A friend recently invited me to review two presentations by the President of the United Church of God, Rick Shabi. The first, The Man of Sin Revealed?, is the same old vitriol against the Roman Catholic Church which only Armstrongites and Protestants of three hundred years ago could truly appreciate. In this instance, he excoriated Pope Francis for allowing the blessing of same-sex relationships. According to Rick, homosexuals need to be kept on the outside looking in – that they are entirely undeserving of God’s blessing! For Mr. Shabi, the Pope has changed God’s Law and made good that which is perverted and bad.
The truth, however, is that the Pope’s recent declaration is far cry from an endorsement of same-sex relationships. As a recent article in America: The Jesuit Review pointed out, “As noted in ‘Fiducia Supplicans,’ Pope Francis’ response to the dubium on blessing same-sex unions ‘provided important clarifications for this reflection and represents a decisive element of the work of the Dicastery.’ While acknowledging that the church ‘has a very clear understanding of marriage...and it is much more than a mere ‘ideal,’’ the pope insists that ‘pastoral prudence must adequately discern whether there are forms of blessing, requested by one or more persons, that do not convey an erroneous conception of marriage. For when a blessing is requested, it is expressing a plea to God for help, a supplication to live better, a trust in a Father who can help us live better.” In other words, the position of that church on same-sex relationships has NOT changed – the Pope was simply calling for a little more kindness toward the folks who find themselves in those circumstances. The article went on to quote Francis as saying: “in our relationships with people, we must not lose pastoral charity…. The defense of objective truth is not the only expression of this charity.” (See How Pope Francis Reconciled Church Teaching with Blessings for Same-sex Relationships)
The not so subtle insinuation of Mr. Shabi’s message is that Pope Francis is probably the “man of sin” referenced in II Thessalonians 2:3

Mr. Shabi’s second presentation, A Biblical Worldview, was recorded for the church’s Beyond Today program. In the space of a little over twelve minutes, Rick asserted that the equally discredited notion that the English-speaking peoples of the earth are the descendants of the Israelites of old, and that this “fact” explains the current “decline” that those nations are experiencing. Not surprisingly, this observation centered around some comments by the notorious right-wing commentator, Tucker Carlson. In a speech to Canadians, Tucker noted that the nations of the “Anglosphere” are in trouble, and “they are on the brink of becoming not salvageable.” The former Fox News commentator, also humbly noted that he didn’t fully understand why this phenomenon was happening, “because I am not God.”
Mr. Shabi, of course, seized on the also long ago discredited Armstrong teaching about British-Israelism as the perfect explanation for the phenomenon that Tucker had so eloquently noted. For Mr. Shabi, God had blessed these nations (Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the United States) because of promises he had made to their “ancestor” Abraham in the distant past. Rick even expanded on Herbie’s teaching a tad by insisting that the United States had drawn its form of government from a passage in Isaiah. For him, this passage from that book demonstrated his point: “For the Lord is our judge; the Lord is our lawgiver; the Lord is our king; he will save us.” (Isaiah 33:22, ESV

Mr. Shabi encouraged his audience to “Just look at the commonalities of these nations and their mindsets and their beginnings. Is there any other group of nations like them that share such ideals and success? All these nations are, or at least were, Christian nations, generally following the Bible and precepts outlined in it. Those principles, when followed, do result in blessings. And when a nation or individual departs from them, God justifiably takes away those blessings. It is a fact that you reap what you sow.” Of course, he completely ignored in these remarks the FACT that these “Christian nations” stole land and wealth from indigenous peoples all over the earth, engaged in the slave trade and slavery, ravaged the earth, denied status and rights to minorities, and imposed an imperial system on nations weaker than them. Never mind all that, those nations are CURRENTLY engulfed in wickedness and decline!
Yes, I’m afraid that as I listened to Rick Shabi’s messages, I experienced a little bit of déjà vu. Sure, the faces have changed, but the message of the United Church of God is like a blast from the past. The TRUTH is that these messages are basically the same old stuff that Herbert Armstrong preached in the last century. Sad, so sad!
Lonnie Hendrix