A False Passover
David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God taught a false Passover.
The second Passover is NOT Iyar 15.
The second Passover is Iyar 14.
During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 435)” on April 15, 2023, David C. Pack declared the Kingdom of God would arrive on the second Passover on Iyar 15. But he had the wrong date.
Part 435 – April 15, 2023
@ 04:46 So, Iyar 15 starts the second Passover. That’s a little under twenty days away. Iyar 15. And it’s a moed. We’re waiting for a moed.
@ 05:25 So, Iyar 15 is a Passover. It is the Passover. In fact, it’s an absolutely commanded Passover. That has to be kept by people who are either unclean or on a far journey.
@ 07:08 So, Iyar 15 is the only biblically sanctioned date for a Passover.
Sometimes you are too close to something to see it. I usually fact-check Dave when he makes odd assertions to determine if the statements are true or imagined. The second Passover being on Iyar 15 was so central to his entire theory it never crossed my mind to look it up.
Until I received RCG’s Announcement Bulletin for April 15.
Second Passover Reminder:
As a reminder, if you are a baptized member and were unable to keep the Passover because of illness, inclement weather or other uncontrollable circumstances, you may still observe the second Passover (Num. 9:1-13
). This year, it falls on the evening of Thursday, May 4 (the start of Iyar 14). Its observance is exactly the same as the Passover of Nisan 14 (with foot washing omitted if alone). If you need the Passover service DVD and letter, please contact your local minister as soon as possible.
This contradicts Dave. But what does the Bible say?
Numbers 9:10-11
Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD. The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
The second Passover is Iyar 14, not Iyar 15. The second Passover on the wrong day is the foundation on which the entirety of Part 435 is established. All his subsequent "proofs" dissolve once a light is shined on his disingenuous premise.
@ 04:46 So, Iyar 15 starts the second Passover.
Did David C. Pack make a mistake, or did he lie?
If he made a mistake, he is incompetent and unfit to be Pastor General of The Restored Church of God. It also means Jim Habboush and Andrew Holcombe are equally deficient because they failed Dave when he needed them most.
This is what happens when a man thinks he knows what the Bible says without carefully reading what the Bible says. Dave's piss-poor reading comprehension can only be applied when he bothers to read it. But I suspect the situation is far worse than that. Not quoting Numbers 9:1-14
was a conscious choice.
If he knew it was Iyar 14 and hid it, that means neglecting to read Number 9 during the Bible study was not just an oversight but part of a calculated deception. That sounds like what an Angel of Light would do. That sounds like David C. Pack knowingly lied to the brethren of The Restored Church of God.
Around the 8-minute mark of Part 435, Dave explains the second Passover but does not read Numbers 9. The only logical reason for this choice is because when the brethren hear David C. Pack read, “The fourteenth day of the second month…” it would be a jolt that could potentially rouse the sleepiest of sleepyheads in the audience.
David C. Pack cannot read a verse that clearly states the "fourteenth" when he teaches it is the "fifteenth." This would expose him as a liar. It would expose his craftiness. It would reveal him handling the word of God deceitfully.
Does God use liars to disseminate His truth?
That should be a rhetorical question. But, based on the Headquarters ministry passively agreeing without protest and the brethren passively agreeing by staying, it is a question those people should ask themselves. They seem to not know the answer.
Whether David C. Pack made a mistake or lied, are we to believe every minister at Headquarters did not know which day the second Passover actually was? Dr. Jaco Viljoen knew. As the Director of Church Administration, it is part of his job to ensure the field ministers are prepared to assist brethren with the second Passover.
The Announcement that now humiliates Dave crossed Jaco's desk. So, Jaco either told Dave his theory was based on the wrong day by presenting an uncomfortable fact, or he remained silent as all hireling enablers do over there.
It could be he was hearing the content of Part 435 for the first time, like everyone else in the room. Did he immediately go to the back of the Main Hall to notify Dave he had the wrong day? Did ANY of them do that?
I reached out to Dr. Timothy Ranney at RCG Headquarters this morning for clarification. I left him a voice message. As of publishing this article, I did not receive a response. If one comes, I will report it.
@ 33:49 Numbers 9:10
, you’ll recall, I said the second Passover rule allowed for those who are on a far journey...to take the second Passover. In fact, you’re commanded to.
Again here, he refers to a verse he likes but ignores the verse he does not like.
Numbers 9:11
The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
This Bible verse shames David C. Pack and the entire Headquarters ministry.
He could not read this verse and deliver Part 435. He could not have done it. And he knew it. Instead of being truthful with the Scriptures, he chose duplicity.
These techniques reveal his true character and what type of man he is.
In another opportunity to be honest with the Bible, Dave cites Hezekiah’s second Passover in 2 Chronicles 30 but opts to not read the verses. Why?
2 Chronicles 30:15
Then they killed the passover on the fourteenth day of the second month: and the priests and the Levites were ashamed, and sanctified themselves, and brought in the burnt offerings into the house of the LORD.
Reading about the second Passover directly from the Bible confirms it is never on Iyar 15. If you think his not reading those verses is just a coincidence, then I fear for you. David C. Pack wants to establish doctrine without going to the Bible because the Bible would unveil his fraud.
Dr. Ranney, please call me back. I would like your side of the story.
@ 46:46 You can’t do it in Abib because if your plan in the next year to have ‘em in captivity fifth of Abib, but you want’em to keep the Passover the next year, it’s perfect. It’s perfect. It’s almost unbelievable how that lays out so perfect. In fact, it’s perfect twice.
It is almost unbelievable how transparent this lie is now. And, as it turns out, this theory is not perfect. Even once.
@ 13:33 So, Asaph carried a meaning and an application we never saw before. You can blow the trumpet on the full moon of the Feast of Tabernacles. You can blow the trumpet on the full moon of Abib 15 at the first Passover. And you can blow a trumpet on the full moon of Iyar 15 on the second Passover. They're the only three times in the calendar year in the sacred year you can do that, and it's a chag. Second Passover.
The second Passover is Iyar 14, not Iyar 15. Details are only for doctors and lawyers, it seems.
@ 47:19 Anybody getting close to being convinced that this couldn’t be any other day?
The most casual reader should be convinced the second Passover is Iyar 14, thus another day.
@ 59:19 …but I mean, as I am want to say though this long Series, there are many nights where I say, “Well, did we understand the Mystery of God if we didn’t know this?”…We knew the Mystery of God. Really? I don’t think so. We didn’t.
The Iyar 15 hoax does not change that.
His “proofs” about the Sabbath and almond trees also collapse. In fact, we may need to tear up and throw out all of Part 435 weeks sooner than planned.
David C. Pack's unnecessarily provocative comments make a different impression now.
@ 09:18 Now, let’s imagine. If Christ kept a different day than Iyar 15, what a terrible example to the world. It would be of disobedience to God’s law that brought death for anybody else.
If Jesus Christ decided to do that on Iyar 14, He would uphold the law and be a wonderful example to the world. The direct inverse of what Dave just said.
@ 10:54 So, if Christ kept a different day, this would be God (or we might say more directly) Christ saying to the world, “Do as I say, not as I do…”
David C. Pack’s own words haunt him. His own words identify him. His own words convict him.
He is not speaking from the mind of God nor preaching the truths of the Bible. David C. Pack is fulfilling the phrase, “Believe me, don’t believe your Bible.” And he gets away with it.
I shudder to think the Iyar 14 fact almost slipped by unnoticed. But, the men at Headquarters noticed. RCG brethren, write and call to find out what they did about it. Hold your “leaders” accountable for their continued silence and inaction when a blatant ruse is being perpetuated by your Pastor General.
If it was a "mistake," then there was a failure of leadership worthy of disqualification from holding any religious government office. They had four days to issue a retraction or “clarification” via email or Member Services. Do not hold your breath on that coming.
David C. Pack knew the second Passover was Iyar 14, but that did not fit his prophetic failure escape plan. That is the only reason he chose not to read the few Bible verses that explain it.
Brethren, many lies does David C. Pack need to tell you before you wake up and take action? He only has power because you allow it. Do not look to the cowardly Headquarters hirelings for support or guidance. They operate in a perpetual wait-and-see mode. This is just another doctrinal bump in the road to ride out.
When you are asked before the Judgment Seat of Christ why you said and did nothing, what will you say?
The false apostle is counting on the ministers being too weak and the brethren being too asleep to do anything about it. And both groups are proving him right.
The man cannot teach about the Passover without a reminder of his personal “specialness.”
@ 1:03:07 And by the way, finally, finally, I understand why my last name is Passover. Jews all know that David Passover. In fact, it's David Passover, in a way, to start the year and end twice. Not the first Passover. The second Passover.
He connects his name directly to the false teaching of the second Passover on Iyar 15. That is sobering.
David C. Pack taught a false Passover because he IS a false Passover.
Marc Cebrian
See: False Passover