commanded to be kept by the Catholic Church or suffer torture and death by the Roman armies.
Catholic Monks began spreading horror stories around about the true Church of God. They accused them of "drinkers of blood", and "eaters of flesh"(those who kept the Passover). And they accused them of being those who hid in caves, and those who came out only at night(The true Church was fleeing for their lives from the persecuting armies, lived in rags, and came out only at night to gather food and to congregate together and lived as vagabonds and hid in caves and catacombs),
The stories and folklore about "the walking dead" who "ate upon the flesh of men" who "drank blood", called VAMPIRES began to be circulated by the Catholic Church.
Who every wrote the following commien knows noting about church history or history in general. Of course COG members eat this kind of crap up as if it is gospel truth. Everything is a conspiracy of satan trying to destroy the church.
The Catholic priests began selling crucifixes and holy water to their congregants, to protect them from such individuals. This is where the holy water and crucifixes were popularized during the middle ages.
Ever wonder how they got the means to kill a "Vampire"? They speak of Vlad the Impaler as being the origin of Dracula, but his story reveals the origin of the "stake through the heart". And it was this punishment to be used against the "VAMPIRES"(what they called true Christians).
And they stirred the fear up so great in their parishes, that the people if seeing such practices, such as keeping the Sabbath, or the Passover, or other practices of the true Church of God, would immediately alert the authorities, and members of God's true Church would be captured, tortured and murdered.
In this end time, when Satan is waxing angrier and angrier, we can see certain things being promoted and celebrated.
Movies about "Vampires" and such, was folklore created against the true Church of God by the Catholic Church. It is one deception, that false accuses God's people as worshipers of the Devil, when in fact those who created such stories are worshiping the devil and do not know it. That is Satan's way.
People celebrate it. They revel in such stories.
But as we study history, we find that such stories was told to scare the people into helping the authorities hunt down our brethren in Christ.
Shows like "Walking dead" is popular, but such stories find root in the true story of our Church, and the murder and torturing of our brethren. How the head should be cut off(our brethren was beheaded for Christ's name sake). How, being based on false stories of the Catholic Church about those who professed baptism and the Passover(and look at what baptism represents).
Immersion into a watery "grave" is a deep spiritual symbolism which signifies the actual, LITERAL BURYING of the old self – YOU – the way you HAVE BEEN, and the resurrection of a NEW YOU – now conquered by God, surrendered to God, meekly and humbly CHILD-like in your obedience and TRUST in Him as your Living Saviour.
Hence, "the Walking dead" title they called God's people.
Satan has created and is using these things against God's true Church. Ever wonder why such stories exist? Ever wonder why in this end time, where evil waxes worst, such stories are popularized?
So remember brethren...what you will find out more and more, is that Satan is popularizing everything he can that he created against God's true Church. Are we reveling and enjoying such stories? Are we entertained by such stories that were used to martyr our brethren in Christ? Something you must be careful about, and something to pray about.
We truly have to come out of this world, as this world is being ruled and led by Satan the Devil. Because, if we stay and do not come out of this world, and stop joining in to watch this rotten entertainment of this world, then we will be "spewed out" under those whom the Devil will used in the coming Great tribulation, and such stories will be insignificant compared to the horrors that awaits.