Can you lose your crown if you do not follow a fraudulent church leader who claims he has the proper Philadelphia-style church government, whatever the hell that is? Of the many heresies of Armstrongism, the adherence to so-called "proper" church government has been the most destructive to the church. This is what has allowed abusive self-appointed frauds to set themselves up as "true" church leaders who are here to save everything Herbert taught.
Church government created by Herbert is a tool to keep members in line and afraid to ask questions. If you dare to ask a question of the dear leader, you are being rebellious and, therefore, a sinner bound for the lake of fire. Church government is what has allowed spiritual abusers like Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, Gerald Flurry, and Bob Thiel to run amok, damaging people's lives and claiming that God has set them apart as an end time witness to the church and the world. This also allows them to say outrageous things that have no relevance to a Christians daily walk. No one needs the dreams, revelations or brain farts these guys dish out on an hourly basis.
Notice this appalling nonsense from the Great Bwana Bob. He is currently going through the book of Hebrews, verse by verse, and adding his two cents to its meanings. I can't think of anything more boring than to have Bwana Bob extrapolate on scripture that he knows nothing about. Sadly, if you are a bad little boy or girl and do not heed his Phialdphian teachings, then prepare to get nice and toasty in the lake of fire.
This sermon is the sixth part of a six-part sermon series covering each and every verse of the Book of Hebrews. This sermon covers the 13th chapter. Dr. Thiel begins by reading some comments from the late Herbert W. Armstrong. Dr. Thiel covers each verse of the thirteenth chapter of Hebrews in this sermon. He discusses that Philadelphia was to continue and that one man hierarchical governance is what true Philadelphians should Christians accept. He also warns about the trickery of men and that proper church governance helps prevent people from losing the Philadelphian crown. Dr. Thiel discusses what Jesus has been doing and how He looks. He exhorts people to do good and to endure to the end and explains about God’s plan of increasing love throughout eternity.